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  • 3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 2

3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 2


3 days in camp, bushcraft, woodcraft, bow shooting, scouting, primitive cooking, shelter tricks, rain storm and more; join us.

Tags: bushcraft,wodcraft,survival,camp,camping,primitive,cook,style,technique,method,technology,rewild,wildcamp,wilderness,tarp,setup,rain,shelter,parachute,overnight,weekend,solo,group,semi,permanent,storm,ray,mears,self,reliance,cooking

Video Transcription


I'm going to use this to town to tell mummy what it was like cool what we did [Music]

for you barge with a deep good marshmallow I can't make it very toasty last time I kept burning answers remember last on my cup from here and now and now I can't even no I can't even like get it to get you know I'm going for you there golden brown [Music]

and flatbreads Yeah right there six and got one you can barely see but I can see it yeah they're right so if that's the front - what do you think the North Star is you follow line with the front to remember and it's angled up that way so right over there it's an off star I think it's right over here right so if that's the Big Dipper and then you have the two lines you follow the two lines it's gonna be over there probably that one right there it's barely behind the tree you can really see it straight see it it's kind of like we're told it's not very bright

yeah I think that's the North Star right there maybe that's no star there is so that's nice

this way it's not alright I'm gonna get a pop-up in [Music]

the latest you've ever been up sometimes it's 120 is that you go yep all right that was good about it see instead of getting scared you just ask Oh

1:20 in the morning yeah what's going on guys it's just me and Gary my little one just just not to sleep I was doing that Gary organized the fire banked it around that's really nice good solid wood right there excellent design design so you guys like box going around and someone going over the cornice with a box

nice and compact I am going to stuff my face with marshmallows because uh I haven't had one yet because I can you want one no thanks whole bag given grab one yet so I just figured maybe you're waiting we asked her I want to as well but I need to have I can't go to bed without double it up hope you guys are enjoying this footage video we're giving you a lot of work to document trip mm-hmm a lot easier just to show up and do things I get a lot less done there's a document so hopefully it's worth it hope you guys are enjoying the footage bringing it right as close as I could right before it burned I want to make sure I gotta get good cook don't you dear

alright start flaring off a little bit but it's not too bad you know the worst part about ya see me the worst part about burning these is that it forces you to cook two more and try again and then if you don't burn the next one then it's a game of how many can I cook as perfect as the other ones and you know maybe you can cook like 10 sets perfectly and you realize you guys ate 20 marshmallows that's time for bed that's that crash is coming after that I cook these fast I like to like laughter I have a good half dozen or so I'm a little more patient and I tend to cook them a little slower and so the inside is like completely the liquid and the outside is just like a hollow like a it's just hollow with a really thin shell like an eggshell I was like it looks like that you know guys and gals on YouTube you can also do this over your oven your stovetop if you have an electric stove the other coils you just jack it up twist it right over the coils we've all done it come on let me even done that of course if you have gas it's even easier it's a real flame but uh yeah oh yeah yeah you can do it over your stove as you count about five seconds

and I take the marshmallow away and if it's a little hotter you know then I count four seconds like the spot that I'm going in right now is more like a three second spot so I like to mix it up for me too I mean look it's kind of like what's the point of going out if you just do the same thing every time I like to sleep with different systems and all that different tents than a la vu next time and a different that's too bad a different sleeping bag okay I have my -30

synthetic bag tonight you know the last overnight I used was my canvas bag you know the Camus back is bulkier and weights way more it's 12 pounds sleeping bag that pack is like a five-pound bag but I just like to use different things I get a bunch of different gear I use different bags all the time using this frost river bag for the first time so that's cool that's a new piece of gear I use my oldest dream canvas bag a lot I'm gonna play derek design I use mykelti 110 a lot it was it kind of like what I use the most because I use I use shelters now back in the day I used to sleep on the ground with my wool blanket just like next to the fire or I used to sleep in a hammock so like my whole shelter system would be the size of a football basically and now I have like five times that size my gear is so much bulkier now but I don't sleep comfortably in a hammock anymore I don't know didn't help that my hammocks eventually broke and ripped and stuff too like I just one of these days I'm gonna let me get a nice hand I can maybe get back into it you know but whatever man I've I've always been a ground super so anyways just kind of letting you guys you know kind of know what's going on with the channel and where it's been where it's going my subconscious always going up I really appreciate that about to hit 200,000 soon I'm not like 180 something or hundred ninety I don't know but anyways appreciate that it's very cool because I remember like I only broke one hundred thousand the last year or something you know and it took me like six years to break hundred thou to get to a hundred thousand I don't took me like a year to like basically get another 80 something thousand it's crazy it's like gaining subs six times faster than I was before like that's a huge increase really quickly so channels still exploding it's just nuts to me so right on my memory cards about to die so I'll catch you guys in a bit all right gang I'm gonna uh I'm gonna pack up and go crash it's been maybe 20 minutes 25 minutes since Gary went to bed and maybe 45 minutes roughly since my daughter want the bed so I get food to put away put inside bags you know everything lock everything back up where it was um I like to bring my backpacks namely my shelter and stuff to put it near my you know my front door but everything over there basically so I'm Gary didn't you put me left everything here I don't know so maybe maybe I'll leave stuff but I usually tend to keep it next to me I've just found like over the years of doing this stuff you know living in the woods with gear that um it's nice to have things at hand I should bring my backpack like into my shelter with me when I'm sleeping alone I throw my bag my whole backpack inside my tent you know or my live but whatever it is and then like another night from freezing or whatever I open up I grab a sweatshirt or if I wake up in a puddle because there was like horrific you know breakdown of waterproofing in gear and somehow water got through everything I own and I'm laying in water at least my bag is next to me and I can like get out of the water get dressed whatever it is you don't you mean like I have everything I need like if I wake up and it's pouring down rain I'm like whatever it's freezing like my jacket my rain jacket isn't in my backpack next to the fire pit you know it's in my tent with me so I don't know if I'm gonna have a room to put me and my daughter's bag or rucksacks with us in the tent with both of us in there probably not so apologist stop him in front of the door you know migrate underneath our table next to the tent so anyways um I need to do all that I need to get all my stuff ready to go and that way everything is where it should be all as well supposed to be getting rain tomorrow and we'll be prepared and I'm not gonna leave food around a camp like that that's stick that has all the marshmallow goo on it from cooking that's gonna go right in the fire you know I'm sure there's coyotes in these woods so I mean I can't leave stuff around too much I've never had a problem with coyotes even what food when I do mean use tents when I had food like out I put it back inside the bag all inside bags plastic bags whatever it was but also I make my rucksack clothes everything back up for the night even if I'm laying on the ground next to it whatever beliefs it's it's a way you know it's closed up you know raccoons whatever they love to dig into stuff if you leave it out hill they love taking the stuff so all right guys anyways I'm gonna prep for bed go rock out and it's probably 2:30 or something 3:00 in the morning it's 2:45 so I'm going to bed good night

good morning campers what's going on it is the morning sons of my eyes there's our shelter I'll just kind of beat me up a little bit today I'm gonna pass and still I can't excuse me just a pass nice clean pass I like doing that when I'm in the woods I'm scary from the car um a little bit more better that's building yep it's building see the flames now are you ready for a nature quest some way is very close to here place with turkeys take a dust bath nice yeah must become loose while he was giving himself a back when you get Sophie turkey feather that's really dusty yeah I have to UM like wash it and then and then I feel like put a fan in and something can I hold it but if you look around and some of the dust there you go I just said that's what they do here in this spot I haven't seen them but I've seen the evidence it's a good spot there's a track there what's left it yep see you dad found one and that cool it's a favorite spot it's all the dust in the middle so when they come back and they will come back you can use it don't get poked by this probably like it why do they like it why would they like you you had an itch you couldn't reach it what would you do that's pretty nice it's a good spot the ladle and is very interesting here very dynamic great folds valleys ridges old stone walls sweetie nice curves here start a rain [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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