Wilderness Camp Shelters


One wild forest, many camps.

Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,wild,camp,wildcamp,camping,camps,wilderness,skills,primitive,wikiup,tipi,tipee,shelter,semi,permanent,cabin,rewild,tarp,tent,canvas,wool,blanket,leanto,lean,to,hammock,setup,rig,kit,gear,underquilt,quilt,bedroll,campfire,campsite

Video Transcription


okay so we're gonna do a quick walkthrough of everybody's camp here's my camp

it's a wickiup I have a fire pit had a fire last night I've got my rucksack over there in the corner till my axe hanging out it wasn't hanging when the fire was lit that's my sleeping bag rigged that's where I slept Roger that

nice shelter it's up really good I'll protect it from the wind it was nice and warm you're out of here yeah blast good job man the knots all the knowledge I really appreciate it yeah yeah anything can help man hanging out at the Rope shelter right now none of us on the shelter so hang out over there it's a northern lean-to someone tried to build like Ramirez and more Skanska shelter looks very familiar Kevin BAM Oh set up over there championship archery

you want no cavil in the percolator yeah okay okay so we're doing rounds on the camps we got here nice little living room spot the hand the cans is the one beer stomp camp we got a one beer stomp one beer schnapps we have a hammock and we have a ground tent what are we looking at here what companies war bond it rolled on it or bought it in war bonnet all right oh yeah shelter up there that everything delivering up the hammock cool the this tarp behind it a fold right over that's the same as like with that tent or whatever yeah it's pretty much exactly the same there's 11 foot that's a seven pi okay and that one's made for the ground that one's made for Shane over here okay right on oh yeah yes is on fire too he's got it all set to go he's got a prompt and everything yeah he's got some Oh hanging out split ready to go spiral a look at that picture perfect man it's that nice rucksack there it is it's gonna swaddle blanket for the wind cool okay over here is Joe spot hammocks set up bunch of gear down below right on nice fly setup alright this camp is Gary's nice little talk going on with a hammock in the middle nice taco setup clean cloth underneath got his rig very cool cook stirring all that hanging out right on there it is Gary can't a lot of good firewood around over here we have Eric's camp a fan yep what do you got man tripod keep my gear off the ground yep just for a chair yep very nice high visibility ropes you don't get hooked up I always leave the trees go home with autumn so you got orange yeah yeah it's a bedroom yep cool sleeping bag in there top on the ground stay a little dry sure right on got a little bit of living space over here to up to the side this Planetree actually fell on my pocket last night

Wow very nice I think this is keek setup it could be sleeping in the back of his truck isn't a military truck from the Netherlands or something there's wood stove in the back and everything it's crazy as a bed like buffalo hides and everything good his bag hung up oh right on we have a shelter it's basically a very small tarp and that's it I'm just laying on the ground relax up and you're fine that's it good stuff cut it out hey Colby go play play in the street

anyways get set up chill out

you're fine you're fine there's no need for that's up see ya with buddies we're good I promise it's okay oh yeah oh hi body hi body symmetry cool pretty go my family's going out in any second yeah got like a belt on the outside you said it beans straight up yeah you got a little going on in the front same with the back always I just open yeah totally

door oh you got like a new person system or something at least a baby yeah I got I got all three pieces sitting nice I sacrificed my rain fly for a little bit of ground insulation for sure yeah right on man so rig very cool I'm mourning that same that same vivillon my canvas feather military bandit actually that that makes me jealous I really like this I can get you one man I know a surplus of housing for 60 bucks oh nice for sure if you want one that's a lot woman it is in the winter like the mod

dent I think it's better than the modern nylon right sleep system because nylon at room temperature to me feels cold in canvas

it feels room temperature it's like it feels like you know like warm to the touch almost right right right yeah I get inside the other seating bag and I'm like ice you know so it might be warmer like overall but when I get in it's just it sucks anyways ripstop nylon man just don't feel good it's cold material this is true there you are [Music]

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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