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Primitive Dutch Oven Clay Pot - Bushcraft Daycamp



Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,primitive,survival,fire,fireskills,skills,tecnology,technique,style,cook,cooking,ember,dutch,oven,clay,native,pot

Video Transcription





a little carried away exploring on a sweet perch I made a little hole sucking on some sweet bread Oh get some rain be nice mildly drizzling

so that's uh my friend that works at least market in Westport yeah it's like a it's almost like Whole Foods but it's like the small I'll take the take the nice thin one front this one yeah those thin ones melt in your mouth it's like perfect marbling okay thanks beef jerky made from scratch a yep Wow would you subscribe sugar salt cayenne pepper do a little bit of the light kicking in soy sauce not much at all yeah the thick ones are a little chewy if they're still delicious but I had to like that on the right over the heads of wow she's little paper thin ones her there to die for how'd you cut them me my friend that worked at the butcher shop he's yeah so he gets the easel soft saw yeah give it all flesh we get it already pre-cut yeah mix it up well P said you use one say it's uh round shoulder shoulder maybe it's the top round the green it's like the fourth time leave the grain is big for round so I mean I wasn't sure but it's like the fourth time we've had him cut it for us if I wasn't making it out we used to use them

I used to use I around which is like that cylinder piece a muscle group inside the ROM and it has a sheen on it silver skin yeah just a little bit caught it through the soft saw you know yeah either use you knife you cut it on the salt whatever but it gets like like that rainbow kind of like Sheen over the face which is really interest but the grain is so straight now when you cut it exactly 90 degrees to the grain you can just like pull it apart yeah it's so delicate that's you know so tender be over that so I think he gives us a little a little time in the freezer not much just enough to make it so it's not like yeah that stuff is not cut against the grain no you can't make jerky against the grain no because if you do it's it's like you make it that thin it's just powder eise's your hand and jeans nothing there to hold you got you have to go with the grain so it's actually completely counterintuitive yeah yeah you know yeah doing the slicer yeah

that way you can get it you can gauge it and you get the size you want let me marinate it just like that sick yeah and then after it's dehydrated for a day and a half mm-hmm I'll do I can see I around would just be so perfect for that cuz you can get like these circle sheets of the whole length especially when you square it up first you get that face this is all we can trim but the pieces we're doing even when it's dehydrated mmm they're like you know they're ten inches long yeah like four inches wide yep like that big freakin strips of it you have to like cut them in quarters or six usually to get them fit them in little Ziploc bags they just don't fit in the bags I wonder where I found fattier meat would taste will taste good like that it is good but you can't it doesn't have the shelf-life of the leaner meat because the fat will go rancid mmm you have to um

it's recommended you use aleena me hmm yeah so probably uh probably unless you're gonna eat it all fast cuz I around isn't no fat yeah nonetheless you're gonna eat it fast yeah but like this is already five weeks right on the other natives would dry it out jerky no flavoring and then powder it up keep powdering it until it's like flour you know use that as an ingredient it's pretty good fat and berries mix it in stuff looks like it looks like yeah it's horrible it looks like it looks like [Music]

brownie mix yeah when you add the fat and you mix it around looks like brownie mix dude it's like making brownies like mousse brownies














good fish off the fish would you get that what support Lobster I don't think they smoke there usually like once I buy him to come in like awkward boxes layered in like brown paper parchment paper vacuum seal them holding the fridge for a while yeah I've taken and that's made like um like a pate out of it I'll do the capers and sour cream mayonnaise it up it's like salad I'll have that with Packers I could eat like five pieces like that see

cutes cracked black pepper into the smoke flavor


do stuff is like pure nourishment right that's plenty moist it's not like smoking fish though it's gonna be able to dry

I don't even find it fishing like perfect

wait for dickhead to go by I put a parametric EQ sometimes I have to and I'll find what frequency roughly cars are in or planes drop it out it's like it's not even there literally you had your plank whoa

one of my films like the cusco one yeah planes going over ten minutes I'm like right there it's a cool take that frickin Street doesn't exist anymore that's nice that's nice recording future [Laughter]



now school when we first came in I got a gob a lot of one of them yep [Laughter]

you know they did that went through the forest there went to that tree line took a right went down that field near the barn cut across went down across the field made their way back to the Paul's away in that edge way over there they like to hang out thousand bank overdue dice to eat the skin on the Chinook's the horn pout the nice to catch yeah so good oh yeah cause if skin is the only slimy and stuff you know what oh yeah and you don't like catfish so I want to do that and there's beautiful you freeze them I'll get him like starting to freeze and then the slime wipes off if you want the nice dry skin oh yeah same thing with jewels that's cool I don't know my dad loves you oh my dad is obsessed with catching he'll like the you know to him there's only a couple different things he'll go after because we without the bass pike pick roll eel or pout nothing else exists to that man nothing else everything else is a waste of time he will go trout fishing nothing he just loves to find help that's like burying itself and trying to hide

he loves to find at night of course he loves to find an eel that gives him an epic fight yeah he loves to find a bass that's smart enough to run towards him he just like loves these things and when they happen he gets he gets all I got energy a smile and he's like here we go when I call you found one he's a guy I found one he'll just keep throwing them back late finds wonder with the fight he likes you know he just goes there for that you know I like when they run at you to the trial do that sometimes a lot of guys but oh I lost him on the key not yet keep at it you'll see you know if you don't mm-hmm fight him right exactly yeah my dad lives with that stuff man eat the rest of that don't be shy yeah all right will do that's right another chunk of that in Little John brigid.hole pretty much a pescetarian first day place it past the coterra time like any pests these PSC oh yeah I like that better than the jerky

I could eat a whole fish like that black pepper smoke like that I'm thinking about starting to do my trout like that now see how it comes out got a nice smoker at the house you have to fire like a right wing to smoke it with yep other flavors Apple picker they say that all the wood is really good for

so it's easy to find crabapple once you find it

stick together one time I think if I was going to do that I would hook up with a apple orchard yeah cuz I mean it's like all they have is deadfall if they're constantly working with just take all these songs and pre guys or whatever chip it whatever dude you just get voted with that stuff thanks man don't have to do with all that go to a pear orchard I've been to one of those iron pear tree yeah I did as a pair walked rode in uh Connecticut I went to a couple years ago my mom and stuff had a bunch of sunflower sunflower maize and I picked air water and deadfall everywhere you could just go to town do truckloads imagine

not use bark plates of bark to smoke heights so I wonder if you could on used to bark a battle yeah from all those trees just use the bark instead of the wood because I mean it's like take just burn down to embers just take Bart reading stack couple layers we're out of cop a bit like he's trying to smother to death and put your rock over it completely close it out with a brush I like to use on burns and stuff almost like I'm making a smoke signal and I make like a pyramid shape of a square in the middle with all the sticks late ninety degrees and all the smoke just comes out that one spot so it'd be really easy to smoke you just literally take fillets lame on the screen or something being seen dude no thinking to watch out for is that bark eventually will flare up so you got to just stay on it yeah

stay on it every 15 minutes you know just pick it up shift it to get inside put my block on top keeps them all learning at Keith's moment I guess the bark turns into embers so just perpetuates the embers you know have to worry about more firewood at all dude I did for hours and hours and hours to spark maple park oak works too Bobby said I wouldn't w so tannic it wouldn't be good food but the same I never heard of anyone using like apple bark or anything like that yeah well it's always chips so he's chipped wood and you're supposed to throw him get him wet yeah just another a dry smoke that's just how let's tell it's been commercialized so you know enemies idly I think they just redirected smoke at one point I've seen that rake dude I saw a guy hooked that up absolutely he had a long tunnel so when the smoke ocular add a little cool smoke he had a salmon fillets guy out west like 40 filets out of time you got head a rig all hand-built staffed wood to hold it you know stacked stone it was like you know his backyard lets some people have horseshoe pits some little pools yeah

this guy had a smoker so I assume he's doing for a job or something because under insane anyone smoke so much meat unless he he's only allowed to fish so watch out of the year and then has to preserve it I know it's like that in Alaska yeah my buddy's cousin she she's allowed so many fish because she's a resident but you only have so many weeks to get him in yeah so you have to get secure what you can for the year like reserve it's what the natives have to do Vancouver Island they were so good at it uh a guy was I wrote about well when I read before I went over there he got taking prisoner eventually assimilated into society married the whole bit Englishmen and

he said like something found on the exact number it was like something like 500 fish in 15 minutes with the rig they had that's what they like caught with their baskets that's yeah he said that they had baskets they went to an area that was like softballs and they just had a basket at one like literally all the way across and then again and again if anything got passed and they had a door in the back so they catch a whole bunch of salmon dude we're talking salmon just person walking on the basket against to eat out just a guy would stay at every single there was a guy I'd have a single basket I just keep pulling him out and throw him into to a you know a big burden basket but the person would carry across the river and they would drop them off and the woman will skin him up and all that they would smoke that's the winner that was majority healthy provisions we grabbed berries up in the mountains or rarely the hills but there's a crazy mothers and really cool I was learning about it they had mats and they would uh the men would protect them from multiplying so close anyway to get bushels and bushels of berries lay them all out make a pretty uniform flat and then put another mat over it and walk on it and crush it all and then laid out in the Sun oh yeah the Sun really I mean I never saw so open air just you know you should have said lay it out in the open air right I kind of chuckled mean there were a son I was there for over 40 years it's our once for an hour you know and it wasn't all at once a pillar but it was like probably an hour over 40 days but uh happy so hard to preserve out there but they basically just be exactly they basically just made you know fruit leather in mass how is that did you see any off

it's pretty cool trash washing up from the Fukushima stuff you see a lot of that coming up yeah I don't know petals coming up you're away if it's me I don't know for some Fukushima enough but hopefully not I mean it was the I Asami I don't know that my house yeah oh yeah that was cool like rope suspected you know like eight feet long big pieces and like you break out and be like 64 strands which are actually strands like epic rope dude I found also more in the line pretty much more in probably hang ships but big ships did I found some crazy stuff and register still got a bunch of that obviously ridiculous things like a bell Steve just got the iron belted I found a shipwreck a couple wrecks out there yeah like woodhull old ones and then I found a I found up in the woods dude in the dark I'm like being all like trying to get it trying to find this freshwater source right and all of a sudden I see this silhouette on my it's like all right on top of me and I look and it's like this metal like you know monstrosity in the forest washed up moss hanging off of what editor dude it was like the steel boiler full like some steam ship of something dude it was just a big metal monster you know than that for a little oh my god everything was I didn't watch past it every time to get to my water dude dude it was to Daryl X dude I was like walking by like graveyards Mike oh my god none of that made the cut I don't know why I'm like this stuff isn't not speak like they're trying to show like oh you're in the middle of nowhere it's like yeah I dude they're like this is which is there's like broken holes and dude my camera rig I had like a 60 pound box yeah and when I was changing tamps one time

the only time I change can either walk like a wild mile or two that was a pipe in mile too many hands and the tide came in while I was doing it now it's a serious problem cuz I was walking on the beach and eventually like I was swimming at the end that's how bad at what I had was that even filming cuz I'm like dude I don't care about your footage like I'm in trouble you know I'm like swimming this is bad but I took like a little pocket can the water crew flow and put in my pocket and I left the 60 pound box lashed with fishing line to an old wooden hull of a ship that I found on the beach that was like some wreck half-buried just a little piece hanging over like there's probably five feet tall and the water's over 10 feet by high tide so this is all underwater when high tide to come in you know this is a waterproof camera box Pelican case and I lashed it all down good knowing that like it's gonna be floating at one point yeah tonight well I'm sleet a couple hours from now you know oh dude it was ridiculous I'm like well if it gets taken against take and yeah I mean like I'm like I gotta get to my new camp we'll meet these Palermo dude crazy so I literally stashed all my camera gear all to an old water under water dude unbelievable I went back it was like disheveled and stuff I had been like moving around I guess you know with the tide well not on the hallways over there but the box wasn't wearing you know wasn't how it should have been but it was still there that's awesome yeah cool do that that like metal monstrosity like scare the out of me oh sorry I didn't feel right inside it electric boiler change my gut I'm like this is this is wrong someone died this is bad [Applause]








garlic mustard filled garlic onions beans









it's waning they can range [Applause]

this workout Pirlo this was a good handle for a while block locust had some unbelievable hardwood yeah

very useful

so kevin was making his points out of treated practice tips on that lotta points may mean that level [Applause]


bubbling be level and beam pop you're working on your molasses patina yeah man virginal clay Dutch oven right there it's lighted enough that I believe it won't if you continue a banana blueberry bread in that place so you're making like a inside-out banana blueberry muffin

so it's like an exported plan when you take it out you can't the dimensions but I bet you took the same oh I was by a bigger pot I'll buy one I'll work for that eventually I'm gonna be nice to stop getting into clay clay work and I didn't make this this is a gift and I saw it was like dude I'm throwing that in the fire my dad was like really cool make a video those are Christmas present but uh yeah he got it on when he's traveling out west he went to some reservations and stuff and as much old Potter's out there pretty cool he brought me some stuff back from the rest but it looks great and it tastes so nice I'll do totally yeah I hope to start making my own pots and everything and this is kind of the first step in that yeah I want to see how good they can be used around the fire I would think you just got a slowly cool it down yeah that's my plan I'm gonna pull all the embers away and just let it sit for a while just where it is I'm gonna take some wood like this big logs I'm gonna put them like in between the fire and the Hat to make a wall give it a little shadow on the heap it's not cooling down [Music]













you know that never make noise long enough

I know I understand [Applause]



so go check that out bro Wow I'm oh really good yes we gotta let it cool off just just enough so I'm fine my mouth now nice um red skin potatoes sweet corn clams


sausage so it's like a clam soup with sausage basically it's like a clam boil with turned into it so super nice celery some flavor

and this I have my beans magazines big news

I have onions I have garlic mustard that we forged out here feel garlic that we forged get some onions brought some pig lard in here as well Kimmo good real good ham ham chunks you just put a nice molasses patina and your pop mm-hmm pots looking good I think it looks cooler with the with the character now than it did on spanking yeah of course lossy yeah glossy and glazed up yeah looks good now I'm gonna have to make it a little its own personal Shack or it totally I carried it in my pouch fit right in here with all my spices yeah really

done done deal yeah throw it on my all the stream bag all the day worked out good I think I have a an actual a cooking pot like sack though that's kind of a circle bottom I'll probably repurpose that maybe it'll map extra bandanas and stuff inside that I can use for cleanup but also as padding you know make it look like a little clay Dutch oven pot kit have to whittle down a ladle do it absolutely i spooned out almost all of this now at the end I just pour it in some of the liquid top it off but we'll be super cool to have a nice like tree crotch ladle pull it up and that wipe up from there was about half the volume dude half the volume this is whole bowl I holds more than it looks deceiving it really is what's what's that bowl made out if I know it looks like a burl but yeah what type of wood is it up pine burl eastern white pine on my dad's property the branch had been cut off mm-hmm had been pruned off that's the branch collar right here exactly this is what a tree was I took my buckle right down the tree growing straight up yep took it off it could I coal burned it out all embers all the way down me my wife did it when we first started dating and stuff years ago actually married then but anyway so burned it all out together was a cool project we did together and and then after it was burnt down quite a bit to give it a nice clean instead of all burnt charred I took my spoon knife cleaned it all out and this and because it's pine it has natural resin inside of it so it's water resistant already it wants to hold a liquid in it's already waterproof yep and pints hundred-percent edible so it's not gonna totally affect you in any way tonight any flavor no doesn't no flavor at all because when I was cooking it I pushed a lot of the SAP to the bottom so the bottom is like coated yep coated in SAP but where I eat isn't worked out pretty good

very nice yeah still hot to the touch perfect what's that chip there when you got it do that it was there all right I was nervous for a minute you sure I didn't touch it in my bit too well chain made so it has a lot of like a regularities on been raining all day everything's so chilly nice and warm and dry smoked bluefish appetizer yeah what that calm down a little bit the bird to start now yeah serenade us exactly strawberry Gillian behind the turkeys a wildcat yep yeah bad day so far good I'm pumped I just use the clay pot every touch other that's a big deal man so now it's possible take three pound roast Spears to pound roast a pig roast boneless chuck and all that stuff and a bigger pot put it in the clay Dutch oven half filled with water whatever edibles that can put in there win bitch burdock root wash it off real good this what comes off like mashed potato soft I don't feel bad that sweet potato yeah and do that a clay pot [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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