Intense! Knife and Tools GONE WRONG


Me and a bunch of my buddies wild camp for the weekend. From Primitive Cooking to a BB Gun Tournament, this weekend has it all. Join us in the forest!

Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,survival,parachute,wilderness,wild,rewild,overnight,semi,permanent,solo,group,skills,style,technique,primitive,coffee,axe,saw,carving,whittling,campfire,cooking,adventure,rendy,rendezvous,ray,mears,self,reliance

Video Transcription


right now have snacks I miss coffee miss was that feel like that I think like force it on coffee dude here try this man

yeah scooping copper is a cool job as usual it's per dedicated scooping cup in the filter of course why didn't I know that already

exactly this ain't the first time hanging out mark cam yep Wow smells amazing

yeah that's pretty good called uh some nacho oh yeah yeah really good it's better than a breakfast blend and all that stuff yeah they almost weren't able to make coffee they had a kind of a genocide going on in that area really yeah like when recently sorry go ahead actually you saying you yeah there's one right now man you made a night of your night wrong that night I've done this every time I made I get a new knife lately yeah hold up man let's see it after sure there's a knife that I just got in a trade with Shane here Oh beautiful sergeant edge tools cool Cuoco style full tank

thank you for a sergeant first carving project whenever I get a new knife because I just do what I can from know about you're a Carver but try and replicate it that's also good a feel for the thing because it's you know minor knifes the easiest thing to car very cool man yeah that's what I'm doing now you're gonna get me back yeah I set that net I like a totally I was so pumped having a beast that there are so pumped I ate the crabs at night right so I cooked the fish I ate a little bit of those so even eat ice it's fun just right for my hat five days but this point donated that it an eight eight it every night for dinner yeah but um those crabs right so I felt back is they're alive and all that moving around and I tossed them into my pot with some water and because now I had water and put them over the fire apologize I can't hold Wow crab but it's freaking out trying to like go crazy on me well I'm trying to heat up water like I don't have any of the containers I have nine pieces of kit we're gonna phone my my rucksack yeah like I think Maddie's right yeah that was like total madness so I've warmed them up in a very unethical I was pretty bent up about it but uh man those suckers were yeah I broke them upside down like he's supposed to right back well live in New England right brigham upside down and then all their inner butter is inside a single dish my fruit ball and I dip it all all in the crab butter dude I'm telling you man my brain cuz I hadn't eaten really in like four days was like I was like did I grab the camera they didn't show it I was like oh my dude this is what the brain needs right here this is what the brain needs I was like fired up to the carrot my someone like yeah he's crazy you're not gonna show that you know did I was so fired up oh my god I was like oh my god yeah it's like a it's like a chemical chemical change it goes over you eat this like buttering me it's exciting

Patti I just want to go like things you know I have no idea what they did and I gave them like four four or five six whatever was memory cards full at a time to all 64 gigabytes okay I mean like here's five 64 megabyte cards 300 gigs welcome you know cuz I'm wondering like when they saw some B's going I think we should pull them off the island oh do they come in big I cracked the the clause with my ax on a tree I was like yeah I mean so cool right edit it out like why I want to watch that forever okay look at my house didn't you guys ever do that like go four or five days without food

did you could literally when you get that first taste for degree five day you have yeah and you could arrange it right exactly

yeah I got struck by lightning when I eat that your expectations of what you in a day doing a kid when you're like man I'm hungry or you know start appreciating food in general and beyond that you also get you just figure out what you actually need for energy to sustain yourself because a lot of times people overeat and they're tired from it like your body's trying to burn so much calories that you get exhausted totally you think that you're not eating because you think they're not eating enough because you're tired but really you're eating too much like right right anyway right man yeah yeah man I I had a pretty interesting situation from I'm not eating for a while so I mean I was eating like 60 muscles a day I think it's my keys that long and so you know I have been up there for whatever five weeks or something sitting like mussels and a fissure in the day and whatever those coolers record oh I got that that's sea otter high right and so I filled a big rack rocked it out I think the show in like those special features only online you can see me like working on the hide yeah the height itself a turd on another show but they didn't show you working on it yeah so if you go online on the history website or whatever it is find I think I died down what where are they true yeah I would have my logo on it whatever but um yeah so I made a big rack the Arrakis to do this thing was like you know two and a half feet wide four feet tall massive hide right and so I'm scraping it down the whole band got it all lashed up to a big square frame and I'm scraping it all and all that meat that comes off the hide that is like some pretty disgusting stuff

Migros weather and I'd agree with her so I threw it on top of my fire I had simmering just like this well it's just like that it was just like a little simmering Ember fire now I was just throwing like me just to get the meat out of here cook it into ash charcoal I don't want raw meat in my camp killing stuff is gnarly it looks like you know like tumors you're scraping off the high or something this stuff is just shredded not even be the best tasting to move yeah it just doesn't look right you know it's like weird and so fire and I'm 10 feet away scraping away I'm like it smelled and then I go over and I realized it was like shave steak like cuz I shaved it and it Lilly looked like like a steak and cheese sub without the cheese sitting on on like embers I turn on the camera and I'm like like those high screen things look delicious right now and I'm Tony I swear with a half-hour I fought with myself I'm like intellectually I know I shouldn't eat that is that like I found the animal dead lying somewhere I'm scraping off of its height on the inside like this is totally disgusting gnarly but man and on that visceral stake dude my body was like you eat that what do you do dude that's that that's that no be the best meal you've ever had out here I saw the tiny regret that I didn't eat it but I was like I'm gonna be vomiting and diarrhea like I did all I kintel actually my brains like don't ever do that well my body was like it shaves steak and cheese sobs die go haunted doc you know fry it up and duck fat like you know so yeah for sure your brain changes and you look at hydrogen dudes go forward it all nice something wrong exactly anything my Marine Corps past the kind of kicks in every so often killing N or just to get it stomach just to make a quick can you think is a swim bladder across the river yeah exactly people like what is wrong with Dyke it doesn't look right they just open it right up there's nothing you can do with the tip your thumb offer to bandit on their water coming down there so with just fresh coffee Manette had spoon wrap right in with I just like put in like one of the right so just like Minami yeah oh oh saw cuts um and they don't want to hear you show me about go left I'll show you saw that's gone or a guy with a cut hand I've never seen yeah well just because nobody sharpens they're they're folding so most people don't sharpen a little I do it's very easy I got a triangle file in my kid all the time yeah I'm I like my field drew my field maintenance kit it's just like a triangle file there or whatever they're called the mill file and in a diamond stone so it's like I just try to never use never use the file and just always hit it with the diamond stone yeah and I figured like an axe and machete anything like that you want a file you see you guys putting perfect edges and I mean I'm no offense you're particularly your kit and like I appreciate that that's a whole nother skill set but you're putting a perfect edge on an axe and for me like my axes are mostly beaters they're mostly for like packet you know just with a file a couple licks yeah yeah nice of course yeah fights hard and dashing yeah I don't care for it with too delicate of an edge or an axe right you ruin it it's like garbage and you can't I've also learned over the years you can't just sharpen the edge you have to go to the cheeks first and working away towards the edge not end up like a flat pop yeah it's garbage you know hopefully it's something you learn yeah so totally I'm with you on that and a file works the best on cheeks but she just go to the course stone of my my crux tone never the cheeks all the way and from my Maybach oh I have spare blades at home I never news but yeah I just used the very corner of the dc4 it's like this tiny little triangle edge and a zit on the the gold side so the coarse side and you just go to that one one side on the blade as like the bevel yeah just like a little just like white white white let's go down liking it all once yeah your neck it out I do it a little triangle file and I don't go and raise hand you know and I go like this it's just real simple it's rich hands that yeah yeah I'm very gentle on it and yeah kind of touch it up and my thing is that like man I feel like the like the axe is like the symbol and the saw is the thing no one talks about yeah you know what I mean or like great guys have just like a buckle a binder and that's their song yeah I both yeah I have my little pocket was like like when I make spoons it's actually not even great for that because people use like the Japanese pull saws when they're in a good series at their job so breakfast this morning

I've got some maple mutt oats and I have some rolled oats top it off with it with some chopped walnuts just keep it inside my

my utility pouch this particular one I'm using for food agent for tools all sorts of stuff there's a small cup so much your hummus gonna be able to get in I just started using these again stop using it for a while yes get through these in do it one time I was logging with Derek Faria and he reached around the front of his chainsaw he's cut down like thirty trees big monsters reached around I heard he was like I go over to his skin is just white third-degree burn gone charred everything's like that skins out alive anymore and I swear I poured water on it for an hour and a half he could get up and walk that's how bad it was dude he that dude is a hard nosed soldier and he was just like holding his hand like like shaking like in shock like Oh Doris the bad that's the exhaust of a chainsaw - like ours you removed that part of your body did he burn he burned his finger on the exhaust and it was like instant like turned into like charred skin it was gone oh baby my buddy bill was we were clearing trees to build a dirtbike track tell so bad phone's house and my buddy Bill had a chainsaw and he was riding it through the tree and he has pants and the underneath the pants he

he had gym shorts yeah he was cutting the tree in the chainsaw he got right to the tip of the bar and it kicked out and hit his leg bone all through his pants through the gym shorts just barely into his leg but like if he didn't have these like thick like yeah Under Armour gym shorts yeah yeah he's like you could see it wasn't it was like sixteenth of an inch deep but it was like that wide yeah in extra happening yeah anything inch yeah your skin layer dude something someone happened to me once I like the cut it's not a cut it's like a gout dude it removes meat when you take a quarter inch cut like wow dude I I had a problem i watch your cutting board Oh Helen you missed the you missed the chocolate rum bananas laughs no yeah he did I was actually on Vancouver Island when this happened I wasn't filming it's time I was making feather sticks and I was carving higher than I wanted to but I had to and my knife slipped and hit my hamstring and went cut through my waterproof pants where the pocket was I opened up side the pocket through the inside of the pants through the inside layer of the pants through my canvas pants inside through my pocket of both pockets of my canvas pants because they have these cargo pants all the way down dude and it stopped at the last layer on the inside of the pants I'm like one more layer that was me I just cut through like five layers of fabric yeah whoa you wouldn't feel that you would just look you would you would try to feel for like cold from the blood no cold and look at his be like law dude and I'd be like okay med kit time quick was like ridiculously shop and I went like this and I don't know why I was kept on the inside and I went like this and I hit a knot and then push really really hot like this right across Lee and the pants just opened up and I'm like looking over like I don't believe I just did that Gary's looking to me yeah yeah I just barely built it was a little trickle of blood across the line Wow I'm like well but it just sliced my brand-new pants for the night yeah yeah just slid right its look through the knot yeah man won't look at each other cuz I didn't even want to look like the way it hit it just it put a two inch gash in the subpoenas you're like in like instant denial you don't even want even look at yeah I'm like oh how bad you want to glance down like it's my leg covered in blood yet what's happening you know your legs round so like it took like a two inch cut on the pants off just a lop yeah it was like round yeah oh yeah wasn't even I had that happen to me oh what a skill saw with a skill saw the skill saw cutting PVC trim there's a PVC trimmer the blade heats it up and you make the cut but after the blade goes through the plastic starts to like mend itself back together right fricking thing kicked back there was so much of my shirt bound up and the armor of the skill saw it actually stopped us off oh I got a loose fitting shirt on thank God that day I pull the collar I pull the collar oh my mic down I'm waiting to look down my shirt and see my guts hanging up

I pull my I pull in the Colorado I look down not a scratch and the kid I'm working what I go hey hey please because it's just being held up by this shirt yeah literally tore the front literally came to this side and went right around like this

and by the time it got over here it was just hanging there because all of this shirt right here was bound up in the armor almost didn't exist right Wow again bro yeah so I was basically polishing up one of my I want a nice policies are Ratman do an errand entire mdle yeah and I was going on the buffing wheel taking it through the different compounds and all of a sudden I leaned it forward just a little bit will caught it and watched it right now by my face and it stuck in the cinder blocks behind right in the wall - Wow that's insane yeah one time I was when I was putting apprenticed I was on the bone saw two and a half foot exposed blade right like like monocle very belt moving so fast I've been silent type it's a big band so I'll meet you know and this particular one had the bone for bone blade you don't have to have softball indistinct I meet this at the moment so anyways um for cutting bone and stuff and I was uh I was I hated cutting these things I was cutting on shanks but instead of like with the meat on I was cutting it just the bones by themselves right um couple to think to make marrow bones soups and stuff right and so we already you know meat was already off and so I was dragging it through and I never liked doing cuz it's like you just cut through cow bones I don't like you know make make your forearm look small yeah big bones do they don't mess around the marrow is the size of your head yeah like the bones like half-inch thick oh it's uh all around the matter yeah yeah it's sick right and so I'm cutting through that and I'm seeing sparks because that's how hard it is it's taking off its of the blade right and dude it catches and it goes down it rips me forward in my hands just like like go around like the blade right so I like grab the table and the blade right I was just like whoa dude like I almost just lost like fingers hand wrist I don't video face whatever but you dragged me down for second cuz it like caught and they like pulled me down dude I never wanted to cut bone this straight bone I just I've always I poured that task but cuz I was the apprentice I always got those kind of tasks cuz you know like the guy was teaching me the cutting for 40 years 39 years his boss had been cutting for like 35 years and he's got seven out of his 10 fingers whatever yeah actually he did cut off one of his fingers it was that it was honor he's bullying a birdhouse for his kid or something

and which is funny he puts us on the sportier let's finger off the home but um anyways yeah old Italian dudes yeah you know you know what I mean come some bones Mitchell I can't have mana box you know this though the shop is like a circus every day but yeah I'm awesome I almost lost a hand something like make this capsule bones like I'd know yeah I just had to it's like why is he using the hand sir again it's all about efficiency in time yeah you know like like you got to get stuff done so fast that you're moving dangerously fast that could be bad yes this is packaged instant oatmeal but at the same time I put in a bunch of rolled oats and chopped walnuts I have separate a separate bag with some almond milk a little water a little bit of heaven picking up a little bit more it's almost that's cool yeah I love guitars man yeah flame maple back and sides for my Hoffner with a spruce top rosewood bridge rosewood fretboard things outstanding I want to bring it but sub-zero temps is just very disrespectful to an instrument the intonation neck you could warp the neck when you just do to trash it you know so I'm hoping on one of these points in my life I'm gonna pick up one of these on like camping guitars where they're like really small but they're like full 22 frets ku sticks and all that Martin makes them I think Alvarez makes them no fender bender anything hmm oh man instant with rolled oats mixed in it's a maple maple maple instant with rolled oats chopped walnuts maple not so it has like I guess it has like almonds or walnuts in anyways but I added my own and it changes it from just like a a blasted sugar instant high to headache when you eat like a whole bunch of walnuts in there and gives it like fat and protein and like longevity you know breaks down slower yeah Quaker Oats makes one it's cult's i think super protein mm-hmm and it's got all different type of nuts in it and everything else and mm-hmm so it's more like much more filling than standard oatmeal mm-hmm yeah and mine I rolled oats I had her literally whole oats not even like instant rolled fat nothing's like just boat sail so they're they're meaty

the other one who I think that the one that I get has honey in it that's cool mm-hmm I love tree food man nuts and stuff maple sugar nuts and fruit I'm such a tree guy I love tree food contribution donation to the tournament oh and to the prize pool look at this sack rock on man thank you for that whoever's gonna win it's gonna be thanking you more than me for sure I'm thanking you for donating they gonna be like really thanking you sick man ninety-degree you know that yeah it's a cute little knife yeah exactly no show them the respect they needed it's cute oh my finger thanks Dana


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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