Woodcraft Wisdom - Fire idle


I show a technique used by seasoned woodsman to idle a fire, rather than thinking its needs to "burn to not die".

Tags: fire,firecraft,bushcraft,woodcraft,self,reliance,prep,prepping,bugout,bugin,survival,primitive,aboriginal,ray,mears,technology,dave,canterbury,mitch,mitchell,winter,camp,camping,wildcamp,bushcamp,basecamp,ember,embers,fireside,firepit,campfire,camplife

Video Transcription


yes I like to keep my fire like idling this is what I call an idle it's just enough to keep it kind of moving along keep it hot in the middle I can push some things on top of the hot areas and the flames it's very subtle flames underneath underneath the log I can build it up whatever I want make a huge again if I want to cook just let it hang out and just idle until it's needed I don't have a fire raging all the time I'd have to keep a fire raging to keep it alive

I think knowing how to idle a fire just incredibly advantageous in the florist conserves on the resources all the firewood serves on my calories having to go grab all that firewood and cut it up chop it up prep it everything else have it to build another fire this one goes out just far more efficient then keeping a fire running the whole time I don't run the heat all the time at home right it warms up shut it off same thing put the fire died down and idle all right so you see that the fire starting to get a low idle deciding to die down there's no more little subtle flames that's all so I got to do now it gives it something else to work off of back and forth the embers in the stick work off the embers and the log at the log propped up just how it was when I was burning and all around my fire pad I have all these things that I can add if I need to slightly increase it it's all there is to it now the thing is preferably idling nice and hot it's actually accelerating right now cuz I put a new piece of fuel next to the hottest heat source so I'll probably burst into flame in a moment I also have this right here this big amber chunk I want to accelerate it further I could drag that over put it on top that's how fire is idled I mean this thing is ready to go so accelerating right so if I want to slow down a little bit

create a little space in between the two sticks it's still going to interact see the flame starting to flicker between the two so my fire is incredibly hot right now but it's an idle escape not a blaze there's a lot of subtleties to fire craft


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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