Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
Join us as we go camping overnight at the bushcraft camp. I stay in the bushcraft shelter and Dad sleeps in the off grid cabin. It was a fun winter camping trip in the forest, and the last solo overnight for me in the bushcraft camp.
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End Music: Simon Alexander - Hollow Wine Grove
#bushcraft #taoutdoors #wintercamping
Tags: bushcraft,overnight,camp,off grid,cabin,log cabin,pallet wood cabin,forest,woods,solo,solo overnight,camping,winter camping,shelter,natural shelter,bushcraft camp,off grid cabin,survival,cabin in the woods,wilderness,overnight camp,bushcraft overnight,ta outdoors,ta outdoors camp,ta outdoors cabin,pallet cabin,forest camping,camping in the woods,ta fishing
Video Transcription
well you guys asked for it we're gonna give it to you it is a father-son ta fishing ta outdoors overnight collaboration I'm gonna camp in this shelter behind me at the bush Cove camp dad is going to camp in the cabin the pilot wood cabin which we built together which is just over there
you can see by the camera it's getting pretty dark yeah so we got to get the camp set up I've got to get camp set up video my gear out and you've got to start getting where are we eating tonight my place are your face doing mine tonight I believe okay I think it'd be warmer it might be dinner at 8:00 but I mean kiss guys it gets dark about four o'clock it might be didn't fire cold we get it we'll all right well dinner at yours and breakfast at mine then yes that's a fair deal wouldn't it all right let's get set up [Music]
well we added the most unless the other day dad when we came here yeah we've done the most to it and obviously we turned it all down with a stain and you know what it's really toned him well in that it's nice look how it blends in now with that moss but we've left the inside on natural wood and when we get your camera light in there the candles going ophélie a light you'll be a cedar it's really warm and cozy I can't wait to get the stove going by now I know we've got the stables set up the moss is there to help stop the rain making a noise on the metal roof dad you got some wood organized over here you're a bit more organized than me beeps who came to me where to get started and that thing is definitely gonna keep me warm tonight for sure you know it's Dave we're getting dark already people yeah so while that is getting a stove ready I'm gonna be setting up in what remains at the bush Gough camp that's it in the previous video we started stripping it back that's all that's left now the large lean-to which has a bit of a leaky tarp at the top the raised bed is a bit of wonky but it should be good fun got the fire pit down there I'll get that going in a bit but obviously we're gonna cook up in the cabin first and it is looking inviting over there but before to this it should be good I've got my gear it is ladies and gents three o'clock so we're a bit late turn it up to the woods that's called yaks got some water inside sleeping bag great air mattress and that's pretty much it a couple of tools in the side here so we're all good to go I'm just gonna sort this tarp out above first you can see the tops they're gonna bit sorry for itself
I got gap there where we just dismounted at the other days it's all kind of falling a bit of haha I mean the main parts covered but it's obviously got some holes because the bed's a bit you can see it's a bit wet so yeah can I have to pray that it doesn't rain too much in the night I'll always be joining dad in the cabin but let's sort this out it's better anyway you can see there's still puddles still puddles it's probably just as well that I'm taking it down tomorrow let me give you a quick tour of it so this is essentially the last lean-to shelter the super shelter where I've got the tarp there reflected but not reflected but see-through clear tarp that comes down so that it bounces the heat back to the fire lit window there the raised bed some side walls looking a bit sorry for itself now and the back that's the back with an air pipe here which the draught prevailing wind comes in this way the draft goes in there and we made it so that it went into the camp and just down there is the air pipe entrance which would give better flow for the fire I like this thing should be good night and here is all our wood that we stored for the camp and put tarps over which we didn't film in the last video but you saw us stacking it the last video trying to keep it dry we've had so much rain already you can just see it bubbling so I'm gonna have to sort this tarp out at some point stop all this cuz that'll just continue to puddle [Music]
so it's dark it's gone four o'clock now we've got the stove going and in the cabin the pallet cabin but because it's still early in the afternoon we're gonna build a new sawhorse because this one well you guys will not remember from bushcraft camp update on a four or something like that maybe even three it's been great it's lasted that many years but it is getting a bit flimsy isn't it and we wanted to put another substation in there so we're gonna make a bigger one a better one we've got all this resources behind us under the tarp so yeah we're gonna work in the dark a bit and then we're gonna get some food going we probably won't finish this today at all [Laughter]
reconstituted nails as well well you can see immediately or hopefully you can the extension to the sawhorse well she should have done the first time around makes it a proper sawhorse because rather than just wobbling on to it wobbles sometimes we have an extension this way you can just take small segments off look I can take well that's six inches I could take five inches off there if I wanted to and it's still nice and rigid because I've got a nice short what we call it neck if I move it along I'm still supported at the back I'm still supported there and this is the idea of it this is supports for the bottom by the way but it just shows you it does it that's the sawhorse extension and is any one last thing to do whoa calm down okay they think it's just same Texas to do this boy get real I've seen them rodeo films I know what they do this is a bucking bronco and I did say bucking [Music]
so we've made our little sawhorse that's helped to complete that we're happy with it we're in the cabin it's so warm unbelievable especially when you stand up the apex of the roof yeah it's really warm in here it's a benefit I know a lot of people say it's really small but I guess there's a benefit of it being small is that cozy it heats up super fast we've got the G stove going we've lit some candles don't worry we've made sure that they're not too close against the roof the pilot where'd you buy this metal roof so they should be fine yeah we're gonna blow me out anyway yeah well blow them up well you'll be blowing them out otherwise who got the window up still at the moment lay the table stage going well I think it's time for some food absolutely agree [Music]
so what we have here very simple dish we've got vegetable and bean sprout stir-fry with some chicken and sweet and sour sauce keeping it simple up in the cabin let's talk in Dutch comes from two Christmases I think it goes but why you use the piece of equipment it's not now what have we got we go spit for gold Oh Spitfire Spitfires a very British ale this is the pale out I think I've got the pale yellow whichever one you want I'm gonna pan out what you like the sort of darker ones usually I like dark beer me you like a man's color beer Spitfire berry yeah spit brew by Britain's oldest brewery yeah
balanced cold out very nice I do like Spitfire but we do like on real ales there we go yeah yeah drink or talk maybe lunchtime in the summer you don't like your craft with a Mediterranean cooking yeah Cheers is that too far the Sun over no sir thanks you going and joining along to a good night's sleep for the old boy in here tasting in your toasty you're gonna be fine we put the temperature up here even at this height this high it was 24 degrees just now night 26 26 degree 26 degrees there's no kind of tea but yeah and we're in winter and I'm gonna I haven't even got a fire going yeah that's got some Stephen gear back here yeah it said I'm a rat so you can get I've got my get all in this bag let's tuck in your shirt butter knife really yeah is this ah it's real bushcraft yeah got spice to has no no I tell you I I think I said it was sweet and sour that's sweet chilli sweet chili sauce decision no hmm tank yeah it's gonna be a bit on the old stove is glowing away a bit like that sleeping bag will be later but over these candles be going past my body might be close operating all this broccoli
where did you give it you get rid of every drink and crack it's like one I reckon the moss will really insulate it a bit more as well because the meta was cold normally but that Moss will help to keep the heat in here so yeah a lot of guys you said on the video we just put up about taking the bushcraft cap down and Laurie you got a bit hurt by it an emotional way so we apologize for that but we're not you know like I say it's already done that project it's it's it was a big project of mine I've done it over years and years but all the videos are still less if you want if you want to watch the the camp build again I'll put a link in the description and you can watch all the camp updates again from one tur or whatever it was seventeen but it was time for a change wasn't it done yeah well I think it's about five years you salvage so much of the original Deadwood yeah you can you can make what he wants I know so that's the that's the plan you know it's something different and you can still join me on the adventures you can still watch me build some different things and camp in them we are gonna keep that belong be said about the palette cabin are we gonna get rid of it no we're keeping this we're definitely keeping this so yeah what's clear is when we moved it is now all around the edge it's not all blog is it know about a lot of rain but it's just nice to be had to walk around and not you know go over the side of your shoes or boots yeah that last site we had it on just got way too boggy this is much better ground right chaps I think it's my turn to get the fire get my fire going that a nice there you go you're sorted now you don't have to do much I've got a leaky tarp and I can't wait Vicky's tarp tarp Letarte
no oh yeah I got Nikki tarped I call the politician honestly it's self inflating yeah I'm screwed valve and it just yet that's similar to mine but I did you so well daddy's washing up cabin I've got a fire going
some of this this is all pong I catch the load of fire with those you remember the old Bush golf capital is here I catch the load of firewood yeah from it say it's just a case of spitting these bits so because some of this it looks dry it's still quite done I'm gonna do well I like to call it just a knock having fire lay so you just stack it up like Jenga really and essentially what that does is it allows it's got gaps in it and it allows air flow air to flow in between these logs or these sticks and basically it it dries them out at the same time it creates a chimney effect so that air is being drawn through the middle of the fire as you can see now and that flame just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and it's quite a fast burn so it doesn't eat through your wood a bit quickly but when it's wet wood it's just a good way of getting a big fire going relatively fast I could snap that up to maybe three or four more but I'll leave it there for now and that'll burn away nicely in the back I've gone for a lot of traditional backpack today I've just got Hamrick I've got a log camera gear as usual camera gear camera gear batteries etc a lens what else have we got I've kept it pretty minimal camera light some little foldable cups and there's all their sort of tools and stuff in the front here but I don't need those so really for a sleep system I just got a air mattress sleeping pad and a sleeping bag a bit of a warmer one today so gotta get the mattress blown up get that on this raised bed which is pretty damp in some places which is why I've got the mattress and then I'll probably go and check out what that's do the last overnight at the camp and it's a nice evening no rain is forecast which is good probably just as well as I've got a leaky top it's a nice story evening the fire is going I don't know what that's doing I can't see over there see some lights glowing in the cabin the other thing this obviously I use throughout the winter keeps reflects the heat back onto your body it's really important especially if you're sleeping on the ground which I do a fair amount of but also these sticks you're in though I've shopped at chipped away with the axe they've still got some real knobbly bits you probably got to see that but there's some novelty bits along here
I don't really fancy those going into my back throughout the night and making it pretty uncomfortable so when you have something like this that folds down pretty small I don't really mind I'm not gonna get my sling bag out just yet because these drips they're probably on a trip on it and even though I should air it it's kind of I could see it just getting wet so I'm pretty much sorted birdies ready fires going I'm gonna go check out what dad's doing in the cabin I've got beer and still got beer in there to finish actually so let's head on over and have a chat - with that can see a head torch over there he's doing something me okay leave the glow of the cabin lights he's doing something progress is being made what's going on they're just putting up the pillow part my back bad for us with sweet chili sauce breath so if you remember guys who followed us all watching this pallet cabin series it is cozy in here so yes we thing is yeah it's when we see see yourself I just move those two bits that goes up there just hooks up there and you can see what uses storage angle what sleeping bed slats and everything that's which uncle gram is not sleeping on I assure you oh it's a perfect fit I use this fishing these is fishing because it just takes it them listen to guys if you go out camping should all know about ground sheets and affected you don't want the dam get into your body and the ground that's cool this one purely just hissing it hisses and it sort of fills itself up and even if it doesn't sometimes they blow up and top it off light weight super winds they're all seasons my super backpack that most people were taking Alaska and a few people use on Everest it's it's a bin liner you've got to see this sleeping bag at home but fish superstitious yeah that's my pillow fishing with it do I go fishing with it show you how worn it that's the summer one side is slightly chilly sauce obviously was a bit much of a new one I'm surprised doesn't go duck tape on it why do fishing I just I just tell you this for fishermen obviously to notch we wrapped up but I just need it totally I'm shaped like that so when I'm fishing I can just throw it out and rush and grab a fish that's all God's honest truth well you will at this temperature I bet it's more than 26 now what's it reading does that's 30 Harlan let me get in on that twenty six seven now no 28 degrees now I bet the top here right at the apex yeah if I tucked out there I'm gonna be 30 it's so hot it's so go back to camp yes so we're gonna sit I've still got beer some it don't ya you got it thank you welcome to my abode here it is very cozy yeah right subscribers which would you rather stay in the pilot cabin here all the bushcraft camp or what's left in the bushcraft camp comment below which do you want to stay in this is no problem here I go fishin all noises I love sure but you can't bring a pilot cabin with you fishing and of course if the wife is here and she's really bending my ear all right I could just write anyway can you put out on the shelf dad
yeah put this up there you might as well come and finish your beer it's be right don't forget oh yeah cheers thank you she's lucky to be alive that beer where's Mike Mike we all get a bit sad you know with the change of things nobody likes change they really taking the bush club account yeah you get a bit nostalgic I can tell you I could tell you that's nothing that's nothing look at the shock I had when I try to make might just know about this by the way there's no seen these tell me what that is we did this oh this is slugs there's like play-doh that's clay from their own houses are dug up yeah
in the garden and the back of our house you can see it's soggy right that's equation that's one year old and it's due squashy because I got it all mushed up first going into like playdough if you want to call that like that then soaked it then covered it in plastic and just that class thing retains all the moisture and they put salad as well and yeah you just run out and that keeps all the moisture yeah there's all the moisture so that's still soft all that clay now listen I don't know think about clay making but I thought I'm not scared to this brush I make this every claim now in I want to cry almost because I put a lot of work into this and my will show is closer to the camera this is my first success of clay mating this is so what is this meant to be a pots saucepans I don't know there's a slight curvature to that piece so I can see the efforts be made I'll give you a c3 c3 c3 feature that's the way I used to get bang average it's like a bang average middle-of-the-road so I made some stuff out of the claret oh I know a duel this plays nothing to it so I went out in the garden I dug up my own clay don't forget this is my own clay for my own property cuz we are wrong clay yeah dug it all out squished it up wife went mad cuz someone went down the sink block the drains I plumbed it all out don't worry and I kept it to make more if you want to make more you can make more with it right but my mistake was we have a log burner and either not burner go in and I thought I know they bake it and there's a Curie or something yeah and he was like kiln would sound in the clay it's gotta be the clay which I didn't know put it on top of the log burner I thought oh you're starting to go hard yeah so
what a lot burner let's do it quicker no they all broke down I tried it again yes a melting oh what a minute there we go that's not bad at drawing it very very slowly I said yeah I think we're going up to maybe a be a b-26 a great year of six I give that a six my drinking receptor play so I could actually drink water Julius Caesar would be proud and then we got absentee arty absolutely I try to make a little dinghy you know with a lid and a little pity handle on top of it as well oh yeah that's a good is that for your wedding rings you can hide it when you go out fishing it's nice to put my brain in it's not a baby spices it as anybody else had the same problem they've had to go claim a key and
my bed oh is key be single who doesn't keep a shovel under the beach did you put this in your backpack today with it as well so this just so people know it's heavy it looks like a shovel yeah a little shovel and actually this looks like old school it's got leather strap nice this has a sharp blade they're like similar when I use so it's got an app you can use it as an axe but they yeah that's another one yeah 1996 there sorry for the military guys nothing cartilage yeah relate to them but anybody tell us about this one now that's a much older worker so I know by the wood of the handle it's got a spike on the end there whichever it's a main shovel no it doesn't have that spike it's got to be some military burnout pickaxe maybe I don't get it like a backhoe honestly like the Spade end of this shut that turns around 1965 Wow look at the difference in the technology and why 1965 heavy but I love to look at that rustic sort of handle and then 1996 machine gun a fox will be shot what what do you shovel guys know about that they really dig it yeah tomorrow we are going to take down my bush class shelter the last part of the bushcraft camp yeah we're gonna take it down we just recently let you just put up the video of us taking the countdown mixed feedback on that I would say but you know it's fine for change I've said that before
it's time for change you can't you can't keep doing the same thing all the time maybe for you guys obviously it's interesting and I know you really enjoy it but for us it's like dad going fishing for the same fish on the same leg on the same leg all the time week in week out and it can become quite draining so yeah it had to be done you know obviously I apologies to the guys who really enjoy that enjoy the videos of that bushcraft camp but there's going to be more shelters there there's going to be different shelters there it's going to be good fun got lots of ideas in the pipeline we're not getting rid of the pallet cabin this is gonna be here so you can have the camera first and then I'll come and get it with you're probably gonna let cuz this thing eats would like you wouldn't believe you gets so hot this and not to be honest I don't need 30 degrees dressed like this I'm gonna be sleeping in there right I'll see you in the morning though have a good one yeah you too let me get this in there is that cozy is Larry and not cozy is empty I bet you've got a secret stash somewhere I know you well boys I am absolutely I'll show you down there I'm tucked up boots are off I'd say there Jackie off is so high and now I can't sleep with that jacket on I mean normally if I was fishing I would sleep with that jacket on so much give me the camera when he sorts itself out and I'm gonna leave in here or not but I think it's time to say good night and see you guys in the morning and one last blow of the candle oh he's here he's here already he's or Connie but I can't even get to sleep I come to get camera that's quite a trip to Grenada logs on the way right you're tucked up there I'm Aldo zpe it's cozy oh really all right there Jackie always too cold right dad I'll see you in the morning oh you know good knowing dad's
it's already open for me brilliant so please don't rain tonight I don't fancy the drippy tarp we will sleep in my trousers to begin with even if I get too hot I don't usually but forget to eat hot I can always take him off my folks what's funny is that I've got to get up in a minute any way to turn this big camera light off but thank you so much for watching if you're still watching this far really appreciate it it's been a fun one so far and tomorrow is gonna be enjoyable cook up a good breakfast and then take down this shelter I don't know too much just hang in there there's good shelter we change this about four times I think in the end good little window right guys I'm gonna call it a night see in the morning my guys didn't sleep too bad that she a couple of drips from the drippy top but it's a nice no suck it might be a nice morning bit windy no it does yeah I can't see I can hear the cabin banging around but can't see anything so he's obviously not been outside yet I think I'll get a fire going
he gives me doing breakfast today I see oh and daddy's probably got the stove going already
cuz he hates the cold I don't want to get out the bag it's toasty the table is dripping on the sleeping bag so I'm packing it away I've got the fire going I want to get this packed up I was just getting mold it's just Fargo I think dads are gonna hear some banging in the cabin say I'm gonna go over there and get this this fire bridge thing I've got which we can use to cook on the fire look at it it's so empty so sad can't wait to build more stuff here though looks like he is certainly in here stave is puffing away so I know he's awake I got the fire going over there he's definitely wait look at that typical you're awake dad he's awake oh it's dark in here still always taste it out about 40 minutes not long secret I wouldn't say I had the greatest nights naive I did sleep but he waked up the thing I think is I'm so used to fishing and you saw on tenterhooks waiting for something happen yeah you know and allow him to go off was when you like this nothing's gonna happen if you end up listening to things he's what's going on what's why is it so quiet it is nice in there oh yeah it's good yeah that thing is just you know safe
I can tell you now are you put the piping on it yeah you're up to nearly 80 degrees at the moment nice yeah not too bad I had a drip eat our place oh yeah that's a bit annoying just dripping on the bag every now and then do the wind come on yeah yeah the trees there's a few branches coming down I'll film outside in a minute it's only a matter we don't make this cabin take a full-on
10 ton we don't make me come I'm okay but I thought the flapping of the tarp might be in the air no it wasn't too bad it wasn't too bad this morning it's come up yeah there's more to come is whether we should crack on it's gonna rain well we've got we got breakfast I'm gonna do some grocery splitting seeing as you got the stove going I'm not an early start to going to my wife is this man's mother yeah I'm an early bird you're a mama early birds oh yeah because they worked early my used to get 6:30 to teacher training didn't you fix no 6:30 and get everything nice women at 6:30 in the Hornets I did training on it yeah it was here on the other hand my other side of the family we've always been in business so we work later in the evenings paperwork stuff to do Sanh way better I can do stuff a lot of noise not pop yeah yeah but so we got a fryer good old English fryer in English well got the fire go now that you've got yeah yeah I've got to grab the fire bridge from behind here behind the cabinets outside oh yeah I'll go grab that and set that up you want to do the tea on yours the water's already in the canister I think we put the water on there I think it's here it's loaded with water any Englishman needs a tea in the morning bake the bread all right I'll do the beans in this Billy can on top of that all right if you take the frying pan over to yours yeah I do the sausage and egg okay and I'll get the tea probably yeah that's gonna boil freely quick okay I gotta set up a fire with me halfway already halfway I'll be back in a minute yeah no probs [Music]
Royce is windy [Music]
so Wendy look at it whoa they'd be swaying did it bow right let's crack on the dinner bell is ringing whoo all right all right Jax is aid we flying past me yeah oh it's looking good oh that does smell good in a way steam it away so that's ready for poor wing you just lift it off like this yep we'll set the pins Oh [Music]
check that bread out three things on the go there yeah I'm doing B that's a good FY get out good father-son team if it doesn't say that for me in cooking did they just took two of us two hours to get this double check that bread baby [Music]
really good these initials on the cup okay someone still see so mind you forgetful so just a little tip guys when you got this you think automatically put it back on don't put it back on because it's now gonna be empty and we'll get hot and be wasted let's pillow yeah on the floor out the way teeth ready that's almost like photo worthy breakfast like you see on the sides restaurant menus yeah like oh no that your skills after yours as you already slide off [Music]
even got some butter with us it's hot out use it with a glove that is Steve it's hot man butter is cold must be cold when we thought long except butters that's not so at all yeah it's not something that all looks crazy it looks crazy up in there done it that natural creature - yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty cozy in here we need two pieces of wood scrap wood recycled recycled I'll pop a link to the pallet wood cabin build series as well where we built this all from recycled pallet wood from supermarkets and industrial estates where we got permission to get it all you just open it is free another people in some countries you have to wait for them here in the US something you guys said you have to pay for pallets to collect one they met hrg which wouldn't surprise me if our government started doing that to be honest they're charging for everything nowadays walking is the worst I wanna know did you actually eat anything through the night because I know you are no good snack no no food for me I don't tend to eat too late at night I say makes you dream hmm I'm not Christmas dad gets his token Toblerone bar yeah and sallet a troller Salieri Daggerfall same roles of sellotape in the office desk what would you say is your most common Christmas present Cemetery I say no more I don't look at the end of the day my age you think what do you need listen there's a huge huge difference between needing and wanting yeah and the older you get maybe some older guys out there might confirm it you actually want you know less and less you just realize you want the things that you enjoy using working with euros or something yeah I mean you know look hammers ahem oh yeah him as an alien for me you can go get really expensive one it might last longer but it's not going to hammer the nail in any better is it because it's up to you to hammer the nail in good sausages after second that's why you get so much sellotape yeah cuz you're not without joining things together sellotape Pavan we should throw back to childhood Turkish Delight bars oh yeah okay I'm always nice Turkish Delight sir boom you get packets of them yo you don't you owe me Christmas you get tests but I don't I don't eat them next upon them to sweet my diets which taste buds have change from sweet which is when you young to mine I don't like spice you ought to be savory savory and i savory now all those out there merry Christmas to you all Happy New Year Happy New Year as well we hope you have a good Christmas spent with friends and family thank you so much for watching ta fishing and ta outdoors and thank you to those guys from the last video who went and subscribed to ta fishing didn't win up yeah really really kind of you sad reason the two hundred thousand mark he's on as we say this what three-quarter million or something I mean winning we've never easy we've never really done this all for numbers we've always just done it for the passion we're not we're not really in in the whole numbers game are we both been around well before YouTube was monetized so it always started out as a passion anyway we just did it we just be a fishing like we said it's been going since seven years now tl tours about five I think maybe yeah five years so it's relatively I've grown relatively fast pretty quickly but people seem to think I'm we're sort of new on the block but we're not we've been around a long time hmm but we're just we do it for the passion and we do it for the that's why we make so many videos and we make weekly videos we should do a story time instead of the theories oh I tell you what something because bad that always tells me some of his fishing story some years ago I always remember them as a kid when you used to tell me them one of my favorites was tell the guys about the the guy on the boat with the gun this is honestly this is one of my favorites so it's not a true story it's true it's a true story but dad has I keep asking dad to write book well you just your life story is just insane really good they used to go to Florida quite a lot because a big shot big big big in the big thing
god this was in the late 70s early 80s and used to bring a lot fish in then I guess I sold them for me whatever I didn't need them and we used to go for sharks now premiere the first time a wit for big sharks it was out of a place called the hump which I think about 12 miles off whale harbor are the Marauder it's in one of my books and I remember we going out and yeah I hooked this picture I think I had a hammerhead or someone like that I'd be in the book and it looked a really really big one and we're taking a lot whole amberjacks and they still do that now with deep dropping with these amateurs in the fighting chair hauling away who and I get the shark up my heart's pounding just sort of look over this I think holy the size of it he later turned out they bought it it was a 455 pound ball show on estimated hustle that was coming huh it was it was they dug do it now but it was hung up then and I just remember as he was talking it the skipper's just I just saw this whatever it was come right past my ear like this right I can barrel boom boom and he just shot it with a 12-gauge and I've never forgotten that you know I was more scared of the 12-gauge am i hearing Gary is the barrel no leaking that's why going to fit this year really I thought it was your mother it was all captain Jim's shotgun that's crazy good story I'm gonna eventually get that to write book because there's so many good stories you've got right so plan is finish the breakfast well you have notice well yeah I've waft that down so we'll finish now to finish breakfast let I think you can let the snow burn out now let this go you burn out the fires pretty much burnt out at the camp and then it's the final good-bye of taking down the last shelter and keeping all that wood nice and dry this is it we're taking down the final shelter
let's go over this wall first already full we are keeping the cordage by the way some people asked about the last video long but small butcher take home yeah the twine the jute twine are used I'm gonna keep that for some fire lighting cause you can just fluff it up so I won't be using that to retie because it's got somewhere but the rest definitely keeping
oh that was rotten that was good that was wrong
it's gonna get a fool watch out people last time you need me hit me there's a new tone
and then the last woo mrs. Mouse you're snoring close competition between that and your story my father my son yes imagine magnetic clip the finger within five minutes I said where's all this red stuff coming from and you cut your finger I learn from the best you see I'm saying this again for sure yeah warm enough wasn't it I think there's a lot of wood isn't it dad that's the entire bushcraft camp and you cut that people have to realize mighty this years ago mostly walk they called it the Barker little bar folding pruning pruning saw those hundreds if not thousands so if you're looking to put a bush Gough camp like I did that's how many resources you're gonna need but it's good it's all kept in pretty good condition I'm going to you tree use that to build lots of different shelters so make sure you stick around guys let's put some tarp over it and there we go that's all the recycle tarps from the bushcraft camp keeping that word nice and dry and I put that over by the cabin and then we're gonna say goodbye so we finished the sawhorse this is what we added this section here at the end how it's way more rigid as a reward you take a novel piece and you can capture all this so the sawhorse lives on for anniversary which is handy because it's going to be good for building other shelters and just chopping up general fire with this winter lasted will hurt this but yeah three four years I think the original one but it's just so much more handy having that second process we do short cuts
yeah right we're gonna store this by the cabin
it's over that was where the bushcraft camp was for about five years it feels weird man it feels really weird to think that the tower the tower was about here all the way up there lots of fun thanks so much guys for joining on that bush golf camp update adventure I've got rid of the fire pit mostly but I've left some of the plate there because if I burn IDB or other shelters here and have a fire I still use that pit it's been a good good fun over nicer be weird walking away from this well this is it it's been a it's been good fun isn't it I really enjoyed this one absolutely enjoyed it yes we're cooking it will turned out and it was not burnt this time no it's been good I think that's our first father-son overnighter yeah well we've done it fishing but the would certainly say yeah thanks so much for watching really appreciate it and thank you like I say to those guys that subscribed to the bushcraft camp update series it's been an adventure but it is time for something new you know it's time for me as well as a personal journey to move on to pastures new and some some different adventures we're going to go on the adventures we're going to build different structures and experience different things so make sure you're subscribed to both TA outdoors and ta fishing there's so much really cool content coming your way Merry Christmas Happy New Year have a good one have a good one and we'll see you guys in the next episode Cheers [Music]
just like although I [Music]
they taste like [Music]
to get the camera you
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing:
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- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
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- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
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