2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
Join me on a 2 day bushcraft camp overnight with my buddy Dustin and his Dog. We build raised beds, sleep on deer hides and do some cooking over a camp fire. We use a large tarp as shelter above us to protect from the rain. We also build a fire put with pot hangers and cook on cast iron, griddle and skillet. Myself and Dustin made camp in a dense forest, which was dark even in the daylight. Dustin teaches some basic bushcraft skills and shows you some recipes for cooking food over an open fire. Come and join us on this adventure!
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Dustin's Bushcraft Courses http://www.westcountrybushcraft.co.uk/
Dustin's Fire Pistons: http://www.bushcrafttools.com/
Dustin's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bushcraftfires
Dustin's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bushcrafttools/
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#bushcraft #camp #taoutdoors
Tags: bushcraft,camp,bushcraft camp,dog,deer hide,raised bed,campfire,cooking,fire,deer hides,build,camp build,cooking over fire,cooking over open fire,survival,overnight,overnight camp,camping,tarp,cast iron,griddle,skillet,steak,bushcraft skills,survival skills,wilderness,wild,forest,woods,ta outdoors,ta outdoors camp,camp update,overnight bushcraft camp,shelter,supershelter,bushcraft shelter,survival food,off grid,camping with a dog
Video Transcription
it's found a really cool shell I'm not sure what it is maybe you guys might night I don't as you see seashells in this sea she sells seashells on the seashore uneasy sea shells in the forest like snail shells much especially not in a pine forest but that's one pretty looking shell there do you guys know and if you know what this might like what kind of species of snail this might be lovely little patterns it's like a maroon brown with some black lines on it and a white tip it's only small let me know your thoughts on that in the comments below I don't know what that is what servicenow it's awesome so the part of the forest that Dustin has here is actually kind of similar to my purse a lovely forest is super super dense I think it was previously we see a plantation where they're all so dense but look how dark he gets through there I maxed out on the camera settings as well so everything's really dense but there's also lots of deadfall around here so it's very similar to my woodland where there's just so much is so kind of and manage there's so much dead wood everywhere so handy for us as we're making our raised beds now which you guys are gonna see in a minute we'll show you those and explain what we're doing what we're cooking the plan for the night and everything but it's gonna be very dark in this woodland tonight looking forward to it it's gonna be a good one found a little mushroom yeah is that meant to be a pinecone the seed of a over tree
we don't know let me know it's kind of jaggedy it's quite sappy it smells quite sappy as well we're not sure near these cedar cedar trees hey guys welcome to another episode of ta outdoors I'm here in a potentially familiar woodland to some of you I'm with Dustin from West Country bushcraft UK I have done videos with Dustin before we he showed me how to butcher a deer there's a link to that video somewhere up here it was age restricted and demonetized so you need to be you need to have a youtube account and you need to be signed in if you're gonna be able to see it and you need to be over 18 if you are you can watch it up here we also did an overnighter in Dustin's awesome bushcraft camp which is over that way we're in a different area of woodland but it's kind of all the same same wood land really but we're in a different area it's gonna be an awesome episode we've built some raised beds we're gonna put up a tarp because it is forecasted to rain tonight we're gonna do an overnighter Dustin's got his dog amber amber amber is here with us we're going to talk a bit about amber later as well she's full of energy he's already stolen Dustin's tarp bag shredded the tarp I totally shredded it you've lost the sheath see my axe it's been it's been carnage she served she's been a ball of fun day thanks so much for joining us on this episode we hope you enjoy it we're gonna cook up some food the next thing we need to do is get a fire pit going as soon as you don't give him attention he's like right well I'm gonna do something naughty
like at the start with leather cleaner pouch
so you got mixture of Paulo raised ro Paulo and seeker oh you got secret as well yeah oh there I've got loads of hides that are in different stages of planning sure so when it comes to doing courses you can then talk about the tanning process
so this one is bent and it just needs working now yes it's going to feel quite tough but you can see how it does yeah yeah you see as you pull it it stretches it all those fibers apart yeah and that's what makes it a lot softer turns it into the more supple stuff that's right and you can even rub oil into it yeah and it will loosen up the leather you know it's cool today guys we've got sheeps cheap ones as well sheepskin look at that we got sheepskin which will probably put on the top because we're going a bit bigger and a bit rustic with a bit old school for the night we're literally just got the raised beds because we're late summer so there's still quite a few bugs around they were raised up off the floor we're going to string a tarp over the top a camo top because it is forecasted to rain later tonight but we are going to be comfy sleeping on what we've got here Amber's got a bed in the middle you can see just there Amber's here for the night with us as well told you it's gonna be a good get good video guys you don't miss it is the test Oh do you know that's so comfy skin makes it in half two inch of that sheepskin yet you cannot feel those logs at all that's awesome right so it's time to get a fire going so we can cook up some food because we're getting pretty hungry after building this lovely camp
we've got lovely deer hides and sheep skins to keep us warm tonight so what are we going to do for fun I see we're gonna use one of these things they're called a fire piston for those that don't know what a fire piston is well let me quickly tell you a fire piston will create fire by compressing air yes it really does work do you think back to last time you had a flat tire on your bike what you do where you get the F pump out you pump up your flat tire what happens to the nozzle on the end of the pump
remember the nozzle on the end of the pump always gets really hot again it noticed it get your pump out put your finger of the end pump it once or twice and you'll notice the air will get really hot right what we're going to do well I'm going to put some Pinder in this what tinder are we going to use we're going to use these so these are called cramp bulls or King Alfred cakes they grow on dead or struggling ash trees and they're an absolutely great tinder the way you use them is you carefully so when you pick them off the tree if they feel dry then they're perfect to use they're great to use if they're wet or damp you can either leave them and keep looking for a dry one or wrap them in a tea towel or some paper and put them in the airing cupboard so I've just pinched out a small section from the inside of here I'm now gonna place it into the fire piston so remember that tinder is going to go in here and remember there's a rubber washer so when I press it rapidly the washers going to trap the air the old heat up just like a bicycle pump and hopefully it will ignite our tinder might take a few attempts right there is our little glowing ember this won't go out in a hurry so I want to place it right there remember we've got loads more we can add to it if it does burn down but we've definitely got a good few minutes in the meantime we need to create some of this a nice tinder bundle what I've used here is some cedar in this woodland that I have done here in Somerset we have loads of cedar trees by peeling the inner fibers the inner strands with the inner bark you can end up with these lovely lengths of of fibrous material the way it's darkness here we are we've got some bark we've peeled off a dead tree I'm going to crack it in half split it in half and you can see just like that I've just separated all of the inner fibers away from the outer fibers and we do that again and we end up with this so to take it from this to that I'll just bunch up a little bit more we've got some more here that we did a few minutes ago so yeah it does help maybe break it up a bit just shred it into a few long lengths and now when I take it from this to a nice tinder bundle waiting for a glowing ember to be dropped straight into it as you can see the more you work it the more fibrous it becomes so I'm going to continue doing this in the meantime yep that's not smoldering and that's not going out in a hurry smoldering nicely here we are think we've probably got enough so let's place this tinder bundle down there and let's take this slightly finer tinder bundle from a myth from earlier from moments before we we started this fire lighting now going to do is just place these burning embers into this tinder bundle and it doesn't it doesn't hurt to add a bit more tinder remember this is a natural fungus that grows on a tree we're very close and now we have a flame and just to feed that tinder bundle just rolling the flame the flames now on the bottom I must admit this tinder bundle does have a bit moisture in it amber barking away it's on a place that there I might need to blow it a little bit more let me talk you through these this is the beginning stage of fire lighting I've got my pencil LEDs I'm just gonna place my pencil LEDs over the top what goes on top of the pencil LEDs well the pencils so now I'm gonna carefully place them over the top remember these we might need to blow this again now I'm going to try and support my my Tower of other pencils and pencil LEDs just roughly just support them from falling over and now it might need might need a little blow or two to get the flame going and there we are I think we have it they're available to purchase at bushcraft tools calm and they also come in two or three different colors silver there's also the camo and there's also the green so we're actually we've come out of the woodland that we were in we're in a slightly different one that's this campus just here and we're gonna do a little something get a bit Bush crafty again but it's funny it's so much lighter where we've come out into the open compared to that really dense woodland it just shows you know it's only quarter past twenty past 5:00 at the moment and yet in that woodland it feels like 9 p.m. sunset is probably already happening now but it doesn't get dark sand about 8:00 8:30 tonight so I've got a camera right at the top of this camera so we'll be able to film everything as we get near that cooking stage beast of the blade that's the katana boys this is actually bass that we did some tests earlier with that didn't win it was just insane absolutely huge cuts on the pole these silky sores there and the pool stroke you never surfed fresh as in not fresh fresh yeah but that clean smell yeah it's nice
what you see it's not it's not rotten is it that's not right so the beginning of our plate I still have one each this will be a Asian dipping sauce Oh just to explain what you put in that for the for the subscribers right so what we've what's in here is sesame oil a long weird soy sauce a little bit of honey some garlic some chili and some spring onion it's a few more things it needs a bit of ginger so I'm just slicing this ginger quite thinly and then gonna try and gather it all up I try my hardest to make some very thin I like how you're using a bushcraft knife addition not a Chevy Chevy knife yes you have to use what you have and I just let two to use what I have by making my bushcraft knife my everyday like what is the knife this life is an Enzo trapper with d2 steel and it's an absolutely brilliant knife heard great things about the olden days reliable very reliable really good knife you can batten it on the top and it won't it won't dent it it doesn't affect it it's a really good knife in fact I'm pretty sure that's the same knife we use when we butchered that there yes we did we use this life and a more a knife exactly yeah that the new Mora knife there garber good garb and that's it so yup we've added a little bit of ginger up so that remember this will be our dipping sauce it will all be revealed a little bit later on we've got some mini peppers and these are just sweating they can say oh just start to just start to heat up and sweat they're there and these are its most corn on the cobs we've skewered them on a stick and what is in the old Dutch oven we've got a great feast coming up guys just so you know but we've got Dutch oven and that was that serving there some potatoes let me slice very thinly what we want to do with these is so if you're not on there now for a few minutes and we just want to pour oil them yeah we're in the nature there might be a leaf or two that's right welcome to the woods exactly and we just wanna make sure yep perfect parboiled you see they don't even stick the knife they just fall straight off as you try and lift them up we're gonna get rid of the water we're gonna pour some oil onto the hot skillet when it's on the over the flame and then we're gonna just fry these lightly fry them in a bit of oil and in the meantime prepare the other food other ingredients and I'm really hungry I'm excited man I'm getting flashbacks to our meat fest from last night yeah for those that don't remember our meat our absolute meat feast from last time where we butchered we butchered a deer doesn't show me how to butcher a deer and he cooked it up God knows how many ways it was probably the most incredible wild food I think I've ever had we've got all the recipes for that and everything the video is here and I'll pop it in the description below but it was something else it really was yeah although we could be rivaling it today we could be rival so you'll see we're taking it to Asia today we're going on dish beef beef we get to make our utensils being our es6 chopsticks we're going full out here hazel and yeah looking forward to a really Co away I'm so hungry let's do it [Music]
all right we've got a nice beef plus rump steak a little pepper those are good
yes lick it off [Music]
I know if you take another one you know bushcraft chopsticks coming out west it's just a meat piece every time I come and see Dustin it is neatly but I tell you what we do our vegetables today don't worry you will be getting a greens oh yes all four of them three oh three asparagus brilliant please excuse the presentation or don't worry I don't work in a restroom I do like cooking and like do like the woodland you're a woodsman make this for me taste good and I'll finish a few chips just on the floor as well that's right five-second rule few chips
this is living good in the woods right now so we've got lots of steak we've got some chips
we've got some asparagus well these aren't chips I mean I guess they're like Tom sautee yeah we could you could say no pick the Pasha chip we could have the corn on the cob or we could just leave that until after this and then there's a short little dessert yeah that's right and then we're just gonna slide a couple of these off really well and there we are brilliant Oh probably spill it everywhere no matter look at that guess what there's free refills today no free refills
yeah I chose you okay now little bit of salt on it there's a bit of salt oh man I'm so hungry right now it's amazing things sauce right there which you sawdust to make earlier we have a little bit of a spare some asparagus that's a little bit Rocky salad tastes really good on the rocket salad there's a bit more dipping sauce a bit dressing there's just a bit on there this is too good there we go can we talk in I think it's time to tuck in there we go people that is the feast look at this Dustin has come up with the goods again the camera battery light has died so we're using a head torch at the moment but you've seen you've seen the food so you guys don't need to worry now we need to just taste it oh it's that sauce smells incredible I think it just went all over my knee as well know it smell it tomorrow and the ginger as well mmm you probably paid good money for this in the restaurant that is amazing we are really living the high life mate they've been good in the woods I'm telling you every time I come here I live I eat like a king you guys need to check out some of the Steen's courses because he thought this break it on a regular basis he knows what he's doing you've seen here what we've cooking you know I don't I don't certainly don't like cook like this in the woods but this is something else man this is something else thank you for having me thank you thank you for coming back it's just it's just amazing right now life is good mmm just quick right mmm medium medium rare and we've got the rain pattering down on the top yep but it's not bothering us we got the fire we just Dustin's just stoked up the fire so it's going good now fact it's probably gonna burn our pole but we don't need it anymore this is just the awesome absolutely awesome like you say you pay good money for this in a restaurant so we've cracked open a glass or bottle shall I say I don't know so this is for the loyal fans that regularly watch ta-ta outdoors last time dustin have made some elderflower cordial for after our feast
venison this is that same quo a later batch of elderflowers made the batch year just before they went out of season managed to grab a batch enough for a little brew so we've got it's pretty much shot it's champagne isn't it pretty much he opened it honestly and it just went it's like winning the f1 yeah it tastes amazing as well it tastes absolutely amazing but yeah look at that even more even better than that his Dustin said I've got a little gift for you and he's given me the highs that I that we butchered together that he taught me of the deer that we butchered the roe deer so how cool is that as a gift we've got the actual hide here Dustin's turned it just to explain what you did for the tanning process quickly for the tanning for the tanning process it's quite a long process I don't use brains I tend to use alum and borax quite a long process maybe we should do yeah we should do a video would you guys like a video on tanning a deer hide because duh there's deer hides everywhere here in the camp at a moment Dustin does it pretty regularly he knows what he's doing but let me know would you like a video on it because I certainly would like to learn about it I've done here as well is cut it down quite thin so it makes a great liner for a hammock and it doesn't sort of overhang and yeah you can easily roll up yeah I thought that it's nice and narrow actually it's kind of the width of the bottom of a backpack so you could roll it up yeah like you say is like a bed roll almost as wellthey exactly bed roll or when you're camping yeah oh I'm loving that hammock I'm sitting on the coast I was like hey I was like a kid opening Christmas presents when Dustin gave me I was literally I was so just they make thanks so much for that appreciation and we have got the rain it's here but the tarp is up we've got four by four meter top in warm yeah it's so warm that the fire we put perfectly there it's now bouncing that heat with angle the tarp it's bouncing all the heat back
and amber sleeping would let me just show you amber show you guys amber after hours and hours of chasing around there she is and she's in crime spot sheets of stolen dust and see and yeah she's loving life she's having to meet sleep right now brilliant we will clock in with you guys in a bit well folks we are gonna call it a night bellies are full amber stolen prime position there's no room so we've got Amber's bed in between us and actually Amber's beds probably bigger than ours to be fair but still raining but we will catch up with you guys in the morning probably cook up a bit more and get a cup of tea going and just enjoy time in the woods see you guys in the morning good morning everyone it is a fine wet English morning I slept well did you sleep well Dustin baby amber slept pretty well she's now she's now sniffing around down here and she's been we've been throwing a tennis ball for her and things but this was all set up so let me just spin the camera and show you top four by four is it fall before yes a four by four dd top so they've got the camo top there the skins were amazing weren't they just so nice yeah nobody bits in the back it just took out I took out all of that made it nice flat yeah comforting it was lovely
we've had we've had a cup of tea we had the kettle on now we've got a bit more of a cooking fire going ready Dustin's got something special coming up yep gonna do for breakfast today the breakfast menu is maybe another cup of tea with banana and chocolate pancakes oh so we really are living the dream we're seriously oh yeah this is we've had epic meal time last night and now we're on to round 2 epic dessert time it rained loads the top did the job though top the job heavy rain off rain rain ran off it didn't pull or anything yeah we tweaked it this I think it's my side it was it was pulling so we lowered one corner and although it looks saggy it did the job throughout the night didn't it
the rain got quite heavy last night at one point but trust me we've put these uprights here as well just to keep the top the tension on the ridge line and yeah it did the job the rain just trickled off and we boast that pretty well and was ready for ready for ready for a pancakes now yeah yeah that is the pancake face the pancake pal she's a pretty girl what she really wants is this to be trying find it she's off so explain to me what breed she is she's a fox red Labrador say again you get several different types of Labrador but she's a fox red you probably many people haven't actually seen a fox or a Labrador before they are ate an old traditional hunting hunting breed of Labrador she's a working dog in fact she's half working dog huh
working dog half lazy lab her father was a working dog so he'd go out and shoots and retrieve and then her mother she was a bit of a house dog where she would follow her own around the owner around all day and just be a bit of a lazy dog so we've actually got a lovely combination between a bit of a working dog she loves a command she loves her she's always waiting for you to tell her what to do or to give her a job and then she's also a lovely house dog as well and loves the cuddle the best of both worlds she's super well natured she really isn't and last night she just stayed by us didn't she in between the fire she did yeah I mean she's only a year old in the past when we've been out camping overnighting in the woods I've always tied her up worried that she would run away but last night I thought you know what you've always been so good I'm not gonna tie you up and by tying her up I mean you know we have like a 10-15 meter rope or a lead on her and then so she can get under the tarp and she can get comfy and she's got her bed but last night she slept under the shelter with us without running away at all I was never really worried about her running away because she is a bit of a mummy's girl or a daddy's girl and all she wants to do is kind of be near you and then especially if you've got the ball like now she's yeah the ball was just there the ball she's really sharp really alert we should take you for a little walk after tea and a pancake yeah walk down to the lake throw the ball in yeah see if we can tire her out because she's always full of energy look she's waiting for a command very easy to do something she's very good last night you did the old steak trick there's really pegs yeah yeah trick wise she knows what she knows the sit down lie down poor high five but she also knows the role so you can get to roll over you can get her to balance a biscuit or a piece of steak like last night on her nose and she's there she waits through waiting and it's balancing on a nose until you give it a command and then she flicks it in the air and catches it we go these pancakes go do it alright well we've made up a pancake mix in this plastic bottle quite a thick mix I'm going to pour it like this once we've got a quite thick pancake there I'm not gonna use this tool I just spread it around and we'll leave that for a few minutes and give it a flip it's a nonstick pan these pans are really good remember pancakes don't have to be round not the words anyway not in the woods it's all in the flavor sown in the taste so we are we trying to leave that for a little bit place that there okay to mix and then added an egg and some water and just in the bottle shake up you don't need an electric mixer and mix so you don't need a hand mixer you just need something like a bottle to put it in give you five minutes of shaking it make sure the lids on five minutes of shaking it and it turns into a lovely thick thick ish batter which is what you want for a pancake mixer you can see here already it's starting to lift up see you there it's starting to lift look nonstick perfect we need a little bit more colour and we're going to flip it and then add some chocolate and some vanilla
Oh only 16 16 pancakes here we go at the banana so I just had a bit of a line of banana maybe yeah and then we just sprinkled on the top nice chocolate dark chocolate of course was the best look at that my mouth drooling ready we give it a few minutes I'm gonna fold the sides in once we get a bit of color to the sides underneath here in the meantime that can sit tight and warm up and melt start to melt by the time we fold it all the heat going in warm up that banana warm up the chocolate we will end up biting into a lovely soft warm banana a melted chocolatey pancake eating us there okay this one pancake excited is an understatement right now that's a proper breakfast that is yeah chocolate banana pancake Oh absolute beast or the pancake oh that chocolate banana combo it reminds me of traveling in Thailand you would always would always buy these chocolate banana pancakes even for breakfast oh they just go down so well anytime a day anytime of years well ready mmm winter summer spring like great time great autumn actually a big great time for pancakes in it in the autumn morning I was thinking what we could have done was collected a few blackberries mmm maybe made like a very simple blackberry jam and that could have gone over the top maybe a replacement yeah the chocolate or banana sweet as well a bit of sweetness
either way it's great it's all about just trying to try to push yourself out of your comfort zone get out the you know your normal routine of cooking the same food when you're out camping and think what do I like cooking at home what do I like cooking what do I like to eat when I go to restaurant well how can I mix the two how can I bring the two together be a bit adventurous yeah push the boat out push yourself to the edge and try something different it might work it might not work but when it does work you really appreciate it this beats porridge yeah a dried porridge bread like my little packet porridge that I have in the mornings for example and like last night's steak yeah it was a bit over the top but it was damn good it tasted an amazing and it was better than a boring what I find it's got powering like a pastor or you know a boil-in-the-bag yeah you know that kind of food spend a few more a few more pounds a few more dollars and really get some luxury food and you will really appreciate it it's good advice guys it's good advice enough chatting back to my pancake well Dustin thanks so much mate no worries bro appreciate it we've had some incredible food it's been a really good overnighter obviously we've had amber with us which has been awesome and the you know
Dustin's right when he says about going out there and trying something different trying to cook up something different use the same techniques that you do at home but just apply it and adapt it and come and cook over an open fire because it really is something else yeah and also if you're interested in this kind of thing
go and check Dustin's courses out west country bushcraft Cody at UK and the fire Pistons that he was using earlier bushcraft tools calm he does some awesome skills and things on his course as well I highly recommend them I hope you guys have enjoyed this video I've certainly have fun I've got a full belly it's been brilliant it's been brilliant obviously great again it's been yeah it's been amazing really enjoyed it and hopefully you guys enjoyed it hopefully you took something away from this maybe a few tips maybe even a few cooking tips and a few recipes I'll definitely be back here with Dustin we're going to come back I probably come back in a few weeks time we've got some really good ideas for the channel so if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button hit that like button and don't forget the a outlaws merchandise as well if you'd like to support the channel linked in the description [Music]
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing
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- How to Light a Campfire with Natural Materials and a Ferro Rod
- Bushcraft Camp Update 7 - Cooking Set-up | TAOutdoors
- Hiking in the Rain with my Dog - Warm Fire, Knife Work and Coffee at The Bushcraft Camp
- How to attract wild birds to your garden | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 6 - THE FIRE PIT!! | TA Outdoors
- Easy to make Boot Remover | TAOutdoors
- Making a Leather Tinder Pouch by Hand
- How to make a Recycled Pallet Wood Coat Hanger & Mirror | TA Outdoors
- I Need To Get This Off My Chest...
- One Stick Fire CHALLENGE - Boiling Water with ONE STICK ONLY!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 4 - Perimeter Walls Finished! | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Shelters - Tree Root Shelter with no tools | TA Outdoors
- Make a Boat Bookshelf from Pallet Wood | TA Outdoors
- BUSHCRAFT: Den Building Diaries Part 1 - Natural Shelter | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Portable Sawing Horse, Table and Log Collecting Tips | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft - Using an Ancient Saw on Logs + Cooking on the Fire at Camp
- How to cut wood | TA Outdoors
- How to make a Picket Gate from Pallet Wood | TAOutdoors
- 4 Day Solo Wild Camping Adventure in the Mountains
- Awesome Lamb Race!! | TAOutdoors
- Shooting - The Shooter's Stew | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp 2 - Wood Cooking Tripod, Latrine, Axe, Knife & Cooking on the Campfire
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Fresh Fish on the Grill at The Bushcraft Camp
- Coastal Foraging For Beginners - LATE SUMMER | TAOutdoors
- Survival Tips - How to Kill, Fillet and Cook Fish | TAFishing
- Primitive Shark-Tooth Knife! Gutting and Preparing Fish at the Bushcraft Camp
- Fishing & Bushcraft - Catch, Cook, Fillet and Solo Overnight Wild Camping in the Forest
- One Man Tent Review - Yellowstone Matterhorn | TA Outdoors
- Taking my Dog and my Girlfriend to The Bushcraft Camp + Subscriber Gifts!
- Fishing: Catch n Cook in a CAVE & CAVE EXPLORING!
- Making a Mood Lamp from reclaimed Pallet Wood | TA Outdoors
- New Bushcraft Campsite Permission!
- Fishing & Bushcraft - Catch, Kill & Cook on a Campfire
- Making a Bushcraft Chopping Log | TA Outdoors
- DIY Survival Container from Recycled Bottle Caps! | TA Outdoors
- Solo Camping in the Forest - Fire Reflector, Tarp, Camp Fire, Axe and Knife Work
- Bushcraft Camp Update 10 - Natural Shelter expansion, Camp Construction, Axe, Knife & Saw work
- My Top 3 Fishing Knots - Strong, Reliable and ones that YOU NEED TO KNOW | SHED SUNDAY EP. 2
- New Bushcraft Camp Construction - Site Clearing, Firepit & Bacon Breakfast
- How to clean a Shotgun | TA Outdoors
- NO WAY! My Dad has taken over my Bushcraft Camp!!
- Overnight Hammock Camping in the Woods - Camp Fire, Tarp, Knife and Camp Tips
- Bushcraft Burden Strap | TA Outdoors
- Solo Bushcraft Camp in a Bug Infested Forest - Giant Ants, Spiders and Mosquito
- Axe Madness! Using 7 different Axes & Hatchets in the Woods + Camp Fire Cooking
- How to use a Woodburning Stove | TA Outdoors
- Wilderness Gathering 2016 | TAOutdoors
- Shooting Targets from The Hunting Tower at The Bushcraft Camp
- How to service an oil lamp | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Backpack Review - Snugpak Stamina | TAOutdoors
- Epic Camping & Survival Gear Giveaway!
- Shooting - Scoping a Deer Rifle | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft Fire Lighting: Birch Bark Fire | TA Outdoors
- The Dangers of Shotgun Shooting at Close Range | TA Outdoors
- How to cook fish - Pan fried and baked Whiting | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 9 - FIRE, SHELTER, COOKING & LOG STORE!!
- Epic Airgun Range!! | TAOutdoors
- Pike on a Bike! - Pike fishing tips | TAOutdoors Show
- 3 Day Camping Trip with my new Puppy! | TAOutdoors
- Day Camp - Hammock, Tarp and Chill in the Woods!
- How to Upholster a Chair -Simple and Easy! | TAOutdoors
- Hunting Dogs - Working The Woodland | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 8 - Raised Camp Bed | TAOutdoors
- How to make Survival Fire with natural oil | TA Outdoors
- How to make a Plant Pot Stand from Pallet Wood | TAOutdoors
- How to build a FREE Garden Table from recycled pallet wood | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Knife Review - TBS Boar | TA Outdoors
- Clay Shooting at Bisley - Behind the Scenes of the Traps!
- 10 Knots for Bushcraft & Camping - How To Tie Knots | SHED SUNDAY EP. 3
- Bahco Laplander Folding Saw Review and Test | TA Outdoors
- Shotgun Silencer | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Shelters - The A Frame Shelter | TA Outdoors
- How to build a LOG STORE with PALLET WOOD! Cheap, Simple & Easy! | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Shelter - Campfire, Long Hike with my Dog, Folding Wood Stove
- Catch n Cook - Spit Roast TIGER TROUT at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking Steak on the Grill at The Bushcraft Camp - Log Cabin Fire, Wood Splitting.
- Overnight Solo Camp in a Canvas Tent - Bushcraft, Axe Work & Campfire
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Smoked Fish at the Log Fort Camp
- Bushcraft Camp Update 12 - Wood Roof Kitchen, Overnight Camp & Perimeter Wall Expansion
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Pan Fried Fish on the Fire at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking on a Campfire in the Forest with my Dog.
- My First Aid Kit for Bushcraft, Fishing & Wild Camping
- Winter Camping in a Hobbit Tent and a Woodstove
- Building a Bushcraft Camp in the Forest - Wood Saw Horse, Tarp Chair, Log Cabin Notches
- Shooting with Shotguns and Air Rifles - Forest & Field
- Building an Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Free Pallet Wood - A Wilderness Project
- Winter Hot Tenting Alone in the Forest with a Canvas Tent and a Woodstove
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin Build in the Forest for Free - Wood Floor, Wall & Frame Structure
- Log Cabin Life: First Night in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- One-Man Off Grid Cabin using Free Recycled Pallet Wood - Roof & Front Porch Build
- Log Cabin Life: Alone with my Dog in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- Building an Imperfect Cabin in the Wilderness for Free - Recycled Pallet Wood Project
- Bushcraft ft. ALEC STEELE - Fire Lighting, Steak, Axe work - Epic Day at The Camp!
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Recycled Pallet Wood - Woodstove Cooking & Log Store
- Cabin Life: Snow at the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin - Unboxing Mail
- Bushcraft Camp Update 13 - Primitive Shelter, Fire Pit Cooking, Overnight Camp
- Primitive Survival Shelter Build with Bare Hands - No Tools Needed
- Recycled Pallet Wood Cabin Build: An Off Grid Wilderness Project
- Off Grid Tiny Cabin: Pallet Wood Projects & Cast Iron Grill Cooking
- Building an Off Grid Cabin for Free to Save Money - Woodstove & Pallet Wood Bed
- Coastal Trip - Wild Plants, Bushcraft, Scouting for Fishing Marks & Channel Update
- Off Grid Log Cabin: Recycled Pallet Wood Project - Roof Extension & Sink
- Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Fire, Shelter, Axe, Cooking Fish
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Build from Start to Finish.
- 3 Day Solo Winter Snow Camp - Bushcraft, Canvas Tent, Woodstove, Bowdrill
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Opening Subscriber Gifts & Coffee Vibes
- Primitive Fishing with Horse Hair and a Bamboo Rod - Catching Fish with a Stick
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Picket Fence Build & Woodstove Cooking
- My Dog's First Time in The Snow + Truck Update - New Mods
- Bushcraft & Blacksmithing: How To Make a Bushcraft Knife with ALEC STEELE
- Cabin Life: Unboxing Fan Mail in the Cabin with my Dog (Incredible Gifts!)
- Forging with ALEC STEELE: Hammer Technique, How To Forge for the First Time
- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)