Camp Cooking at the Bushcraft Shelter on the Fire Pit and Grill
I went back to the Bushcraft Camp with my Dad. This time we cooked up the best Burger I've ever had! Did some tinder fungus fire lighting and Dad made an epic grill for the fire pit. Camp is developing well now! Much more to do still.
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Camp Update 9 -
Camp Update 8 -
Camp Update 7 -
Camp Update 6 -
Camp Update 5 -
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Camp Update 3 -
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Camp Update 1 -
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Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,Cooking,Camp,Shelter,natural shelter,solo,alone,camp cooking,burger,axe,knife,saw,hot dog,camp food,wild food,foraging,survival tips,solo bushcraft,winter,fire,fire pit,grill,pot hanger,forest,woods,woodsman,taoutdoors,totally awesome outdoors
Video Transcription
so I've been using a lot of birch bark because it's damp it's been damp lately and it's dead easy to get fire going with the birch bark but today I'll just bought a single crank ball fungus or dog denier Concentra curses Latin name is called it's called that because of the concentric lines or just what I tend to do is with all the cramped balls that I use I just shave off a little bit of the base of the funghi here and that you've done if you can see that with there's lots of lines around the like a circle almost like a tree and that's the concentric lines hence why it's called linear concentric ax also known as King Alfred's cakes because they look like the cake that King Alfred burnt when the Danes were invading England which wasn't I think called England then that's what Alfred of Wessex was fighting for it to be cool but you can see there because I've shaved away that kind of outer layer a bit I've actually these lighter brown parts here these are the parts that will take a spark much easier because they're dryer okay
they have quite a distinctive smell they don't smell too good but that will burn quite well now and smolder for a long time so I added lots of oxygen to begin with and now I can just gently blow taking care not to breathe in too much of the smoke okay I'll let that smolder at which point I can get some dried tinder which I'm going to use today is some Bracken dead Bracken okay got that ember going there that's going out so you find I've got some dried Bracken here racking you generally take sir takes a spark and ember quite well just make sure it's dry all I'm going to do is curve it into a bird's nest shape and just with my thumb just poke a hole in it there literally like a bird's nest and that hole you can't really see it but that hole is where I'm going to place this the cramp ball and then I'm just going to gently fold down the edges because these are the parts that are going to take all it is now is just a case of blowing for as long as you can and keeping the oxygen level as accurate and as basically as you could have imagined it like blowing through a straw you want to locate all that oxygen keep it located directly on the finders itself
well smoke a lot so ABS you had a breath turn your head to the side to get some fresh air rather than smoke and then breathe in
against mogees take my hat off get some other dry bracken some sticks well I'm looking forward to having a cook in here but if might thinks I'm eating off the ash no I'm not some weirdo that doesn't like eating bacteria back to you I've certain sources good for you but I'd like not to eat half the fire as well so I've made him up this it's a grill I've made out some mesh of course you need to reload the fiber you're gonna be cooking over embers but when you put it down you got to move it just get two sticks like that one in each gap there bring them together by your hand and I can lift that on and off the fire dead easy it fits it fits measured that we're going to cook some burgers on I think now last time we came we did a night shot and does helping Mike doing the fill me with that and I just spotted this in dusk there are no idea what it is look guys I'm no bushcraft I've been out the bush plenty of times but I'm not why I called a bushcrafter there I assumed because it was rolled off a log is the root system there so what is that I mean I want to call it some sort of puff ball all right enjoying puff ball Ricky's a jolly Apple is it one we can sort of burst stamp on or does it explode I don't know somewhere edible you guide on the in this one I'll stick with it I'll stick with my grille open this on the grill you guys out there tell us what you think that one is getting some Piney duty in there whatever go I've sorted out my pointy dirty ain't dad's going for a traditional builders they aren't you dad yeah mines gonna have a tea bag in it gonna have a sir if I'm using the same care as you the same Billy it's gonna have a bit of a taint to it yeah well guys I'm just here basically updating my little lobster log store here because in the last video we did look slightly slanted and I haven't actually finished it from my camp update videos so I just made a couple of steaks which are going to have all the logs along here tie a little off and then the physics of it all should still be supported on itself then generally when you're hitting steaks and stuff with an axe I always put the sheath on just in case the axe head flies off this is just a little bit safer although a pound head is still going to do some damage you can sham for off these edges or bevel them to stop the stick mushrooming but I'm not too bothered because it's fairly hard with this well I've got a couple of nice burgers here it's dead easy to bring and bring them in the container or you can get them in a bit of cooking oil let's pop those on there and the other thing I've got a bit of broken gonna put those in some BAPS here and if you do go specially in the summer which is rare in England we do get warm weather occasionally just get the air out them and see them up otherwise they go dry you know if you if you've got a long walk to your camp or you're out a long day they will dry out and I've got some slices gonna have on top of that cheeseburger and then Wow a bacon cheeseburger bit of bacon as well scared obviously obviously the meats gonna take longer to cook the bacon mighty I think let's take a trip take that puppy out looks like that he's gonna be boiling there get a styling so I can drop my tea bag in there and then these guys going to start to cook and then I'll put the bacon on there as well now there's different areas I feel this area is hotter it's slightly hotter we just feed it with my hand so it's up to you you know where you're gonna actually do most of your cooking I think back here where are we know here on that hand back this in its going to be the commune spot we give it a go look it's all experiment I might actually cut that down and drop it down lower it's all a try out but I got feel it's better than cooking straight on the ash now we're not being fishing on long days get yourself some little containers like this you can get me those sort pair lamb chops all the wife actually got these over in New York I don't want you guys in America call this we call them Poundland you guys must call them dollar land I don't know but you can put the sugar if you take sugar and the tea bags in the same one put the sugar in the bottom tea bags in the top then if I drop a tea bag in there
everything's sealed everything straw I'm free you just pop that in there like that
that's really akin I count about five minutes
another thing is a tip of teabags is oh listen we're English we know about tea give it at least five minutes it infuses I can't spell it fuckin say it infuses all the flavors of the teabag I was told if you do it in a minute or two get the bag thrown out you haven't got the full properties of that tea in there it won't taste the same even good five minutes and it must of course be boiling water hey we're English we know about tea I just lay that on this it normally doesn't take as long as the burgers as big a meat bigger stakes as you can create this around the edge of that Cajun thinking oh it'll burn the edges as well you know you can get that cooked this is gonna be a jumbo I'm calling this guy the totally awesome bushcraft burger well these burgers are doing at recurs it's like a salt is died down to like charcoal fires you know proper barbecue the smell here is unbelievable it is ridiculously good I don't know how fire travels is probably every predator known to man out here the few we have going England but the bacon is on the go now the tea was unbelievable warden am I so good it was so good just saying maybe it's because I left it right him while he was still boiling boiling yet rather than pour a boiling water into a tea pour a cup and it drops a few degrees and put the teabag in it went into the boiling water and that's what I was told it has to be boiling water because it was an amazing cup of tea or juice coming out of that one let's get our cheese on that won't take long to melt I know you can see ouch
as beautiful golden cook right through cheese's on I've got the buns here the BAPS they're warming up as well and to finish it off you can't go without this look little container of ketchup well guys well that's just putting the cheese on the burgers there I just thought I'd tell you show you a little thing that I made and this is the small bowl that goes in the Billy can I've got ten centimeter zipper Billy and there's actually a video that I've made on how to make this is basically a little DIY storage container I think the video is called DIY survival storage container or something from bottle caps I'll pop a link into the video description so you guys can see it but all it is is two bottle caps from a coca-cola bottle with a piece of basically plastic or card dividing the two caps underneath on one side I have pepper and this is all sealed shut so it's kind of you know this is bottle caps are designed to keep the water or the liquid in the bottle so it's all completely sealed and waterproof in the other side I have the salt I'm going to put some pepper on my burger I don't to put too much pepper on just hold my finger there do you want a bit yeah I'll go for it why not why not indeed yes a bushcraft bow guys anything awesome look at that oh I can smell that pepper yeah what you know these grains with your fire Orson my guys ketchups on got to move quickly now like all chef people do rolls are nice and warm bacon on two bits of bacon each there is none less awesomely big old burger got it upside down there I'm not the mother in tomates gonna get not gonna turn it up that way there's the lid sold that ones is so hot these embers I'm really pleased with this grill thing this very good an absolute dream
very good two burgers beaks honest oh this is good this looks good guys this must be better than aging half the ash in the fire trust me I still like char girls stuff burger
mmm that's not bad that is unbelievable that is incredible that is really tasty we study about the tea in the last shot we were talking about it I wonder if it is the fact that is popper open fire yeah I can only speak for here in the modern society we have gas we have electric we have microwaves yes you cook stuff
it is not tasting is it our food doesn't taste the same as this maybe it's the smoke as well hmm it's that natural ash my wood smoke and of course the industry hmm do any of you guys out there have a special recipe for a bush cough bugger yeah we're talking outdoor bushcraft camping guys we know we know you Americans and Canadians have got some of the best meat ever we know that when we go over Florida traveling around with a lot of herbs our meats a shame cause that food was spot on we're going to be let the fire burn down but first listen we keep getting emails don't even people are really interested in the bush craft show that Mike's doing this might show you know not mine I'm just turning up to eat the food but we got one from a friend I head down fishing who haven't seen like 14 years his name's Jerry eater England he's after York and just out the blue he was in my garage when we finish fishing and I said I've got a load of old knifes he start I talk I'll dump them and he said no no I'll take them away and I'll make something and he sent me this you'd probably be able to just about see that there it's just literally kitchen no but he's made like a sort of bone handle to it and he's also handmade the sheath there with all the eyelets you can put it in too and he's given me as I know like a leather strop is what's used for sort of finally honing the edges tightly cutting the edge off or putting a really really sharp edge on it so he said little he's made a piece of bill I hope it's not his belt knees and his pence fall down but there is so that you can always sharpen it on site and he's got this toggle bit but I don't know that is what was that I'd say that's to put it on to your belt it's like a loop you put it through the loop of your belt off your trousers your hip yeah unlatch it okay so see what he says about say say did you guys never know other guys say what we want to send you stuff on that but Jerry many ways he knows where we are he said in he says firstly it has a sushi slash chisel knife grind that is a 20 or so degree grind on one side and a zero
/ flat grind on the others like a chisel this makes for a very sharp edge which is easily maintained by stropping hence the bit of leather attached to the sheath and the little pop strapping compound in the bag with the stones which we didn't bring with we giving that with us yeah you only need a very small dab to keep it loaded when stropping hold the flat side flush against the straw and the other about 20 degrees 10 to 20 strokes each side should keep its carry sharp secondly the sheath has been treated with walnut oil and beeswax to preserve and make it water-resistant this made it a little soft until the oil and wax set when taking the knife out of the sheath push down from the top and slide the sheath slide off the sheath I've sprinkled some talc inside to make this easier the toggle is in place of a loop and can be used to attach the sheath to the belt shirt or whatever you
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
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- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)