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  • Primitive Shark-Tooth Knife! Gutting and Preparing Fish at the Bushcraft Camp

Primitive Shark-Tooth Knife! Gutting and Preparing Fish at the Bushcraft Camp


My Dad just made a primitive knife using real shark teeth from the Jaws of a Tiger Shark that he caught many years ago (Yes the shark was eaten!). We took the knife to the Bushcraft Camp to test it out and see what it was capable of. We even cut up some mackerel and cooked it on the fire (how ironic - using shark teeth to cut up Mackerel!) Hope you enjoy it folks!

My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taoutdoorofficial/

More Bushcraft videos:

Solo Overnight at the Bushcraft Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7jikEUXTGc

Solo Camping under a Tree Root: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2370u9UoBgI

Bushcraft Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR

If you wish to send me stuff:

Mike Pullen

PO Box 7466


RG27 7NA

Tags: primitive,survival,kill,hunt,hunting,knife,primitive technology,survival food,surviving,alone,wild,wilderness,trap,trapping,fish,fishing,gutting,how to fillet,filleting,bushcraft,bushcraft camp,bug out camp,bushcraft shelter,natural shelter,primitive tools,primitive bow,primitive knife

Video Transcription

hi guys welcome to the outdoors we are here at the bushcraft camp if you want to see how I built this camp by the way check out my bushcraft playlist on YouTube we have got a nice cup of tea one of my cooks said dad dad's got one it is a ultra old-school ancient cup picnic basket just think that one yet we've got the fire going and we've got the tea boiling Ralpha some or two later we're English we are in listen we could have more than one cup all about tea here we've also got the dog who's now tearing up a stick here in camp we bring him every now and then to the camp and sometimes he enjoys it sometimes he just wants a bit of food really but put that gree down yeah now got a little bit of a surprise listen I'm not a bushcrafter I am just somebody who likes going out in the woods do a bit of camping bit of cooking and join the outdoors I reckon there's millions of you out there but I sort of got caught up in I wonder what this is when you would hey my can seen this

you're not even hiding it from me on the way to anything it's taking me a while I'm not sure if this is the only thing in existence we are talking basic primitive we are not talking making an implement let's say in a forest situation just don't forget there's going to be bushcraft and survival etc in desert areas hot water tropics tropics me sunshine fish big fish wait you see there's a nice climate in no way shark teeth tiger shark - shark teeth that is awesome are these from when you caught about 30 odd years ago you have one when the jaws I had in the garage of the jaws as you do listen and the jewels just like fell to pieces I've got several shark tools that have been preserved and we take a release most of our sharks in fact all of them now but this is like 35 years ago and the skipper wanted to bring one in I guess they sell them I don't know years ago and I just don't like wasting anything so I thought are such a shame because although the jaw breaks down the teeth doh yeah O'Malley Hartley and I up I made it out of wood I've stained it a true bushcraft color have you done a film on it if you made well so we don't episode on how to make this is something guys yeah yeah but we're going to test it out because I think that is awesome it cuts trust me is a shark they bite 2,000 pounds per square inch some of them or some ridiculous figure and these are serrated Asian teeth on here it would only cut I feel one way yeah now guys I've tried it a couple of times

it's brightened me really oh sure I don't want to push it the other way because I've glued these all in here cut a groove in the wood but put the teeth in there let's show you a piece of paper and I'll show you if it will cut through a piece of paper what do you think Mike it's already on first craft knives it's strange because it doesn't feel sharp but I can feel the serrated teeth yes that many tiny loads of mini serrated teeth on the actual teeth themselves so it's only worth a try I think will it cut the paper how many is that water paper it's just yes make progress you see the cutter oh gee that's pretty sure I'm only pulling that if I press hard shred it

so I'm Wolverine that's gone through the first sheet there okay yeah okay folks 1 so 3 oh that's awesome I know I didn't get that shot six seven eight nine I've gone through nine and I'm only using that I'm gonna use a finger pressure like you use on a one-nighter cup I don't think it will cut that way I'm spreading a little bit coming off the floor oh no you and I haven't done legs I do I didn't basically want to break the teeth of it guys if it work I know you know what the heck do I do I try okay off with her head I still the old lady's head rule child is in it that's a serious cause as well resource both language I'm knowing absolutely amazing sorry about that mrs. but oh god it's gone through her twice director idea by Drita's house whole newspapers rectum by 30 pages there's 40 pages Wow 50 pages that's amazing 50 pages and his marks 70 pages thick but even better than that guys I've got one of these so here we are I've got one of these now you might think which all right come through paper it's going to be much use practically is it it is not I'm going to be exceedingly a little roll much later someone down here this little dog where is he apparently even at it gets our guys is a macro which we're going to cook and eat if I don't if we're going to cook and eat this I've got a fair chance if I slip I'm going to cook and eat my fingers as well go away dog yeah he smells it oh my god cuts it is cutting it I'm barely touching it though I'm barely touching it that's amazing oh you know what oh good I'm gonna take the guts out of this anyway look just go to watch out because someone's right there I'm right here who likes ducks floor fish that's what I call a survival dog hey Leslie's a Jack Russell we would survive so now we're going to get this set up Leon I was going to cook your whole but you know I'm gonna try and cut that head off at Wayne country bone not my bro hopefully no way asshole country 46 hours

well it says literally it looks like a publisher I won't give it to the wife to wash but as you can see it's gone through bone gristle fish everything one thing to do with this in the frying pan let's not waste it well guys I saw its burned down it feels very very hot and you can see that fish is cooked there how hot look for that beautiful white meat underneath and you really get better tasting fish so no mackerel

mmm it's only smells fishy smells good mackerel you can put lemon on this sometimes well Jacob Riis you could bring that one with you if we drop it the dogs don't have net that's good primitive eating and primitive cutting but effective mmm mmm a little tip here guys I think a lot but people know about it I made this out a piece of sink waste pipe put a code of metal on the end of tape - it is unbelievable for a reload - the fire when it's low like this is obviously we've eaten the fish I'll just blow this gently one breath

well after MIT down pretty used to the Scandi grind noise you sort of standard bushcraft knives but I am really impressed with that that is or could be the ultimate in primitive technology you tell us what you think could you make one yourself what would you use for cutting implements


About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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