Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
Join us as we build another pallet wood project at the off grid cabin in the forest. Head to for a free 30 day trial and free audiobook or text "taoutdoors" to 500-500. Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video!
Build a vegetable bed using free recycled wood to save money. With spring around the corner, we start to focus on the garden and growing vegetables. For this we build a raised vegetable bed from pallet wood. Using pallets that we have reclaimed from various industrial estates and supermarkets, we nailed together a frame and lined the bottom with recycled plastic cement bags. We then dug some top soil from the surrounding forest and put that in the vegetable bed, with the addition of a peat soil layer on top of this. Using some recycled plastic from a mattress cover, we created an apex roof to the wood frame and used some battening to keep the plastic polytunnel cover tight. By creating the polytunel this way, it helps to prevent deer and other mammals and birds from taking the plants or vegetables, and it also keeps a more consistent temperature inside to help plants grow better. The Off-Grid wilderness homestead is developing each time we come, and we are looking forward to growing our own vegetables and learning more about living off the land. As well as growing vegetables, there are also a number of wild plants in the area which we will begin to forage once the warmer spring weather sets in. The garden will also be expanded and we are looking to build more at the cabin. We feel this is a great project for those who cannot afford to, or do not have the space to build a Log Cabin in the woods. By using recycled pallet wood, you can recycle the nails and build a cabin for free. It's a great way to be money smart and save over the long term. Thanks for joining us on the adventure, stay tuned for the next episode soon - Mike & Graeme
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Tags: pallet wood,cabin,off grid,off grid cabin,vegetable bed,garden,forest,build,raised vegetable bed,pallet wood projects,log cabin,wilderness,homestead,homesteading,spring,recycled materials,diy,save money,cheap,cabin life,tiny house,tiny home,bushcraft,survival,wilderness living,living off the land,rustic cabin,nature,asmr,how to grow vegetables,polytunnel,diy polytunnel,reclaimed wood,soil,plants,log cabin build,ta outdoors
Video Transcription
hey guys thanks very much for clicking on the video mic here from ta outdoors you're about to watch pallet wood cabin episode 10 where I wrote a new project with dad using recycled pallet wood but before we begin the episode I'd like to say a huge thank you to our sponsor for this video which is audible I've been listening to audio books on audible for a few years now most of the time I'll listen to audible in the truck or in the car on long journeys up to different campsites and things like that but lately I've been struggling to get sleep at night and that's because I'm editing on the computer a lot I'm always on the computer trying to edit videos and I've got one of those very active brains and I find it hard to switch off so what I found is by listening to an audio book maybe an hour or so before I go to bed it really helps me to wind down and switch off and with the benefit of being able to listen to a book rather than read it it's less strain on my eyes and it just helps me to shut down at night I'm a huge fan of JRR tolkien who wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy
I'm a big fan of those I've been trying to find books that are as similar or as close to Lord of the Rings and all the kind of Harry Potter fantasy as possible and it's been fairly difficult but I've managed to find one lately that's been absolutely riveting I've been listening to it for about two weeks now really just for a few hours each night it's called in the name of the wind and the author is Patrick Rothfuss on audible it's narrated or read by Rupert Degas and the story itself is so compelling it's one of those that the opening scenes you were just hooked straight away and he's got such a calming voice that for me it really helps me to get to sleep at night the best part is the main character he's called clove and it's similar to Harriet is kind of a mix of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings mixed into one in the sense that it's about Grove this main character going to like a magic University's going to university to study magic and he's an apprentice almost really and he learns actually things similar to blacksmithing and things like that there's also this dark element and this deeper story to it of this dark force that's around so perhaps you guys may have heard of it if you have let me know he's written two books of the trilogy so far the third book hasn't mean there's been an eight-year gap
still not written the third book because he's trying to write wind up this story and finish it as I see huge range of genres on portable as well lots of things for the outdoor community things like bushcraft and survival there's books up there on that so audible are actually offering you guys my subscribers a free 30-day trial and a free audio book if you go to 'you and what fiscal you a healthier you the way that you can improve yourself there's a huge genre and different range of books on audible so once again thanks to audible for sponsoring this video remember get your free 30-day trial and free audiobook by going to a vendetta so ten previously on the pallet wood cabin build we built a simple picket fence by cutting notches using hand tools by making the picket fence this way we maximize the use of the whole pallet and we can use the offcut as a border for a flowerbed
this is also a very fast and efficient way of making a fence we then fired up the wood stove and cooked up some bacon and eggs to reward us for a hard day's work I then went out into the woods in search of some natural materials to put on top of the tin roof in the hope that it will help to improve the heat efficiency of the cabin however we are still undecided on this area I am thinking a layer of moss which would help to insulate the cabin and give it a more aesthetic look but let us know your thoughts on this in the comment section below join us now for episode 10 as we stick with the theme of this pallet wood project and build a raised vegetable bed ready to grow some plants in spring [Music]
so what seasonings nice no gourmet meal today guys we are keeping it simple bean sausages some steak spice with well pepper and garlic steak spice really nice dose with pretty much everything we've got lots of building to do today say we weren't too focused about cooking up a gourmet meal and get it all looking nice we just wanted to cook up something that was relatively fast to cook because we are coming into spring soon and today's building project is focusing on a spring well garden really isn't it poorly done yeah polytunnel everything stay tuned
underwater vice critics put that apex holy cow boy oh yes what I've been looking for this is what I call no it's a piece of fool's gold after I discovered gold I forgot the Klondike of England then I watch too many of them gold programs
well here we are folks at badges wrists and this is a version a version of a polytunnel
which is normally a great big hoop thing we've made ours out of pallet wood I started the bottom for using very very big pieces of pallet wood this is probably three inches square and some of these are three by two they're the actual stretcher-bearers that are on the larger pallets because this is gonna take a bucket load of weight and the reason I've raised it off the deck like this is because of the little bunny rabbits that come around here and could be eating our lettuces Tomatoes whatever we want to grow in there so we've raised it up off the ground allows a good bit of air circulation we put some plastic in the base there to try retain a little bit of moisture inside but obviously any excess rains gonna run out of here but hang on guys that's good what is there gonna be any excess rain because we have this plastic here we can roll this back we can actually access the entire bed here we've saved it all for using a Victorian sip here well it looks Victorian to me I've had it 50 years I think I think it belonged to my grandfather
probably his father as well but basically we saved all the stones out of it all the bits of tree roots got our base soil in there and then from a different area we've gone we've got some peat
so this is very very fine Pete here this is good stuff basically water gonna make some compost to go in here as well now the reason that down there that we've actually places here is because those of you watched the early pallet cabin build will remember that we came Ashley with a compass and directed the base here south-facing oh that sunshine is something else we won't have it tomorrow that's for sure so we decided to build this here so over goes the plastic sheet held by this weight of wood we also don't have to bend down strain our backs if we're gonna do any weeding or anything like that the plastic over the top retains a moisture
keeps the temperature up and hopefully keeps the deer from getting their noses on our lettuces or whatever we grow in fact and this piece of plastic yes is also free this was well it was covering a new mattress that might had delivered to his house I thought that's pretty tough plastic guys I've got a use for that I knew exactly where I was gonna put it we also put a ridge along the top here so we don't have a flat piece of plastic though the rain can fall long put a big bell in it too much weight from the rain it'll split the plastic so we've got a ridge here the water to run off the side now when you first look at it you might have thought my god what are they make in it looks like a coffin and this one's large enough to be what we call a coffin too far that's right it can take two for one it's the discount you get from the totally awesome well outdoors show and perhaps coffee makers I don't know well could be a decent weather and we really had that reddit downpour yeah bit of bit of rain and we got a load of snowmelt here and the thing is guys just call me a better parent isn't it yeah the beast from the east is due to come back to the UK and bring more snow which is very late in the year now for snow isn't it we have snow in April before yeah gasping yeah Dustin he's gonna be sub-zero family yeah so yeah that'd be interesting talk about this later in theory but every time guys theory time is back we are bringing back theory time who remembers theory time from the old videos some of our very old loyal subscribers will remember Theory time which we placed right at the end of the video and it would be anything wacky crazy theory that we would come up with and we'd actually get input from you guys on what your opinions were on it it's just an opinion thing isn't it there's a chance for everyone to just pour out their opinions on what they think of this certain theory I think they asked when we did the last cabin unboxing what about a couple of three bags every time back yeah talking about boxing people out there I haven't gone unboxing I've got me a man's word I got me and I'm bottling I'm like that in the sense that I know those loads of craft beers out there loads of IPAs and I do like them I mean that's so you know that's probably gonna be really nice one but I personally love my real ales micro this of cask ales traditional cask ales that's what I really really like things like your doom bar you like Hobgoblin yeah
Becky's dogs a wonderful lady if you ever hear Charles have a drink of Betty's door Betty scoffs is good yeah right Hulk's bhakti what else is there that's my sort of ale is anyway the real hours the molds kind of multi or one tell these people that we're not alcoholics okay my wife has a glass of wine at night yeah I'm not drinking team bottles or 52 cans I just like the occasional bottle or pint in the pub like normal people do and a bottle of beer whatever we've had a hard day's work why shouldn't we reward ourselves don't shoot don't shoot I ever give you anything you want adds so much pressure on it that's your right I think that's been fermented I'm slightly a nice head to it with that foam I think that is nothing I would not want you serving me in a pasta cheers anyway cheers mate nice bit of work on the project don't know the patter work project done so here we go this is the first Theory time or 2018 it's been possibly eight months maybe since the last theory time I'd say about good eight six to eight months yeah you're definitely over six months so theory time is back and it's over - dad this time for this week's theory time it's to do is something I feel driver for the last five six years now when you have a picture of the globe on the map in the UK and weatherman shows I call them loops that's a high pressure in the winter now high pressure in the winter in the Northern Hemisphere means cold weather it's clear it's freezing it's frosty then you get low pressure which in the winter is mild we're in a moist with the airstream we're in maritime chimera time climate we're in that's right so these loops have been coming down with the jet stream like this up and down I'll show you looks like is not do not laugh
it is not somebody's birthday cake so here is not a current cake with icing on top this is my version of the planet Earth is a circle go to school there long like a Christmas pudding it's right believe you're not the equator goes across the middle of our planet but it's not quite maybe there one of those beers not too low there is right these are the loops here up is the Arctic there's England obviously America dancing isn't okay just to give a generalization sure but you can't hear the cold air in blue the warm air in red okay now these come around for years and years and years in what I call loops they come down in a loop like that the cold air comes down a huge loop goes over what sort of Nova Scotia area north east coast of America round there and they get some bad weather a VD had some bad weather this last winter as we have then it comes out with a warm loop which is the Gulf Stream okay is to actually called the North Atlantic drift which is a finger the Gulf Stream and that's warm then it comes down and we're on the edge of that finger of the Gulf Stream the finger of the North Atlantic drift it goes up and down across us what Australia it has the same reverse in Australia but it goes up hills Russia
okay so colder at the top it drops down in loops and you got all these loops now what's happening the ice caps are melting through global warming caused naturally or man-made whatever you want to think where do you want to believe the choice is yours it is it's coming on in there let's face it so my worry always was that one day these loops are going to collapse down bring cold in here because the ice caps are melting think of a glass of water whatever temperature it is the ambient room temperature drop an ice cube in it which is the the ice floes melting that temperature will go down so what's happening is all this fresh water is coming off the Arctic Antarctic both both directions both ends of the poles and what it's doing is cooling the Gulf Stream the Gulf Stream is changing therefore I think these loop are gonna change into this game England but as you can see those loops have collapsed the wall can't come up there is too much cold we're gonna have more I believe of these sort of I'm gonna call them
beast from the east mini Ice Ages because once those loops start collapsing then I believe that will be so cold it'll be hard for the warm weather to come up here what are your guys that's Graham's theory I've generally generally believe that theory we want to know your opinions in the comment section get them down I'm talking about low pressure here warm high pressure there they move around on the jet stream but over the last few years
more and more they've been collapsing over northern Canada over the states and northern parts of the states all the way across across Russia across Siberia they've been collapsing my argument is once this warm bit in between America and the UK there that collapses that's going to leave that great big piece of glue they're gonna be very very cold guys thanks so much for watching this video we really appreciate it hope you've enjoyed our little Paulo wood project here if you're interested in general DIY projects and recycled well pallet wood projects we've done a whole playlist on the cabin build everything we've done at the cabin everything we've built there's a whole playlist I think this is episode 10 maybe I'll pop a link in the video description to that playlist so you can see everything that we've done thanks again to you audible for sponsoring this video don't forget your free 30-day trial and free audio book as a link in the video description below and don't you dare forget theory time I want to know what you think about my no not that current cake I wanna hear your theory about what on earth is happening to our weather patterns we will see you soon in the next episode for the Paulo and camomile's
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing:
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- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)