Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
We build a tiki bar using recycled pallet wood to add to our off grid cabin site in the forest. For the first part of the building process we break the pallets down in our garage, using power tools to help speed up the process as we wanted to build this whole project in one day. The pallets we reclaimed for free from various industrial sites. This helped us to save money. Once we had cut and measured the pallets to size, we began building some bar stools from parts of pallet wood. We then sized up the frame for the bar itself. With this part of the building completed, we carried the wood into the forest to start work on building the tiki bar itself. We nailed the basic frame together, and then put some timber support poles for the wood roof. Using wide pieces of pallet wood, we built the roof of the tiki bar using the simple frame that we had made. We then made a small floor area out the front of the bar.
With the main build complete, we added some willow screening to the front of the bar to make the pallets less visible. We then added a few small shelves to put bottles on.
With the tiki bar in the woods now complete, we got the campfire going and cooked up a bbq on the cast iron grill and cooking tripod. The meal was burgers with cheese, and chicken and chorizo kebabs on the grill. We finished off the episode with some theory time.
If you want to watch all the episodes of the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin Build then follow the playlist here:
The aim of this wilderness project was to build a small, one man tiny cabin from recycled pallet wood. The homestead site itself now has the pallet cabin complete with raised bed, woodstove, shelves, book case, folding table, plus a raised vegetable bed, front porch, bench, pallet picket fence and outdoor washing area.
Subscribe to our other Fishing YouTube Channel "TAFishing" here:
Tags: build,tiki bar,pallet wood,off grid,cabin,off grid cabin,recycled,forest,diy,do it yourself,wood,woodworking,pallets,pallet wood projects,cheap,free,save money,building,cabin build,frame,timber,roof,rustic,bbq,grill,cooking,how to,build a tiki bar,pallet wood tiki bar,power tools
Video Transcription
yes that's good health yep gesundheit don't know that sneezing in there to give barbecue yeah absolutely first meal and a tiki bar it is yeah what's this all she got there Jack Daniels sores try that done there's a barbecue sauce I liked it I'll try the more refined
I just realized us true HP Bree oh well got the standard soft burger tasted bun red Leicester cheese but we've also got some chicken and chorizo kebabs oh good we will go through everything in a minute guys of everything we built for the tiki bar what we did but just bear with us a minute while we enjoy a well-deserved barbecue we're enjoying the fruits of our labor yeah right a fork over one well we've had an enjoyable barbecue some nice beer but there's something missing that there's something missing Pete Pete yeah I think we need to get into the character of summer we got our chilies here we've eaten the burgers they found out whether they're kangaroo burgers they didn't bounce too much we're eating the kangaroo burgers we're having I'll tell you what guys we're having way too much fun as a father and son here you go completely if if both wide saw us now I think they'd a call for the man with the white couch don't you it is a bit better though isn't it is a bit better I listen look we're all where people there's nothing wrong with their are you must see people around Brisbane or Sydney they walking around with a pizza whatever I be long before the she does it before kin here how they gonna find us they're gonna have to beat their way through the bush with a bark I saw is one thing the autistic Gouda and that's a good bit of pommy bashing I'll tell you what right new game a quickie is the summer in where the first thing we need to do people there's my car sale some cricket stops
a bit of spotted birch right I think that will do we don't want a little bit bigger than the other oh yeah alright that time I wash it well there's the ball bed of course do little bit of this heaven I got a little bit of the old whoopsie there bit of pool thing going on there it's a bit of ball tampering I think you'll find that's not legal
I'm just gonna place this out pal not getting caught now I gotta mark out the crease I'll reckon about once Troy to live it lets rule Sheila's Troy yeah we do an aussie rules dead so uh you can only get me out if you're not the can off
I'm afraid rules no Rosie Ginny that's it I told you where I'm gonna be bowling the googly I'm gonna be bowling my googly so I can following them because I do like I do like you know I do like a little bit of ball tampering laughter at my age have you seen my wife right ready when you are old sport well it's enough of the silly stuff I mean for father and son especially my eyes I'm having far too much fun and we all know basically the English gonna win the cricket aren't I oh my no guys you want to know about the fabulous tiki bar which we haven't great fun with it certainly at the moment anyway when the Sun comes down we get more people down here we're gonna tell you all about it right now at the bottom here because the grounds broken and we got two bar stools we've got a big piece of 15 mil I think it is might be 80 mil plywood which was on an industrial pallet with an engineering thingy on it you know so I thought well I've gotta have that and that gives us a flat surface to put our barstools on the other thing I didn't do initially he was when I made the bar so just put a footrest when they like yeah bar stool generally has a footrest and we were quite surprised how much we needed that how much of a difference that made we would in hindsight wood pallet we palet would have made this wider oh yes if we could and possibly put some fronting on it you know because you can see there's this raised but that's something that we could do at a future date all these are made from pallet wood all the shape and just curved it around the carriage you can make what you want guys Australian then you can make what you want guys it's up to you it's up to your imagination listen we're having great for making this one man off grid there is no electricity there's no water here there's nothing we bring everything in believe me we lumber in what they didn't do was I kept the original pallets for the backdrop here let me take you around the back around the back here we get the cameraman download you can see I've just left the pallets and cut then we cut them to size people always ask what size five feet six wide what's that a metric I don't know I'm too old I'm too old to carry both metric and standing in my brain are we supported it all here supported the middle here this is a long pallet I managed to find that we cut down course you could make two sections couldn't if you wanted I have a jury in the middle I was lucky there this was the leftovers from this long pallet two by two timber I do for the roof absolutely ideal we put it on a salon listen places are fun on me guys really happy hour five in the afternoon got to be fun we just put a couple of supports in here just chopped a pallet in half nailed it into the side a cure severe the shelf we compared drinks up there we can put what we want up you can't we I couldn't finish without having a sign I thought no it's a tiki bar we call it tiki bar who else would have a tiki bar in the middle of a forest for God's side there you go adds to it Mike's got the lantern here yeah obviously we can journey out with other stuff well I did think was making it look a little bit more summery holiday fun time was this wicker you get these from
garden centers than that and I just had a row left over oh this one was left over from I don't know six or eight years ago I was gonna use it never got around to using because I save everything now I'm so pleased we've used it and I've got here I got some I don't know this is like a wind screen for a vegetable patch but it's green so I've run this around the edge here just breaks up that color of the wood but we actually like it or we might we like the wood I think it looks really good if I step back here so people can see it we've also put our badges rest sign up in the top right down here we've got the top there also we're gonna get some battery lights linked along here and this is look not a car battery we're not lumbering a 12-volt car battery out here those digital batteries but we got inside that one man cabin and we could probably string those across there might slanted up here and I tell you what come the winter man look weekend coming up weekly Kevin have a drink he can't wait but I reckon that'll look really cute by the time we get some lights on there as well so the last pallet cabin episode we actually built these flower pots or troughs really and we asked for suggestions of what you guys might think would be good to plant in them so we've listened to some of your suggestions you loads of good loads of good suggestions from you guys things like herbs loads of different herbs obviously out there that we could put in here have to be weary of the animals though but flowers some of you are saying that marigolds were a really good deer really good deterrent Helen dear mosquitoes and everything so maybe some marigolds but deafness of herbs will have in here we've had a lot of questions about our cooking setup and this is actually we made this before we even made any of the pilot wood cabin this is just the cooking tripod simple cooking tripod that we've lashed together with a cast iron grate there which we believe we're not sure where it's from we found it in the woods some of you said it's from tree rings in the cities where they put plant them around trees but we can pull out this it's on a pulley system so we can pull a raise and lower this grill but we are thinking of perhaps changing it up a bit and maybe maybe putting more of a permanent fire pit structure in here again we're gonna ask you guys for some suggestions what would you think would be a good viable alternative or to go alongside this as a fire pit for where we are because we've obviously got the tiki bar now and we can make this into more of an outdoor kind of chill out barbecue area so thank you very much for watching this episode we appreciate that it's a bit of a wacky one bit out there but at the end of the day this whole project this whole pallet would kind of homes their project is really just an excuse for myself my dad you know to have a good laugh and have some fun as with our videos we're going to get onto some theory time in a minute we had some really good feedback from you guys on the last Theory time which is actually dad talked about Alzheimer's didn't you know I think the potential link of mobile phone signal awesome the comments we got back from that was incredible as in not just short comments they were really there long in-depth comments from you guys we love having feedback and being able to interact with you that way so we have another theory time coming your way now years ago these of your all talk about acid rain now my theory this time is guys we had the acid rain it was stripping the pine needles from forests I think it was Norway Sweden wherever Scotland you know it was actually something that existed but now we have ice caps melting therefore we have a lot more moisture in the air is that sort of diluting the atmosphere and we're getting less acid rain is it just publicity why's the media don't cotton on to it there's no real story there it's old hat as it's still there it's acid rain still there I feel it is with all the all the carbon and stuff we're burning to put in the end my theory is this is that ice cap melting putting more fresh water in the air is that diluting the acid rain you guys tell us I don't know you don't hear about the acid rain so much now it must still be there surely because the human race is pumping all this carbon it's still going into the atmosphere but is the increased moisture the fresh water in the clouds and I another thing I believe we're getting more clouds than we've ever had before is that it's true look at today and look at us in Australia is that what we're causing you know a dilution of ashes rain some of you guys out they must know this we know there's someone out there that's gonna look it up for sure go out and check it out and see what you think well guys thanks very much for watching this episode of ta outdoors there's a link in the description below for all of the episodes of this pallet cabin homestead whatever you want to call it shared we don't care what you want to call it and there's links to it in the description below thanks so much for watching don't forget to check out dad Channel ta fishing weekly fishing videos on there where we collaborate a lot as well we go fishing together and don't forget as well get outside go with family members go with friends and enjoy the outdoors it's not over yet I've still got my palette cricket back I feel a little bit cheated there somehow with that ball temperate going on but in fact I know you call it orange tampering it doesn't matter it's going to be what second Test match score but I think we get the Sheila's down the next on they'd be good on boys [Music]
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing:
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