How to make a Bookshelf from Pallet Wood for FREE! | TA Outdoors
You can use reclaimed pallet wood to make almost any wooden creation. Graeme shows you how he makes a simple and free to make bookshelf from pallet wood. This particular bookshelf is a hanging bookshelf that you can put up against a wall, however, you can adapt the design to whatever suits you. We hope you enjoy the video and don't forget to check out some of our other Pallet Wood creations!
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Tags: Pallet,Wood (Visual Art Medium),Woodturning,How-to (Website Category),free,simple,cheap,save money,money saving,awesome,easy,diy,do it yourself,building,make,make your own,Do It Yourself (Hobby),Save,cost effective,pallet wood,reclaimed,recycled
Video Transcription
welcome to the totally awesome outdoor show now there's nothing I like better than billion fishing but when I can't go fishing I'm in my worst of a garage and I'm going to be making something out of pallet wood now here is a great tip for you to do to make something it's cheap simple and pretty easily anybody who do this with the minimum of equipment you can look around and you can see lots of films like oh it's not hugely leis and cutting saws they got all the equipment but sort of defeats the object doesn't know I mean if you're living in the middle of nowhere and it you know you're out the sticks of it you're hardly likely have a huge workshop with leaves and all the electronic machinery you're going to have a few maybe a few power tools jigsaw reciprocal saw that sort of thing cordless drills and that's the sort of people are a man that I want to get out there they want to make something out or pallet wood now I'm not going to show you how to strip pallet wood down we've done that in many of our filter for strip the power went down and generally they're going to be in about 35 inch lengths what I do is I cut inside the blocks so that I've got clean no now hole here and here the only nail holes I've got them in the middle there now recently I came across my goodness me and all the years I've been messing around with would I found some pallets made a really really nice clean timber so now here is a totally awesome tip I said anything I how come these pallets are just so immaculate and they said we're a printing company and all I did was go around industrial estates asking different people are you getting rid of the palace which ones can take most of the time they want to get rid of for nothing doing the UK anyway and the going to say I have to be cleaner to have all privileged up and bits of paper on them and they come over and there soon as you know big or they call it saran wrap in America think they call it where they warn things clear we use it for cooking you know clean film we told it all around so it's nice if its own lovely clean work so if you want some clean pallets and these have been rather than it the oils plane checkouts a printing company
around you can only ask aren't you now first thing we're going to do is knock up a hanging wall shelf I just broke obably double knot you like this is an opposed cut so you this is a basic when I went down this roughly to show you you have a cut like this cut like this one slot goes into the other slot and I put this this way so you sit there like this it overlaps it's going to be a loose one he did wrestle for it so the slot grabs the slaughter the other one watch push it in and if I turn it around this way you will see it's locked now obviously this is just a rough cut piece of wood is not locked a lot this you can move it still but that shows you the principle of having those two notches cut like that that are posed and go in there I'll show you how to make a nice little of hanging bookshelf for nothing out of this would all you need to start with I'm doing this incident outside evening like garish today it's cold it's about 40 miles an hour wind is not nice I tape measure a square just a cutting nice even bits nice ice ages to it which is what you want now normally do is just a regular join us a carbon-free pencil they're quite thick so this time because I want those notches to be just dead low hum bees normally pencil here and my reading glasses because I want a fine cut is very often the width of one of these thick pencils the actual width outside the lead in a pencil is enough to make those joints a little bit slack you can / cut a week of course you can undercut and then you've got to plan them out again so get yourself some pencils I'll show you how I'm going to mark it up okay for ease of use I've measured all all these pallets I've already cut them so they're square inch at the end using obviously my set square here and I've made them purely because it just basically suits me 35 inches you can make a two-foot one if you got a gap or a recess just make one you know they can fit that now if you imagine that's the shelf of the remote and you're after is going to come in here if you put them right on the outside you don't have heavy stuff on here and it might start to boat if you have it too much on the inside I know the hill it right so I'm going to come in and start the first notches cutting up just six inches in the into the edge both sides so I've got 20 points and I've got four shelves I'm going to measure here a mother outside edge the first cut six inches tape measure goes here I'm gonna mark six inches that with it with this fine a pencil get my reading glasses I've got six inches and then you bring your square on and you've got to keep this nice and tight to the edge and you slide it along now some people just put it upside outlines and then just draw a line across I like actually put the pencil tip right on the edge of my mark and then slide gently slide the edge of the set screw up no just kind of do a very light run across there so we know that square and I know that's six inches in there come eat it clear it correctly for me anything but the main thing you want to do is get these so they slot together fairly snuggly so you want to be a way of the width of them it would it be the same with these these pat ourselves on drawing up again with my pencil line is there I put my pencil on it I bring up the edge of the upright right to there this is why I don't use a thick pad so it's dead level is you have to allow for thickness and pencil I'll put my other my other mark where you can see between the two but then obviously i'm not going to cut the nuts all the way through because the other side is going to be reversed so i'm going to cut halfway through there it's going to be the nuts are going to cut out so that one is just coming on the other side for you that's just under four that's about 11 centimeters there I mean the order four sizes so five and a half is where I'll get up I'm going to come across here i'm going to half in juice now now whether you can see that I'll just come on a little bit thicker on there and then the best way to do it is just do this and you know that those marks that is the area to be cut out i will show you again close up you can see exactly six inches in from here though my mark on here and my mark on there if i use the very fat pencil the width i just do it there the width of the pencil so much fatter is will by the time i put my saw blade there it's going to be actually a little bit wider than i'm not told to make that's why i'm using a finer point pencil and when i saw this i'm going to saw so on GS on the inside of the pencil line if that makes sense because there is a thickness of the pencil so if this was a saw blade i'm going to put it right on the edge of the pencil line not on the outside of them are not even on the center of the mighty barely on the inside of the mark and I'm cutting out their area there that are already marked out in the notch I'm going to do that on four shells and then that's my powers on the shelves and then we'll do the same to match up on the uprights okay well I've marked up as here you could see my four horizontal shelves with the notches to be cut out but then honestly I've got to mark for the upper backs right to go in this way the slot in there so what I've done you don't want them right at the bot bottom like that and you don't want to write a time then they would look right you want to you know be aesthetically pleasing I think they say so I've marked up here four inches it's 35 inches long i'm mark from the top 4 which is down okay so that leaves where's my top shelf and my bottom shelf and the in-between measurement here is 29 I've got to put two shows equidistant an 80 jitt / to the you get a calculator if you're not great with Mercer and you divide that by three three nines are 27 so you come down nine inches you mark it you come down another nine which is 18 inches you mark it and obviously the third one there will be the bottom margin or ebay is 27 39 or 27 that will give me four equidistant horizontal chills I'll mark this up exactly the same way come it only to halfway through the show because they have to the interlock like this top and I've gotta go into work something I'm not looking forward to it I'm not going to cut them out i'll show you how I do that right on there round the totally awesome workshop and I've pizzas in the vise because I want to be really ready to make those vertical cuts but what you must do with a handsaw I'm not going to use a reciprocal saw which is a long thin blade because you can wave off the line with a standard Hansel like this you can see how wide it is here once it gets slotted into the car it will hopefully stay straight you get a straight cut what you must do is not there's the law under the cut you're going to be over this side trying to cut you don't be able to that side trying to cut you want to be think of your on like a piston just go backwards and forwards and you're letting the teeth do the cutting don't force it so what I do first is they're going to make a drawback cup here I've got my thumb just on the edge of the flat piece I'm right on the line that gives me on my notch to start what you can do is make sure that that line is vertical I put a spirit level on there lightly pinch it in the voice and then decide which way I'm going to go right pitch it up again I know that is vertical and if it goes off it's me that's put it off but the actual line down is vertical so nice and square here I don't want to push the blade slow to start with now you can cut dead horizontal it's just me or no expert just me I'm just DIY guy for 50 years I like to keep the blade down so there's more support for the wood and I can also follow that line down a bit better just push in the blade back was a forward that sounds incredibly basic but there is a way to cut properly just follow me the line down if it gets tight and you feel it tight it's because you're coming off course and the blade here is pinching either side and when you do it I do it on piece of scrap wood and show you in a minute this end of the play as you draw it back will be wobbling like that if it does that you know that the cut here is going off the blade at the end should be all straight watch the pinching be careful going to cut it too far because that's one or all the other ones down and I'm running just right down barely on the inside of that pencil round straighten all you get okay maybe my store cuts down the side here I want notch this out here and because the grain runs this way should be okay and for that i'm using a chisel and pretty heavy hammer a chisel has a slope inside it sort of shampoo and a flat side now that's dead straight down if you are using a chisel and you put it this way with a flat surface facing the good wood that you want to keep okay it might start to creep over in here and give you a bigger hole than you want so the idea of that sham for is that you can put that blade the cutting blade just there right on your line and as you hit it down the angle of that blade will push it away it's never going to bite into your good wood it's going to go away I'll just show you always hold it one little time to start it like that or three little taps and you can see I've got the right size chisel you my phone big on a small run but that won't then eat into your good wood what I'm going to do is going to put it on the floor on a scrap piece of wood then I've got much more delicate and eat bounce which won't get on the workshop top here the workbench put it on the ground and get a much better clean cut through now got a piece of four by two on the ground I'm then going to put my ball on the top of that you see the chisels already located their you give it a good whack if I go through it doesn't matters i'm only going to go through here I don't want to put the wood on the concrete because otherwise I'm going to go through and I'm going to block this blade I don't have to start sharpening it again now you can see there how that's broken away I can start to nibble away I just don't you see that I wanted to show it to you anyway just so you get an idea there you might be able to see it's more of a deeper cuts in anything you can see the Sham fur on this on this blade of the images will eventually pushed away from they would the goodwood so I can then turn it around and then cream down the excess to be honest with such as a narrow pieces I can use a flat piece and go through but I thought I just mentioned to you that the chamfer on this on the chisel is there really to help a little bit of safety you can easily so you can see it I haven't slipped back into the good wood now I can come back so right on the mark and just gently scare away now that should go right through the other Road just wobbled a little bit that's broken out perfectly nice and neat I'm going to do that with all the other joints and then we see if they all slot together of course what you could do to make sure that you're not making the wrong cuts get your width and just make sure that they slide in and they're not too tight and they're not too slack you can see I've got the four notches cut out which is going to be the upright or some way to notch shelf pieces cut out I don't now see the moment of truth I think you can see how that slops together like that of course this movement then we're going to tighten that up later but they all fit pretty snugly try the other up right through the other side and there we go which as you can see there could be the top or the bottom well there we go you can hopefully see that is not fixed together but that is the shape of the hanging bookshelf but I feel these are just a little bit too angular I think it is a little bit too angular there to geometric so I'm going to put a little bit of shape it on the bottom with a piece of pilot would of course and I'm going to cut a couple of or probably put four brackets in each corner across the back here at the top just there to knock back in 90 degree position so first job will cut out little patent for the bottom but I just want something like this to go in the middle space in between the main shelf bracket I don't want to overlap it so that a piece of pallet wood and I've got my artistic design their cut out xed out with squiggles to be I don't want to cut it with a jigsaw you say but how did you get that shape I use my imagination the first one I wanted I thought I draw a center line I don't want to do the semicircle there oh my bag of nails actually fits they're marked it out finished it and measure from there to here so that's equidistant ah leave on the slightly smaller or hang on a minute we're going advertise it but it is that stuff that one goes here I'm up that one there are I don't want it like sort of washing on all the way I want a straight piece and a slow curve happen i do that hang on a minute I think the back of this
might work perfectly and as you can see i just threw and marks around there at both ends and that is a pattern to the bottom pediment they're going to that's a bit i want so i tick that lets me go 1 i'm going to cut if I can around there with a jigsaw take my time and that's going to fit on the bottom but I've made my still shaped in a bit of artistic pediment for the bottom there and I fooled a screw hole at each end just to screw up underneath like this I don't want to screw through the Shelf into the top cuz I'm going to see the screws and all I have to fill them counting them fill them sand and its work so I'm going to screw it and glue it on the edge underneath but before that I need to make the actual structure the shelving with the a prize the horizontals and the uprights dead square and are going to do that by supporting it with triangles which I understand are my eyes at school the strongest geometric design so I've done four brackets to get my 90 degrees I've done three inch squares 23 inch squares there and then I've drawn lines across give me four triangles are going to cut them out now I want you through in pallet wood but if I put these on the brackets as braccus at the back in pallet wood is going to be away from the wall a bit more so I don't want that so I'll just use a piece of old thin ploy that I found because it's not a negative way is just to locate those shelves at 90 degrees let's cut these out and I can fit them with panel pins having cut out those four angles to give you my support I can place them in the corners as you can see that right angle should square everything up but only providing i use the set square first you got to get everything straight first otherwise a chef going to hook at an angle you can work it on the inside or the outside and I simply check those on with panel pins and put across the other shelves the intermediate shelves those are holding strap said I could glue it but I haven't bothered I then put the pediment in at the top just using a screw you don't need to buy two really time yes I could glue it as well I want to do but I feel these two screws are just going to hold it in place so with a pediment on the top I looked on the size and I thought you know what that is fairly angular fairly sharp it just didn't look sort of friendly to me so I'm gonna round those corners off I could have done this earlier but just use the trusty old can of spray there any can just get you the right radius market cut it sand it it's ready well there we go folks I've turned some old pallet wood like this to you I never ceases to amaze me what you can make out with palette will deliver time just dismantle okay these are regular standard pallet this was a clean month as I mentioned to you I've got it from printing people very clean so look at this look at this I hanging wall shelf as you can see I bring back closer you see I've got the pediment at the bottom it just breaks it up and the fact i've rounded there the edges of those shelves now could have been there earlier but that's the beauty DIY in your own workshop in your own carriage a few power tools you don't need monster lazy that all monster saws thousands of dollars and thousands of pounds of equipment just the basic tools jig saws drills mostly called us and powered stuff that most of the guys have got in their garage and some of the women too out there because i know because the email we about it but look what I down the top I put whereas this pediment is at the front it equation I put a similar curve one at the top did the curve with a paint pot let the little notch area there to drop the screw in to give me grip so that is all made out of pallet wood now being as its clean wood I don't really know what to do with it whether to varnish it or do the shabby chic treatment on it I feel some sort of lime not even in green pastel green emulsion coming and why do I feel that coming along because yes it's free it's on the shelf outside beautiful with a paint dry I actually got it in the house and watch there's no I got it hanging up there yet but it's really really nice those nice of the wall I'll tell you can put a paddle back on it as well as you can see those side pockets you put a little trinkets around the edge little ordinance there it's good not to take you know reasonable size books in their ornaments or bit what would me it's going to be sharks you can actually hang out with brass brackets on the back little go to your amongst your hardware store get their brightest I got it just a now to show you and photograph it on a piece of heavy duty marlin fishing line but you can stain it you can varnish it you can do this shabby chic type colors on it and a nice pastel green which my legs and that was called willow very pleased with that one honestly get yourself some pallet wood it's not difficult you don't need any fancy power tools to do it big lathe big babies don't all that just need the basic DIY stuff a bit of savvy and you can make yourself something like that and hey if you don't like that one what about down here yeah look on our site totally awesome council show how to make a long-standing bookshelf this one's no hanging but I've also done a floor standard and it's still here thanks for watching the totally awesome outdoor show if you have these Doody on Wild Ones hit that subscribe button send the link to your friends get out there yourself into it what you do working with wood there's nothing more therapeutic the worker we would know why because pallets are free you
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
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- Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Fire, Shelter, Axe, Cooking Fish
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Build from Start to Finish.
- 3 Day Solo Winter Snow Camp - Bushcraft, Canvas Tent, Woodstove, Bowdrill
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Opening Subscriber Gifts & Coffee Vibes
- Primitive Fishing with Horse Hair and a Bamboo Rod - Catching Fish with a Stick
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Picket Fence Build & Woodstove Cooking
- My Dog's First Time in The Snow + Truck Update - New Mods
- Bushcraft & Blacksmithing: How To Make a Bushcraft Knife with ALEC STEELE
- Cabin Life: Unboxing Fan Mail in the Cabin with my Dog (Incredible Gifts!)
- Forging with ALEC STEELE: Hammer Technique, How To Forge for the First Time
- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)