I Need To Get This Off My Chest...


Ok...got some things to say. Hopefully you guys understand once you've watched the video.

My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taoutdoorofficial/

My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/totallyawesomeoutdoors

If you wish to send me stuff:

Mike Pullen

PO Box 7466


RG27 7NA


Bushcraft - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR

Shooting & Hunting - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxA9cLOiKzBvynPzRZYOaInN

Fishing - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxDkFiTXhwdMxs5_mEs7-KcC

Survival Tips - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBcg72bpC7_0SZkfbq8IMb5

DIY vids - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBSvWfEXz2B5y9hEcMLGhVd

Outdoor Gear Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxCikoV9JEnY9eZdaDlR5sgc

Tags: rant,youtube,bushcraft,survival,prepper,bug out,edc,every day carry,taoutdoors,totally awesome outdoors,mike pullen,fishing,camping,hiking,backpacking,solo overnight,camp,bushcraft camp,camp update

Video Transcription

okay got a couple of things I want to say in this video guys so by all means watch it if you don't like it click off that's completely fine firstly welcome thank you for clicking on the video in the first place this is going to be a bit of an update video for you guys because I've been getting a lot of questions lately got a little list here of thing we're going to talk about hopefully I can remember most of them as you can probably tell I am actually in my garden shed you can probably hear cars outside so I apologize for that so I thought I'd do it somewhere different okay first things first direction of ta outdoors where they're going so for those that longtime subscribers of PA outdoors you'll probably remember that we started out as just ta outdoor was started as a spin-off channel of ta fishing which is our main channel it was always a secondary channel and we set that we set up ta others really to put up kind of some DIY videos general DIY videos would work in kind of videos and from that you know it didn't grow very well at all it wasn't very good it just we didn't want to saturate our fishing channel with DIY stuff we wanted to keep it pure fishing so we set out by that then I started getting into bushcraft quite a lot I was already into it and then I really started getting into it and I thought I'll make some videos on since then the channel has grown really fast it's growing really well at the moment as a result of that most of my content was bushcraft and is still bushcraft but I've also done quite a few shooting videos hunting shooting videos with ferrets hunting with ferrets we've done shooting shotgun shooting deer rifles and things like that got a lot of gun stuff but you new subscribers probably don't remember any of that because you obviously knew we haven't done a proper shooting video for well over a year but if you go onto my channel and look up the playlists and look up the shooting and hunting shooting playlist you'll see there's quite a few videos there that we've done so I think what I'm trying to say is the Eternals called PA outdoors it's not caught this not ta bushcraft it's not ta survival its ta outdoors and I wanted it to be everything to do with the outdoors now admittedly I've probably done a hell of a lot of bushcraft videos which is what you guys are used to you're used to me uploading bushcraft videos because that's my main thing is probably what I enjoy the most so whenever I do a shooting video anything like that it might come as a shock to you guys because you're probably think wild and I didn't subscribe to a shooting channel and the reason these guys is that is ta outdoors it's anything to do with the outdoors I might do some mountain biking videos I've got in mind today I've got loads of other different ideas that I've been in the outdoors it's not necessarily just bushcraft

so I can completely see that when when it will happen some shooting stuff comes through some hunting and shooting stuff will come through I can completely understand if some of you are going to be like whoa whoa I didn't subscribe to this so I'm kind of giving you guys a heads up as to the direction of the channel and where I want it to go it is primarily bushcraft that is what it is because I've got my bushcraft camps I have access to them quite regularly and I like going out filming there but it's also going to be more shooting coming okay

we're coming into the shooting season about autumn time you can shoot obviously throughout the summer certain species and bird species and small game there will be stuff coming along like that we've got slingshot hunting coming shotgun shooting air rifle shooting those videos are coming so we've got big shooting following a lot of the new guys on here probably don't realize that but the older guys who followed the channel for so long you'll know that we do some shooting videos but just so you know that's where the direction is going okay so it's going to be bushcraft it's going to be shooting and hunting and it's going to be fishing we're going to be doing more fishing stuff on ta outlaws as well at the end of the day tee outdoors is me basically documenting my journey in the outdoors okay simple as that that's what it is whether it be shooting whether it be hunting whether it be fishing whether it be survival prepping whatever it might be prepping it might be survival okay so kind of you know if there's a video you don't like that I upload maybe a shooting video or a hunting video and you think that's not my cup of tea don't watch it just don't watch it I guarantee the next video coming out will probably be something completely different so it might be a shooting video one week I'd be a pushcart video the next week okay that's the direction that's what I wanted to talk to you about the direction of channel where it's going why it's called ta outdoors

next up sponsorships let's talk to you guys about sponsorships because this is a big thing so for those again new subscribers who probably don't realize I and mouth full time YouTube and I quit my I've been a teacher for six years on tour PE I told your with me and I quit laugh about this time last year actually yeah a year ago I've been going YouTube full time for a year and I think the problem people get with YouTube is unless you are a youtuber yourself that you don't almost you don't really understand unless you have a youtube channel yourself and you have a Drebin you and everything like that you you cannot understand I'm sorry you can do all the research you want but you you you know you'll get a brief understanding of it but you don't know how it how it sort of works it's very seasonal the PA outdoors is very seasonal the revenue so it can fluctuate higher in the winter and less in the summer things like that it just changes and it's the same with our fishing channel it's seasonal so revenue goes up and down like this now I can tell you for a fact now that the revenue I get from YouTube although I can't tell you exactly because of YouTube's policies are constantly what you earn I took a pay cut from teaching so it was when I took on YouTube it was less than my teaching salary because I wanted to do something that I enjoy and I wanted to still get that teaching aspect across just in videos not in the classroom so I took a pay cut and as a result I had to work really hard to grow a channel and the channel group has grown really fast way faster than I expected as a result of that I can't I can't personally rely on YouTube revenue alone the admirin you there adverts that pop up when you guys click that I get a percentage of that revenue YouTube takes a big percentage of visit of it as well obviously but I can't rely on that alone because it's not enough to earn a living the YouTube revenue alone is not enough so every now and then there will be sponsored videos sponsors are coming to me because I guess they're enjoying my content the channel is growing really fast and they're reaching out you know and this is a business world this is this is my life we're talking about here this is not some fun and games thing although I absolutely love and enjoy the videos I can't play around with my life okay my living has to come first which means that my business this is my business I have to put my business first cuz I have to provide and to pay rent I have to pay bills are to provide for Emmy and Jack's my

okay so I hope you guys can understand that every now and there will be sponsored videos some of my sponsored videos have been reviews some of them have actually been adventures that have been sponsored obviously like my Subaru one which was sponsored you guys seem to think subaru gave me a car to keep forever they didn't give me that car to keep really gave it to me for those four or five days that I was up camping in the mountains while camping the mountains I didn't gave them the car back so I'm trying to portray to you guys that I think people think eyes on eighty thousand subscribers that means getting eighty thousand pounds a year it doesn't work like that at all YouTube had revenue does not work like that at all have in mind guys I'm not a vlogger that sits in front of my computer spouting off rubbish I'm not that sort of person I like doing lifestyle blogs every now and then that's fine but I'm not doing the rubbish sitting in front of the computer I'm out there in the woods you know on the riverbanks or out in the sea fishing I'm working my balls off basically to try and get you guys high quality content and it can be a little bit hurtful you do get sick skin with it on YouTube you learn to grow a thick skin because they're thinking you get the more you're in the public eye the more hate you're going to get the more people will dislike your stuff it's just the way the world works but you know I take it on board I do take it on board the constructive criticism I don't take on board all the swearing and the nasty people

that's my opinions on sponsorships I do value your opinions guys I really do value opinions as my subscribers but if you're going to be nasty to me I've got no time for it because no time in this world for me for negativity don't need it okay I don't want any of that on my channel if you're going to be really nasty you'll just get blocked simple as that constructive criticism constructive criticism yes bullying and nasty language go away don't win your my channel okay okay okay we're getting there nearly there sorry guys getting their camp update 11 let's do an update on the bushcraft camp my main bushcraft camp firstly thank you to everyone who's been watching the bushcraft series on that camp it's been incredible the feedback and inspired a lot of you guys I think to go out and build some counts which is awesome but it's coming to an end now I don't mean I'm never going to the camp again when I finish that's that if anything this go away Laurie what does that mean for you guys am I going to the camp ever again yes I am all it means is that I want this last update to be a really good one it's going to be the final one where I build stuff because every time I go to the camp I'm always building stuff and now I'd quite like to just go there and actually use it and relax in it okay so camp update 11 is going to be the final update video but it's taking me a long time to film because I'm doing so much it's a really really big update it's going to be awesome hopefully you guys like it but it is the last one but I will be if anything it means I'm going back to the camp even more so don't worry about me not going to that bush camp I will be going back there more actually have permission now - for shooting on that land for small game for vermin for squirrels wood pigeon so that's another thing I'll be doing at the camp and just generally I'll be going there and enjoy myself cooking up some grubs doing some overnighters it's all going to happen it's much more of a winter camp though it's not so good in the summer as loads of bugs okay we're there Oh rant over got everything off my chest and thank you very much to everyone who watches the channel hopefully through watching this video you guys have gained a deeper understanding of how I feel about YouTube in general and my living maybe you've got something a little bit more about my life and just how important this is to me obviously I do value your feedback but you also need to know YouTube but the amazing thing about YouTube although it's not a great platform sometimes the amazing thing about it is that no one's telling you know that you haven't got a producer in your ear telling you you need to do this you need to do that you can be your own creator which is great because I can create my own content however I like and sometimes you guys some of you you know who you are you cannot be really nasty come down really hard and you say don't do that I want this I want that I want that and you're almost a bit spoiled because you get you're watching these videos for free I'm making them and yes I get revenue from them but I'm also pouring that money into camera equipment filming equipment time fuel to get there editing time editing equipment so much of my money comes out as well as bills rent you know everything like that food I have to live you have to remember that guys I'm not some multi-millionaire I'm just a small-time youtuber trying to get a little bit bigger and grow my community hopefully you understand that please don't take this the way I'm being honest with you thank you so much for watching PAA tours I appreciate all the likes comments feedbacks that you give me and I'll see you real soon in another video you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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