CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
Being able to Catch and Cook Fish is an important survival skill to have. We go fly fishing to catch fresh trout and cook the fish on the woodstove at our Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin in the woods. Trout are a fantastic eating fish, and can be cooked a number of different ways. Sometimes the simplest way without any seasoning can be best. Fly Fishing is a fairly traditional method of catching fish. Knowing what fly to use in different weather conditions and situation is a key fishing skill. Being that it is Winter, we opt for large trout flies with a weighted bead at the front to help get the fly down deep in the lake water. It wasn't long before myself and my Dad were catching fish! We then went inside the Log Cabin at Rockbourne to talk through the fishing gear we used including: Fly Rods, Reels, Line and most importantly the Flies that were successful on the day!
We did a separate video on how to fillet, gut and clean a fish for the dinner table. This you can watch here:
Once we had cleaned the fish, we took some fillets and headed to our wilderness cabin in the forest. Here we got the woodstove burning and we decided to pan fry the fish and also cook some mash potato, egg and cheese to go with it. We seasoned the fish with some salt, pepper and lemon juice. It sure tasted good! Tp follow this up, we warmed up some homemade pan au chocolate in the stove pipe oven on the woodstove. Learning how to live off the land and forage, hunt and gather your own food is such an important survival skill. We've done a number of catch and cook videos, including some Bushcraft style spit roast trout over the campfire. As well as more common methods such as deep fried fish, battered fish, grilled fish and even smoked fish. You can use more primitive methods to catch fish, such as a willow fish trap, but we like to go searching for the fish as it is more exciting. Thanks for joining us on the adventure and be sure to subscribe for more catch and cook videos!
- Fish Curry:
- Grilled Fish:
- Deep Fried Fish:
- Cooking Fish on the Beach:
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Tags: catch and cook,trout,off grid,log cabin,cabin,survival,fishing,bushcraft,fish,catch and cook fish,pallet wood,self reliance,diy,wilderness,woods,forest,cooking,woodstove,fly fishing,survival fishing,foraging,primitive,primitive technology,deep fried fish,grilled fish,how to fish,catch,cook,alone,camping,4x4,off road,truck,nissan navara
Video Transcription
this is indeed that was a really slow take there is an English rainbow trail and this will possibly be one of those that they call triploids which is a sterile fish so it basically it doesn't need to reproduce it can just eat all year round so they're fast growing and that's what they do a lot here in the UK with what they call put and take trout fish you know it stop them like so many places in the world that's where I have to be stopped here they can grow them quite big and strong you know they can stop them quite large in the winter but we are in the middle of with English winter now hard to believe folks but it's the middle of February you can get these taken all through the day now if this is the same fish in the summer let's say June July you probably have your best chance first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening when they're feeding on natural insects and a lot of game fish they're called game fish because they've got the adipose fin this tiny I guess almost useless fin really this is the tale for another corner fin but the adipose fin is normally used to signify your mark what they call in the UK a game fish it's supposed to be a better fish than other species I assure you it's just a fish it's got a real game fish you would go for bone fish jacks hermit really black fin tuna you know they would probably drag this guy all over the lake however we're really pleased with this that's gonna be a good cook up so due to the bizarre policies of YouTube at the present time we're not gonna gut this fish you're even allowed to show people how to prepare fish you can't you can't gut them you can't show anything but of course you know in the supermarket it's just wrapped up so we're gonna do you can watch this much gonna do it unlisted one is you right yes the one going to do is we're gonna put we are going to film this being gutted and fileted and we are gonna put it on the challenge channel it's just not going to go public it's gonna get being an unlisted video and you can find that in the description below now so click that now if you want to see the gutting and fill it in or this fish you got to learn somewhere guys because if you're out in the world it doesn't turn up and fall in your lap in a plastic wife's bag does it you know with the price take it on it they come like this
slow retrieve very slow retrieve yeah we switched rod skies I gave dad my rod to have a go with and we've we've figured it down to the fly now we reckon don't we reckon it's the because I've been using a blue what is it a damsel blue flash down well it's got to be the fly isn't it yeah I'm covering the flies around I think it's a small dog gobbler they call this brown in the color just there nothing better guys than catching your own feed fresh guys this is a what you call Tony or some father-son fishing that really isn't that you've gotten flu there dad I think stammer and blue but yours even better it's proven myself you've got a bigger joke a quick one here we go father and son fish in awesome that's a lovely bleach out definitely absolute beautiful awesome
guys we're back in the lodge it's the weather has completely changed we've had an absolute downpour and standard English weather it isn't really about you know what we get well all the time but lucky enough for the launch we've got a wood burner over at the back here little bar there as well there's a nice little fishing lodge they had here so we thought we'd take this opportunity to basically show you the tackle that we're using because it's quite specific gear fly fishing is a very niche kind of fishing really yeah it's something we use bait casting rods spinning rods and listen they try to say fly fishing your is better no that's not better it's just a different way okay swedish fish it's a very cool traditional way of catching fish so I'm using a nine to six you recognize noise eggs yes this is a seven eight
it's my not seven eight wait there's the fly reel there this is floating line this picket line lovely a pink and the fly that I'll be using is a weighted limp like a big giant then I can now focus the camera yeah it's like a big damselfly he does it yeah so we've got we needed that haven't we - sink today yeah because they're quite deep down the chart that we did catch today what have you got I got what's called intermediate one might talks about weight don't forget there's no casting weight yeah this is for the people that beginners have just taken up fishing probably fly fishes artists want to start back so we start at the top and go downhill rapidly no it's great fun to do you can get a lot of enjoyment out of the actual casting itself once you actually get into the swing of things you learn it but you've got to get the fly out there there's no spin and no lure no bait no legs no wait nothing the weight is the density on the describe it of the line and the line itself so this will be matching the rod so if we say say seven eight wait rod this would be the same this will be a seven to eight wait sometimes you go eight to nine wait line nine and that's the sort of density of it it can be sinking it can be intermediate which this is what we could intermediate or neutral density they call it which means you can put grease on it all flow you can decrease it or sink very slowly really the only other thing you need is about the length of your road or they clear nylon annoying I've got it on mine boys going out there just see against the flank of my jacket and that's what's the breaking strain that's that goes directly to the fly and usually with what a needle not what's good yeah see like you can look at our toe do some fishing site we got what two big films up on oh yeah go through the playlist check it out that's what it's there for help people out fishing I'll put the link guys up in the corner to that I'm basically really good beginners tips or knots and it does you for all types of fishing sea fishing fresh water fishing regularly now and this is that this is a part probably all the other guys I wanted to know what's in the fly box so here you've got weed always called lures they're large they're large fish like sparkly imitations a small fish or very large nymphs there could be a nymph there covenant there you also get a lot of you move that one across saya there you can see down in this corner what we would call more of a traditional pattern trout flies so these are small ones you've used these more possibly in the summer when the fish are actually taking nymphs like this little insects rising from the lake bed or the river bed to the surface these will be coming under really the term of lures but it looks used but when it gets wet that all goes down I just wet it like that don't be a good this bit can you okay that shuts down so you've got the bead head there you've got the belly of one layer and some white marabou is a little bit of green tassel in there and that's why I think turns a fish on that little bit of Flash there a little bit of sparkle in the water and that will pulsate through the water so there's another type of fly you got ones that imitate fish on the surface is called a muddler this is a pearly muddler that's got clipped deer hair on the head now deer hair I think they call it the follicles are full of air so they float so this is done by a fly tire and that definitely floats on the surface so when you retrieve it is skates across the surface so you can see that there's a huge weight range of flies here right down to runs like that which is basically not a bare hook and there is actually a fly called the Oliver kite bear who nymph which is basically just a whipping or ribbing of copper up here copper wire and in the summer when the trout are hard trust me it's absolutely deadly finally all you need is something to scoop that trout out with before you can bang on the head and take it to your frying pan and that is a landing net this is a folding one it locks up here like this it can also be twisted and extended like this so when you get those extra places you can't get down the bank to you can extend it get the fish and of course when it closes up like this you fold it up you might notice there's a little clip there and that goes it's a belt loop clip so it goes on your head clip it to your belt you could just walk around because trust me a lot of trout fishing especially in England is mobile keep on the move so from one cabin here that we believe is that Norwegian built cabin this one is Lodge from one cabin to the next we're off to the pallet wood cabin look why the same as a petabyte there's a slightly different scale yeah where we gonna cook up some trout a couple of different ways on it with wood-burning stove the moment of truth Oh bang on four I'd say four pounds I'll take that all day long that's a cracker yeah nice this morning
longest day we get home now fill it this guy what I've done a little cooler here all you guys know about coolers and I've got one of these ice bricks this is called they call Pat just keep it in there keep it chilled then we can get back to it's only awesome kitchen guess out some fishing noise and get cleaning [Music]
well it's not going to take more than a few minutes to cook a fish like this because they're not they're not really chunky great big fill it's you know even offer a four-pound rainbow we got the other fill it to have a nice size plenty of meat there for everybody good size good size and really I'll get to the stage while I turn it really fish you don't you want to cook one side and then turn it once because it probably will end up narrator still cook it here so what is in that one that's like refried mashed potatoes and then the white with some grated cheese in there for us and on top of that maybe I should have salt and pepper that what I was cooking it and then we got the eggs in there sort of scramble them and mix it all that together so his trail scrambled mashed potatoes cheesy this everything was willing to vibe and we will be a hopefully tomorrow plate stud don't tell her so tell my good for her plastic ones I just grabbed the first one first was it came to hand so that's eight you don't do different blades it'll be lemon juice on there shake it on the four mostly when on the cabinets we finish off we're there scrambled everything yeah disorder just watch it bounce yeah it was not Philippi by an expert no cook that's nice
she's going for he's going for the experiment
yeah that's good yeah mom's recipe Mama's recipes there are always the best I have to say that nice Persian what's up there's nothing yeah [Music]
this is a mum special homemade pano Chocolat yeah okay - better yet white and is having the dying embers of the fire what you're having three minutes yeah probably two and a half minutes just to warm it up yes so I hope you enjoyed that catch and cook special we've done a few quite a few catch and cook video some weeks I said yeah I think we're done quite a lot the bushcraft camp so we did it we did a real good one was the spit roast Tiger trout that we did wasn't it that was really good check that out our pop links to have quite a few catch and cook videos that we've done well we've been doing them years now in in the show more section below also be sure to check out you've obviously this a bit more of a fishing episode be sure to check out Dad's YouTube channel called ta fishing which is like our sister channel and that's all that's completely fishing related it's all tips on fishing for beginners we do saltwater fishing freshwater fishing lure fishing bait fishing fly fishing like we've done today loads of me sharp vision everything yeah sharks it's really good so go and check that out I'll put a link in the description below we've had really good days lovely day now it's turned into a lovely day so we're going to probably head back and let the follow the stove burn out and then get planning the next episode ideas in my head we even talked about what get a change something outside a little bit yeah we've got more pallet cabin episodes coming as well we've got some ideas that we're gonna do so keep an eye on for that those of you that have been following the pallet cabin series again if you want to see how this is all built there's a whole playlist on it called the off-grid pallet wood cabin build or something and that's in the hopper link to that in the show more section as well and we do actually listen George some of those comments yeah we usually yeah you incorporated some that Peter said to us subscriber suggestions yeah yeah send them over cause we'd really appreciate it my my suggestion is how do I get rid of this bad throat paint cold and man flu that Michael force me to have I hope I they made me go fish you forced me to go fishing guys thanks so much for watching and we will see you soon in the next video
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing:
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- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)