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Bushcraft Camp Update 5 - Secondary Shelter! | TAOutdoors


In this episode I make my secondary shelter for the Bushcraft Camp! The camp is really developing. Now I have an a-frame shelter, lean-to shelter, log seat, chopping log, bushcraft table, fire reflectors and sawing horse! Spring is certainly around the corner despite the temperatures being around 4 degrees celcius. In the next camp update I plan to get either my fire pit built or my bushcraft bed. Please feel free to give me some ideas on those in the comments section below! Thank you so much to everyone for all of your support for the Channel, I am very grateful. See you in Camp update 6! - Mike


More Bushcraft Videos videos:

Camp Update 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6cq3G1HG8U

Camp Update 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAPJDzYNPP0

Camp Update 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrStYb5n2fA

Camp Update 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdmk8hUENGA

BUSHCRAFT PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR


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Mike Pullen

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Folding Saw: http://amzn.to/2cr9iEX

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Tags: bushcraft,shelter,camp,set up,log,timber,wood,fire,fire lighting,outdoors,wild,wilderness,wild camp,tarp,tent,hammock,flint and steel,tinder,fungus,foraging,food,update,den,ta outdoors

Video Transcription



welcome to bushcraft camp update five and it's been a while since I've actually been back out it well back out at camp as such and I thought I'd do another update video now that I've got a bit of a bit of time firstly I just like to say thank you very much to everyone who subscribed and commented and liked the videos since the previous camp update videos somehow gone a little bit viral which I never quite expected I think at the current time is over 65,000 views which is just incredible so thank you very much for all your support there guys and I'm pleased that you're joining me on this adventure this is just an adventure you know I never I've never have said that I'm the professional brush crafter or expert in this field I'm just a guy out here in the woods enjoy myself and filming and making videos if this is the first time you're watching a bush confident mine then please check out our pop a link here basically bushcraft camp update one and all the rest of the video videos that I have in the bushcraft series and you can go through those and then catch up with yourself and hopefully end up here at Camp Update fine time of year at the moment is we're actually getting towards the beginning of spring which is incredible it feels like it's taking ages to get here but it finally feels like spring is here I've seen a number of birds the birds you may hear them in the background but tweeting away and I've seen red kites I've seen a woodpecker this morning I've seen small Robin so you know it's nice at the moment see those kind of morning birds coming out as well and to hear that woodpecker it was really really good and the flowers and the trees are just starting to bud which is nice so spring is definitely on its way temperatures are still a little bit cold it was four degrees when I got out the car this morning but it's coming up to double figures later on today and that is in celcius for those that are wondering my plan for today the bushcraft camp and obviously those who have followed me from bushcraft camp update one will know that most of the time I have been building kind of a perimeter and the surrounding to Mike and the walls and obviously my main shelter

so today I've got one more area to finish to then seal off the camp itself and that is the second shelter I plan to make this shelter more of a lean-to style it's more of a simple shelter and I've got a tarp as well just to kind of proof it a bit more you know from the rain the windy conditions and then hopefully once I've done that my actual kind of camp structure itself will be finished and then I can focus on things like the fire pit and log store and things like that but as you can see this is from the other angle and I've got this log just down here it's basically a measuring log but that is essentially going to I'm going to put a log and rest it on the end of the two walls here tie it all together and my lean-to is going to be lent up like that and that will seal off this whole area here and it can make a shelter sort of a secondary shelter and a log store as well and then the entrance will actually be just over the side here I'm going to show you now this is the entrance to the shelter pretty simple at the moment because obviously the secondary shelter will be to my left but this is where are we entering the camp okay so it is time to build the second shelter I'm not going to film the whole thing for you because that will be very time-consuming but I'll get the kind of Ridge log the main log in place and then I'll explain what I'm going to do from there if you want to see basically how I put this together because it is actually sunk into the ground check out a little box I'll put in the corner or in the video description for how I made this little chopping log which actually is outside my base because I didn't wander wood chippings going everywhere well guys I finished lashing the ridge log across as you can see is over there and I just lashed it with a bit of paracord for now leftover paracord that I've had and that's certainly going to be strong enough anyway I'm not going to have too many sort of thick logs on this ridge log it's only going to be sort of basically the same diameter as the original is so property probably a bit smaller but um I've got them all chopped up over here so here you go you can see I've processed all the wood ready to go to basically form the outside of that lean-to shelter and I've had a few questions basically saying what do I do you know is the wood that I'm using all my bushcraft camp for the walls and the shelters and exactly is that live trees that I'm cutting down well those of you who watch my older bushcraft videos will know that it's certainly not live trees the uncut now I condone cutting down live trees there's absolutely no reason to do it really except for kind of woodland management and things like that but as far as building shelters and things like that go you do not need to cut down like the trees I'm fortunate enough that in my area it's unmanaged and there's lots of blown-down trees there pine trees you know their roots aren't necessarily deep a fairly shallow so they do blow down a lot and I just want to basically come and join me on a walk and I will show you how much deadfall there actually is around it so here we go as you can see there are trees down everywhere you go these are not live trees they are horizontal on the floor definitely dead trees guys lots of them about lots of live trees around as well but I don't touch those but as you can see we're barely walking through only a small patch of really of where I where I have my camp but you can see there is still so many trees around guys there's so much wood on the floor that can be processed and even up up in the sky there you can see that it's fallen down crossed bits of branches there is plenty of deadfall around I do not need to explain that I'm cutting down live trees because I'm certainly not and I hope that satisfies the minds of those curious folk who are thinking whether I am cutting down trees or not I'm certain not let's deadfall around hence why I processed all my wood which is dead wood okay so got my Ridge log in here it's nice and secure very rigid it's obviously got leaning on the walls which leden which themselves are actually very strong so all I need to do now is just I am going to put a tarp down first purely for the to make it a bit more waterproof I know some of you purists purist bush crafters out there probably thinking oh no he's using synthetic materials or something like that it it's available you know I had I had a spare tarp and if I'm sleeping under this shelter I'd like to be completely waterproof obviously if I didn't have a tarp I'd still make it anyway but for the sake of the fact that I've got one and you know I can completely proof it then I'll put the locks on top and if it works you know why why bother changing it makes like that little bit easier trapped in Spain still living everyday here in the pathway

I know it's hard when I'm gone but I'll be back someday to keep such an fruit it was misty so

so I just wanted to talk about the reason basically why I've made these steaks as I have these are to stay down the top what I've done is I've ever the top of the the actual top of the steak and the reason being is because if you don't a lot of time when you're hitting it with either the back of an axe or a larger log this can't split so by beveling the top you're basically altering the pressure and spreading the pressure of that ax head as it goes down so as I hit there that pressure is then much more direct basically and it's less likely to split the wood so that's why I've battled the back of the steak and then the front of the steak I've just Whittle to just whip it off a bit from about inch and a half two inches it's soft ground here anyway so it should go in fairly well well my firebox is going just getting the air ready for some beans I thought I'd show you the lean-to shelter that I've built as you can see plenty of dead wood there just to keep the rain out in the wind now and obviously there's that tarp underneath which I secure with some toggles basically which I'll come and show you in a minute the sides I will fill in another time and I'll probably put some firewood in there as well just to put up the sides but as you see not many gaps the tarps obviously underneath that and again this side will be filled in as well but that's pretty pretty well secure from the from the elements there's my kind of main shelter at the moment which again is still unfinished but you can see that it's got that kind of skeleton system that I've built there and that's all lashed down and a big three by three meter tarp I think there that's just a bench where I put my bag and things like that there's a little table as well for that table I made there from some logs and there's another wall here to my right this is my bushcraft sawing horse really really good this I've used this so much it's just made from bits of pine tree basically bits of dead wood that I've lashed together with some fishing line and any kind of natural well not natural cordage but any old cordage that I had lying around and I use that a lot it saves me bending over sawing wood on the floor I can now get it up to about waist height and it just saves my back and all the pain from my back from bending over soaring all the time got another big wall there big wall there and there is the new lean-to shelter which is not complete admittedly but next time I come in won't take much to complete that the top does not stretch across the whole shelter that is not deliberate that is completely accidental but you know what guys it covers enough it's a long enough to cover someone sleeping there to keep them dry and I will put some natural kind of foliage on the outside as well probably Bracken because that's what I've got most of out here and fill that in with some Bracken and eventually I hope to get a bed made there that's probably the next step is a bed there but I'd also like to get my bed kind of done over there in that shelter so probably the next step is making a bed and then I'd like to get a fire pit going so guys that's it for a camp update five and finally finish the second shelter now it really does feel like the perimeter of my wall is complete thank you very much for all your comments and feedback it's been amazing it's been a really good fun journey so far I've got lots to do still at the camp I've want to do probably some make a bed and also a fire pit I think I need a fire pit next because I've been using my fire box stove just to kind of protect the ground a bit and it's kind of quicker really more efficient just to get small fire going but I'd like to have a real good base here for a fire you know a good fire pit so any suggestions guys I've got kind of a rough idea in my mind of what I'd like to do but I'm really open to suggestions so anything that you've got in mind with regards to bed and fire pit please comment below and feel free to share the video with your friends and things like that

guys I'm just out here to you know enjoy myself obviously be safe when you using sharp tools and things about a lot of you were wanting to go out and make a camp and you need to get the correct permissions and things like that if you're on private land which I do have here but thank you so much for all the support and I hope to be back out here doing camp out date six really soon thanks guys

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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