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Beachcraft - Survival on the Beach | TAOutdoors


In this episode Graeme heads out to the beach to show you how to skin, gut and cook a dogfish. Dogfish are a common sea species here in the UK. Using some paper from his bait bag and some driftwood, Graeme gets a fire going and cooks up the dogfish. Be sure to check out some of our Bushcraft videos below:


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Tags: survival,beach,coast,coastal,sea,bushcraft,food,foraging,wild,wilderness,fire,firelighting,tinder,wood,driftwood,skin,skinning,gut,fillet,cook,survive,outdoors,adventure,fishing

Video Transcription

guys I'm down here I said all these beach

hard to believe I forgot my head talk also bought two wrong sections for two rods those three might fall to three rows of data to plot result here look at this guy's fabulous tire I've got going just one lighter a piece of bait paper as a very very dry wood so great for going really all I need to do is catch efficiency if I can actually cook it on there for you that's what I'm Amy there's gonna be a cracking fire but crackling cracking for for those set my hair alight hello that's the restore shit John nobody's anyway great fire got claimed other wood here leftover and there's plenty on the beach I've got out there Mac ooh a mackerel and lug rack the tubing some hope and frying catch a dogfish and if I do not try and skin it now we're gonna do it tonight or leave it store I don't know might actually leave until tomorrow because this tire seems a bit too good to miss out on they give a shocking storm coming in tomorrow so it's not too it not too great I should give it a go anyway simply get a dogfish but because they have a bit of a buildup of motor I might actually just leave it until the morning you know and give it a go then anyway with a my fire that's going on with high tide it's all looking good I just need that one bite well the thing is guys I didn't get that one boy did I I've got to come back the next day I was pretty disappointed because even though they got bad weather coming in I thought I can't fail at night so here I am again starting up where I left off I made a nice circle of stones here and down in Somerset where I am there's not a shortage of stones I've got some more old bait paper left off left over there as you can see I've also got it's a little bit of kindling without putting my knapsack that's always a good banker if you're going down doing a beach fire because the salt water does tend to soak up into the wood if you take a little bit of extra kindling totally dry wood with you I find that helps really get the base of the fire going first and then that dries out the salt water workers don't forget there's always a constant spray of salt water coming up a mist coming across the beach here so a coating of salt on the wood does often make it a little bit harder anyone not smoke going there they say there is no smoke without fire it doesn't hurt you a little blowing there and I like to keep one gap open with the stones towards the wind and there you can see paid off big-time or leaving that gap towards the wind yes a last call of a good fire next to it a good stash of wood so why do before I light a fire just a tip here go and get plenty of dry wood first I've always get more wood I am going to leave the start of the fire because too many times people get the fire going I think great they start blowing it what happens you starts twinkling they look around oh I need some more wood and they have got a stash get yourself enough for two or three burns what I call it dump it all close to the fire and larger logs can be dried out close to it okay here is the bait it is metal and lug wrap as I said I used last night the are as I describe this the lugworm they come out of the mud they dug out of the mud these ones are stitched they're frozen and they're wrapped in paper but I get some metal as you can see it up the bait up that line for us that's the first place let me unwind the hook I'll show you there's the mackerel which you pull down dogfish do love me well that's really why I'm using this as bait ordinarily I'll be using squid this time I'm using rock wall and I'll bind the two baits together use it l elasticated going through now this is a very fine elastic and I push the bottom hook up and women around and around it around this elastic now it sort of cuts into the meat of that bite but that makes it a nice tight bundle to cast out and present to the fish I do a half hitch snap it off easy peasy lemon squeezy so that's that job done then simple question on the beach check your drags check the fine now notice how that fire is burning down now snap up and I'll load up so it doesn't burn out you want to get a good base of embers there so always try and get good backup the second hook I can put right through the top of the meat of the banks I've got two hooks okay so this is a sliding hook is called a pulley panel wig that I clip onto a special clip by the leg to keep it all streamline behind the leg when I cast out this is important for those of you maybe thinking of going on a beach trip trying to catch a fish kill it cook it that type of thing and look here there's two semicircles of water but it's also a little Peninsula a shingle that goes out about our other 12 feet that does not get the waves washing over it the waves split either side of this shingle here comes a wave look at this nasty big wave it could go about waist-high at all no it comes to my ankles but behind me it washes well up so there there's a little spot that gets me an extra 15 or 20 feet of casting out goes the bait and then it's the usual fisherman's waiting game you

well I didn't have it along to wait maybe I don't know about an hour because the tide is coming in that bitch is pushing me further and further up the beats and make sure you do lot of fire it's actually above the high-tide line and it can be snaggy down there as you've seen by the stones so I cranked this fish in as hard as I can I'm pretty sure this one of a year huh guys there is the target there is the dinner bell it is a nice big dogfish this is what I intend showing you how to clean skin and cook this fish survival style on the beach and you can see he was really after nailing that piece of record now there's a tip for you guys how to unhook a dogfish bend the tail around to the head and the neck other ways that ruskin will go around the back of your hand and scratch it that way you can get hold of the hook pop the hook out nice and simple and then I'll wrap the tail now you're going to have to dispatch this those of you with a squeamish nature look away now but if you are a true survivalist you realize that human beings do actually kill things get a big rock put another rock underneath it that one was hot and where where where where where have you of enough where that fish is deck salutely totally stone dead and ready for preparation guys I've got my I got my fish that's the main thing I got nothing last night to actually come down in the morning same state at I just a little bit bigger so I've got to go a little bit further out to get the dryer wood but they've got the fire going a most important I've got myself at don't fish

Oh care money is the small camera all this rain of storms now here's a fish upside down I'm going to gut it we're going through the vent here and split it up the stomach like this always cut away through me use a sharp knife just like this see that dead easy to spare part okay liver guts everything is in there grab it at the top edge pull it all out all those guts yeah not for the squeamish but then if you are surviving on a beach you're going to eat your catch don't be squeamish cut that off this goes back into the sea you're going to handy hang on to that for bite so I've got it all all cleaned up as you do a quick wash in the sea and then I'm going to start skinning here I can wash that one of dudes I'm going to cut these fins off just here just like this very very rough skin here I'm going to cut these off we don't use the belly cavity it just helps the skinning going to cut this one off as well I want to cut it nice and neat no cut the other dorsal fin off this it's a skinny can do it difference knots of different ways to do it this is just the way I do it I've then up here gonna make a cut around

just into the skin that's very tough at the top you just got to Nick it what were you doing with a sharp knife top that around just like their that's it and what I do is I split all the way down here at the back just like this run the knife down it comes out nice and from here I don't go below the tail I go I go in just there then just watch your fingers gradually ease the knife away from here you've basically joining the splits up hoping you can hear this guys will turn it over just that want to do there that's going from there to there is only about four or five inches that's it that one's already cleaned and then the tricky bit just here I'm going to try and just Nick that skin away the very very rough skin just enough to allow me to get a bit of a grip two little cuts put this down and do it going there we go

cut there here comes the rain great just what I didn't need it now you can run the knife all the way down like this just easing that rough skin a weight or you could do this get yourself a pair of pliers like this get a hold of that grip just here and just gradually roll the pliers around until you hear the Skinner hold it tight you can see that skin hopefully this is really difficult to film and dress the same there we go look at the skins coming away I'm hoping you people to see this on doing this with a toy a camera there's the skin gonna throw that show you there we go and one come on come on look how clean that goes all the way to the end cut it off I put the skin over here I'm going to cut this shit across there now you'll hear that snap hopefully don't go to cease pounding in here now that's cartilage in the middle of their snot both and then you get the other end how easy is it folks that's it great piece of meat there one central bone and to get that wrapped in the silver fallen on the fire I'm going to cut it into pop again through that that cartilage there you can see the center cartilage with the meat nobody could see it anyway turn that off job done there we go - lovely bits of meat there perfect that's going to keep me going all day the skin is used as sandpaper I try I dry this off for you and show you meanwhile the head and the tail guts all go back in the Sea Org se there's a nice piece of skin you can see it's come off but this is very smooth one way very rough the other well until my next side I bring a nice large piece of baking fold Tim for whatever you call it cooking foil shiny one side mats on the other I can then make assuming I catch a big fish I can trap it in there if I catch a fish like the dog fish I can actually split it in half like this and then I've got my two kind of call the Phillips whole body sections there that I can wrap up in the silver foil now you can do all the chef's e staff you can put pepper in there you can put lemon in there but I like to make a little pass or pinch the ends over I don't crush it too tight I'd like to leave a bit of space in there and as you can see it's almost like a Christmas cracker really I've rolled it up now here's the most important things when you put it on the fire don't put it on top of the flames you want to put it on the ash slightly to the side because you've got to cook it you do not want to cremate it so I wrecked those embers out it's getting ready for tummy time but there is the skin being dried out which you can use the sandpaper incidentally years ago they used to rub sandpaper on it

off we go do you think actually the flame is the hottest part at the fire but it's not the hottest part of the fire is that white ash down there and as you can see there it's absolutely bubbling it's so hot I'm tempted to turn it over but it's obviously cooking think give another couple of minutes take maybe 5-10 minutes that's all it takes for the fish that size to cook all the way through you've probably seen the noisy loveseat I got down here square one but if he gets cold look you can do this you can warm these up just put them on the edge of the fire like this that stone will absorb heat that you wouldn't believe you can see it's burning away here these it'll be hot I've still got my bit of skin drying out there let that warm up and then you can put it back on here and you're fine

it can stay toasty warm for half an hour stone absorbs that heat a cold freezing night in the beach man's got me out of trouble a lot of time you

I'm on my little Street I put on a stone because when you unwrap it it gets very hot as you can see there done to perfection still steaming if you put it on a stone you don't get your fingers burn and that's just trade off you can eat this and a triangular fingers now oh now the bull hats and larger species of these embrittle is sold in the fish-and-chip shop as and I think sometimes dogfish is too but as you can see they're absolutely done to perfection let me try and get the phone out really and our dog our Jack Russell tool of the axial flow in the cartilage hmm

straight protein now you see how to skin and cook a dogfish there's only one other thing you need to do that's what the totally awesome vision shows but that's the one that will tell you how to catch the dogfish thanks for watching on the track bone with it boy gets cold a pleasure not to have bones

you're a taste-off loved worm or metal because I didn't wash my fingers

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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