Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
We head back to the off grid cabin in the forest on a fine summer day to film the last unboxing of our subscriber mail. We explain why sadly this has to be the last unboxing video. Thank you to all who sent us gifts.
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Tags: pallet wood cabin,cabin,woods,off grid,off grid cabin,forest,unboxing,cabin life,mail,cabin in the forest,ta outdoors,pallet wood projects,diy,do it yourself,building,pallet wood cabin build,ta outdoors cabin build
Video Transcription
we're here surely we all hear it obviously at the pilot cabin it's midsummer
and we have this is a first rain we have seen in over two months that's ponds dried up completely the aim of today's video is obviously unboxing goodies that you you guys have sent but also a little update as well on just the cabin site and just things in general happening on ta outdoors this is gonna be the last unboxing and we will explain why in a bit but it is gonna be the last one on the break we've got loads on so let's just clear what that have you be chief opener this is cool as the first unboxing a slingshot that is awesome rubber in there as yeah pretty powerful looks like yellow I'm guessing Farabaugh maybe or something that is a really cool thing so that you know ice think about slingshots the other day in this parcel is your very own double banded RM stumpy slingshot with ta-ta outdoors tier does is burn into a he's burnt ta outdoors into a slingshot that is so cool I hope it brings you much during the future whether it's for target practice or hunting and I would certainly like to see a video on slingshots by ta outdoors one day take care and keep safe my friend from Raimondo ray thank you so much that's super kind Oh what good hits the same bearings are Gary Joe that's Abraham Lincoln Starkey host the putty to be able to put up their face cards thanks so much that's a really good idea that looks like some coffee Cassie Bruce classic roast instant coffee thanks Linda and from the coffee [Music]
my buddy Sam he made my virtus night the versus you tennis which is an incredible incredible knife you know this is called the aura what there's more details there they're not certification on it well Chi burl you can see it's got the burl to it but that is Buckeye burl I've never really Strunk I've never seen Buckeye burl
that is something else Wow authenticity certificate from sound about the knife that's awesome I'm impressed that's super nice that's keeping well out the rain I think that one he's so much sad
now I remember this fella there person sorry messaging me on Instagram and I can't remember your name but he was sending me these fire-starting like emergency fire starting rope I can't remember exactly how they work but they slide through if I camera's really playing up with its focus today it's sort of charred at the top of the rope let me show you on this was for carrying if it's for carrying your charge I think you put a spark to it there it's like a survival firestarter and then it you get the spark on there yeah and it's believed because that's charred it could take a spark and into store it you just pull it back down a bit to store it and you can carry it around with you and then push it back up and I think it's still char not quite sure don't hold me on that guys I'm gonna give him a going out hopefully and the person didn't leave a note these I can't remember sorry I can't remember your name but if you message me again to let me know how to use these I can actually give them a go in a video and try and use a beer yeah an XL Ferro rod that is pretty awesome XL Ferro rod with belt loop as a gift my channel is called AM bushcraft I would greatly appreciate that everyone go and check out AM bushcraft there's a link in the description handle materials made from red stabilized birch burl with a brass liner and buffalo horn bass it has a paracord lanyard with a hand-carved locking bead the rod is a TBS 127 mil long by twelve point seven mil width it comes with a three millimeter Italian cowhide leather belt loop that is stitched with red tiger thread I hope this letter finds you and yours well
take care Andy that's a lovely ferret that I don't want to lose any time soon where the locking bleed as well Andy thanks so much written on a really nice piece of material I'll just flick through it but it's from Mike McCauley Miceli from Archangel forge I'm not quite sure what he saw I just know a postcard it's actually this is looks like a hand forged bottle opener custom forged bottle opener with ta Oh at the top that's really cool I like that and there's another bottle opener here I didn't always sing of each alcoholics dad so you could do with that beer
somebody has to test it so I'll give this one to you you can have this one - another one one each good entertaining content I hope you and your dad liked the openers and find them useful thank you so much Mike that's some super cool gifts thank you it's James from pendel lancashire 1986 apparently James has found an article of game what's it called game fishermen do you remember it dad no you don't you're in it let's see if we it says grain pullin goes south here let's see if we can find where South years ago southern trout scene there's dad still rocking the same - I've got to use just four men nowadays - keep it brilliant a trout fishing article from 1986 that's a very nice gift from this subscribe but got you got some good trout Grand Slam a trout from one put and take fishery rainbow a brown a beautiful pear brook trout well done look at your old-school fishing bag you still got from Jason who is some bloke on the South Downs so he's talking about a thinking of a multi-use tool but not in the sense of a Leatherman just one tool that does one thing very well and could be used in a completely different way that's showing you the tool now a pump screwdriver yeah no twists at the end there and this is here his thoughts he thinks it could be used to make fire in the style of a bow drill but without the bow so I picture it is kind of when dust and show me that pump drill yes where you push down a little in so somehow Jason is kind of challenging us to try and get a fire going with that we was commenting how much duct tape a gaffer tape you put on to the packaging about three miles ago and is there's a dual use of the put the packaging as well you could use the gaffer tape for kindling the airbag packaging is a pillow a good multiple uses ER but thanks so much he says cheers and carry on camping just so you know
Royal Mail has actually written an apology letter on this package guys cuz it says we're very sorry that this item has reached you in this condition who's gonna show you just to prove to you it does say we're very sorry this item has reached you in this condition so it's obviously been open and damaged so I apologize to whoever sent this I think it's Ezra but it has been opened or damaged this is from eleven-year-old Ezra who says that he loves I love your youtube channel keep up the good work I am 11 years of age and I've started my own bushcraft channel I would put a picture but my printer is out of colored ink he says can i have a shout out my channel name is VA bushcraft everyone go to VA bushcraft help Ezzor out hit the subscribe button and he says the treats are for jacks so that's what got slightly damaged but we've managed to salvage it there's enough projects don't worry Jack's does not mind what it looks like djd when it comes to him so thanks so much
Jack's it's gonna really appreciate that and thank you very much for your letter this is from Dave good old Dave from Southampton soon to be calm Elyse but I've been watching ta fishing dad's channel by the way guys go and subscribe for years your TA outdoors channel has inspired me and the Misses to sell our house what and relocate to a small holding in Cornwall that's amazing I've just finished a 12-hour night shift and watched a couple of ta fishing videos vo judging by the noise of some of your dad's fishing reels I borrowed four tubes of oil from work you followed them or I'm not giving it back powder jewellery they are handy to chuck in your tackle box I hope he uses them as the real sound in pain through headphones brilliant well you need those no get a good use on dad's reels that's for sure all these I'll keep one back he won't be worn it cuz it never comes open without grease spider comes and that's not to say off to the padlock and with a coated padlock on it weight finish the elastic band with you me and I had that five years ago Kentucky Bourbon balls so this is a pace car by the way from Jose oh he's been traveling the u.s. I think from every state I think he's in Kentucky now because it says bourbon balls
well anyway no more he says wishing I was in the woods drinking a beer what have you been to Kentucky no I haven't actually
oh really whiskey I understand I know how you say as well has been to Tennessee been to Tennessee know played it yeah sitting it sitting in Tennessee watching one of your videos love that hatchet thank you so much Jose this one is from ramble rouser five five six he's from East Kentucky USA it's very glad he's met us guys we've changed his life he really liked some videos he is on YouTube East Kentucky smoothies check him out guys he's a biker Panther ghosts 18 miles to his grandma's farm I think he slightly worried he says what to do for GPS or safety equipment I don't really know about that kind of area and GPS and equipment maybe you guys from Kentucky if anyone is there yeah you might be able to help yeah we're in the comments section with information about GPS or safety equipment for the Kentucky area thank you so much for your letter that's really kind yeah and I've just got another sticker from Kailen Kailen sent me a sticker before and it's on the front got a cat I think and some streams and a fire campfire and it says a little color for your sticker board dr. mark color cholera bitch okay I hope I pronounced that right from Wheatland recently I was teaching a knot-tying class to a local scouting troop and decided to pay it forward while showing the scouts the multiple benefits of paracord I decided to make some paracord lures in several color combinations from old scrap pieces I saved half a dozen of them for you and your dad thanks for many hours of pleasure your father and you have brought me through your videos many of your ideas and techniques are passed on to our scouts that's super cool I've never seen that paracord lures that looks like a great project and I really like that idea you know that's a really cool project and you're not wasting any left you're not wasting any leftover and we all have it when you snip a bit of paracord and you've got that little three or four inches left well that's super cool thank you I like that now they I'm hooked on them it's gone from Columbus dear Mike I stumbled across camp update for bats ages ago that was my first big eating video when it was released and I've been a loyal subscriber since that is a long time ago I got my wife into watching her channel as well started starting with your pallet wood cabin which we're here right now we enjoy all of your videos and Miss theory time with your dad what a great work we love what you're doing from zach and Katie thanks so much guys really appreciate and Dave boss'd from Boston Massachusetts like says hey Mike glad to see all as well we are finally getting a break in the weather sending it your way keep up the good work regards Dave when you said that it was good weather but now when I read it it's now gone really bad but thanks so much France this postcard he says thanks he just goes on to say about one of his favorite sayings from her videos is thanks to you dad actually is Bob's your uncle
he says he's got his own YouTube channel called Imbert Lomond L + ' H onand and it's from my buddy Brian that's journeyman Han Croft I'll pop a link in the description Brian made me some really cool custom bushcraft gear that I was after so Brian sent me a new at sheath for my Husqvarna hatchet because and I've made this mistake before don't make the same mistake I do guys sometimes when I'm hitting in states with a hatchet if you leave a leather sheath on I never lead a sheet on what happens is you bash down with your hatchet and that downward force is then sent through the rivets on this leather because the imagine this is the blade the hatchet as it hits down that's going boom boom boom every time it eventually it's split through and bust all the rivets so yeah personally I do this is me personally I don't like to bash anything in you shouldn't really with an ax or a hatchet anyway but I don't like doing it with a leather sheath on because it cuts food on it twice now obviously if you want if you're worried about safety with an axe or hatchet you're hitting something you'll see when I'm doing I'm always tilting my head to the side so the axe heads always going over to the side that way if it comes off it goes off to the side hopefully hopefully one would hope thank you so much Brian this I recognize as well from my buddy Tim at Blue Angelica bushcraft I know what this one is guys this is a three-way wallet hahaha money in all of these three fold it up like that but a huge elastic band around it and never go in there here we have I don't actually know what's in it it's a nice little small wax canvas tim loves his wax canvas is very good at wax canvas items if you're into wax canvas this is what Tim's made and it looks like ah it's a bearing block for a bow-drill from the looks of it I would say and that bearing spin rounds so that's the bearing block I put my hand on and the spindle will spin there and it stops the friction reduces the friction so that's really neat it's got some cordage on it as well and it comes in its own little pouch thank you so much Tim so this is comes in a triangle but that it's canvas and actually what it does is it folds out and you lash three sticks together as a tripod pull it pull the sticks out but each corner of a stick in here and you've got yourself a stool like a bushcraft stool cordage for it that would be the cordage there around the middle sticks yes so you store the cordage in the pocket all right pull it up nice and small and you've got yourself a stool I will show you in a video scene thanks so much Tim onto the last the last gift after the unboxing another channel that you and your dad have created ta outdoors I am retired and I live in Ohio my dad has always been a woodworker and he inspired me to be woodworking also even though it is not the same type of wood work he does I do scroll I do scroll saw work and he does mostly bandsaw and furniture repair work your cabin build really connected with me because your foot your father and you were bonding like my father and I have done over the years it is really cool to see a father and son doing things that they enjoy together I made this with your father and you in mine of course you can do what you want with it but I think it would look great in your pallet cabin on the wall somewhere no matter what you decide to do with it I will keep watching your boat and your father's videos take care and give Jax a treat for me that is amazing obviously made in the USA 58 doors it's my logo with the ax and it says Mike Mike pullin Graham and Jack and he did say with Jack at the end he says on his note PS sorry about screwing up Jax's name I made this before I noticed I did not spell it correctly well it doesn't matter because the thought that goes into it and it's got a wall it's got a warm out there so that I won't be putting that in the cabin because it's too nice to put but thank you so much that's really kind what a gift this is from Tony by the way Tony pizza so Tony thank you so much really appreciate it so they just cook three things that I forgot from - a lovely couple at the bushcraft show gave me this
it's called camp I have used it already because I got given it at a bushcraft show it's really cool and what it is is chicory and coffee essence you just add this two or three teaspoons to warm milk or you could use warm water and it just makes basically coffee like straight up where it's from very cool yeah and also a gentleman at the bushcraft show kindly gave me a spoon that he'd started carving but he's not quite finished and he just said that I can have it and I thought that was really nice it's a really work really well made spoon actually it's not called a spoon there's not a name for it a contramar what it's called it's for sleeping style know that style there's another name for it but thank you so much I really appreciate it it's very kind gift so I did say the beginning of the video that this would be easy last unboxing video the reason being is because couple of reasons actually because when I started doing these videos the unboxing ones basically companies jumped on board of my P o box companies sent me so much stuff loads of stuff didn't and it the problem was that they were sending me these they're companies they're big huge corporations sending me this gear hoping that I would just give them free publicity now yes you could argue uh what might why don't you just not film that gear the problem is is I had customs charges big customs charges coming through with all these big heavy items or import I was sending them now obviously I could have just not paid to custom choices and it would have got sent back but the problem is is they were quite sneaky and they would make it look like it was a subscriber gift so I paid the customs charges to then realize that I'd been sent a load of rubbish from a company right and I'd yeah blatant product jumping in on there on the views on the YouTube so sadly the the the PIO box did just get hammered by companies night it was costing me a lot of money yeah yes from postal charges and customs charges and you're never gonna know who the googly eye was no no doing handwritten letters and everything that was the main reason I can't keep unboxing videos going because you know I just I don't know who's the good guys who's the bad guys as such and I was just paying
for money and it was a bit demoralizing for me knowing there's amazing gifts coming and it wasn't so amazing because it was it wasn't so personal it's just yeah it's really sad so sorry that's probably the main reason the other reason is I got so many incredible gifts from you but I can't use them all there's there's simply just too many sometimes and I don't want it to get to a stage where I get given these amazing incredible gifts from you and I and I get to a point where I can't use them you know and it's just not it's just left there and sat on the side and that would be unfair on you going through the efforts writing letters and sending me things like that so that's the reason why we're not doing it hopefully hopefully you do understand and you can kind of sympathize why we're not doing it that's it really for this video we are here at a pallet cabin site we've not been here much over the summer because we've been so busy the weather it's been incredible yeah dad I mean that's gone and done that you've been fishing load 70 a fishing your seat that's made be making monster movies like really nice full-length movies like out on his boat on his own doing overnight as in his boat on its own fishing on the ocean my really good quality movies and you have to do it while the weather is good don't you absolutely I've been doing sort of push back from the boat overnight yeah you don't miss it it's really good I'll put a link to that channel in the description below but it's is it really this place we we only really like coming here together don't we because we built all of this together as the de palette which is the recycle palette and stuff so you know we kind of don't want to come here or on our own I know I do a few times I come here on my own a decent maven Ida's all just come round on my own but really we've just been so busy so so busy we've just not had the time to come here and make videos and make the pallet with cabin videos you know we've missed out on growing the vegetables and things this year yeah we were going to do the spring vegetables at the end of the day the whole project was is about me and dad spending time together and what what you can really do with pallet wood and how you can recycle as much as you can and spend as little money as you can on doing it you know we never never came here to complete to live completely off grid that was never the plan in the first place fun it is off grid there's no electricity which is so no water you know we're just experimenting and seeing what we can do and we are learning along the way putting a pallet together a part it's the hardest part and then just generally maybe next year or something we might give it a go at building it a bit more homesteading and getting the crops go pretty the autumn of getting the vegetables and things maybe some winter vegetables we might try you can tell from some of the letters that you've written that we have inspired some of you to get out there and just enjoy the outdoors and that's what it's all been about it's been a fun father-and-son project and we're very grateful that you've followed us and those who have subscribed for the pallet wood cabin staff we are very grateful for that we haven't given up on it we would definitely be back to doing more pallet with stuff it just might be a couple of weeks yet until we do come back here cuz we're both making the most of the weather dad's doing a lot of fishing I'm now going on a bit more kind of trips and camping things and a bit more bushcraft so you know we just we just drifted a bit from it but it's not it's not over it's not finished we've got actually some good pallet projects coming up in our minds that we're gonna do don't forget dad's got his fishing channel ta fishing there's a link in the description below thank you so much to everyone who sent gifts over the months we really appreciate it I'm very grateful the dads also very grateful and really it's the impact that we've had on you that's been the most important thing to us not so much the gifts but also the letters isn't it and the personal impact that we've made comments the comments in the videos as well as has been very very supportive and we've had some quite touching words some people that are not in such a fortunate position as ourselves or even yourselves and there are people out there some people who have had a very very profitable time yeah and they've said how we've helped them to overcome some serious life problems and that's that's what it's all about what it's all about
so thank you for watching this I appreciate it was kind of a lengthy maybe not so entertaining video there's some really great ones coming up I appreciate your views and I will see you soon in the next episode you
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing:
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- One-Man Off Grid Cabin using Free Recycled Pallet Wood - Roof & Front Porch Build
- Log Cabin Life: Alone with my Dog in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- Building an Imperfect Cabin in the Wilderness for Free - Recycled Pallet Wood Project
- Bushcraft ft. ALEC STEELE - Fire Lighting, Steak, Axe work - Epic Day at The Camp!
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Recycled Pallet Wood - Woodstove Cooking & Log Store
- Cabin Life: Snow at the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin - Unboxing Mail
- Bushcraft Camp Update 13 - Primitive Shelter, Fire Pit Cooking, Overnight Camp
- Primitive Survival Shelter Build with Bare Hands - No Tools Needed
- Recycled Pallet Wood Cabin Build: An Off Grid Wilderness Project
- Off Grid Tiny Cabin: Pallet Wood Projects & Cast Iron Grill Cooking
- Building an Off Grid Cabin for Free to Save Money - Woodstove & Pallet Wood Bed
- Coastal Trip - Wild Plants, Bushcraft, Scouting for Fishing Marks & Channel Update
- Off Grid Log Cabin: Recycled Pallet Wood Project - Roof Extension & Sink
- Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Fire, Shelter, Axe, Cooking Fish
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Build from Start to Finish.
- 3 Day Solo Winter Snow Camp - Bushcraft, Canvas Tent, Woodstove, Bowdrill
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Opening Subscriber Gifts & Coffee Vibes
- Primitive Fishing with Horse Hair and a Bamboo Rod - Catching Fish with a Stick
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Picket Fence Build & Woodstove Cooking
- My Dog's First Time in The Snow + Truck Update - New Mods
- Bushcraft & Blacksmithing: How To Make a Bushcraft Knife with ALEC STEELE
- Cabin Life: Unboxing Fan Mail in the Cabin with my Dog (Incredible Gifts!)
- Forging with ALEC STEELE: Hammer Technique, How To Forge for the First Time
- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)