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  • Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)

Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)


I go coastal foraging and go cave camping. We catch and cook fish, forage for wild plants and sea snails in this coastal survival ta outdoors episode. This is the second part of our 3 day bushcraft and camping adventure. For the first episode we did an overnight camp at Dustin's Bushcraft Camp. We built a log bench, cooked up some good food over the fire and had a great time. On day 2 we head down to the coast, to do some sea fishing with worms as bait. We catch wrasse, Dustin catches a Garfish which we clean, fillet and grill over the fire. At night we hook into a giant bass which gives Dustin an epic fight! Thanks for joining us on this coastal foraging and overnight camp in a cave!

WATCH PART 1 OF THE 3 DAY TRIP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubVaOF-cMBQ

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Tags: coastal,foraging,overnight,camp,catch,cook,snails,prehistoric fish,wild plants,survival,cave,camping,bushcraft,3 day bushcraft,fishing,bushcraft camp,log bench,survival fishing,survival food,sea,garfish,grill,grilled fish,catch n cook,catch and cook,bass,giant bass,camping in a cave,cave camping,caveman,worms,how to survive,how to survive with no food,survival skills,wilderness,wild,beach,survive on a beach,shellfish,fish,ta outdoors camp

Video Transcription

well we've made it down to the coast we've done a short walk really from the trucks but we're down in there's no signal which is lovely with cut off from society if we could to get baited up we've got mackerel got sand eel but some ragworm I'm gonna see what we can catch I think hazing might be going for a swim as well so interesting [Music]

this place is awesome look at it I wonder when they finished scoring this out you know how far back it goes look how its held together yeah they leave them here

it's little snap like that there's a Gollum cave whoo I've been here once before and welcome it is incredible you don't get a Sun rock you get sunset over this side we don't see it too much for the sunrise over there East is amazing so I've got a light spinning set up with me today just a small 1000 sized real five piece like travel Rob's isn't it just comes in five separate pieces in this little case just handy very very lightweight that's why it's only light spinning gear but it's handy for when you're hiking kind of far distances it's the same one for those that watch the Lake District video where I went up with hazy and we went fishing in one of the towns it's the same rod as that and I to be honest it's the rod I take everywhere with me it will be able to handle big fish it just wouldn't be able to cast very far so there's the rod in its five pieces I'll just put it together and then I'll explain what I'm going to put on the other end on the reel I have it's not blue fishing line it looks like blue fishing line but what it actually is is what's called braid and this is for bite detection so I can feel the bites a lot better with this compared to a normal fishing line which is you know nylon monofilament that's got a lot of stretch you can't feel the bites as much but you can feel the bites and you can set the hook a lot better with braids however it's not very abrasion resistant so against rocks like this when it rubs against the rocks it's gonna snap so in order to counteract that you have to put on what's called a leader and I'll show you what I'm using for that now so this is a leader material you can use nylon which is standard fishing line or you can use fluorocarbon which I'm using here and that just helps because it's where it's meant to be almost invisible underwater to fish so the way with flat refract the light so I use a bow meter probably a meter of that and I'll tie that to the end of the braid here you can either use a swivel or you can just use what's called an Albright knot which I won't show you but it's on ta fishing the YouTube channel so earlier today we've got some ragworm from the tackle shop I just zoom in on those for you these are like a staple bait for wrasse fishing just general beach sea fishing mixed fishing around here in England we're on the UK British Isles they range in size we've got what they pop you probably won't be able to see but I'll try and get it for you they're quite aggressive they're quite an aggressive species but there's too little you see them ready here come the fangs there two fangs you see them at the front there's little fangs he's trying to get me now already trying to tuck back to bite me but that is their fangs and that's where you've got to put a hook right through the mouth the front of the mouth otherwise they'll just nip you with those fangs we say fangs they probably not like that probably little teeth but you could see them there they're pretty pretty interesting worms

lots of wriggling movement squeeze them quite hard

get their fangs to come out he's got fangs out there you can see and then straight through the mouth and then you literally feed him around the hook and keep feeding the body of the worm it's a long shank hook cuz it's a worm hook you want to keep that hook in there until he gets right round the bend push him around and then when you get to the eye of the hook pop him over squeeze it I hold you can hold the actual okay they're quite slimy after a while store it there and then put him over the eye there it just pops off and then just double tap tuck kind of a couple of ref a couple of times now this this long tail like that it's not gonna be good because the rats are just gonna and peck away at this tail and I'll get bite detection but I won't know there's one on the hook so you snap the worm about here just snap him in half save the tail end then put it right back in with the other worms because it does kill them and that way he's still wriggling away seems a bit cruel but you know this fishing this is this is life and yeah now you got a bit smelling scent in the water as well this is a drop shot rig so this part goes to my fishing rod there's my hook then at the bottom about three feet down is a lead cannibal led so that's the setup as a vertical fishing technique switch nose the head come now

just to make it easier for me to fish I need my hands-free Dustin's got a bait in the water as well hey Z's actually in the water swimming so hopefully now we'll get you some underwater footage of the rats swimming around in their natural environment but let's go catch a fish


there we go yep I think it's a cool thing grass they got the colors on that stunning aren't they unbelievable

pretty fish spikes quite a few spikes oh saved him oh look at the Hat he's calling the what's the food well I tried to stop him in the rocks of my birth so he hit my bait oh he's actually gone there he is golly I dropped him in that sorry mate swim to Uncle Hays we're in this landscape is incredible all these rock pools that there's even little fish in them they'll be crabs in these as well I'll have a look later why you have a long shank hook she just whined that when I'm around the shank of the hook there we go I'm actually gonna keep this tail on but double wrap a double hook it when you're fishing with bait like this worms on a sunny hot day you want to keep them fresh as possible so you want to just keep them covered so they don't escape otherwise they they go go a bit off lovely markings and that they just blend into the rocks and the coke yeah it's gonna be a good evening look at that Sun another wrasse yeah been a bit bit bit of a better one look at colors on him man so nice on in the Marquise can you yeah why no spikes I show you under there if you feel that it won't hurt just that there's a spike if you push back on the fin little fin spikes there there'll be gilga spikes like perch Gill and the top there there I'll just rub your finger there that it doesn't hurt just that's the sort of spikes so there yeah that said the fence come on yeah as a wrasse there we go yeah look at that we hook up it's like it's huge yeah look at that it's probably cuz it's foul hooked that's why haha hey vicious fish and

right well here we are we have what looks like a bit of a crocodile to go on to garfish look at that and if this one's been hooked pretty deep he's bleeding already from his gills a little bit so it's dinnertime yeah because these deep hooks we know he can eat it we're not gonna throw it back and it will die night we're gonna we're gonna knock on the head and put it in the in the panel Beauty make that's like great effort this is the witching hour for fishing I I'm surprised this late in the year we're end of October there are summer species yeah exactly that's nice thinking that bull should be here the since it's got the garfish and I'm just foraging whoops for limpets at the moment so these are just limpets which are a sea snail species of sea Smuts now which cling to the rocks and that they're quite they're quite well kind of camouflage to the rocks around here they match the color click invites and to get them off they're really really tough and strong when you step on the rocks they'll feel the vibration of your feet and then they glue themselves and suck to the rock as and it's really quite tough to get them off so what you need to do is sneak up on them I say sneak up on them obviously there there are seats now they're not going to see you they will feel the vibrations to try and creep up to them but you see use a rock and where they're stuck to the side like this if you imagine on my hand you just come from above or from the side and give them a short sharp tap and it will get them off and that's what I've been doing and where you have to be careful when you then put them back down is if you put them back on the rock like that and you walk off and walk away they'll just suck to the rock again so when you're foraging for these make sure that you if you're gonna you know put a load down on the ground and then move off keep them like this so that the foot that's called the button it's facing upwards so they're facing upwards so we're gonna add these to the garfish so we've got some fresh forage there's no much calories in these and they're pretty damn chewy but they're gonna add to our gourmet sea dish anyway so couple of limpets they will also stick to each other's shells so far I've only got a handful and we won't have loads only have a couple each so I'll probably get another another few and then we'll hopefully try and get some more fish [Music]




okay I've changed my rig it's nighttime we now on a fish on the bottom and try and catch something there's a good chance we're going to catch the dogfish he's got a mackerel fill it on a large hook thread it onto a large hook and yeah it's nice led and a nice LED and yeah the idea is that the LED is on a weak link and we know it's really rocky so when this LED falls on the on the on the seabed and then gets caught what'll probably happen is it'll get caught in between some rocks but there's a weak link this line is weaker than these two lines which means when I then pull it what happened is this line will snap and hopefully we'll be engaged with the fish where it's a very common method over here in the UK because we get such snags when were fishing and where that's it's really rocky yeah it's good and we are what we've brought we liked 30 40 feet up yeah we probably more than that we're really high up on this cliff so it's a pretty hefty cast you've got a dick yeah I've got a really whack out that is a huge drop be careful mate that's your right the edge I ask good that's Congress city that Congo City what are you doing just buffing my knife up because when you come to the coast this you got a bit rusty little gets a bit rusty sir that's a carbon one right yeah yeah se3 yeah but it's pimped up you've done something colours a new handle bit of a Cobra weave on it um they don't come with a 90 degree on put a 90 degree on there so we can shoot and we've got great setup going here on the cliff we've got we did bring Kindley we didn't find wild wood out here we bought some kindling cuz we're on the caissons no no trees no wood here so it's gonna help us cook up some food and get some warmth okay this is a little light like a glow stick what you do these is you crack them rack them a few times it's glowing already clang you ready then you shake them a bit and they allow you to see what happens on your rod tip a knight so so now there I put the rod back in the rod holder which is just to two big rocks holding it in oh yeah yeah we knew um cake through yeah I mean I smile a stood three years yeah and there's only just failed to get size that but thin but good size there's also one in America called ballyhoo which doesn't have the that it has so imagine there's no bottom jaw here it's like a it's like the bottom of the mouth is there and this is the spike coming out but it looks exactly like that but some like a Marlin just put a Bally hey I just measured up we're in it yeah boy gone got to be no no ah that Bell was ringing oh that was going that was a bite definitely yeah I don't know he got taken no I think would give it give it some that went doggy I reckon that was a dogfish oh so exciting when it goes we've got a a start where we couldn't star lights or rod lights whatever they're a great indicator for it nighttime and what you what you'll see is the the rods hit going yeah rather than be nobody head torch on these are great but annoying if you're fishing next to whoever's got when these bells they just allow you to hear a visual animal audio you don't have to sit there watching the rods yeah they you know it allows you to you almost carry on like we were preparing food we were cooking yeah and then um Bell goes and we weren't watching the rod tip we don't be watching the rod tip all night really because I mean you know you're drawn to the rod tip on you so you hear the bell then you look at the rod tip and that was hammering I reckon as a dogfish get it out there is that garfish we've taken the head off we gutted it we've measured out roughly how big so we've got a grill to go over that and we're probably only gonna get three mm hey you before actually were three so if that's the width we've

and down to the length we won them so I'm trying to go halfway through with my knife and I do like my knife I am a bit precious so by turning the fish over means I never come in contact with the rock so there's one there there's one here what do actors we just give them in a rinse we did bring a bit of bottled water with us cut down through there and through this yeah we did some foraging earlier as well yeah we've got the rock samphire here yeah so we're thinking about stuffing the fish with a little bit of rock samphire now I'll just give it a little bit of something on it and that's we've rinsed the fish we're going to peel off it's on these lovely fresh green shoots stuff them into the fish put them on the grill clifftop fishing you cannot be clifftop yeah that's well it's the fact it could be a conga I be ready for the grill yeah it was going it's going do you know what if we should have bought lemon that have been great one lemon one Keith five minutes give them a turn yeah we regulate the heat this is Haley's brush box yeah regulate the heat through there don't you put some wood in there so we can get some flame going if we need to and shouldn't do there's quite a bit of members in there so that should yeah I take they're already starting to go yeah that chunk hook I think when that flame dies down

yeah put back on just leave the heat golden gar look at that there you go there you go Mike look at that presented know that presentation oh no nothing on the presentation but we I guess we didn't have a plate and these are edible chow down to thing about cooking them in sections hole is up the bones mainly stay together

yeah Yannick how green they are they've got green bones really locks and power inside rocks up foot imagine lemon on that pitchers on a lemon magic truffle on it expecting the wrongs the rocks out hard to bring out a bit more get more flavor there's a delicate flavor there's a little infusion of rocks on fire but expect this because it is quite potent yeah I also can see barren green backbone input foot I've got bearing greenback on it ignore that guy yeah let em eat it let him eat it let it meets it that might be tied there might be waves right go go go go hit it hit it it's in come on no you're in hurry boy yes Dustin me right look at that rod look at this there's meals in Dustin organ Mike organ a fishing rod pulling trying to get these bass onto a onto a rock shelf down there there's more food than we could possibly eat here this is exciting wait look at the size of that thing it's a big fish dude look at the size of him that's far down as well right we're hooked on to the biggest bass I've seen in my life come on come on he's come off that was amazing that's it he's come off he's come off with lost him well we lost that last one which was a good bass so he brings it up I'll put another mackerel head on it and fingers crossed we're gonna get another yeah I believe but let me just explain to you guys what happened what carnage happened I think it was utter carnage bedlam it was absolutely bedlam so after we turned off the camera eventually sorry about the blurred footage there I then went and grabbed the key gave me the kiddies crab net we decided to chuck that off the edge of the cliff to see if it would get down to this bass which was an absolute beast unfortunately the crab net then got the crab net got wedged in a gap so we couldn't pull out we couldn't drop it down so it was up to us to try and lift this monster bass up off the the top of C good honesty good I know fishermen tend to lie about fish weights and everything like that but this was this was put pushing double figures it was it was it was a yeah it was an absolute monster and we just we didn't even think about camera work or anything because we just wanted to try and land it at one point

yeah hey Z did you want to see actual camera work days but at one point I was holding Dustin's jacket Haizi was holding my jacket I was holding yeah you were holding me you're on the end I was on the rod Mike was on the end dusty was holding my and I was dusting Justine's clothes were shaking because it was an absolutely she doesn't good fish yeah when we saw it was a bass and when you it's one yeah it's one of the most prized species here in the British Isles and to catch him at this time of year that they're a bit less common this time of year so October winter but when you do get them they're generally quite big they are one of the best eating fish that you can get and this thing was a monster and we maxed out the rod we tried to lift it up on the line we were on what 20 pound line about 20 25 pound line there was no chance we were gonna get out unfortunately the line just just frayed on the rocks and it when 10 minutes or so yeah and it just went so it was yeah we were out of options but it's all about the memory anyway it was all about the memories with this one and we're gutted but we've got a fresh mackerel head out we saved the crab net just now so we've got the crab net back and yeah we've managed to save a macro head we've got it out there and let's just hope that little bell rings again because that was something else with that little bell going a little eeny Meeny being I think we were just sitting here having a chat around this no written garfish yeah unbelievable

we still want limpet somewhere as well but I'm checking with you guys in the minute we probably cook up a bit more food and yeah try and come on earth right we're gonna just they're pretty much slow roasting just grill them over the fire shell side down probably fight nine five maybe five minutes until the meat comes with yeah yeah just falls apart once it falls away then we get rid of the gut sack unless it that's your thing and you like eating that we'll get rid of the guts akan and we just eat them but we can we can continue to feed this fire from the sense I get these straight up and get it down the hatch yeah they won't take long at all they're all come away from the show that all turns out like this there's a limpet and on this side of limpet is the gut sac which you kept you can actually eat it with the guts icon I think personally you can always see it the snail part of it there but I personally like to just I don't really eat it the guts actually rip it off gut sacks off get the gunk out just shove it down the hatch these are quite nice much at you and they're done like that they're bearing it yeah like Dustin was saying I don't know cooking beer by the way know that they cook in their own juices in the shell so keeps all that flavor room when you boil them they go really rubbery if you do it too long I'm just going to just boil them just for a minute or two just get there that flavor in there are they good yeah now nice no they're nice yeah yeah they are nice not much calories in them but taste wise they've got a lovely sort of salty salty taste like if you want it if you want to be real like they're just like it's just you wouldn't eat in your mouth yes I wouldn't either mouths calorie-rich can then over intensive compared to them and fish you would eat fish for miles you can never get them really tender but if I was like I like that's the best way to cook him or if you've got an open fire with the coals yeah that's the best way to cook them on the coal or not Gutierrez always think that's the best way

yeah well we still got a little bit more kindling left you let the fire go out and probably call it a night to be honest it's a lovely still night there's no rain forecasted there's absolutely no wind out there which is lovely so I think we're all hopefully gonna get a good night's sleep but I've got I've got my strep so the sort my throat out and I will catch up with you guys in the morning night



well chaps and ladies thanks so much for watching this episode it's been a blast boys it's been a good one really we don't know yet if we've got the footage of this bass from yesterday hopefully we do hey Z's on camera GT say it's probably just a blur but to be honest we've had an absolute blast I hope you guys have enjoyed following us on these these two videos and thank you so much for watching go and subscribe to Hayes outdoors go and subscribe to bushcraft tools and I will see you guys real soon [Music]


About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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