Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
After catching fresh fish from the lake, we head back home to catch n cook the fish in butter. We pan fry it over homemade charcoal on a bbq. We cook the trout in butter, and add potatoes and salad for a fresh dish. We then head off fishing again down the coast to try and catch some sea fish for dinner. However, fishing is tough, so we cook up trout cutlets with asparagus, potatoes, lemon, salt and pepper and seasoning. Pan fried fish at it's best!
Tags: catch n cook,catch,cook,big fish,fish,butter,pan fried fish,deep fried fish,fried fish,fishing,trout,fresh,survival,survival in the wild,surviving,how to live off the land,bushcraft,bushcraft survival,eating fish,fish recipe,cooking fish,bbq,grill,charcoal,wild food,wild food survival,fly fishing,eat trout
Video Transcription
we just call this super rainbow trout we're gonna cook it up on a grill but we're gonna be using our own homemade charcoal
well can't see outdoors this is another catch and cook episode but this time we are going to try and catch a fish that's so big it won't fit on the barbecue and not only is that fish going to be humongous we're gonna try and cook it on charcoal wait for this that we actually made herself right what's happened is just first walking around spotted a fish or two so we're gonna try and get out unball the footage for you so at least you know there are some trout in there we might better catch them we might not but this way at least you'll be able to see something we hope yeah the tape was absolutely a NIC very slow today unless you have to see the mouth I don't think you'd ever feel the take on it yeah heavy fish she's not going mad but I think it's a pretty heavy fish Oh get up again that's a good fish
that's gonna go over phone I reckon he's a Fire's I say oh we missed him yeah flies just hang in there we've heard that saying he died from a bolt from the blue well this one I put asleep with a bowl from my pocket because the last fishery I went to a mic I've got to pick my priest up this by the way is used for dispatching the fish which already have done with this one I just want to show you how they're taken in this hot weather is absolutely nipping at the fly the fly is just literally right in the corner just in that top corner of the drawer there he's just absolutely nipped at it but that is a real prime if at a barbecue don't think it's that wide I tell you what we're gonna do now there you go it's a rainbow trout you can see the rainbow on the side so we're gonna get this going fill it it cleaned probably take the Phillips off it and get it straight in the cooler we've actually got a cool box as well we're gonna leave the guts inside this for now okay I just want to get the Phillips off and leaving the guts in that gives it a nice firmness of meat now these are my noise these are the noise that the fishery make this insertion down there and then I can get this knife in which I feel is sharp and gradually work my way just along the edge of the backbone now listen don't expect a work of art you get to the backbone you can run that blade of that knife along it's always nice using your own knife you're never really quite sure how sharp somebody else's knife is I'm just going to cut around the back here this is it's like a weird one it's like a saw blade then I go down here just kind of gradually so almost here how close that is coming to the bones it's gradually stroking it almost the blade of the knife against the edge of the bones here I mean obviously fishmongers do this people that process fish in about three or four sweeps of the knife
I don't most anglers down most of the meat is in this back portion the top half most of the meat of the fish but we also go shark fishing on the television show so none of this the entrails and the carcass I can assure you do not get wasted because see beautiful red meat local just running my edge of that knife a long way I'm gonna come in there just cut that piece off yes we know there's bits of meat left in the tail is bits of meat left on the bone but generally that piece is just fat that's the belly just there so you can see there's almost a line I'm gonna come right along that line like this there you have a lovely fresh piece of meat the bones are all still here I can fill it this off what are you gonna show you if you want belly meat that's find a lot of people don't like belly meat like this barely meat there but all I'm saying to you guys is if we're in a survival situation of course you're eating this we're now in a culinary situation so it's totally different and then what you can do is take the skin off and I'm gonna try and take the skin off of this one that's our wish I had my own knife we should have bought our own knife but your skin side down skin side down I just get it started it's a bit tricky to get started and you were just basically running the blade of the knife against the skin that you can get well some people do show you can we do it the proper way is just Nick that skin like that like that you can see I made a split there look then I can work my finger through the skin he says hopefully like this that just gives me a bit of grip we're non-sliding that noise back with a fortune cookie with a skin on boy doing this and you wiggle the skin at the same time we get to the other end you will see I've got 99% of the meat off of that and now I've got a beautiful piece of meat there hey Jess needs washing off I'm gonna put it straight in the cooler with the chiller it's they're all off completely both sides now all the Bloods gone it's all clean I'm just gonna cut it in half which is probably about the size that we're actually going to cook up on the charcoal grill it's going in here and I've got frozen coal box so I'm just going to put that him first and lay the Philips across the top like that I'm not putting the finishing first and then this cuz the weight of that might just crush a Philips the heat start to crank up now we're looking there it's called it at 12 it's about as high as the Sun gets so I'm gonna have a go for those trout down there I just move it as probably let it lay on the gravel the fly and they just pop it about that much off the gravel up and down like this as though it was an insect this hatched out on the gravel trying to work its way towards the surface now those fish are in there because they want to stay cool hopefully I can get in there and I might just sneak a take out of them actually lost trapped before on this fly here they're only gonna see they're gonna put it in the foregrip there put it in the foregrip I lost them on the black one of these and I put this green one on which is like a sort of damselfly color I guess I can it give that I drop just dropping it vertically to the bottom and see if one of these fish are in a biting mood well people might shouldn't have gone off back to the car to get the drone and I've got a fish on here fancy leaving his day with a fishing rod that's that's totally awesome
another trout on or off it came off and it's that lovely barbless hook again but at least you can see those fish are taken
that's probably one of the hardest chopped fishing sessions we've ever had tough one
it was difficult dad caught the only fish of the day I blanked unfortunately with us it's the way it is we're glad we got something we're back here at dad's house now and we've got a barbecue by the way that guy in the background there's Doug dougie we call him dougie and yeah he's there it does well he changes the attire every now and then doesn't there's a clothes change of summer summer clothes and a winter clothes my voice changed him says duckie needs new trousers so shortly dougie will be getting rid of the red winter trousers and he'd be going into more summer way he might be in a pair of shorts and the reason is we've got a couple of three ponds around here one one's totally dried up and yeah it completely dried out the other two on the way but that's their Doug he's on guard duty for the Heron who ate every single fish yeah so dougie is useless but he's more than welcome to come to our family barbecue say what we gonna do dad we are going to lift the lid off of that we're gonna open an old Christmas tin biscuit box and inside you will following what I consider to be the finest British homemade charcoal known to man you think I know what I'm talking about don't you think this man really knows how to make his own charcoal he doesn't this is the first time I've ever had a go at making charcoal but I've got some here we're gonna light it with a bit of paper and some wood and fingers crossed it comm busts so what I'm gonna do is get the grin off we used it the other day screw some paper what's gonna screw some paper hang on a minute you read this once to see angry news big shock or bass no I want to know where that is
that's what we need barbecue so we need to Kurt yeah we're gonna put some paper on there first no boys craft here homemade charcoal folks you can see what it is is it going to light is you gonna burn I've no idea to find out what life's all about is testing in the next half an hour experimenting she looks and feels like barbecue it's that funny sort of yeah it is small panic versus light this is charred wood right now which is the best side of this wood to start it hang on a minute no it's not that sorry got it
that was like well no I do probably bushcrafter you seal just done it what's wrong with that Sparky Sparky not a problem and then of course being a true bushcrafter I can add this barbecue fluid just might you might help the situation
it's called barbecue fluid for a reason we'll see if this does actually work it looks like it's going here there's some peculiar sensation about holding this bottle like this I feel it needs a sort of a bit of a magic flick oh yeah I knew there was something missing in one bottle they might say about that me not poisoning going on in England all that spicy stuff so maybe the best to test it first
perfect I mean a I'm actually pretty amazed with that charcoal that's the first time with my charcoal if that's what he is but that's how I understand you make it who knows what would it is what come down from our property here but I've used whatever whether it's do you guys know what's the best wood for charcoal that it's got burned down before you cook on it oil will give it a coating and let that trout sort itself out oh it's anymore that's all we caught [Music]
here we come heart attack the Brits in their butter with other bill Emma - she won't let me do cialis and lemon tea set they'll be lemon juice and to finish off just a hint of balsamic vinegar for the salad excuse fingers won't you it's only been catches slimy soda Joe yeah Tony ciao it's gonna all taste fishy at the end of the day what affair and the final thing is I was down there on that barbecue working and slaving away I thought you know what that last beer didn't taste too right I told my son being ill so I thought another one just to make sure it's okay look you've got to do this affair with this quality control this is quality control birth father yeah what about taste that's okay and that really is the last one now watch your bones yeah spinach hit by a complete idiot no taste okay that's good just watch the bones that's a big chunk of trout to cook so you make sure when you take a big fit of a big fish there's cooked all the way through I feel a job well done that's good Cheers that Cheers no problem mate enjoy that that's good and of course if you want to know how I made that charcoal in that old Christmas Bach thing you know it's a biscuit tin check it out now we'll show you the footage and then what's happening after the footage when you've seen how I made the charcoal and please feel free to tell us if I'm doing it wrong because I don't know that's just how I figured they make charcoal we're just experimenting here I worried off to next so after this we've got an another kind of Captain Cook we actually went down to the coast we did some sea fishing together you're gonna see some of that footage from that sea fishing session and we did cook up some food there as well so enjoy it there's plenty more cooking and stuff coming up thank you very much for watching keep watching and let us know at the end of the video whether you enjoyed it
cheers Cheers
southwesterly winds we on the south coast of England got my dad here with me behind he's about to start rigging up this is the view incredible look at that I was saying to dad just now I've never seen it this clear usually when I come in fairly strong swell sort of really washes up the water makes the clarity a bit a bit difficult but I've got a really good feeling today we've got we've got ragworm which is the main bait that we catch rats down here on the south coast immediately he doesn't actually know what I for guys prefer eating you'll be rightful okay okay I'm used to just ham sandwiches right let's rig up
fingers crossed he knows what he's talking about you've had rats here right I have had grass here yeah we've had him to put about 303 pounds 1904 pounders but about two and a half to three pounds and well working south facing you can't complain can you look at this I don't know if you guys should see the clarity on the water that is the clearest I've been coming in years that is the clearest I've ever seen that ever that's really really clear we've we've got what southwesterly coming in here I just like the Southwest throats how yeah Rhaego is shocking but they're going the tackle Rob did say the Reg room is shocking not so shocking that you didn't charge us for it I've come around here on the headland and I'm gonna try a little bit deeper you see absolutely spectacular scenery here just at the moment it appears to be no fish a lot of these folders one assumes or where it's crashed down in the water up here and then broken down we're giving it a go Mikey's back up over on the cliffs up there and I've come right down the back here along the side well that is a classic small/small wrasse
they've actually got spikes all over their dorsal fin this is lure colors in that they unbelievable colors in this fish I'd say they probably crustaceans and stuff don't know dad yeah limp it's not the shell small small sort of shell fish and things like that but we'll get this guy back and hopefully they grow a lot bigger than this while fish is being pretty tough so we come back to the car and that's what I've realized this Mex stuff in the cooler anyway so you come prepared right if there is bait it's not although we can't kiss your fish we could still eat them because I've got touching here right on the cooler blocks to throwing chunky rainbow trout cut boy look good now we've never cooked Cutlass before have we not like this rania time on a spit
yeah and you've done Phillips but we have known Cutlass so you guys tell us what to do we're gonna cook them in there and we got some asparagus as well butter lemon and liquid refreshment we just saw how much we're gonna put in there so I guess what fire the old girl up let's do it [Music]
well we've got the trout send potatoes asparagus even got some garlic and herb sauce
does even ports and San Miguel beers okay right got some garlic lemon cooks in white wine we may have not caught any fish today well we caught a couple of fish but small cup of at least we've got some food
the oil potatoes of Jersey which ones guys that's straight in for the trout we're going straight in for the bottle open eyes you really hasn't got his priorities right here we go people good luck with it just cheers everybody out there and we'll see you hopefully shortly with either fish or some other form of outdoor stuff don't forget to check out da GG Channel ta fishing as well all the links in the description your insufficient will you want to learn about fishing go and head over there and hit the subscribe button [Music]
oh boy wait I want my hair back look boy think he likes it you scoff that didn't ya save me having a shower so for those that are new to the channel theory time is where and myself or dad usually picture not sometimes a wacky theory sometimes not so wacky out to you and we you guys give us some feedback in the comment section about what you think about the theory you just give your opinion don't be nasty they need to be rude
just give your opinion is it always do just for us to read through the comments to see them so the theory today is on primitive man and we were just talking earlier actually it's not really a theory it's just one of one of the many random father-and-son chats that we have but it's basically what we do it's something like me or Mike with Wesley strong thick wiry thin muscular these guns that's which appear corporate guns boy what we're saying is we probably wouldn't last very long we have to kill in the first 48 hours because if somebody's got a lot of body fat they still couldn't run as fast I say as we could to kill something but they would live longer they would deteriorate more slowly well their body would be body's gonna eat it their body is getting to eat their fat fat's in the body first the body fat and that's what it's gonna do and they're gonna eat it would it we discipline it we'll use that yeah once it's burnt through the body fat it will then start burning through muscles yeah problem is is we don't have much body fat on us it's gonna start eating our muscles away quickly make us feel more lethargic therefore make our brain less active yeah we won't be as sharp we won't be as alert which means things like intuitive hunting and things like that we just wouldn't be as good at coming to the theory we've gone off of one is so I do with that yeah primitive man we were just saying obviously primitive man lived and women lived off me mosy the primary diet was meat and fish now eventually they learn about smoking fish and preserving fish so they could kill and mammals they could kill large
and fish and preserve that meat to be able to live sustainably for a longer time however it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hunt yes just to proactively hunting takes a lot of time and energy so at what what we wanted to know is at what stage did primitive man start introducing carbohydrates carbs into their diet most obviously it's come from from vegetables and and and roots plant roots and things like that but what what stage did they think you know did they know to mix this in with their main diet when was the change made the change did they and how they killed all the animals within their survivable area just don't be forget let's say you had a camp say you had your bushcraft count with the big guns in town you guys probably saved unbelievable views on these big hunting Tower well it's a practically you were using it handing it out
you're gonna kill stuff from here for a hundred yards yes I could be a gun could be a bow and arrow capice whatever yeah you've eaten out now you're gonna burn more energy to go further and further and further to find the same amount of protein so perhaps all those people that live the incase had to eventually become nomadic so observed yes so primitive man didn't build huge camps they move they were they were caught they followed the herds of animals exactly that's what they followed that's the way we're thinking they followed the herds of mammals generally beep large mammals cuz they've got the big fat fat content on them yeah we were just discussing you need carbohydrates and they must have got them from plants obviously and routes and things like that but at what stages they know oh if we eat more than this then we feel less lethargic you know obviously their brains weren't as clever as our brains are now yes true yeah
your mother's inside those let us know your opinions on what you think guys yeah you know this is not black and white we're not telling you this as fact this is just what is your opinion on primitive man and when did they discover plants well thanks very much for watching this episode let us know your thoughts on that theory time we'll try and get some more to you also give us some suggestions on what you'd like to see on Theory time is there a question on your mind that you'd like to get out to us yeah maybe we'll pick one from the comment section if you like fishing subscribe to Dad's Channel ta fishing or totally awesome fishing so when you she was well weekly videos that's been doing some really long movie style ones solo trips catching sharks and things it's awesome go and check it out go hit the subscribe button and merchandise as well thank you sir everyone here's da tops ta outdoors tops and things like that I pop a link to those in the description we appreciate we bees we appreciate way of supporting it yeah thank you so much and I hope you've enjoyed this video and we'll see you real soon
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing:
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- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)