Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch N' Cook on the Camp Fire!
In this episode of TAOutdoors we take a fish back to the Bushcraft camp and cook it up on the fire pit! Dad caught the fish out at sea with his buddy Wayne. The fish is called a Plaice and it is one of the best eating fish in Britain!
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More Bushcraft Videos videos:
Another way to cook fish at Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UyQDliOIME
Solo Overnight at the Bushcraft Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7jikEUXTGc
Solo Overnight under a Tree Root:
BUSHCRAFT PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR
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Tags: bushcraft,fishing,survival,catch and cook,catch n cook,cooking fish,camping,camp fire,fire pit,how to cook,fish,wilderness,bushcraft camp,solo,overnight,bug out camp,survival camp,fort,woodland fort,wood fort,tree house,primitive,fire lighting
Video Transcription
guys welcome to the a outdoors and you may have noticed we're eating fish this time it's a flatfish and it's called a place which is a species of flatfish that's caught over here in UK and around Europe I believe but it's a really really tasty flatfish yeah yeah and I actually call this one tell us the story then that walleye well we got a few clips I spent while we're eating we went out just to test the place fishing grounds down off the south south coast of England and I'll put some plastic teaspoons on as flashes or attractors and called a what we call two or three places very very small bass which we put back place or good eating fish and early in the season they can sometimes be a bit thin the best eating fish is going to be in February but they can be thin but they still taste good we had a couple of really good fish I'll hook one up and obviously I wanted to film so gave way in the road to one the fish in that's the one you can see here and that's a one in fact one of these two that were actually eating now very good whole way to cook it home for the best taste mmm I think it retains that flavor when you cook them whole doesn't it well I think you told me that you get more juice come out the bones as well when you've got fish yeah it's almost like Stephen here as well hustle but we've got the fire going we are here at my bushcraft camp there's a whole series video playlist on my channel on how I built this camp every bit of what you see in this camp is dead for dead wood no I'm in an area of woodland where there's so much dead wood it's unbelievable it's just unmanaged which means it's just lying around everywhere so I haven't had to cut down any trees for all the Greenies out there but we usually throw in a bit of what's called theory time which we make is first and then do the theory time for you guys or we could do it as we eat fish yes dodgy be careful with British guys did you gut this while you're out there fishing or yeah home yeah obviously I didn't drive 80 miles and see come up like the camber we start cooking it when we got back and while Wayne was putting the boat away I went down to the shoreline and in the salt walk honestly gutted the fish but I did use a different knife I used the sharp knife shark tooth life you sure that pretty sharp knife I made up Man Alive it just cuts through the place like they were like yay work so I took the guts out of the fish fish was all cleaned then I brought it back and I put in some silver foil put it in the freezer it's frozen and then we took it out like a day or so before which is like yesterday morning down just thawed out and put it on the fire as you see here or ready to rock and roll just to say thanks very much really to everyone who's watching the channel it's getting a lot of traction lately lots of use and some really really good comments and feedback from you guys we're just the father-and-son we're not full qualified survival experts bushcraft instructors really we just come out here in the woods and try and do some different things and really just spend a bit of time together and expect it's almost like glorified camping really we're just what it is that we rolled out here building a wooden fort really but it's great from and you guys who have followed from the beginning you know you've seen us well develop really see the whole channel develop and seeing the camp develop and we'll be going out actually to different areas of woodland you may have noticed my videos I'm in a pine forest a lot I'm in a coniferous wouldn't but I do have now some other areas of deciduous woodland which I'll be doing some videos in soon summer camp - yes I'm at camp yeah so just a bit more kind of camp stuff camp now dog camping got some more overnighters coming
lots of good content coming your way but also to check out our other channel with the old not over here runs bad vision yeah ta fishing really really regular videos really and they're really good educational videos that dad goes on not just entertaining videos but they give you tips on how to catch fish ticket on rigs you know set up watercraft and knowledge and everything really it's really really good we're trying to pass on some information I meant from like 50 years of fishing as a complete lunatic nutcase on fishing and there's a lot of stuff in here there's got to come out not all once it goes like with a lot of old fisherman he's gone it than that information it tiny small tips can be the ones that catch you the fish as per putting these little plastic spoons on as flashes as tractors quarters place that day I don't think there's any other place call that day we were out we were one of the first boats coming was in place obviously a seasonal fish but we like cooking fish down here in the camp the way we do and what what we want to know really is them not just fish but what sort of fish do you guys catch and cook yeah where you are because obviously it varies all around the world I mean we've been fortunate enough to go to a few countries around the world where they have amazing eat and fish I mean my favorite ever eating fish is Corrado yeah Amerigo which i believe is called a mahi-mahi
yeah Dorado makes me yeah very very nice fish probably my favorite what would you be your favorite eating fish sighs really
wait a minute knowing the really the dourados I think they call me blackened or we garlic that's really nice I'm about it when we going to Mexico yeah Marley there's only hmm and versus wahoo stated goods well whether it's a Bermuda and some wahoo steaks here and they cut them across rather than fill it the fish that's really nice you get that restaurants obviously we you can get swordfish swordfish steaks and stuff like that you know getting a swordfish is not happening in my boat I'm soon but let us know what you guys cook anyway if it's not just fish just whatever you guys like to take camp and cook and pretty cooked meal you know that your head or something like that well ice we built the fire back up again and the fish went down an absolute treat and unfortunately I was in a bit of a rush packing my bag today because I was out shooting with my buddy George and you get anybody know this right so in parsley a lot of Americans have guns well you know we don't ever wear our so as a time and a place sipping it aggresses no stones of people our weapon of course or spoke my writers bang buddy give me the magic if I wrote it because I was pleased cookies over his baton about time yet in Kichijoji nosy boy
anyway a cover right i firm oh yeah I was in a bit of a rush and I forgot to pack a decent drink so I actually just had this in my pack anyway sister so your soft drink that's really annoying load a decent beer out here and I've never forgot about anybody water I packed my own my own food and luckily for me by bypass on the soap guys I didn't even know you had a you snuck my if it's a sling you didn't know you brought that I just found that you're going to cheer now that's nice and why will you look after your own beer every management of a guard for his own beers huh I just noticed this is a truth I digging around how we're going to get out we're going to be match or drug rip all my fillings out yes I don't eat flying everywhere the spokes actually got and always got to what are they goes well for taking those phones a she's made a asystolic so bottom near so so hand is that on your spork yeah I'm not a laugh this with when the yeah when they get a laugh a nervous this is off of crying you won't open it's open yeah well cheers guys Jess do I feel loss that no not drunk I feel in a minute do a bit more at four and three times on the way oh yeah cheers Cheers
well focuses that time of the evening where we do a bit of theory time which is for those that are new to the channel is basically towards the end of our videos for some weird reason we talk about some wild and wacky out-there idea and try and bounce a theory out there of what we think is happening in the world or what happened thousands of years ago and maybe why it happened and you guys try to help us out in the comments to try and figure out well what happened and this time the old rut oh is it the old man the old Matt has got a theory you know I want to know what is it what happens when they had to take years ago how do they possibly get rid of teeth the Stone Age people it must have an excruciating to to just rips it out probably well I hate dentists anywhere not surprised because we've all suffered some form of trauma surely the dentist as you say well I had the fear of God put me I was maybe of 66 coming up I was about 8 years old you know what I did in the 1950s wait for this with children England the dentist's gasp them now is anybody's true is laughing it's absolutely true they used a mouse Shh have a guess now come on Graham this one huh they have this big rubber the-- you be tilted back in the chair i used to force on you know i mean they say just take some deep breaths grab deep breath there's a grown man from the game sweet so i mean i'm not surprised they didn't even have that first I didn't have a few dentists guess in those days no no how do they get them out how did they get teeth out them what do they do with Tuesday why do you reckon they were hard enough to just pull their tooth out with their their lawyers they were hard enough they're trying to survive remember two takes nothing to them we wind you moan about toothache leaves doing nothing to them really always about the dangerous things to survive I reckon they just pulled him out probably with some sort of flint knife or something like that I wonder when the other thing yeah bouncing off at theory they were known to because of the lack of Hygiene and everything during that primitive era they were known to obviously get ill very quickly that they got infections and they didn't have the antibacterials you know the ante bag stuff that we have yeah and the medicine that we had or where they did have primitive medicine just not on the kind of effectiveness that we did routes and stuff like that you know what obviously they lost their teeth probably a lot younger age than we did what happens how do they do Demi Oh suck it Emily that's why they were very digestion digestion if I sucking it I just see something you can measure one of me must be really tough they didn't must be pretty tough in those days they don't cook you they cook it more maybe they beat it with something a tendril yeah yeah you know you got to think about the muscle also teeth by by 30 years old all their teeth gone it must have been yeah it's just something for you guys too yeah let me know Duesenberg Neandertal experts out there yeah we're not saying in the end tall there's the answer experts out there oh yeah an apology I think it's cool and to problem-solve in the comment session anthropology is that is the is something about the study of primitive man I think I tell you one of the cons I did come but only came up comparatively recently compared were we made it so we're talking about the growth of Ivy on the roads and all and I thought about it for some time and I thought I wonder if it's the momentum of the cars going past that carry registry yes blow me down a guys come up put on the comments page here today anything on the comments page maybe the traffic the motion of the traffic Kade from C to C because you're treated creatures there's no question or now on their career verges oh and another thing
which I needed to say from one of the other videos that I did one of the overnighters where I said about primitive man couldn't eat raw fish and you guys piped up about sushi yes obviously I know about sushi and it's raw fish and you can eat it however a lot of sushi I know is tuna there's a lot of tuna involved you can eat it raw not the forest know exactly how did primitive man go and catch a tuna so I don't know you know they they ate war what I brought I kind of really meant was mammals how do they know to cook mammals mmm
you know it does part the other theory goes that video and have a look and anyway we're going to probably crack on that it's getting dark but we'll probably build the fire up again yeah and then we'll probably give it a few hours and then head on out don't look dark on that camera because it slow down is a very good camera yeah boost the light out it's actually getting almost very very dusk here at the moment yeah we just wait for the Wolverines to come well howl and we be gone from here yeah so the object of the exercise guys if you're a man you pack your own beer look at that eye boy so one of the things I wanted to talk to you just quickly at the end of this video is I've got new LED lantern this is a 12 LED lantern by hands one and these are actually really good because they're light they're portable and they're quite long lasting now I do have a lot of well that's got his old Tilley lamp which is which is very good and I've got one of the storm lanterns as well which is great for a natural flame lantern but often when you're on campsites and things like that and you know you don't need it's dangerous in a 10 I do it I do do a lot of camping in a tent as well so I wanted one of these LED lanterns for my tent camping but I thought I'd show you guys here out at the camp really useful it's actually got three settings it's it's about 100 lumens so you're not going to walk around trying to find your way to the toilet in the night with it because it's not going to punch out huge amounts of light it's an ambient light so it's more for your camp so for example I could just hang this up in the corner of the camp and it just keeps the area around me lit up but not you know glaring in my face and not going to light up in a distance so I don't get seen by everyone but it's got that sort of main setting and then it's got a nice warmer much warmer ambient almost natural flame color and then again another brighter white LED so it's quite nice to have three settings it's got it runs by three double A batteries it's got these folding carrying arms here which not only obviously help you to carry the lantern with your hand but it gives you something to hang it up with as well just thought I'd show you guys that because I needed one of these LED lights and I'm going to probably use it in some of my tent camping videos when I'm in a tent and if you watch the previous videos that I did one of them I showed you where you if you light up your tarp or your tent you can see it well in the distance but it doesn't give off a glaring light but you can see it one in the distance and that way when you're collecting firewood and things like that you'll be able to find your be back to your camp easily without having to just use your head torch quite useful bit of kit nice and lightweight think it's about 200 grams as well a guy's most under pack up now just let the fire burn down I looked in my knapsack and the main thing I was going to tell you guys about which I found and was given by so many years and years ago we're talking about Kensei cooking how about this that's an antique copper saucepan so he's pinned inside a polishing works an ornament I have actually brought some water in it wait for this
it weighs six and a half pounds on his own so I can't imagine what the women will cook cook like what must have looked like you know because when I weighed it and I put some water in it it weighed over ten pounds now imagine that you were married and it was your wife which is called Eva T can you imagine if she'd be cooking with this all alive the size of the guns man alive when she called you forty boy you better come that thing weighs a ton you
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing
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- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)