3 Days Alone in the Wilderness - Fishing, Bushcraft & Foraging for Wild Food
I head to the Coast for a 3 Day Solo Camping, Fishing, Bushcraft and Wild Food Foraging Trip. Using just a hobo handline and minimal gear on this lightweight trip I battle through the elements to catch fish, forage shellfish and seaweed as well as wild camp on 100ft high cliffs and in an ancient forest. This isn't a survival trip, but I did need to "live off the land" during some parts of the solo adventure.
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Watch ALL of my Bushcraft & Solo Adventure Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR
If you wish to send me stuff:
Mike Pullen
PO Box 7466
RG27 7NA
"Summer's Gone" by NoMBe ft Thutmose
Tags: alone,alone in the wilderness,3 days alone,solo,solo bushcraft,solo camping,camping,wild food,foraging,self reliance,survival,primitive,wild,coast,coastal bushcraft,fishing,hobo handline,handline,catch and cook,alone show,alone tv show,bushcraft and fishing,shellfish,bass,primitive technology,taoutdoors,mike pullen
Video Transcription
yes the bit with me just a bit windy beautiful though we made it to the sea people do that man this is fairly dangerous guys not gonna lie look at that lot I'm about 30 feet up here but it's crazy see you see how why it's called the Jurassic Coast look at that headland man look at these waves oh man I would not want to fall in there right now
okay guys so although I don't store these LEDs in in this one this hobo real I've got my hooks and stuff lures in there then the smaller LEDs and things in this section here we'll show you later but I bought these as long as I knew it's going to be rough today and strong currents these I wouldn't carry in here necessarily because it just adds to the weight and there's only a small section in here so I carry these separately they're in my pocket or in the backpack but I'm gonna I'm gonna go you straight a straight sort of legit on the bottom really big to be honest we'll see how it goes so I made a loop I'm just gonna push this leap if it will fit through this led so there you go it got my lead literally at the bottom of the rig guys then I'm gonna let get about a meter probably two meters of line off because I want my hook well above a bottom I've got loads of little nerves but I got to start with bait to be honest and a fairly big ish well I say big probably a size two so fairly long shank hook the actual shank when it's quite long and that's because it's four worm baits it's got a barb on it I don't have one bait I've got some old frozen sand eel which I brought from home but let's try this one anyways on so if you can imagine here's my hobo line or my fishing rod if you imagine us my rod then coming off from that straight down is that not I tied with the hook coming out to the side like that then about a meter down straight to the bottom is my lead which is probably going to snag up straightaway but we'll give it a go base well as they're pretty frozen actually so hopefully these will defrost a bit better in a minute but I'm literally just gonna
cut them into small chunks right that's my bait guys nice and bloody just hanging off the hook out to the side off the line got a green rag with me to dry it hands let's give it a go okay very dangerous on the edge here guys I'm looking for a clear patch they're feeling the lead go down it's down on the bottom now gonna wind up tight and let's get in a hammering probably gonna lose all the gear look at that that's beautiful but scary look at this way holy moly that is Mother Nature at its best okay so I'm trying not to move the lead but obviously every time the swell comes the big ways it puts tension on the line so I can loosen the tension of the line by moving the hobo real closer to this left hand this left hand is going to be most striking hand as a bite as a bite there's a bite I'm keeping that tension all the time but I've got to let these guys eat it this is a fairly big Bay but as you can see if I move this away from my hand or closer to my hand at loosens and tension to the line so I just had bite I reckon they've had that bait off the hook already cast number three just swinging that let out like this then point the hobo reel where you want it to land that's on the money I'm telling you now tighten up tighten up tighten up tighten up God sign up fast cuz you'll miss the fight the line is just lying across my fingertips because that's the most sensitive part of your fingers is the tips where the most nerve endings are and that's where I'm likely to feel the bite the detection of the vibration on the line the monofilament line when the fish actually have a bite say I'm holding the hobo reel up here pretension in fact I can wrap a couple more just to keep that tension nice and tight oh I got fish got fish good finish on the hobo real get in I can feel him oh Jesus I don't know how big he is that are now big ears guys oh we both OH oh my god is a purse he's got yeah buddy I got bass oh yes wait for it boys wait for it I'm in a kachunk in great mess here oh my days there we go but wouldn't that would beginner but it's illegal to kill these undersized and that is undersized but that my friends is a bath on the hobo hand line get in let's get the sunlight right
it's just admire that guy's hobo hand line a lovely little bus beautiful now they do have spikes so you gotta be careful
there we go guys that's a beautiful little bass on the hand line really chuffed with that sorry about the stormy conditions obviously if I was in a survival situation that would be eaten well I'm not and it's illegal in the UK to kill one this size it's certainly undersized I think 42 centimeters is the legal limit but totally awesome back he goes I cannot believe I caught that bass guys he's down understand how difficult bass are to catch in general prize eating fish over here well all around europe european seabass is what they call them I just got a bass but if you want to protect you your hobo handline obviously lay it down on a towel like I've done here just got a small towel which is to work with hands if I'm cutting fish and things like that and obviously I don't know I don't want to lose all the van there nice stain and varnish on this and chip it's a just like down on that saves your line rubbing against the rocks as well and then you just eventually you know monofilament is not great abrasion resistance so if I rubbed it against that rock it would certainly snap so do your best to protect your gear look after it guys okay come on bass number two and let's have it about 10 times as big please
naturally casting in the same spot although that's a little bit to the right but who cares we gotta bathe so that fish was caught further out so I'm gonna I'm about 40 feet out this is risky fishing guys 30 feet up high on a cliff for casting 40 feet out in a storm surge that was like that was a lovely bass but be nice to get something something a bit bigger different species maybe their blood on that it's lovely lovely flavor that's what week that's what you need when you're sea fishing you need bait that's got really tons of tons of flavor because they get so lost in the washed out salt water just get so lost the scent the flavor so they're better smelling your bait the more chance you have a catching fish in my opinion
I think we've got something voice that or just missed him I think I missed him missed him
damn it we had something anyway a bite oh we've got a fish we've got a fish yeah buddy
it looks like a Pollock bit too small to eat though
let's serve a gander okay guys another one on the hobo hand line to Pollock again too small to eat but not a fish either way let's get it back get the bait out again that's how father ladies away from the bait itself I'd like to keep the bait about there and swing it with my left hand
swing it about 45 degrees in the air and then point at it with the hobo the hobo line itself that way then it's like a fishing reel the line will oscillate and come off you know as easy as possible with the least amount of resistance you know what I mean so you you throw it 45 degrees in the air and point out it and follow it down well guys haven't caught anything for the last two hours now I've been here for hours
that's just not happening at the moment so I think I'm gonna move spots maybe hike down the the coastal path a little bit further see if I can catch something else down there it could be the tide conditions
I've just had slack tide for about an hour so the tides on the air now it's on the way out I prefer flood tide to be honest but it's just not happening here at the moment I've had no more bites the swells getting worse there's much more weed in the water it's getting on the hook so it's not really happening the plan is Pat the gear up hike on down maybe half hour 40 minutes further down the cliff to see if there's any other spots down to see if I can get another sort of bait out and maybe get some more fish as the tide goes out who knows that's the ledge I was on just down there that little ledge looks little bit it's actually 30 feet above and as you can see that's a pretty day and big coastline that kiss pretty big what a view whoa as awesome I've got about 40 minute 50 minute Trek now to the next place I've got my map with me say let's crack on so I'd show you guys this wild carrot here on the south coast England that bits not but and you can see the seeds there it's not ready to drop its seeds yet but probably another month month and a half but these seeds as they are now and they're slightly green brown like this
have a lovely citrusy flavor and you can actually cook the one just use them as seasoning on fish but it'd be good on a sea bass and things like that but you can eat these like they are or like I say you can season them but these are the greener ones and they'll go brown almost black and then they'll drop off probably in a few months time but they they have a real strong citrusy smell to them I would use these on fish later guys but if you guys can see that there on my hand there mmm very very sort of citrusy taste but you can see how they'd be really good as a seasoning they're kind of dead they're all right on their own but very strong citrusy taste but with the seasoning on some fish they'll be amazing well BlackBerry's are still here they're going they're getting a bit soft that one's all right - I'll take it while I can use it get some vitamins they've probably got another two weeks left and then the blackberries are done I think but might as well have some there's a few here apologies for the jet noise well they're quite bitter go honey on their way out I'd say but bitumen seed um hmm poor guys have walked for about an hour now maybe even longer than they get tired Suns actually starting to set I didn't I didn't set off until about 11 a.m. because obviously had to drive down here and that took about two hours to get down here so by eleven o'clock and after get my gear sorted and then I was off walking to get to the first fishing spot now I'm getting to the second spot and potentially overnight spot but this I'm losing light pretty fast it's September now when I'm filming this is mid September and it's we've lost sort of two hours of light compared to when we normally do peak summer so gets dark about 7:30 now and it's nearly 6 o'clock so I've got time to get down I think I've got another 10 15 minutes obviously I'm hungry I'm craving a bit more fishing for those fishermen out there you know what it's like you get the bug and dusk is a great time for fishing as well you know see and course freshwater say this is amazing they haven't met one person completely alone but so far all day which is awesome especially in England but it's seriously overpopulated but gonna switch off guys focus on the walk and I'll get some water and I'll see you guys by the coast how spooky is this guys look at those caves I think this is an old quarry definitely be investigating those later as mad creepy doing overnights here that is where the winds coming from the north straight over there so there's no wind in here it's just watched us it's like it's some sort of sacrificial pit big fish there
look at this there's the sea we'll go and check it out in a minute and then we'll check those out probably have to camp near one of those I wouldn't come ponder that way still not seeing anyone today okay so I think fishings off the cards boys I'm about 100 feet up yep no fishing Lilla waged a beautiful and there is the stunning self English coastline part of it anyway the Jurassic Coast guys I'm actually in one of the caves and there's bats in here my focus is really struggling to hold to pull focus the camera but I've seen bats and everything proper creepy it goes back miles explore that in a minute by the torch there's weight boom forget it if you were surfer man you'd be de it I've reached the end I can't walk around any further this is as far as I can go all along here on the inside this little cave so I might overnight in one of these little ones I think just little alcoves that kind of tuck in there's one just right here I'll show you that it's a long way down you can tell it's deep and you look at there that's how how big the cliffs are they go that's probably where I'll go tonight seems like someone's been here before this evidence of a fire a couple of fires there there there that's where I'll go tonight they better graffiti in there so probably teenagers but perfect for a little sleep well guys I think it's time to get some food on I'm absolutely starving as you can see there is no trees here so contantly do much bushcraft in the sense of fire lighting these people have had fires before about she brought stuff down but I'm thinking gas stove today I couldn't I couldn't kill that bastard it was undersized that would have been illegal that Pollock was way too small I've always got backup food with me just in case I just got kind of boil-in-the-bag job meatballs or something like that and the gas they always do that guys it's sensible you know when you're doing three-day trips at which this is a three-day trip I'm not going to come with no food at all that's just mad that's that's putting yourself in a survival situation I don't need to do that you know I'm not I'm not I've not got anything to prove to anyone I'm just here to enjoy the outdoors so I do bring it I will bring a gas they've I've got it in my bag and that way I've got a boil in the bag food as well I haven't got enough food for all three days or two nights haven't got enough food I've let you got enough food for one night really say I've got a little bit of rice which I'm hoping to catch some fish to then cook in the rice but like I said I've got nothing to prove you know don't feel guys out there that you have to go out and try and you know live off the land straight away it doesn't work like that you need years and years of knowledge and I don't have that knowledge here to be able to just live off the land I could have cured those fish earlier and survived quite easily you know probably three or four days on that on that
fast but got nothing to prove put it back
release it enjoy the outdoors gonna cook up something with this stunning view take it all in and enjoy it and then maybe you know gets a bit get a bit of wild food tomorrow about some blackberries I've had some carrot seeds I've got some trail mix some nuts say I'm all right for the night but I'm damn starving so let's get some food on it turns out for all-day breakfast for evening dinner
oh well my guess those really compact or packable Rick dead simple just put together it's all sort of like a flat pack stage really but I really enjoyed this stove I've used it so much those who saw my three-day mountain trip video will know that I use this stove in that one C 3 C 3 hanage canister Coleman one it's like one of the high-performance one's really good Jetboil on it it's not saying it's gonna spit this in the Billy are you even not boiling
one of you this is one of the wafer ones I really like the wayfarer wants to be fair they're quite split they are expensive I'm not sponsored by them got spit up money
meanwhile it'd be rude not to let's face it old Empire IPA for Marsten's brewery don't think I've had the old Empire before 5.7%
giggity goo beer by the ocean I can't beat it boys Oh a quiet one for a change cheers guys
this is my room for the evening at end probably ten by five foot cave with a view premium room all day breakfast
that's seven o'clock in evening oh I'm English say neiiore breakfast whenever it's finally cold enough to eat and it's nice they have about 500 calories 560 calories per bag so easily sorted so you probably didn't Mike why you wearing such a thick jacket in September and that's because we actually I'd love rain earlier I don't know you probably didn't see it on the camera I shut it all down because we had so many heavy rain showers come in I had to just stop filming temperatures today I've have been about 15 degrees Celsius where they're going out at 8 degrees Celsius tonight and that's here on the coast and my sleeping bag is only rated to ten degrees to comfort 10 degrees because my summer bags still so I'm hoping but really this this kind of cliff here is sheltering the wind if this wind swings around to a southwesterly or a southerly I'm screwed because it's coming right in my face and if it's cold it shouldn't be with a south southwest over here in England but if it is a cold it all just ruin it for me but if a naught if a cold northerly wind comes at me it's gonna come hit the cliffs first so I'm not gonna be affected down here although it just brings cold temperatures ok guys so I've got my sleeping bag just attached to the bottom of my bag here with some homemade straps that I did because this particular is a military surplus pack it doesn't come with a bottom strap like this I do have a temp with me I've carried it in my hand this might I might use this tomorrow night nobody's at end tonight just sleep out in the open open but there's no top strap on this as well as the only downside is bag there's no top straps and bottom straps unlike my bigger pack which I prefer because it's in a way it's got the top straps and bottom straps to secure bread rolls sleeping bags things like that however it does have these kind of Molly well they're not Molly they're Atlas therefore the Alice clips these things the military Alice clips but what I've done is on these are all over on the bottom as well maybe you can just loop you're off put a carabiner on the top one here my sleeping bag sometimes hangs from that but I've actually fashioned some straps now down at the bottom so I can just undo these off comes sleeping bag and the straps are just here at the bottom they can be used again it's just handy because then I don't have to use the space it's very limited inside it's only twenty five litre so this is a relatively lightweight three-day trip to be honest well I'm gonna do guys I've got zero phone reception down here and if something happens to me I'm probably in quite a bit of trouble so in my first-aid kit which I keep in here bit of food first safety that's my breakfast really and trail mix which I've been using just some mixed nuts drive-thru hot chocolate I've got coffee instant coffee as well but this is my first aid kits why keep in here all the time and I've been using the Pentagon one for a couple of months now I've got a video coming up by the way of my first a kid everything that's in it which you will see probably maybe after this video I've had so many questions about what do you put your purse take it as a video coming up on it really in-depth video but I do need and I'm gonna take out this and that is the shoreline the marine whistle really flat-packed incredibly bright orange but I'm not gonna blow it in case someone's walking around I think I'm in an emergency but this is really loud and if something happens to me if I've injured myself or something I will blow this really loud to see if I can get someone's attention not sure how much help it will be at 3 o'clock in the morning but you know it's a necessity for a first aid kit so I will take that out now and I've got that in my pocket near me just in case something happens because I haven't seen anyone all day and there's no sign of you know those fires that people have had in very old so I don't think people have come here for a while so I'd rather be safe than sorry keep this in my pocket in the cargo pouch down here now I can just enjoy the view you can enjoy it with me bit wonky sorry ok which is guys wherever you're watching thank you for watching ta outdoors really appreciate it really appreciate all your comments your likes your subscriptions if you are subscribed and ya enjoy life in the outdoors
and you can see where I was earlier today I'll show you right in a distance then if you guys can see this on that headland on that headland over there there's a lighthouse just there I was the other side of that lighthouse so I walked all the way around all the way around there around to here ready to pick up day two guys I'm not on my own there's a boat I think the sun's just said I can't tell now there's the cliffs in the way but I'm judging it by the Sun on the cliffs over there it says definitely set because we're getting some shadow over here now so this is probably the most level area of ground got myself myself a blatant map which I've used on previous trips this one has kind of foam padding inside it as well some of them you can get where they're just air and they just rebound the heat back into you and there's no kind of material inside but this one has material inside it's self inflating although I like to blow up as well it's only a small one and he goes down to the back of my knees because that's all I need
covered really so he's only really small but I'm only a small person to say nice bushcraft green
so I just Undine above and let that sort itself up there's something under the valve and let that sort itself out for probably of about five minutes and then I'll actually manually blow some air into it as well because it's really rocky here so I want as much air and pot as possible in there so I don't feel those rocks through my back then the sleeping bag will go on top of that and then I've got self inflating pillow same principle with my pillow as the self-inflating mattress it even has the same pimple kind of grips on the back of it but it's just held together with a bit of elastic and unravel it green on one side actually bushcraft decolor I'll do the valve you'll hear it that's now inflating and if you guys can see that it will naturally a flight on itself just leaving it like that but you can force air into it as well through the vowel not just them speeds the process up and and you know some people want a really stiff pillow or soft pillows some people want a really hard pillow I'm still not got these quite right yet where I've woken up with neck ache and most of the time using these but whatever beggars can't be choosers a because I've blown this match up I don't fill the rocks tree do it where as a role map I'd probably feel it that's not too bad it's pretty comfy obviously my leg stick over the end but there being a sleeping bag anyway I was made sure my pillow when I'm lying Westside his level you know he's like my head's level and aligned with where my spine would be as if I was standing up if it was too high like that you get neck ache and if it's too low like that where your body's higher than your your head we're gonna get neck ache as well so what I did is I bleep ed up as much as I could then I laid on it and it was slightly high so I just undid the valve till my head slowly something down it was level with my spine and I did the barber the station bag could go back so it's fun to get a little bit chillier now just thought so a few wiper on towards the evening of time when it's sort of autumn where you work quite a bit today and it's still fairly warm in the daytime but evening it's really cold it's very wonky horizon going on over there Mike yeah so what I've got is a merino wool Rong's the top which I'll put on now because if I put that on when it's really cold later I've got to take my top off to put that on I won't film that don't worry ladies but because I got to take my top off to put it on I don't want to do that when it's freezing coaxed and my upper body will lose all that heat so I'll do it now before it gets too too cold later then I've got this neck buff I have a range of net busts you see me wearing them and how about that 11 but these really help actually this is a thermal one and all it does just go goes over you like that and then often when I'm doing wild camping on my own at night just not often when I'm wild camping at night in the winter months your lungs give you it gets really cold breathing air and you and your nose gets really cold and you pop it off and wakes you up so I got one of these thermal ones and you just you look like a bit of a thug when you do it but you just tuck it over like that and it keeps your ears warm then you breathe you can breathe through them and it breathe it filters that air and turned it into warm air generally it's like breathe breathing kind of through a blanket that you know less restrictive obviously got my hat I don't walk around date like this because I look like a I look like I'm gonna rob someone but guys keeps you warm at night that's all that matters so let's get the merino wool top on man that's everywhere do them amazing in a cave with bats that's amazing that is actually awesome
so many really like bats don't about you guys but grossly misinterpreted creatures bats are I think they are awesome really awesome and there's so many in this cave bat cave I am the Batman it's amazing this is literally my cave here that I'm in and they're just look whoa
they're just flying for us oh there's loads of bats in it this is mad absolutely mad it's becoming nighttime I mean this is realistically how dark it something that weeds it that's how dark it is now on the real camera setting not boosted I say look if you guys can see the lighthouse guy wait for it there we go
that means it's definitely getting darker
guys I'm about to get in the sleeping bag don't you still hear the ocean I'm certainly gonna hear it alright that's getting hit the sheets call it call it a night it's ten o'clock now okay I'll go good night's sleep I'm sure the ocean will keep me up all allow me to sleep I don't know I'm tired it's been a long day but fun day looking forward to some more fishing tomorrow maybe a bit more bushcraft II if I can find some audience thank you very much for watching guys see you in the morning guys I had probably I didn't sleep great to be honest roulette you just water can office about seven o'clock it didn't get no nearest colors I expected last night and
yeah it is the waves man it's not quite like sleeping next to a lovely little beach where the waves trickle up it's like thunder all the time huge waves I wouldn't recommend sleeping this close to the cliff when there's waves this big album whoa what have you though stunning sunrise people so tired so tired I think I'm gonna have a hot choc and then some porridge and just enjoy this blooming lovely lovely sunrise that's what wild camping is all about people looks like a sunset
as amazing
Oh on my hot chocolate got my awesome view I've actually set the GoPro up and then if you guys can see it just to do a time lapse to that son he's just down there trying to get a time lapse to the sunrise I'm a bit late to be honest it was about an hour ago but look at it such an amazing thing to wake up to so hopefully in a minute some sick footage will drop of an awesome time-lapse [Music]
so one will do now is pack all the gear up hike probably maybe back to where I was what I want to do today really is a bit more foraging yesterday the tide wasn't right when I got here it was coming up high tide I was never gonna be able to do any foraging anyway ideally you need the tide to be falling and you need to go out and low tide so what I'm going to do I've got the right ties today it's lower one thirty I think so I've got five or six hours and it's going out so I've got plenty of time we're gonna hike along to maybe a little beach or cove and then hopefully see if I can get a few wild edibles because I'm running out of food obviously and then hopefully get back out with a hand line I might go back to that original spot as it you know the winds have completely changed today so yes as opposed to a northerly or northwesterly which were you're having yesterday it swung right around to southerly self westerly and it's coming in this way but it's much warmer it's only about full cost at about ten nine ten mile an hour today not twenty so that other fishing spot although it be in the face it won't be no near as big swell so and I can see that by today you can see the waves there's just not as big a swell around so that's the plan anyway guys let's back up let's get out of here let's leave no trace [Music]
so these are the straps I made that was talking about yesterday just touch through the arm loop basically they're not obviously amazingly strong or reinforced but they're enough to hold this sleeping bag that's all I need and leave it I'm like sorted to go goodbye little cave thanks for holding me up for the night sounds getting word up now time to move that way what a beautiful morning all these plants right near to this huge cliff awesome go to that light down there do you not fall off
it's a long way down and when your see fishing you're restricted with the tide if you want to get good fishing say the cave exploring shall have to wait for another day that is impressive a rock climbers dream awesome
let's crack on boys so I've walked about 40 minutes now gonna have a break and talk to you a little bit about my hobo hand line all my hobo real I'm about a mile now from the actual Bay that I want to get to where the tide should be low in about two hours times I still got plenty of time but I thought let's chat to you guys quickly just about this because I know some of you might be asking or wondering you know what exactly is it and how does it work it's basically a hobo hand line you can use anything to do it you can actually use tin cans there's a great one for beginners obviously be aware that hidden can be sharp but you can use tin cans you can use just a normal stick this is obviously made out of wood this was made by a subscriber of mine called John and his friend I believe they turned them on up on a pole late and actually it looks nothing like this when John gave it to me so join you're probably watching this game might that's not the one I gave you it is the one I gave you gave me I just you know done it up a bit and done stuff to it so let me talk you through what exactly I've done firstly let's talk through the the outer coating here because if you look this was actually I think it's pine I'm not sure I'm pretty sure it's pine it's very very light very soft wood it was very light colored when I had it so what I did to get this kind of spalted effect if you guys can see that hopefully you can see that I focused there it's got like a spalted effect of it and what I did is I actually got some dark oak varnish and I kind of didn't spread it evenly I spread it quite thick and that's how you get that kind of spalted look to it looks like spalted wood which is like my cookster those who watch the show at the ETA are those a lot you'll see my cook sir that's what it kind of looks like and that's how I got that effect so it is deliberate and I did use it with some varnish and just blob it on really and that's the the kind of color I went for so it's quite nice so as you can see on the outside obviously got my fishing line here this is 12 pound monofilament line now I can change this depending on what I'm gonna fish this fairly heavy twelve pound is heavy and that's because I'm sea fishing if I was freshwater fishing I would probably change this to six pound maybe even ten pounds maximum 12 pounds fairly heavy for a you know phone cat tryna catch trout or small fish from from a freshwater stream or lake but because I'm sea fish and I need to up my gear so I've got 12 pound monofilament line on there it's very tough this this particular brand
lion is very tough durable it's kind of a gray color it's more for carp fishing really but I just pulled it out from one of my fishing reels and I've also gone for a float here this hobo reel is actually I change it depending on what I'm fishing for if I'm in a freshwater fishing scene and I'm doing rivers for small fish or lace it would be completely different I would have a different type of float much smaller much thinner diameter float which is less resistance because they're a bit more finicky in the sea because it's you know the waves and choppy ocean and things like that I need a thicker float so that's why I've gone for that so I can see it clearly in amongst the surf so thicker float which I haven't used yet I've been ledgering and generally and the traditional kind of hobo reels the lid pops off like this now what I've done again with this lid if you can see that I've put some tape on it just some electrical tape just a small thin bit not all the way around just on the sides and that's so that it can pinch and actually cinches in that gap when I push it down because it's fine casting out and I'm throwing it pointing at the bait like I did yesterday that lid could come flying off and I don't want that because especially in the sea I'm not getting that back so that's what that is for to help pinch that lid on inside there's fair amount of storage in here first and not maybe if you had to see that and what I've got is some artificial lures I'll just show you a few of them I haven't used these yet might use these later soft plastic artificial lures some hooks okay I know it's not very clear but you can see their worm hurts their long shank hooks there's another one there that's slightly bigger that hook that's an easier one to show you there you go long shank for the four if I'm using worms or generally you know long sliver baits
I call them sliver baits for a sea fish and I've also got a small packet which I'll show you again in more detail later of some jig heads which is basically a lead moulded around a hook with a little eye on it you tie to your line and then that would they these jig heads would fit these this size look nice and small okay I've got different colored lures as well for different situations but I'll get into that in a bit more detail later so that's hooks and lures in the top there now underneath John you probably don't recognize this as well but what I've done is I hacked your handle apart sorry buddy but this was just a normal handle at the bottom here there was nothing inside this it was just a handle but I thought I can use that for storage there's enough room in there to be able to drill a hole and store something in there so I did is I cut you can see the line I cut there I cut off the bottom of the handle put a screw in the top of it that screw is to help me hold it to pop it open and if I would lit there's a cork i fashioned up a little cork from an old wine bottle focus is there you go so I use the cork and that just keeps this hole sealed shut
now naturally you have to open this that way up and then I can tip it in my hands to show you what's in here so I've got spare elastic man let me just put the paper line down I've got a spare elastic lap band to go around the spool which would pinch my float in as well as pinch the line in here otherwise the lines just gonna unravel all the time so I've got a spare elastic band in case that one snaps and then in the bottom of the handle if you guys can see this there is all my LED wait small LED wait so we've got these these are special kind of drop shot weights these ones if you watch ta fishing drop shot Diaries this is series like I sort of do on T a fishing youtube channel where I talk about all about these weights and they're they're very useful weights then I've got loads of this is a cherry brush go wait your brisker wait sorry not gonna get too much detail about that's very much more for specific fishing and loads I don't know if you can see I need to angle the camera down there loads a small split shot these you just pinch on your line they just pinch on your line and they you could put this they help set the depth plumb the depth of a flight they set the depth of your flight so that's all my little lead weights they're mostly freshwater weights I wouldn't use these sea fishing because obviously the sea as much you know there's much more swell and tide movement in the water and sea fishing so I used those big cannonball LEDs you know and and sort of couple ounce LEDs one ounce to one and a half hours late so these are just little BB shots Swan shots
double-a shots things like that number ones as well but yeah those go in there and I store all those in the bottom of the high Bohan line that hobo reel or hand line depends what you want to call it
stall them in like that sorry about the fakes and the camera the noise and then this just fits flush this you can see if I twist it around it's flush like that and that isn't going anywhere I can shake that this Ned's not pushing that out because I've made the cork so that it just fits nice and snug so that's what I call the bass one yesterday that's what I call the small Pollock on yesterday as well hopefully I'm gonna catch some more on it maybe later this afternoon kind of forage first see what I can find and yeah I use this probably later on this afternoon hopefully catch some more fish might try some flight fishing as well depending on the sea conditions but you can make your own guys you can just use a long thin piece of stick hollow out the bit the middle bit it's up to you world's your oyster this is obviously very well made so I'd like to thank John thank you very much man for all your friends I can't remember which one of you made it but I appreciate you sending me this John actually Semyon acts as well with his his son Ciaran sent me an axe so really appreciate it it's getting good use I will do some freshwater fishing with this if you guys want to see it at some point but right now I'm going to head down to the coast and see what I can forage the crows and not one human in sight set me all right let's go it's where I need to go long way yet Oh made it guys made it that I had learned over there tide still going out with that little heading over there they like it Ricky definitely have some shellfish and it'd probably be quite I can see some kelp coming up from it probably quite good for a general fishing with the hobo that handling so I'm gonna give that a go found our first wild edibles seaweed plenty of it here I believe this is called Forrest kelp and kelp is very very rubbery you can't eat this raw although most people wouldn't and you generally can dry it out you meant to dry it out son dry it crush it into a chowder or powder and you can use it as seasoning you can you can boil it just to sort make it a bit less rubbery bit you can this also very easy to over boil very tough you know you can't even you can spread it like this you could use it for cordage like so it's obviously very salty but you can chew on it you can get the goodness you can get the kidding us out of it sometimes when you're hiking just chewing on it and just biting and squeezing all that goodness out that's the best way I've found to eat it raw anyway because actually eating it you know in bulk raw is it's not very nice much better dried out like most seaweeds dry it out and use it as kind of a powder or chowder and seasoning and things like that but it's kind of got your classic sea seafoody seaweed taste but sugar cups a bit more golden this is kind of all weed I would say forest elves bit darker but one edible there's also some rock here you guys can see that looks like might be saw to track actually your saw out but it's got little sags on it now can you see that sorry guys I know that quality is really not that great but that's some rock there that's edible as well and these are the little egg sacs which I believe contain the reproductive part of the plant say you're into that kind of thing they're actually alright but you can eat obviously the soft the young you want the young sheets like this one yeah they're local young fresh shoots like that
that's the Oh much better sort of see taste we got ourselves more edible seaweed this is called gut weed and reason being you can see that it looks like guts the intestines let's go cut we very very common in the kind of splash zone you can eat it raw but again dried out just dry it out in the sun sun dried seaweeds always the best and you can again you can crush it up use it as a seasoning as a powder but you can't eat it raw
that's what we're after limpets you have to be really careful limpets
in the sense that if I touch this rock they're going to know I'm there that's their sucked onto the rock at the moment and if I stood on this or touched it or knocked it the kind of tongue part of the limpet will grip to the rock so what you need is another rock but seen people prize them often noise my dad does it quite a lot but it's just blunts your knife you don't need to so you get yourself another Rock and there you go gonna be quick about it there is a limpet now there's a few more on this rock here kind of a family of limpets if I knocked all of these off I've destroyed a whole generation of limpets and it's it's sort of not fair so you know if you're doing this sustainably there's not many calories in that at all especially once I boil it it's gonna shrivel up so I'm gonna collect quite a few but I'm gonna also you know go around different rocks there's some behind me there's loes everywhere there's no point destroying one colony on one Rock just because it's the sake of it's easy you know you've got to go around move around and try and do it that way for example there's one just here behind got a few limpets there okay number one off first time if I tap some too much they're gonna suck up and it'd still be really difficult to get them here's a tip when you're storing them on a rock to come back later put them this way up if you've written that this way he's just gonna suck to the rock limpets feed and all the algae on rock and they're generally quite safe to eat because they're not bivalves like a muscle you know they don't mussels filter can filter in the bad there's stuff as well so these are generally okay but like I say don't put them down that way because they'll read there will you stick to the rock and you ain't getting back off again he's gonna be stuck back there's a few under there but they're not gonna flat rock got to watch this I gotta be a bit careful about stack
just finding the flat rock go on come on now look you can actually see up here where they've moved around hold on hey gay that's where the limpets move around you can see what they do they kind of eat way that's the patches of rock that they've been on and they just move around this whole rock here even these black dots this is all marks where they've been they move around they recolonize reproduce more and more of them come onto a rock the other side like I say don't take them all though guys sustainable think sustainable go to different rocks there's millions of limpets around it literally millions hit my hand some work someday we're good we got enough they stick to each other as well guys their shells that he's sticking to that one be aware of that when you're storing them you can use them as fishing bait as well let's find a way back to base camp tides probably on its way in another thing to be wary of is the tide don't just do it and not think about where the tides gay trying to get some wood for the fire there's some sort of small dead trees just up here I'm hoping they're dead anyway in a way because they don't make getting the fire box going easier if not I've got the gas stoves back up guys that's the whole point in bringing it
this looks pretty deadly let's test yep dead don't know how well it will burn though weird know what it is great swell huh some sort of sea shrub got enough wood hopefully soon find out see if I can get it going on the firebox I bought this because it's you know I've trekked quite far and it's flat packed at least say a little bit more portable then other space I've got other words oh nice nice but this has been very okay
it's good fresh lipids coming up it's great thing about firebox you can just stick stuff in through the sides we do the limp it's literally just pop them in with their shell and let them boil for up well about eight minutes till they separate from the shower well I do when the fires burn right down like that and I'm not gonna put any more wood on it or I'm low on wood I just used the other to kind of support poles to the firebox and it's got different levels of adjustment so just taken three slightly lower and then this one slightly now so that it's nearer the flames then obviously I take this off flip these aside just like so and then I can lower even further down so that I'm still utilizing the heat that's left in the firebox but I'm not having to put any more wood on it and that's obviously way hotter because it's over there we go we're boiling again so I've lost the boil by views I've not put any more wood on it I'll just utilize the heat in the convection by lowering the actual pan itself keeping it just above the tip of the flames where its hottest and then I can see they're separated from the shell already so shouldn't take too long probably another minute the longer you cook them the more rubbery they get really they're rubbery as they are but nearly done I can smell them they smell lovely do their little bit more Loonette Limpy
it's gonna take that off now obviously I don't I could drink that water when it's cooled down and use it as like a broth it's got all the nutrients in it still so I'm gonna use the point of my knife she's the tip of my knife to get them out they're separated from the shells now you can just eat these like this but however on the bat is what's called the guts sack and you can't eat it with the guts that on a lot of people do I personally don't because obviously that's the gut sacks Jenny where all the guts go so you just break that off like so you can see the guts inside little mini intestines and things pull it out and that that's ready to eat as it is you can see the little antennae little feelers on the front there but they're very rubbery but they are very nice tasted very saucy fruity taste so there you go as a limpet there's the kind of you can see how much they shrink there's barely any calories in this guys there's plenty of goodness in them you know obviously protein but the calorie wise there's barely any calories that you need to eat eat a lot of these to actually keep you going but there's the actual foot what's called the foot then the limpet there there's the gut sack on the back I prefer to rip that off all the guts at Oh I know it is that is that is the limp it there
and that's ready to eat one prepared limpet
one very rubbery limpet but tasty all the same
hmm and also what you can do let's use this one the limpet shells themselves are actually incredibly hard and they are awesome for a bow drill focus on it they're awesome for a bow drill kit obviously I don't have a bow drill kit here but you can use this as a bearing block and generally the ones were more barnacles on this will focus yeah generally the ones with more barnacles on them at hotter shells they're older limpets and inevitably the barnacles are above the limpet themselves so you'd actually feel the heat coming through the bow drill but you just place your hand on that on the bearing block like that on the limpet show place it on top of the your stick get your bows you're going to burning away your spindle spinning around like this and the heat generally doesn't go through the show but you can double up and use two shells like that double up and use two shells and let they don't take up much take up much size at all say quick little tip there use them as a bow drill anyway I got a few more to eat something to eat these bad boys and then our bow still hot remove sea gut sack
rubbery think I bought them a bit too long
they're quite chewy but they go down all the same right now wash this with some stains in order to prevent this to rust I'm obviously gonna have to run this under some fresh water maybe by River really soon on the way back just to stop it rusting just keep going buddy whoa slippy yes please cool much-needed energy so overgrown well guys are made it back to the coast the same spot look how different it is nowhere near as much swells so much clearer it's absolutely peed it down with rain a minute ago I don't know if you guys can see this but look how clear it is look at that you can feel the rocks that's way better I'm not gonna float fish I'm gonna ledger I'm gonna get that put that bait down there with the lead like before completely different story to yesterday fish first cast boys shad woke up a hard we've had so much rain blue thunder clouds on the horizon what serious storms out there I got caught in one rain rain storm a minute ago but this is just lovely this is way better than we had before oh I think we've got a think we've got a fish I think I'm not sure boys I'm not sure there's a fish on it I think come on buddy what is it I think it's small whatever it is oh there's a fish there is a fish that's a long way down oh it's a rust rath City these are amazing fish just looks-wise bit too small to eat again but this is a cork winged wrasse guys see the beautiful colors on it they're almost like a mini grouper I've never eaten one if I catch one a little bit bigger I might try one but look at the stunning colors on that the same size as my hand really my hand line awesome well hooks as well nice to catch another species that's three species on the high Bohan line there again if I was in a survival situation that would be eaten
that is how a fisherman wants his fish hooks look at that beautiful backe guys let's try that guys it wasn't as good as I thought fishing wasn't as good as I thought to be honest I got absolutely shattered in the rain let's put the camera away my GoPro got soaked and it's not in the right housing anyway but it's not happening guys at the moment it's looking pretty cloudy I think I'm gonna try and find a campsite I'm gonna use the tent tonight try to find a campsite as in a site to put the tent up and then you know hopefully before dark and then get some food on all I've got left is a bag of rice I could have cooked those fish but they were but that was undersized that wrasse you know I don't really want to be killing something that's not even lived for kind of weeks a oh well live to fight another day hopefully I'll catch it when it's a bit bigger got to get back for Jax tomorrow so much rain look look at it trickling off that rock we literally had such a downpour I got sight skidaddle night let's get at all well guys I've come away from the coast there's been so many rain showers heavy rain showers I've been caught out a few times but I've actually found a rather nice woodland I've come away from the sea for tonight because I got absolute zero sleep last night it was all those lovely bin by the by the cliffs I just got no sleep so I've come away now further inland and found a little woodland and I'm gonna sell the tent just here behind me it's a nice little area of like rhododendron bushes so gonna set up right here it's my one-man tent I've just been carrying it with a backpack on the back to be carrying it like that just from the single carry handle it's a really small tent I've actually used it in my one of my videos recently the mountain trip so if you want to check that out I'll put a link in the video description for you
turn itself dead easy to put up literally just two sets of poles for the head and the tail end of the tent it's only about a kilo and a half I think this time through the light so easy to set up
that's why I like it but it's very very small space inside the other thing I like it's really fast setup so it's two parts of the ten there's the inner part which is this part which has a built in ground sheet then there's the outer fly sheet
that's the inner part of the tent on now it's just a case of sliding this over the fly sheet I just pegging it down it's not windy so it's nice and easy to do
with this particular turn actually what I like to do is peg the front end in first and then peg the back end in and then I do the side so that's just to keep the actual fly sheet level now I could do the sides and I'll finish off with the the guylines at the end side rolls up like this go and separate maps let's chop down this is where the small one comes in handy right it's peeling off for that I should like fairly nice hips knees a lighter but that'll be great for the firebox and that it's just falling off this just virtually absolutely perfect with the birch bark even though it's really damp and muddy on this side what I like to do is just keep peeling it into into thin slivers and you sort of expose that resin as part of it just there when you peel it just every time you peel it it tends to some of the mud will stay on but let's see some of the mud stays on and then you expose that dry resinous part it's just worthless peeling taking the time to peel it into thin slivers just burns a lot lot better and where you've got chunks of mud like that just rip that bit off and then you keep the dry apart everything takes a bit more time when things are wet you've got to process things a bit more and you know prepare your fire a little bit more each time
sorry for the noise of the plains and everything further in lambs there's a bit more activity here there's a road nearby I can hear I'm getting tired again well we're an evening time no see Betty boys for me see
I just want to process this up a little bit further and then with the bigger bits or just something like that I'll just sort carve it of it again and keep it a little bit bigger just to build that flame off of it then I've got my pencil stout pencil sticks here and thicker twigs here so start by finding a thin sliver that's relatively dry with a nice wispy curl on the end like that get the old jet lighter don't rush things let it burn on that inside meanwhile get another one going plenty of time still you want those flames to climb they can go out really quick you in their way get the thin slivers in patience is important birch bark can burn for a lot longer anything so it is good to be patient this is obviously fairly smokey because it's wet yeah it's not done now you want to keep it going hot so twigs in facing upright it's fine the flame will climb but it will die down to members as well so not much wind now as well say well got me some of this Uncle Ben's rice which is great cuz you barely need any water to cook this rice only takes two minutes so I'm really just gonna Chuck a cup of these metal things on we'll be away bound so officially once it gets going this thing they all have a these fireboxes they're heavier than the other ones out there but good alright no number right I know like you guys out there use the apron as I love them been a good trip enjoyed this trip we've got tomato and basil rice sometimes get the Mexican spicy chili want a nice Oh hot but it's nice key with the fire boxes guys is is keep feeding them don't let them burn too low cuz they're much harder to get going better to keep it going by feeding it regularly especially here in the UK is it's like a good Leave No Trace basis they've got an ashtray at the bottom so you don't have to worry about scorching the ground you don't have to worry about leaving a horrendous you know mess of ashes afterwards just all bones now we are boiling there we go nice quick food plenty of carbs and energy and rice everyone knows oh she's gonna stick to the pan
hey there's gaps in the firebox to prop sticks in you need to but that is some really good goodness in that we're done all the waters evaporated into the rice oh goodness
hmm kind of wish I had some fish with it Dover maybe I should have put some limpets in the rice I think a seafood platter
but I've done a lot of tracking guys done a lot of exercise you just want to eat mmm
guys have stopped filming some save my battery so it's like 10 o'clock tonight now I'm getting sleepy I've done a lot of walking hiking fishing foraging it's been a great day really enjoyed it so you guys I'm gonna say good night one more night and then I've got to get home tomorrow about lunch time to pick up Jack say if you're still sticking by I don't know it must be a renown out of this episode but kudos to you guys if you're still sticking around I really appreciate it thank you morning guys actually had a much better sleep last night probably because it's quieter I'm away from the coast and probably because I was really tired it's looking like a really nice day actually Sun's up already it's beating me to it and put the fire box going again with some birch bark it's rained overnight so everything's damp again but good old birch bark coming through
and I'm gonna boil up some water a porridge I think but I'm just feeding this verse to get it go I got to what to can't like containers I don't really need to I could just keep using the Billy can but you know it's had sea fish and think seafood in it and things like that and it's just handy to have to acquire it's really mucky besides this goes as a nesting kit anyway so this is already going in my backpack in the side pouch I might as well just have this it's barely any extra weight really but let's get some porridge here I always always put too much water in the porridge Oh anyway this is going good I'm really good a bit too good to let that down a bit
for me some it's so simple porridge oats Golden's great thing about this is you can burn the packet afterwards well again I've put too much water in the porridge when are you gonna learn Mikey when are you gonna learn buddy guys look it's energy guys it doesn't matter I'll let that burn out now flip those off actually spread the ashes a bit still there guys anyone still there if you're still sticking around thanks very much I appreciate it this is the last day now I'll sort of half day really I've got a got a head back soon but I packed up the tent got it all packed away it's in its case it's ready to carry I'm all ready to go what's done is I've actually laid all my gear out and I'm gonna do a little gear loadout for you guys just towards the end of the video so if you stood around really appreciate it if you're interested in the gear that I use in how I pack it that's what I'm gonna show you now so this is only a 25 litres backpack this is an ex-military one it's a day pack really it's not designed for three nights overnight so this is pretty much a lightweight camping trip that I've done in the top here is where I keep my shemagh which I do use as a pillow sometimes my bushcraft overnighters but it's also great for a towel and just two general uses like a sling and things like that for a ninja myself it's just handy to have so got my self inflating mattress that goes in the back there's three pouches in this main and then next to it goes my inflatable pillow now I could sacrifice that and just use the shemagh as a pillow which I do do sometimes but I've really gone for the space from it then I've got my tent and my sleeping bag over here he's got on the outside of my pack so next up would be probably my billy can my 10 centimeters everbilly
which I keeping this waxed kind of canvas pouch which is made for me by Tim at Blue Angelica bushcraft go check him out that goes in this pack pouch here this is where it starts to get a little bit tight the firebox Tovar I've been using for most of this trip cooking up the limpet and my breakfast and the rice and pasta and things it's a flat pack stove and that goes down the back of my bag just to keep it nice and rigid on my back so that usually there's two flips here
actually did bring my tinder pouch which I didn't use in the end but I brought it along anyway that's got fire writing things such as my flint and steel kit and a few bits of tinder which I didn't actually use in the end but tinder bag thing goes above my billy can this is just this sort of possibles pouch as such it's just got things like extra paracord by lighter where I keep my lighter in a couple of carabiners and some extra cordage as well other cordage string so that goes in there well my more a companion that's what I was using down at the sea and just in general it's the one like a use for Microsoft C stuff it is a carbon 1 so it has rusted a fair bit I should probably get a stainless steel one for the C but nice cheap know if you can get these on Amazon a pop a link in the description really good knives side not side pouch for this second compartment here folding bahco laplander
didn't use it on this trip really I just snapped all the twigs that I needed but in case I needed to process larger wood that just it's a folding saw it goes in there and then I've got gas stove and the gas and the gas stove is in this black bag here use that obviously on the first night that time always good for backup and emergencies that goes over the top space flashlight torch I do have a head torch I can't seem to find it at the moment but this is just a flashlight one instead so the torch and then I've got over here another camera lens burner mine goes I've also got to take my camera gear so it's not just camping gear it's in my bag it's camera gear as well so this is a spare lens which I do use every now and then I haven't really used it much on this trip I've just stuck with a stock 1855 mil lens but there's another lens there this is where I keep all my camera batteries in I've got a spare batteries I've got spare camera chips I've got my wind protector for the microphone I've got wipes
I've got spare batteries for the microphone spare camera chips the lot that's all in there it's quite a bit of quite a bit of weight to it really because of all the batteries have got about six batteries in there for the camera opinel number eight just keeping that that's my kind of food processing knife I like to keep my main cutting knife and food processing knife separate just for you know hygiene purposes really nice to small that actually goes in the side pocket but I can put it in there just for space that is the main pocket complete as you can see it's pretty tight so if you guys can see this so that's the main compartment there as you can see there's three compartments has one here one under the gas stove here and there's about separating the backpack and there's a back compartment there so it doesn't shut completely tight but it does the best it can that's my main compartment down at the back now if we come to this side pouch this perfectly fits my Pathfinder stainless steel bottle and canteen sets like nesting cup just white and they perfectly fit in there which is ideal or wanted when I was choosing the pack something that had two side pouches that's it's in there then got the lid to the nesting cup tops down the back like that then I've got my spork which goes in generally and my bottle hanger here as well which does the other side that's everything I need in that compartment that's that side pouch pouch in here I keep my first-aid kit my Pentagon first-aid kit which I showed you a bit earlier in the video that slots down in there first then I have my nuts trail mix right through just easily accessible so I don't have to open the main compartment when I'm hiking I then have salt pepper which I didn't really need to use and some alcohol gel which is really handy if you want to clean your hands because obviously it dries in the air you don't have to meet you don't need water with it so alcohol cleaning Joe or hanjo antiseptic and Joe whatever you want to call it that goes in there as well
pocket and then that's everything on the insider pack and it's all to do it outside so I laid back down and I've got my two straps here I'll just show you again just quickly how I use them see you guys can see exactly how I packed my bag straight from the off so that tucks under there which is the arm strap then it just sits like that this that's the same that's under the arm strap usually it should go through this as well that first saw Alice clip Alice loop whatever you want to call it then I laid them out ready nice and straight if I can and then look sleeping bag here those on the bottom try and get one side clipped in first you get to loosen it when you do it I've done it when it's tight if you do it loose and then tighten its a little bit better
that's my sleeping bag now wedged on the bottom all that's left is my tent and that's where this carabiner up here comes in handy if you can see that I just and that temp in sits on the sleeping bag on top guys I just want to say thank you very much if you're still watching I seriously - appreciate it you've definitely got some patience I know it's a long video but thanks again so much if you are subscribed to the air outdoors if you're not please do I'd be really grateful tip the bail notification the bail button so that you can select all notifications so you never miss an upload when I when I do upload a video go straight to your email hopefully and hit the like button if you enjoyed it and I'll see you again soon in another video cheers guys take her is gone but you can be mine the world stopped spinning where your eyes my god [Music]
so trust me I gave you that heartbeat buoy fast the only way I know it all the way it ain't coming at me no fear me that's why
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing
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- Emergency Survival Fire Starter - Char Cloth | TA Outdoors
- How to lace up a Hiking boot - Simple and Easy! | TA Outdoors
- Tree Root Survival Shelter - Fast Build, Minimal Tools
- Bushcraft, Hiking & Camping Backpacks - Which one is best for your needs?
- Bird Hunting - Shooting Pheasants | TA Outdoors
- Hunting with Ferrets | TAOutdoors
- How to make Natural Cordage from Tree Roots | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft - Camp Fire with Pot Hanger, Coffee and Day Pack Gear Overview
- Solo Camping under a Tree Root - Stone Fire, Raised Bed, Cooking Tripod
- How to make a Bookshelf from Pallet Wood for FREE! | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Gear Hanger | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft Fireside Camp Chat - Episode 1 | TAOutdoors
- Preparing My FORT for Winter - WINTER IS COMING!
- Foraging for Wild Food with my Dog | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft, Camping & Hiking Tips | SHED SUNDAY EP. 4
- The Ultimate SURVIVAL TOOL - This thing is a BEAST!
- How to fix a bilge pump for boats | TA Outdoors
- Walking in the English Countryside | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 5 - Secondary Shelter! | TAOutdoors
- Solo Overnight Camping - Tipi Tarp Shelter, Campfire, Grill Cooking, Knife work
- Bushcraft Camp Update 1 - Bushcraft Breakfast | TA Outdoors
- Introduction to Air Rifle Shooting | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft - Winter Camp Fire Cooking in the Shelter
- How to skin a Rabbit | TA Outdoors
- Hunting Tower, Campfire & Stalking Deer with HD Cameras at The Bushcraft Camp
- How to cook fish - Awesome Curry Cod | TA Outdoors
- Beach Fishing and BACON!
- 12 Wild Camping Tips - How To Do Your First Solo Wild Camp | SHED SUNDAY EP. 1
- Making a Christmas Wreath from Natural Materials found in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Making a Fire Reflector the easy way | TA Outdoors
- Awesome water bottle tip! | TA Outdoors
- Camp Cooking at the Bushcraft Shelter on the Fire Pit and Grill
- 5 Tarp Shelter Setups for Bushcraft and Camping in the Woods
- Coastal Safety by The Coastal Survival School | TAOutdoors
- Beach Fishing and Cooking Fish over a Fire | TA Outdoors
- Solo Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp - Minimal Gear, Lightweight Campout
- Shotgun Shooting for Beginners | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 2 - Log Seat Build | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 3 - Improving Shelter | TA Outdoors
- How to Light a Campfire with Natural Materials and a Ferro Rod
- Bushcraft Camp Update 7 - Cooking Set-up | TAOutdoors
- Hiking in the Rain with my Dog - Warm Fire, Knife Work and Coffee at The Bushcraft Camp
- How to attract wild birds to your garden | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 6 - THE FIRE PIT!! | TA Outdoors
- Easy to make Boot Remover | TAOutdoors
- Making a Leather Tinder Pouch by Hand
- How to make a Recycled Pallet Wood Coat Hanger & Mirror | TA Outdoors
- I Need To Get This Off My Chest...
- One Stick Fire CHALLENGE - Boiling Water with ONE STICK ONLY!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 4 - Perimeter Walls Finished! | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Shelters - Tree Root Shelter with no tools | TA Outdoors
- Make a Boat Bookshelf from Pallet Wood | TA Outdoors
- BUSHCRAFT: Den Building Diaries Part 1 - Natural Shelter | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Portable Sawing Horse, Table and Log Collecting Tips | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft - Using an Ancient Saw on Logs + Cooking on the Fire at Camp
- How to cut wood | TA Outdoors
- How to make a Picket Gate from Pallet Wood | TAOutdoors
- 4 Day Solo Wild Camping Adventure in the Mountains
- Awesome Lamb Race!! | TAOutdoors
- Shooting - The Shooter's Stew | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp 2 - Wood Cooking Tripod, Latrine, Axe, Knife & Cooking on the Campfire
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Fresh Fish on the Grill at The Bushcraft Camp
- Coastal Foraging For Beginners - LATE SUMMER | TAOutdoors
- Survival Tips - How to Kill, Fillet and Cook Fish | TAFishing
- Primitive Shark-Tooth Knife! Gutting and Preparing Fish at the Bushcraft Camp
- Fishing & Bushcraft - Catch, Cook, Fillet and Solo Overnight Wild Camping in the Forest
- One Man Tent Review - Yellowstone Matterhorn | TA Outdoors
- Taking my Dog and my Girlfriend to The Bushcraft Camp + Subscriber Gifts!
- Fishing: Catch n Cook in a CAVE & CAVE EXPLORING!
- Making a Mood Lamp from reclaimed Pallet Wood | TA Outdoors
- New Bushcraft Campsite Permission!
- Fishing & Bushcraft - Catch, Kill & Cook on a Campfire
- Making a Bushcraft Chopping Log | TA Outdoors
- DIY Survival Container from Recycled Bottle Caps! | TA Outdoors
- Solo Camping in the Forest - Fire Reflector, Tarp, Camp Fire, Axe and Knife Work
- Bushcraft Camp Update 10 - Natural Shelter expansion, Camp Construction, Axe, Knife & Saw work
- My Top 3 Fishing Knots - Strong, Reliable and ones that YOU NEED TO KNOW | SHED SUNDAY EP. 2
- New Bushcraft Camp Construction - Site Clearing, Firepit & Bacon Breakfast
- How to clean a Shotgun | TA Outdoors
- NO WAY! My Dad has taken over my Bushcraft Camp!!
- Overnight Hammock Camping in the Woods - Camp Fire, Tarp, Knife and Camp Tips
- Bushcraft Burden Strap | TA Outdoors
- Solo Bushcraft Camp in a Bug Infested Forest - Giant Ants, Spiders and Mosquito
- Axe Madness! Using 7 different Axes & Hatchets in the Woods + Camp Fire Cooking
- How to use a Woodburning Stove | TA Outdoors
- Wilderness Gathering 2016 | TAOutdoors
- Shooting Targets from The Hunting Tower at The Bushcraft Camp
- How to service an oil lamp | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Backpack Review - Snugpak Stamina | TAOutdoors
- Epic Camping & Survival Gear Giveaway!
- Shooting - Scoping a Deer Rifle | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft Fire Lighting: Birch Bark Fire | TA Outdoors
- The Dangers of Shotgun Shooting at Close Range | TA Outdoors
- How to cook fish - Pan fried and baked Whiting | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 9 - FIRE, SHELTER, COOKING & LOG STORE!!
- Epic Airgun Range!! | TAOutdoors
- Pike on a Bike! - Pike fishing tips | TAOutdoors Show
- 3 Day Camping Trip with my new Puppy! | TAOutdoors
- Day Camp - Hammock, Tarp and Chill in the Woods!
- How to Upholster a Chair -Simple and Easy! | TAOutdoors
- Hunting Dogs - Working The Woodland | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 8 - Raised Camp Bed | TAOutdoors
- How to make Survival Fire with natural oil | TA Outdoors
- How to make a Plant Pot Stand from Pallet Wood | TAOutdoors
- How to build a FREE Garden Table from recycled pallet wood | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Knife Review - TBS Boar | TA Outdoors
- Clay Shooting at Bisley - Behind the Scenes of the Traps!
- 10 Knots for Bushcraft & Camping - How To Tie Knots | SHED SUNDAY EP. 3
- Bahco Laplander Folding Saw Review and Test | TA Outdoors
- Shotgun Silencer | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Shelters - The A Frame Shelter | TA Outdoors
- How to build a LOG STORE with PALLET WOOD! Cheap, Simple & Easy! | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Shelter - Campfire, Long Hike with my Dog, Folding Wood Stove
- Catch n Cook - Spit Roast TIGER TROUT at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking Steak on the Grill at The Bushcraft Camp - Log Cabin Fire, Wood Splitting.
- Overnight Solo Camp in a Canvas Tent - Bushcraft, Axe Work & Campfire
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Smoked Fish at the Log Fort Camp
- Bushcraft Camp Update 12 - Wood Roof Kitchen, Overnight Camp & Perimeter Wall Expansion
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Pan Fried Fish on the Fire at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking on a Campfire in the Forest with my Dog.
- My First Aid Kit for Bushcraft, Fishing & Wild Camping
- Winter Camping in a Hobbit Tent and a Woodstove
- Building a Bushcraft Camp in the Forest - Wood Saw Horse, Tarp Chair, Log Cabin Notches
- Shooting with Shotguns and Air Rifles - Forest & Field
- Building an Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Free Pallet Wood - A Wilderness Project
- Winter Hot Tenting Alone in the Forest with a Canvas Tent and a Woodstove
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin Build in the Forest for Free - Wood Floor, Wall & Frame Structure
- Log Cabin Life: First Night in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- One-Man Off Grid Cabin using Free Recycled Pallet Wood - Roof & Front Porch Build
- Log Cabin Life: Alone with my Dog in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- Building an Imperfect Cabin in the Wilderness for Free - Recycled Pallet Wood Project
- Bushcraft ft. ALEC STEELE - Fire Lighting, Steak, Axe work - Epic Day at The Camp!
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Recycled Pallet Wood - Woodstove Cooking & Log Store
- Cabin Life: Snow at the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin - Unboxing Mail
- Bushcraft Camp Update 13 - Primitive Shelter, Fire Pit Cooking, Overnight Camp
- Primitive Survival Shelter Build with Bare Hands - No Tools Needed
- Recycled Pallet Wood Cabin Build: An Off Grid Wilderness Project
- Off Grid Tiny Cabin: Pallet Wood Projects & Cast Iron Grill Cooking
- Building an Off Grid Cabin for Free to Save Money - Woodstove & Pallet Wood Bed
- Coastal Trip - Wild Plants, Bushcraft, Scouting for Fishing Marks & Channel Update
- Off Grid Log Cabin: Recycled Pallet Wood Project - Roof Extension & Sink
- Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Fire, Shelter, Axe, Cooking Fish
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Build from Start to Finish.
- 3 Day Solo Winter Snow Camp - Bushcraft, Canvas Tent, Woodstove, Bowdrill
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Opening Subscriber Gifts & Coffee Vibes
- Primitive Fishing with Horse Hair and a Bamboo Rod - Catching Fish with a Stick
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Picket Fence Build & Woodstove Cooking
- My Dog's First Time in The Snow + Truck Update - New Mods
- Bushcraft & Blacksmithing: How To Make a Bushcraft Knife with ALEC STEELE
- Cabin Life: Unboxing Fan Mail in the Cabin with my Dog (Incredible Gifts!)
- Forging with ALEC STEELE: Hammer Technique, How To Forge for the First Time
- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)