How to TRAP & KILL RODENTS | TA Outdoors
Graeme Pullen gives you some great tips on mouse traps and methods of trapping rodents of all kinds. Using a special informant of his, Graeme gets a good understanding of mouse movements and how to track and kill those pests!
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Tags: Rodent (Animal),how to,pest control,rat traps,mouse traps,kill,track,trap,tips,graeme pullen,graham pullen,ta outdoors,totally awesome outdoors,show,rodents,mickey mouse
Video Transcription
well under the turbulent outdoor show now the same here in the UK's you are never further than 15 feet from a rat or rodent of some description we are played with them all over the world marrow cities because a fast food takeaways the confluence of humans now live in the throwaway mentality of a thing waste food and of course they are breeding these rats these mice they are creating huge problems and potential potential major health risks you only have to look at the black death which killed or so many tens of thousands of people a cause boy yes rodents rats mostly in cities like London is historical you can only get away from that and you can't care well we can't get away from the disease they carry end off how do you get rid of them now they get in your house you can hear them chewing away sometimes if you've got them a lot of people oh yeah I've heard everything
the gnawing noise fine what they do is they sharpen their teeth which grow and grow and grow they have to sharpen their teeth to wear them down to a level that they can detail they do that on the Timbers but you know what they also do it on an electric cable they love electric cable now you might go spark and it's gone dead but it can also burn your house down not more than half a mile from me and a compass out here some people had three quarters of their house destroyed by mice the cheaper an electric cable I have nice hair because I live on the edge of the country you can have them in a city you can have them in a town you need to get rid fast the best way you can do it I feel is crap it I've tried poisoning but if you want to really get rid of them you start inside first but you must stop them coming in from the outside because that's what they want warmth heat everything food they want to be in with you is it worth they want the floor team might be in the loft of it be in the wards and they can run up the walls inside internal cavities and it's even better if you put that foam in between the cavities
to climb up you know insulation but a staircase very Road room to go upstairs I'm going to show you how to clap and the best thing to go dispose of the body because when you get them poisoned they can go underneath the floorboards die and the smell is and the saying is I can smell a rat I'm not surprised it's horrific I've had it let's go into Gary's I'll show you how I do it I'm trying get some control on the vermin you will not get rid of them but you must try and keep them under control because they will be a danger to you with fires and a potential health hazard Rob we're now in the totally awesome man cave now you've got the poisons as I mentioned earlier which are like seeds that are coated with the poison it goes in a little tray and it's supposed to kill it but of course it's a it's just known internationally that they are becoming very resistant to many of the poisons so a lot of the professional trappers are resorting to yes traps because if you have a poison rodent in the shape of a rat or a mouse it can be anywhere and you're suppose it'll make a fine the rodent and dispose of it okay so you've got wood flooring in okay expensive you've got underground heating you've got expensive carpet it's in the floorboard what are you supposed to do he's supposed to tear it all up for about $5,000 worth find the brush your land rattle bell so throwing away main or breakdown late again and then wait for the next one to come along so poison what it does work trust me I spend far too much money on poison and I'm now going the method of cracker because a professional guide told me if you trap it you have the body the trap is either open or it is sprung and if it's missed is gonna get one next time so you can buy for mice regular Mouse tracks there's a variety models around summer plastic summer wood I personally like wood because I do wonder sometimes is that plastic do they do they smell something in the plastic I don't know because you do want to nail their little but you don't want to let them get it and I just think wood is more natural now this is a spring one it's called the little nipper no I don't sell them I just been a boat about 15 basically I'll show you in a minute how it works is that it's got the hinge at the top and it goes ouch then that's no good for a rat but it's what I wrap will go off with that even is on his head you'll just drag it away especially the big ones that live in the cities do you have a rat trap much much much stronger spring yes they should very much be dead with this of that one is Katun where there's left of the last rat I mean there so let me show you close up how will work and how they're tripped because you do not want to knit your do you think is in them now that's just a standard mousetrap and I say can't be plastic every would obviously like wood that's the support bar that holds the spring back I'll show you that's one lever of the coil spring there it wraps around and around and around and the other arm comes up here with the crossover piece which provides it with you're trying the energy caught up in that spring when it's lever back like this it's produced a pressure here that wants to force the arm over and hopefully as they get the bait here it weights them on the back of the neck I personally don't mind wait wait Sam as long as it weighs something so I'll show you how it's gonna work because you know you want to always treat it from the back don't get your hands in the front they're a mess with it's putting it back excellent chance of you getting that it's not good a listen I would say that's proof of the pudding but that's nothing it's a DIY man's personal injury of which I get many with hammers now saws power drills anything to load it you just pull the spring back bring the loose arm up over the top of the spring here into a tiny little hole if you can see that just how I'm gonna move it so you can see the hole there just move and that's a bit that's moving the baits gonna go on this spike I'm gonna break a piece of cheese off just spike it gently on the bait spike there line it up and I keep my guilty back now you this moves you can see that moves it has to because it's got to be sensitive so you're gonna put the bar in that hole we're just gonna try and do it slowly it's much easy to quicker actually I want to do as I gently release the spring pressure they are just releasing it with this thumb no not the one that I hit with a hammer last week this thumb I'm just right now see I put my other hand around the back I want to be way behind that spring and this is with the mousetrap okay but I'll kill keeping it tilted back so that's pinched in there and that pin is well through the hole get a release it okay it's loaded it's set put it down do not put it down hard do not drop it you want to put it down nice and carefully like this click off at any time always keep your hand around the back
I'll just going to do this in so you can see it now I'm going to do it once I've no idea probably the cheese along comes the mouse squeak squeak squeak you will squeak with it cracks on his neck hopefully it's good that right the camera is there for you he's going nose up here his legs are back here he's gonna tread on that to get his head on there and if he treads on that just the weight of this screwdriver just the tip of the screwdriver whoops-a-daisy it's all over it's good night Vienna he won't be singing any songs anymore I'll do that again and I'll put the camera on slow motion just to see what it looks like myself yes indeedy even I couldn't see that trap go in slow motion so you can see it wets them on the neck totally painless humane far more humane a poison that is for sure
and that is exactly how it works but when you load it always put it down tilt it backwards so that weight is there if it goes too far forward you barely barely have to breathe on it and it's away it's there now the rat crap in exactly the same principle obviously a whole different ballgame of spring power okay same principle you have well this time I'm not one spring in this particular one you got old double locking arms each one is willing to a spring of his own so both of these arms and it takes some power to get them back you can see that or not both of the arms here I have separate Springs there is an almighty about power in there keep your fingers well away so I'm going to release it now it's also got metal spikes sticking up here to nail his to nail him to the ground when that hits there's some metal spikes hopefully go through his throat or any part of it because rats do carry diseases and they are disgusting creatures that you've got a pet rat of course called Susie this has got bait spike on the top so you can put your required on using cheese cuz I understand that they do like cheese okay the same it's got the tripping arm here that comes back up over I can a load that one yeah always always hands behind it the bar comes up over the top and it's got a little trigger mechanism just there now this one definitely definitely you see how it trips easily definitely hold it from the back when you put it down now that was a basic model you can also get nice sweet plastic sort of cuddle ones they do look cute do they look at it in your lucky little and it's a shoe Dutch clock fits on the foot somewhere doesn't it
you'll be very mistaken you do not want a little foot in here because inside is the jaws of Godzilla there and it looks like a lovely red tongue he's got as well so maybe they think it's another rat maybe they think they're taking the food out of the other rats mouth I'm not even going near there with my fingers but inside is the same principle to Springs this one is a self Locker safer than pulling the spring reckon so your hands are always at the back here the same principle applies I don't even want to go near these things that if you just touch that those teeth are gonna name your buck big time I'll put the boat down I'll show you how these work exactly the same I'll do it slow motion just so you can see them one might set the other off the vibration could actually set both traps off with one Springs well we've got the metal trap in the foreground we got the plastic friendly go to the crocodile jaw looking one in the background here whichever one trips they're so powerful it might the vibration could set the other one off so I don't know which is which but a long time mr. rat don't forget he's going to get spiked on these as well so he steps over there and the minute he puts his lovely furry little mouse on nose on that ow
it trips and the cheese goes all over the workshop same principle with this one he's gonna put his foot on that piece of plastic there I don't even think we're gonna see this move 1 2 1 2 left right there for ya gotta live that one is powerful now both of those were pretty impressive both of them are going to kill a big rat my money is on this one it's called the big cheese if anybody wants saying it really has got some poking at that one I would definitely that will break a finger I feel sure so be very very careful I like the fact you can load it from the back keep it right away now if you leave your rat in a trap or Mouse too long the rats or what the boys will eat each other and I'm fair enough to come back I just found a head in the carcass or a heap of red gunk there we're even overnight there's so many infestations in a building they just eat each other even though they're dead they take no prisoners but I find as well as getting them inside if you can get them outside that's gonna save you a whole lot of hassle of finding them inside if you do miss it with the trap and you know you put poison down but you cannot just lay these traps out you've got dogs you've got cats you know you've got birds that will come along you've got to make yourself a little box and this is what I do this is for the mousetrap the rats
I'd never never really put them outside now so I cover them and cut a hole in a bucket and put a brick on the bucket because I don't want to catch or anything to get in there you want rats that's what you want I nearly always just make these like a little box just make it out of pallet or something cost you nothing easy to make and all you want to it covers up it keeps it safe from anything else getting to it the only thing to get to is things like shrews and even slugs will get in there maybe if there's no mice around they will eat all your bait that's going to go as well but hopefully we're gonna nail their butts and I'll be able to show you something right to make my little mousey condominiums my little takeaways that's what I'm gonna call them four pieces of pallet wood all cut up this is a rough guide just make them six inches six inches long obviously the width of the pallet wood but what you want to do is to make enough clearance I mean you're gonna have a roof because it's gonna be like this you know two sides okay and the back but they can be really really basic what you do not allow for is here is the clearance for the spring to go over the top right it's got to be higher if I just that there you can see you don't want to make it too low and this ends up you know hitting the roof as it were and you're gonna you're gonna miss the mouse so you want to make sure that you know you've got a good inch couple of inches of clearance so get yourself some pilot with its higher than the spring of the mouse I guess that's what I'll tell you what it is every early in every country is different there are different pellets yes it's still much more inches so that gives you clearance just so that it can actually whack over like that we need to do on just using galvanized nails here and I'm gonna wake them in a couple of sighs that's all you need and that will make it sort of bird safe and this way it keeps keeps everything else away from it except of course rats now you will get rats tripping the trap and you really catch a rat in a small mousetrap so you you know you take a gamble whether you're going for mine so we go for s with it you can start getting the mice before they come into your property that's the idea doing this that might make life so much easier what's there inside they're harder to catch you've got to find what's called their runs like traveling up and down they feel safe so you can find their runs then a very very good chance of catching them you want to leave around the front not a hole that big you can get the trapped in there ideal no problem but you want to keep birds out and other other unwanted if you like in there so just I put a little gateway you can even drop it down a bit to on look if you want to make it really small crust me mice will get in tiny tiny little gaps let's put those two on the front make a little dough of it so this is where you're gonna be looking up you can see I'll note this one if I can just to give you an idea more you do don't slide it the trap underneath and it crypts
put the trap down children it backwards first line it up and gently cover it over I was easy for just so the traps at the back and then they can I go just under here they get a poke around there cops see Daisy it is good night Vienna now the other thing I don't do I don't paint these I don't like painting them staining them I just leave them as raw wood it cost me nothing is certain a few galvanized nails I believe the more natural the wood the better obviously because they can't smell your hands I mean only in my tape a couple of days for the governmentís they can smell I've made this but I feel with the natural wood you got a better shot you might think cries how to kill those poor little mice listen listen to me you've got to trust me on this if not speak to a rodent control officer and I daresay he will confirm it they will destroy furniture they would destroy insulation they will destroy the insulation around and they took all cables with high power in it that means fire burn burning houses hopefully no fatalities but what a nightmare to sort out and of course you got no way of knowing whether they're out there chewing away you can hear them sometimes especially rats in a raft in an old building moving away scraping those front teeth knowing on timbers kind of where those front teeth down so they can keep feeding I don't say too big they can't feed and they tell me they do you tell me if they're too long they die of starvation cuz they can't eat properly find that difficult being rats but beyond if they did that wouldn't if they all had rotten teeth wouldn't have to track them but on one will show you up in my loft this has happened relatively recently within the last ten days I got some very expensive insulation it's not an old building but about six years ago with like a double with fireproof listen to the fireproof insulation or plasterboard they have chewed right through it two holes like this recently because I always always put poison out there and I always put traps they seem to eat the poison love it oh yeah I just don't find any up there with the trap screwdriver with a trap at least I can get the boy the house because she said of all they carry disease was I'll show you what they - - now the danger here is you think I was only two - or how all the little mousie mousie house that's falling but I can't get in that void what's known as a roof void and see what damage they've done inside - electrical cables the other thing that worries me is because it's my son's bedroom it's a fireproof material or a fire retardant material it's a building regulation standard stuff we get here in the UK with two holes in it is then got oxygen vents which it can whizz in and burn the house down now we don't want that so I will fill those holes up bit annoying but I found them but more important I'm going to put two craps right boy the hole I hope that they come out and either cheese if they don't I don't care if I hope they trip over it in the dark and get trapped but I've got a little bit of a backup here I have got an informant who can tell me more about the mice he should know now you may not just have how they get in the lot but they can get your wall cavities and crawl Prague right up the wall cavity so you're gonna have to look at the lavas he loved it up there cos let's face it that's where the heat the house always is and you've got all the insulation in there why would they want to stay outside the house where would they go really want to go down there they can go upstairs and be nice a wall if you're going around you'll be left and it's not boarded get yourself a head torch because you do not want to put your foot between the joist between the rafters and go through the plaster ceiling so I take you up there I will see if we can show you those holes have been huge in the last week now always make sure you're well supported on Joyce when you come up in the loft because you do not want to go through the plaster looking cool cause even more problems huh and you also need to be about twenty years younger than me now this is typically what I mean if you can see that is these are the little craze you get with the blue seeds in there coated in poison and as you may be able to see there they've absolutely eaten a lot now when we get that fine powder like that I tend to find out they're shrews rather than mice so over here get you over there I've already got one set up here I've had some poison in there can you see that can you see where they chewed right through the fire insulation board they've not touched the poison this side they've not touched the trap here but look what they shred up this board like that that is solid wood that they're shredding up there so quite worrying and you can see they're the typical mousehole there two of them so they're going to get another dose of traps and eventually we hopefully will get them because what they do is here here's the electrical cable this is all brand new you don't need them chewing through this because then that is closer to the wood you get a fire and away you go it's goodbye house all right that gives you an idea the damage they can do that's been done literally in the last week all around here these shredding is where they make it they chew and stuff up all the time they're chewing stuff up to build nests to make even more mice so we fully intend putting a stop to this all right I'm gonna go in the second loss I'm gonna put another trap up here and bait to that haven't up here previously and I can see my beam I already have a customer from a previous session let's check him out as you can see there they have polished off to complete trays of poison I haven't touched that one yet but this is chappy here has got it right across the back of the neck instantaneously that's one less to take you through my cables and burn the house down and also I put a trap here cuz I believe they come through little tunnels in the cavity of the walls between different roof woods that are not here now what you got to look for our droppings but like this one here I feel won't be touching anytime soon my finger is rats that's a much bigger one put my thumb next we can get an idea of it
that one is rat Roberts that's what you're looking for in here you just see there ping yeah there you go there's a that's the difference in the size between me with the mouse dropping here and that's what you're looking for obviously he to see they shredded everything and here again get the odd droppings that's where you'll if you got there and you lost you know that you've got that so I'm gonna paint this one now when you get carcasses like this one oysters I put them in a plastic bag I take them outside and I put them on a special wood bird table they're all my predator birds on my Raptor Birds come down and eat so they don't get wasted there we go one customer there all the traps around the edges of the building and a couple of other runs I think they use him to get into the house but I'm going to cover them with those special well bird proof boxes I want to call them I'll set those and we'll see in the moment if we do get any more customers but of course I have got my Informer who's going to tell me where to put them so I've got the traps all set now it's nothing else to do bit I say I have got the reason I have such a good success rate so I do actually you know have an informant and he's gonna come out tonight and just hopefully you know tell us and give us a few little tip often out easy now so you're not just kidding me just a minute look please please don't mention anything about craps this is some of these relatives are there oh hi there are they making how are you yeah I'm actually yeah I'm making a film of the totally awesome outdoor show all those things down they're dead they're wood box yesterday sort of they're not fun anything are they no no no they're for to keep the birds away we don't the birds eaten we're on our sea do is do we no I don't think so anyway what you stir you come over here I just finished doing what I'm doing here with you filming for these YouTube people but you know touch anything will you what's that that's the YouTube people oh how you doing yeah let me show you one make forward one make forward one day forward one leg forward I think you're fine you fall over if you do that making you do one leg out to the other all right what they look at in people in there
do they like mice uh some of them one like mice I don't think but listen hey ho it's the way of the world really I'm intrigued by those boxes down there look no no no it's something with fishing I do a lot of fishing very fishy to me
look I'm gonna put I'm gonna put some food on the table in the house you just stay here I'll come and get ya all right I don't mind I'll keep an eye on these houses for when my friends come right oh yeah I won't be long Mickey but don't touch anything okay because it's Tom here already there's some over in this nice white box that's good to me good enough to eat yeah can you guys see over there it's like a piece of cheese I can't believe it hey on a moment hang on a moment if he's going to get food won't you leave some out here well I really trust him I'll see if I can get it out my god to be careful doing this you gotta be very careful when you did look at me hover yeah I go I've already cleaned up in the loft I just had that one so I've repaid to the traps but I've left the outside ones they've been out all night we've got a loyal airflow come in a low-pressure system switches things on creatures start moving I want to get round check the outside traps see if we've got any takers
just check these boxes by just lifting them up carefully so you don't trip the spring if there's a mouse great if there's not just slowly coming back over make sure that the trap is right at the back of the box and moving on to the other side I'm using the edges here this is along the edge of the wall where they cook it in through the air vents a brick air vents if there's any broken there's a big around trap but no rest today however there's a good run there that comes out between the sheds and it goes into my box and there is the customer sprayed out from the shed he's straight into the trap well there you go guys you can see by putting it between the shed just on the edge of their run that's giving me a little bit of an age and that mile flow of air I think is sparked them all up and I've got one and that's one less that's gonna chew through the cables in my house or chew up everything inside my shed there you go whacked on the back of a head yes you two could have Buckeyes popping out of your head like this if you got hit by that spring at speed there you go another run between you know under the under the leaves I'd like to keep dry before they go into the house when it gets cold they're gonna come out of there go into the house check the box put the Box on the right line and you're always in with the chance but around the ref you serious we've got a house boxed up I've put another box here what's underneath it they could come out from under the fuel tank and bingo we've nailed another one that's two in the one session right on the back of the noogie okay the proper way to pick these up if you don't want to use those protective gloves get yourself a bag plastic bag put your hand in the bag pick them up by the tail like this and then you don't have to touch them you could turn the bag inside out like that and you got your little critters there and you can cut them off to wherever you want to mine personally I'm going on to my Raptor feeding table I don't put any on there that's been poisoned only these ones like this so I know been killed by the track and then you know all the predator birds like the red kites and the buzzards get a free meal as well so just tip them out put them on the feeding table and then that big vultures come down for the attendance and then up in the trees early in the morning just waiting to be fed so actually it's all reprocessed nothing is wasted well there you go you've seen it works make sure you box any traps that you put outside and put that tiny italy on he's barely be a half inch to an inch those rats are might will get under their safety thing outside you can see it works right along the edges a channels runs as you known don't it those rodents get inside your house and destroy hey your furniture your goods are worse your electrics and you get a fire I hope you've enjoyed it bit of fun doing it and I'm still out there catching and believe me I think it's a battle I'm never going to win has anybody seen Mickey Oh wish I did not change so much or did look at a little bandaged up oh you think it's funny these funnier this is funny I wish I wasn't a dick jeez you
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TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
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- Fishing & Bushcraft - Catch, Kill & Cook on a Campfire
- Making a Bushcraft Chopping Log | TA Outdoors
- DIY Survival Container from Recycled Bottle Caps! | TA Outdoors
- Solo Camping in the Forest - Fire Reflector, Tarp, Camp Fire, Axe and Knife Work
- Bushcraft Camp Update 10 - Natural Shelter expansion, Camp Construction, Axe, Knife & Saw work
- My Top 3 Fishing Knots - Strong, Reliable and ones that YOU NEED TO KNOW | SHED SUNDAY EP. 2
- New Bushcraft Camp Construction - Site Clearing, Firepit & Bacon Breakfast
- How to clean a Shotgun | TA Outdoors
- NO WAY! My Dad has taken over my Bushcraft Camp!!
- Overnight Hammock Camping in the Woods - Camp Fire, Tarp, Knife and Camp Tips
- Bushcraft Burden Strap | TA Outdoors
- Solo Bushcraft Camp in a Bug Infested Forest - Giant Ants, Spiders and Mosquito
- Axe Madness! Using 7 different Axes & Hatchets in the Woods + Camp Fire Cooking
- How to use a Woodburning Stove | TA Outdoors
- Wilderness Gathering 2016 | TAOutdoors
- Shooting Targets from The Hunting Tower at The Bushcraft Camp
- How to service an oil lamp | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Backpack Review - Snugpak Stamina | TAOutdoors
- Epic Camping & Survival Gear Giveaway!
- Shooting - Scoping a Deer Rifle | TAOutdoors
- Bushcraft Fire Lighting: Birch Bark Fire | TA Outdoors
- The Dangers of Shotgun Shooting at Close Range | TA Outdoors
- How to cook fish - Pan fried and baked Whiting | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 9 - FIRE, SHELTER, COOKING & LOG STORE!!
- Epic Airgun Range!! | TAOutdoors
- Pike on a Bike! - Pike fishing tips | TAOutdoors Show
- 3 Day Camping Trip with my new Puppy! | TAOutdoors
- Day Camp - Hammock, Tarp and Chill in the Woods!
- How to Upholster a Chair -Simple and Easy! | TAOutdoors
- Hunting Dogs - Working The Woodland | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Update 8 - Raised Camp Bed | TAOutdoors
- How to make Survival Fire with natural oil | TA Outdoors
- How to make a Plant Pot Stand from Pallet Wood | TAOutdoors
- How to build a FREE Garden Table from recycled pallet wood | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Knife Review - TBS Boar | TA Outdoors
- Clay Shooting at Bisley - Behind the Scenes of the Traps!
- 10 Knots for Bushcraft & Camping - How To Tie Knots | SHED SUNDAY EP. 3
- Bahco Laplander Folding Saw Review and Test | TA Outdoors
- Shotgun Silencer | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Shelters - The A Frame Shelter | TA Outdoors
- How to build a LOG STORE with PALLET WOOD! Cheap, Simple & Easy! | TA Outdoors
- Bushcraft Camp Shelter - Campfire, Long Hike with my Dog, Folding Wood Stove
- Catch n Cook - Spit Roast TIGER TROUT at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking Steak on the Grill at The Bushcraft Camp - Log Cabin Fire, Wood Splitting.
- Overnight Solo Camp in a Canvas Tent - Bushcraft, Axe Work & Campfire
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Smoked Fish at the Log Fort Camp
- Bushcraft Camp Update 12 - Wood Roof Kitchen, Overnight Camp & Perimeter Wall Expansion
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Pan Fried Fish on the Fire at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking on a Campfire in the Forest with my Dog.
- My First Aid Kit for Bushcraft, Fishing & Wild Camping
- Winter Camping in a Hobbit Tent and a Woodstove
- Building a Bushcraft Camp in the Forest - Wood Saw Horse, Tarp Chair, Log Cabin Notches
- Shooting with Shotguns and Air Rifles - Forest & Field
- Building an Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Free Pallet Wood - A Wilderness Project
- Winter Hot Tenting Alone in the Forest with a Canvas Tent and a Woodstove
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin Build in the Forest for Free - Wood Floor, Wall & Frame Structure
- Log Cabin Life: First Night in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- One-Man Off Grid Cabin using Free Recycled Pallet Wood - Roof & Front Porch Build
- Log Cabin Life: Alone with my Dog in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- Building an Imperfect Cabin in the Wilderness for Free - Recycled Pallet Wood Project
- Bushcraft ft. ALEC STEELE - Fire Lighting, Steak, Axe work - Epic Day at The Camp!
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Recycled Pallet Wood - Woodstove Cooking & Log Store
- Cabin Life: Snow at the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin - Unboxing Mail
- Bushcraft Camp Update 13 - Primitive Shelter, Fire Pit Cooking, Overnight Camp
- Primitive Survival Shelter Build with Bare Hands - No Tools Needed
- Recycled Pallet Wood Cabin Build: An Off Grid Wilderness Project
- Off Grid Tiny Cabin: Pallet Wood Projects & Cast Iron Grill Cooking
- Building an Off Grid Cabin for Free to Save Money - Woodstove & Pallet Wood Bed
- Coastal Trip - Wild Plants, Bushcraft, Scouting for Fishing Marks & Channel Update
- Off Grid Log Cabin: Recycled Pallet Wood Project - Roof Extension & Sink
- Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Fire, Shelter, Axe, Cooking Fish
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Build from Start to Finish.
- 3 Day Solo Winter Snow Camp - Bushcraft, Canvas Tent, Woodstove, Bowdrill
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Opening Subscriber Gifts & Coffee Vibes
- Primitive Fishing with Horse Hair and a Bamboo Rod - Catching Fish with a Stick
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Picket Fence Build & Woodstove Cooking
- My Dog's First Time in The Snow + Truck Update - New Mods
- Bushcraft & Blacksmithing: How To Make a Bushcraft Knife with ALEC STEELE
- Cabin Life: Unboxing Fan Mail in the Cabin with my Dog (Incredible Gifts!)
- Forging with ALEC STEELE: Hammer Technique, How To Forge for the First Time
- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)