Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
I head to the Bushcraft Camp for a solo overnight in the super shelter. After months of shelter building and camp updates, it has been nice to finally spend a night alone in the forest. I slept on the raised bed in the Giant Lean-to shelter, which I use as the primary shelter for the camp now. The secondary moss shelter will still get use in the future. The Hunting Tower and ladder are both still standing strong, and the new fire pit with air tunnel is working so well! I cook up some food on the grill, test out my new hand-forged axe, as well as attempt another primitive bow drill this time with soft wood. The woods were so peaceful at this time of year, and I am looking forward to bringing my Dog Jaxx along with me to the camp. With the tarp roof now raised, it has allowed much better air flow and the smoke flows right out of the camp. Since extending the perimeter walls of the camp there is much more room inside. Doing a solo overnight at the Bushcraft Camp helped me to spend more time developing some Bushcraft and Survival skills in the wilderness. Thanks for joining me on the adventure! - Mike
Watch me build my whole Camp in One Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcihSMpsDn0&t=117s
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Gear Links (US):
Evowood 17: https://amzn.to/2qFuASR
Opinel No.8: https://amzn.to/2H9Y3zy
Power bank with torch: https://amzn.to/2H9Yda8
Sleeping bag: https://amzn.to/2EU95CV
Shemagh scarf: https://amzn.to/2qE7nRa
(These are amazon affiliate links)
Gear Links (UK):
Evowood 17: https://amzn.to/2vlyx4Z
Opinel No.8: https://amzn.to/2qG6doU
Power bank: https://amzn.to/2J42Dfg
Sleeping bag: https://amzn.to/2HI3zGK
Shemagh scarf: https://amzn.to/2EU4sJ9
(These are Amazon Affiliate links)
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Mike Pullen
PO Box 7466
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Tags: bushcraft,bushcraft camp,solo overnight,super shelter,supershelter,camping,shelter,shelter building,hunting tower,solo camping,alone,log cabin,camp update,natural shelter,cabin,survival,fort,bushcraft shelter,bug out camp,bushcraft log cabin,tiny house,backpacking,woods,forest,lean to shelter,moss shelter,debris shelter,dog,survival skills,wilderness,off grid,primitive technology
Video Transcription
so it's my first time using my hand custom hand forged hatchet I've made with Alec my friend Alec steel it's got an awesome blacksmith Yuji channel incredible blacksmith full stop I'll pop a link somewhere up here if you guys want to see this build this is easily probably the best thing I've ever made in my life Alec obviously helped me with it but it's a small hatchet with that sort of Scandinavian style shape to it on the head and it's a fairly chunky blade axe head I mean it's it's chunky which is fine because really the primary thing that I'm going to be using this for is is splitting Kinley really because there's a really small kind of camp camp axe it's tiny so for me it's probably gonna do everything that I need it to do today because if you see on my log store over there I've already bucked up and sand and sword the wood and and chopped it until you know usable sizes now I can just use the small hatchet to process it down further for use in the actual fire pit itself but it's super sharp and I did it I did a hair shaving test let's do another one and just make my whole arm bald to be honest because I did that the other day with Alexei I mean it's really sharp shaved off all that patch down there so yeah she's a sharp one anyway it's nice because this is like a world exclusive it's the only one ever in the world that's ever been made because it's only myself and Halleck that has made it so I'm looking forward to using it let's put it to the test whoops it's quite a heavy head to it for the size of the hatch itself because of all that width there is a lot of weight in this which makes splitting for any big piece is very very easy those through bone like butter I'm not giving it proper swing problem is is it's so small if I'm swinging it really hard it's a very high chance of it coming back and swinging into my thighs and my legs which I don't really want this is awesome
I mean look just the weight of the head as with most axes that's what it'll do but this is quite naughty piece where you've got a naughty piece like this if you guys can see that where you've got a naughty piece here there's no point me trying to split down the middle of this wood because the axe heads just gonna get stuck there so you try and split around the knot itself so I'll be going for that area there and possibly another area around the side depending on how its split and then I just chop saw around the knot itself and you work work your weight around it and then you can split it leaving that knotty apart right in the middle there still going you can still get one more split probably before the axe will there jam up like that that's what happens if you see there it's jammed up against the knot which is fine because that's not a usable piece of wood anyway Alec if you're watching man this thing is awesome so called
I don't want to do is chop wood all day what just falls apart really love it it's got loads of control but such a small hatchet so what I'm doing here is using the curvature of the axe handle itself and that's why I asked Alec to keep that curve to it so that I can rest pieces of wood and split wood this way and then keep my hand nice and clear under here just another way of splitting wood it's got that sighs this is awesome old not really well so much power in that making good good me love this beauty so I've gone for this scorched handle typically you wouldn't he sort of wouldn't scorch them as much as this really a lot of people just like one blow over with the blowtorch and just to give it that kind of the black then goes into the grain and makes a nice pattern of it but I haven't seen many completely scorch and that's why I said to Alec let's just go for it let's scorch the whole thing without damaging the wood just because I wanted to that's why I want to and that that's how that's the result completely black handle set four up here which I might scorch a bit at some point but how epic does that look it's got that like vintage Viking look to the to the handle which is awesome super tough with it I can come right down up here if I need to for kind of a wonderful further stick that's why I wanted this oh my days that's insane I'm actually blown away by that I did not think that's nearly doing thinner feather stick curls than my knives would be actually my favorite tool in the world right now getting out being able to use something you've made completely by from scratch is just awesome and we even Forge this with the strikers technique is me striking on it with a sledgehammer I like holding the piece of molten metal that is the result of feather sticks with this beauty of a hatchet that is incredible look I'll find those curls are this indent up here it's almost like a finger guard which I can tuck right up under here just get a nice grip and control so I'm just literally controlling the weight of the head the handles doing nothing there's no it would be very difficult to feather stick like that he's get right on close to it so I've arrived at camp fairly late compared to what I normally do come for an overnighter it's coming up lunchtime already so I want to get some get some food on well I can and get the fire going and that's gonna then last me pretty much most of the night I've got to keep that going then temperatures today just so to inform people it's about it's warm now spring is coming it's 12 degrees at 13 degrees now today going down to 8 I think it is or 7 tonight so I will be cozy warmth no no worries about the cold whatsoever tonight and yeah it should be good fun so in addition to the Alex steel hatchet collab hatchet
I bought the lignum stealer with me which is another tool that I've forged with alec collaborative knife which i've named the lignin stealer because of the lignin bataille or lignum vitae scales to it again only one of its kind in the world how epic is that I honestly ed you guys to go and go and have a go at blacksmithing and for drawing tools and stuff because then you it really is something that's yours to keep and it's yours that you've made no one else has made it in the world it's not like a mass-produced by a by a company that is telling you with this saber grind I honestly thought when I was doing this without it we thought that this would fold fairly easily with that high saber grind like battening and things like that not a problem whatsoever no price on this one folks staying with me handmade still got the trusty mallet or bowling pin is someone called it thanks for that comment by the way someone called this a bowling pin and said I should make some more and get a bowling alley going
it's a mallet come on I made it as a mother still need some torching up here one guy said in the comments about boiling some oil I think he said and dip it in boiling oil and the oil pushes out the water and creates a seal around it so I've never i didn't didn't know about that thanks very much the comment I didn't bring any oil with me but perhaps you guys know more about that sort of thing
I thought it was a really good idea and the oil then preserves the wood as well but that was why I'd started burning I might burn it a bit later tonight let's see we're getting darker again interchangeable British weather okay I'm gonna cut here cuz you guys see me done do this loads I'm just making a feather stick that's all I'm doing rather than batten the wood down I'm just gonna process it down with hatchet a little bit more it's just like that's pretty much the limit I would have thought my knife would obviously be able to get a lot less no I can go even dinner is awesome this is why I really like hatchets because they can be a lot of work that a knife can and they're super compact compared to obviously a larger acts like a 24 inch 26 sound that's two pound head or something I think this I think without like we said this was about 800 grams I don't remember I've gone down to 600 grams the head I can't actually remember it's on the video somewhere on my knife sheath itself this is actually my sheath for the TBS box I didn't have one for the lignum Stila but my fire still this is a custom fire still I made just a red deer antler I've got a pit of elastic here and people been asking me like how does this work well basically that sits that elastic is is stopping my fire still from ever falling out of this sheath and falling off to get the fire still out itself you just grab the elastic pull it down you can see I've ripped it already there but pull it down over the fire still like that and then you can pull so it's on a loop system you can pull it out and then you want to put it away put it back tuck it back under and there you go it's nice and secure just a little tip there if you guys want to be able to you know put loops and attachments on your fire steel some people wear them on their belt which is completely fine up to you gonna be a beautiful evening this one let's try like the one that I did with the hatchet that was the curls I did with the hatchet see ya like that one another little tip quickly guys trying to put some tips in this video for you rather than just because somebody owes I don't talk somebody so um
sometimes people find feather sticks quite hard to light and when you're doing it like this where they're in it they're all kind of peeled off and you need to get the bumble going you feel a lot of people feel there as they push down the fire still just the feather sticks just go everywhere so what you can do is make a feather stick that's not really given but make a feather stick and keep the feathers on the stick and then hold your fire steel if your sticks flat enough and you have a flat point you can always carve out a flat point
just hold your fire steel against the against the feathers like that and tuck it right in lock it off with your hand and then you can drive sparks into it it's lots of control and the feathers don't go anywhere that nearly went but let's I didn't want to do it on that one anyway so I wanted to teach you that so we'll do it on the axe one here for the fire stick still right up against there this is not a huge fire as well it's very tricky to use put fire still right up against the curls lock it off with your hand beware of your fingers quite hard doing it up in the air for you guys get that heat going in and there you go just to try and keep them going just a little tip thought might help some of you beginners maybe fire lighting
make sure you put your gear away once you've used it you'd only be digging around for it afterwards
while the flames are high like that I tend to try and make my coffee then while there's a high flame because I can use them the pot hanger once there's hot and hot coals and there's burnt dad's or hot coals then I use it more for cooking and less for well just making use of the flames really early on in the stage of the fire and get a cup of coffee on because normally if I put this really on there now it's not gonna boil it will put the flame up but I have got another water in my bag as well by doing it this way I can get everything out and then I get an early cattle well the fires really new and fresh effectively that's like killing a Berber two stones really getting the best of the early flame early coffee get some early swigs of water in as well and it's amazing how quick you can become dehydrated out the woods just by being mesmerized by things just by doing things things like splitting wood and feather sticks it you won't think it will take much out of you but it will and you need to keep keep your brain active and to do that you need to make sure you're consuming your water tiredness is when injuries occur that will take no time at all to boil which stage I can tidy up typically I keep my coffee and basically this is like my well beer pouch whoops busted this is my kind of kitchen cooking pouch so I've got steak spice with pepper and garlic which I love I've got my spoons here so I've got the spork it's got some MOLLE webbing in there as well
so got my wood coffee spent for my coffee stuff which I just carved and keep with me my spork my processing knives just the opener number eight not sponsored by them guys just let people knows because they want to mimic the same that's always my food I never used that for anything but food so that goes in there as well it's just my kitchen thing and then I've got like a mini rag a bigger rag because you trust me this most underrated camping item ever as a rag it all it's neat one this was sent to me by a subscriber and it's small pepper-and-salt pots salt and pepper I never say that way around pepper and salt salt and pepper made by a subscriber who also made me the beer I think you guys call them koozies over in America or the US koozies but I think they're the ones you put in the fridge and we never use that term in the UK these things but they keep it cold or something like that but these are like padded ones which are really handy stop the beer gets bashed about which let's face it it does and then also I keep my key the cubes just coffee cubes this is hazelnut keep those in here as well I've got more bear in the other part of the bag as well but just you guys know when I store where you can see now the fires still really fresh but I've already got my cup of coffee say just something worth thinking about try and make use of those early flames
little tip guys if you stack it up when it when there's cold then you need to get a fire going if you stack it up like a log cabin it all those gaps in the logs like that allow lots of oxygen to flow through and you'll always find it will almost burn through the middle like a like a chimney like a furnace through the middle and that's just it creates that draw that allows the flame to eat through the wood a lot faster so when you're down to coals or hot coals or very small embers and you need to get your fire going back up quick again just pop it like this and it saves you all the hassle of having to blow into it to keep it going it just rips up through it you can see it now it's already starting to climb through to the next level it's not about the second level of this log cabin fire lay or box fire lay it's called as well loads of different names for it here you go it's getting getting bigger already but it's just a low maintenance fire I don't have to touch that now it'll just burn up nice and high flames burn back down and then I'll get hot enough coals to cook on and on the lunch menu today pork and apple sausages good old-fashioned pork and apple sausages look at the state of those beauties
absolutely fantastic oh they look good as usual
I'm gonna Chuck some stakin steak spice on these because this has pepper and garlic in which is why I got this type of one man aid it gently into the skin of the sausage enjoy yourself a fine cup of coffee afterwards so with the lock having set up this file a you can see it's a nice clean flame there's not really much smoke at all I can just lay the grill on top doesn't matter if it's lying on top of the wood there and not level cuz I was gonna burn down and it's all gonna sit level anyway but what it does do by putting this grill on nice and early is I don't wash this at all ever it just I mean we've only used it a few times but I'm not gonna wash it cuz I don't I'm not too fussed about the bacteria because the flame and the heat from that fire is gonna kill off all that bacteria melt off all that gunk from the last one it's like a barbecue I never clean and never clean my barbecue grill ever I just even from a previous year where I've not used it for a year I just whack it on the heat and keep all that flavor in there but this uh this warps a bit because it's not you know there's a lot of heat in there but it doesn't matter as long as it holds a sausage up that's what I care about but looking forward to that Coffee is ready ready for taste oh she's hot Baga already super hungry so I want to start getting these on just the edge of the flames pork and Bramley apple that's all a fantastic that is Alberto we're burning them already there's a lot of heat
I think it's safe to say they are they're pretty cooked I burnt them as soon as I put on the grill because I didn't let that flame go down enough I'm gonna look inside of these bad boy lies
that's cooked I hope there's little chunks of apple in there look at that this is my Tiki kitchen camp update 12 I think it was hmm it's a winner winds picked up quite a bit I was worried about wind in this wooden room strong winds I don't come here generally when it's really really strong winds it's it's so dense I've had trees smash that roof the tarp roof down fairly big trees it's sort of unsafe early in really windy conditions because the bigger trees fall down they knock a load of other trees next to them where they're so close together so it's quite risky
I thought good for Astro because some of you like oh you were easing the camp while you was in the camp why don't you go around so we can see the scenery that's one doing let me show you this woodland so now you can see how super dense it is look at the moss salt on the ground where it's just so dense lovely woodland they just very very dense and that's where I worry about the trees was a nest up there I reckon that's a a buzzard you know there's a buzzard pair of buzzards that come around this area but there's also a pair of red kites so I'm not too sure there is camp there's the Sun just up there we've got another couple of hours at least it's five o'clock now sunsets about 8 now 8 o'clock now I've got loads of time camp is looking good something squirrels probably I reckon that looks like a squirrel trying to bury something hoof print or something there another one here but I think that squirrels way it's dug like that there's a lot of game trails in this woodland for example I know where they are this is something I wanted to ask you guys actually look at this so these I'm finding these everywhere in this woodland big kind of holes that have been dug out that's definitely not a squirrel that's too powerful lots of lots of like soil and peat material moved there and I don't know what it is and it's oh it's always at the base of the trees that another one here at the base of the tree I mean it's big there's my hand I don't know what it is maybe you guys can help me any other hunters up there know what this is that again here base of the tree base of the tree base of the tree face of the tree there another one I really don't understand what it is classic example of a game trail all the way up there coming down here going straight through here can you see that fainting I mean I could lower maybe there's a little faint line that's a game trail I've put the trail come up over here in that corner before I got some big fallow deer there it is again let's see the base of every point REE I don't know what it is birch polypore bracket from this this one's a bit rotten something's had it all underneath there growing all up this near the top of this this birch stump some more up there and use it to drop your knife as well this stuff here's some navigation tips for you so the Sun is over there it's kind of set in the West which is around over here somewhere this birch tree here has no moss growing on this side nothing there and lots of moss on this side you can use the trees to help you find which way is north because the moss will generally grow on the shadiest part shade most likes to shade and this is obviously a North facing side because there's loads of moss here and I know that that's west because that's where the Sun sets which means North is that way so that is the north side the mouth side is generally more quick tip for you there navigation so I don't know about you guys but I'm always intrigued by bugs always have done as a kid I've always been intrigued by them and you're now in camp up late 14 or I did the bug the bug scenes this was filmed here on this log where those two earth insects fighting there's a little wood louse I really like wood lice pretty awesome creatures Oh was he this is I think yes an old birch tree just waiting always that grub waiting is like big to come out what's that I lost it oh yeah big one yes that's a that's one of the biggest wood lice I've ever seen that's got a hole something in there there he comes here he comes it's really defensive there is so just found this birch here amongst some other birch silver birch trees and it got me thinking we've had quite a late winter this year so I wonder if this SAP was still running because birch sap has writ is obviously really good for you it's for the goodness full of antioxidants I did wonder if it might be too late to to tap the trees so I'm just gonna check test on in my pocket I always carry with me I haven't shown this in the videos before but so in my pocket I always carry with me my Swiss Army knife I did have the old old-school candy red ones that gave me one when I was a kid had a few years I can't find it now it's somewhere buried in the loft this is the Evo wood 17 I love the fact it's got that there Walmart it's got the walnuts kind of scales the wood to it which is really nice finish which is so different from the traditional kind of candy red color of us with traditional Swiss Army knife but I'll pop a link in the description if you guys are interested this this is I think the 9 to 1 it's got 13 different sort of functions on it but I always this is my EDC I always carry this on me all the time although the right UK knife lures are going I'd probably be illegal soon stupid thing anyway let's see if it's apps running I'm just going to put a little incision nothing too drastic at 45 degree angle the fat has stopped running so just trying this one just to see if there's anything running in this one it's different to every tree sadly no SAP but I've tied it up the winds on the tree it's to let it heal and I was a little bit late this year but it doesn't matter getting hungry no ups dinner scene and I'm gonna get back to get some logs on the fire again before I was right down when I came back so you got some slightly bigger locks that I split and put it in that kind of log log cabin style fashion again you can see that that's acting like that's drawing through the wood all that air and oxygen as well as what's coming up and the pipe down here that we installed in camp update 14 there's a nice draft coming in there so it's looking good so these were the beer covers that I think it was Mitch I think you called Mitchell they gave me these in an unboxing [Music]
I had a number of options to sleep on the raised bed here is still good dropping down to about 6 or 7 degrees tonight I've got a therm arrest one at home
which I do use sometimes but I'm not going to use that on this because that's an expensive mattress and I don't I don't want it popping because there's there some fairly sharp splintery bits on these sticks which will pop the mattress and I don't want that so I've gone to the trusty orange to learn cheapo foam mat but the difference with this one is compared to the thermistors this actually has foam inside it so it inflates as well as have the foam inside it you've seen it so many times in my most of my overnighters I've used this is really small scale it's a bit garish you might want to wear some sunglasses as I just unfold this so it's super bright orange for that doesn't matter because it's got foam insulation in it as well about an inch maybe probably about half an inch an inch and then it's got self inflating valve here which I can just pick them up and that will draw air in so I just leave I can blow air in that as well but I only need to support my upper body my up to my hips really and that's why this is so small because it's the smallest version they do I think and I just like carrying the small one because it's more compact when you compress it down that was carried in the backpack because I've got a daypack with me really so I had to put some things on the outside this was on the outside I didn't haven't filmed it yet on the outside but I have I assure you I've come into the woods with on the outside and tomorrow when I pack up I'll show you all my dear being packed up in the bag so you can see how I first I put it all in this was just sat on a carabiner on the outside of the bag but it nearly ripped when I came off in the gate so I when I first came in the camp so I took that off and then hung the backpack on the tree here and didn't want to wait snap the branch up on the tree so this is a full season buy so I will be warm enough in this tonight it's probably not necessary to have this I could go to my summer bag which is just the two season special really cheap and it's pretty enough to be on to something gonna get new a new vibe for my summer summer bag I can open this out now I don't have to worry about bugs because we're just on the edge of one of the bugs are coming now we're right on the edge I've seen a few spiders around I'm like I'm okay with bugs personally I know some people get really freaked out with them they don't really do they don't really do much for me there's nothing here in the UK it's majorly gonna gonna gonna hurt me to be honest like scorpions or anything like that other than that there really isn't much mosquitoes is probably the main the main thing that's gonna be a bit of a pain in the summer months especially the further north you go and the more near lakes and kind of big oak expanses of freshwater so I like my coastal camping so I can leave this out and I don't really mind I don't think as folks gonna go in it and if they do well they're gonna have a good night's sleep so be nice and warm in there so that's my setup is fairly sort of minimal realness didn't pad so for my pillow I just had my shemagh which I put in the bottom on my backpack and I just I've done this a few times before but just fold it up into a little square rectangle like that and that's usually enough to put it on I've also got my coat which I wore in some times I wrap that into a rectangle and wrap my shemagh
or shemagh around it and that just makes the pillow a bit a bit more puffy but this is a great sort of portable thing to carry multiple uses obviously it's you can be used as a rag can be used as a sling I've used it as a sling before in a demo for first aid in my first-aid kit video but yeah so that would be the pillow fitting right this has a fair bit of padding in it as well anyway so not too fussed probably have my head this end because the fire is closer this and obviously this was broken down to my right or your left which I need to fix at some point but I can't be bothered right now a mini log store going inside the pump just so I don't have to keep going outside to the log store throughout the night and just build up here by the fire there's still some heat punching off but which will dry out some of these dumb puns oh it dumping so founder a nice piece of pine which might make a nice half board or hearth board for a dojo which I might have a go at tomorrow so I'm just gonna process it down a bit more take that dumpy so let me should have a nice flat board it's pretty good next meal so for dinner apologies all vegans that are watching I'm gonna go for double burger beef burger that is my last time outside but I didn't bring any buns which is a shame forgot a well burger like that will be sweet and for the beer of choice I'm gonna go with this one cuz I know it's my body's rich so rich thank you very much sir
he gave me the 13 guns crafty Dan American IPA forest is literally alive with birds of the lemon lovely get low-light camera light on soon these are looking good Oh out it's half so I generally wear some packet very close to me just a little top things items in this case the grill he's pretty punky wood which is why it's so smoky now I think it's time to build it back up again whoa to some decent wood and get some hardwoods on there because at the moment it's all been pine I don't know what the time is yet again see how it's pretty much coals get the log cabin set up going add a bit of oxygen like save Bob is your uncle didn't check my head torch battery so my head torch battery has actually ran out from being sorry put in my backpack it's completely run out dead what's happened is it's somebody's leant against the contacts and pushed it in in hindsight I should probably take the battery out I've learned I've done this so many times before I don't know why I don't learn I should take the battery out just you know elastic band it to the head torch so that there's no battery in there or reverse the contacts well sometimes that can be bad for the battery easier so we've got a dead head torch but luckily this is my phone power bank which is awesome by the way this one but I'll pop a link in the description of your interest in this it's got a torch and it's still got three bars of battery on it and it's got SOS mode which is on now and it's standard that you can turn the torch off and then it's got faster flash and then it's permanent and you can see that that's pretty dang good torch and that's all I've got for lighting tonight is other than the fire so we're just gonna have to run with it just gonna have to run with this this light and hope that it lasts yeah what can I say it's a burger cooked over a camp fire guys that's all I can say really do you guys remember the old candle you go candle that I used gets on the coastal overnighter well I brought it with me it's probably fitting really is given that I've forgotten everything else I know you can pull it down from the glass and light it but I'm just gonna do it this way little ambient light for reading ready old school and it's my reading light not much but it will last quite a few hours it's low there there's how much candles left so with the spring activation it'll always push up so the candle will always stay the same height this is about as light as I can get it tonight which isn't very light fires get some good warmth a candle doesn't give off much like that but it's nice ambient light sleeping bag mat beers yeah got to tidy up that lot a minute hopefully you can see lashed the charger to the tree with a very basic laughing there but that's as good as it's gonna get so because hope you can see me so I posted a picture way earlier when I got a bit of signal on my Instagram just saying I'm in the woods just saying about QA ready for this for this particular video cuz I get very sporadic signal here where I am but I'm just gonna try and answer a few of your questions that you guys have sent over on Instagram there's a few on Facebook as well but just pick up a few I'm not obviously I cannot answer all of them guys I'm sorry what is your favorite this is northbound PT what is your favorite tool to use in the forest brand and object well it's gotta be it's gotta be the Alex steel hatchet right now that is literally my hands down my favorite tools use here is your favorite bushcraft YouTube channel and why oh that's a good question I don't I actually follow I've said this before I fall away more fishing channels than I do
Bush graphs because fishing is my thing that's what that's what I'm sort of most passionate about so I've done for years most of my life with dad with like I say with fishermen really that brought me up fishing rather than bushcraft I didn't do bushcraft with dad or anything like that
I did fishing so I follow a lot of the fishing channels and all the the fishing scene in general on YouTube but bushcraft wise I would say my favorite YouTube wise would have to be Mike MC key bushcraft he's I'm gonna pop a link somewhere you'll see a link here and probably down below Mike MC cube bushcraft he's about to go on a like a six month over landing adventure with his wife Meg which sounds awesome so I wish them the best of luck if you guys if you're watching Mike and make I hope you have a great trip looking forward to seeing some of the videos that you have come from that Mike's a really laid-back guy and incredibly knowledgeable about wild edibles well he's a bushcraft instructor as well so he his knowledge of bushcraft is is I can way better than mine is YouTube your full-time job do you feel fulfill fulfilled yes YouTube is my full-time job I've been doing this for this is my second year running now second year yeah second year running now full-time that's a great question that second one do you feel fulfilled I think it's very hard for almost any youtuber to feel fulfilled because it's always about the next video and the next adventure so it's almost I almost never feel fulfilled on the YouTube side of things life side is different but on the YouTube side of things I would say I don't I don't feel fulfilled accept times like this while I'm chilling by the campfire I can actually take some time to take it all in but yes that's a difficult difficult ones ones that'd be interesting if you ask other youtubers that I'd say it's hard to feel fulfilled on YouTube because we're constantly worrying as well about Deamonte like I'll upload a video and it will get D monetized I don't bother saying anymore because I don't wanna pan to run about it but you know sometimes a lot of the time I'll upload a video and it will get D monetize within the first few days any dinosaurs there's no dinosaurs in this was I really hey there's no dinosaurs in this woodland a raptor would scared Fido me right now I hate Raptors t-rex is fine you can hide from it but Raptor just get you I thought that question was ridiculous so Jay much Jay Hamburglar it says what's the biggest animal you could see what's the biggest animal you could single-handedly cling film to a lamppost oh I've got to the series's world what a question
Jay Hamburglar you win question of the day I reckon I could definitely claim from a pitch because they're fairly like day soil I think a horse would be a bit big a pig would a pig would be I'm not talking like hog wild hog I'm talking like pig bacon Pig that would probably be that's a pretty hefty animal it's pretty big and it's non-aggressive wonder with fur any chance of a bushcraft trip with Hayes outdoors yeah I speak to Hayes for defin ear we definitely get a camp in at some point so instantly the the top Facebook comment is from Lee Mason he says has anything spooky ever happens to you in the woods backed up by David chair of Cheever he says good question we have Sanna some animals that are not friendly often have to be on guard so I've not had any bad experiences with animals in the woods here in the UK we don't really have many anything that's going to come up to us a lot of the stuff that's gonna run away and be scared from us so we're quite fortunate in that sense the weirdest experience I've ever had is actually on a fishing trip with dad we were cart fishing by a lake and we were in a field and we were camping overnight not by the carp lake but in an actual farmer's field and I was in the tent with dad and some everyone but that was asleep I was just white away I don't know what time it was because I was only a kid probably eight maybe eight or nine and I remember this is the creepiest experience I've ever had I was lying on the obviously the side of the tent was coming down here it's just just typical standard family - man don't tent and I remember lying down and I there was horses in the field but I remember waking up in the night and just hearing this like rustling very faint rustling here some to my side and I remember the tent did this like if you imagine this is that something this isn't a tent wall there the tent crumpled in like that really slowly and then touched my face and something just went and honest to God I didn't scream I just remember burnin one o sayyaa I just remember feeling it pushed my face like that and the sniffing the warm sniffing I don't know what it was I just remember turning around and this is like an eight year olds punch so there was nothing to it I just went boom but it's probably more like as an eight year old and it just it just went away and I couldn't hear what it was I didn't hear hoofs so it can't have been a horse but I don't know I don't know what it was but that was the that's the creep hands down for me the creepiest moment I've ever had in the woods full stop thanks so much for all your questions so this is my kind of hygiene bad made to me buddy why should they more possibly run apart maybe my baby Tim new Angelica bushcraft I'll pop a link in the description this is where I keep my I've seen in the previous video hand sanitizer
some tissues some vaseline which is also flammable toothpaste and this is my toothbrush so this is my toothbrush it's just a really small one I do have mini toothpastes that you go in there but I don't have them now so ran out use them normally place but it's nice and compact pulls out folds on itself and that's just my toothbrush so that's my hygiene bag for those that haven't seen it before so put some hardwoods on there now some ash mostly ash but this is the best stuff from the log store which we've not touched all winter it's kept nice dry and that's going
seriously well the one thing I basically shoved in my pocket on the way here because I'm in it clothing-wise to see no I mean hoodie t-shirt underneath that's it just hurry t-shirt and my bushcraft pants that's it wool merino wool socks walking boots that's it clothing white I've got my wool hat as well which for tonight I will just put on so no it will drop down as soon as that fire gets out it's probably one of the quietest nights in the woods I've ever heard so far it's 10:15 now and usually I hear animals another thing to a combat the bugs as I was asking is at night tuck your sock or your socks over your trousers you look like a bit of a loon but COC keeps the bugs that's where they're gonna come in is in those nooks and crannies giggity and that is what you want to cut them out so also helps retain your warmth a bit
this is good it's cozy I'm gonna call it a night thank you if you're still watching I appreciate it and hopefully tomorrow there's plans to tinker around without bow-drill care maybe see if I can give it a go I was just gonna make a kit and kind of dry it out a bit but we'll see if we can get something go cook up some more food just enjoy being in the woods still watching thank you very much I'll see you guys in the morning
mommy guys it's no six o'clock and to be honest I didn't actually see that that great this bed is an angle and I kept rolling in towards the wall my sleeping bag like slides a lot on top of this map really annoying
nice hearty breakfast of bacon better meat fees this one what I'm waiting for the grill to cool down I'm just gonna start packing up but I have made a little bow drill kit let me show you guys but actually started this yesterday got my half board my spindle bearing block and by the wood is it's like slightly damp I might give it a go in a minute I'll Pat this lot away first and then I'll give it a go so the side MPP pouch I just put the kitchen gear kitchen get basically spork spoon and knife got my Yuko candle that goes in there as well and a wash bay yeah these are about 2 litres these ones blue rag the green ones already in there it's just dead handy having a big rag for cleaning your hands and general gunk off things like your Billy cans it's only tiny as well oh yeah steaks place get that and the beer covers it's pretty much full spare batteries already gone - on a camera just
mag I just fold like this or whatever just fall in a square and put it at the bottom of the backpack just adds a bit of padding that's about the sort of diameter of the backpack obviously I got the beer cans to take back but a little tip obviously I could save space by crushing these beer cans down flat if I do that with my boot there is a chance that it could puncture through the sole and make a hole in the boot which would basically ruin the boot and the effectiveness of the boot so what you can do is just with a piece of flat would place it over your beer can then put your foot on it push down flat via can no bad first use the same indent that you've used before because that's nice and sturdy same again black the account tory packaging the way I was going to give this a go this Bowdre got some green leaf here just to lubricate this hole so I'd burn 2mb you see it slipped pretty split wood we're gonna give this a go anyway made my knotch [Laughter]
don't know that shredding the paracord as well on this bow [Music]
okay I have to get back soon sadly so I'm gonna give it one more go no not today unfortunately little tip by the way if you fail at mojo you've still got those hot coals very some spots into it just a shame I wasn't close enough to to get that always another time people one more time
they'll fail come back to that in a breath side sleeping pad in Billy can water bottle no camera I don't think you saw that so tinder bag was there camera batteries the epic hatchet with no sheath yet so I just put some tissue around it so don't rip my bag nice and smaller those in the past dead easy and add a pack my second water bottle and that pretty much sums up that tops top bit yes
okay then one bottom on my back here this is how I carried my season bag in carabiner clips through the sleeping bag through the molle webbing job done bounces around a bit because I've put so much in the pack that the bottom straps aren't loose enough to put this on but it does the job so I mentioned obviously I got my t-shirt with me in my hoodie but I had my wall shirt ons it's quite cold when I walked in her D on top and jacket backpack sleeping bag it's nice to bring a day pack for a change for an overnighter and then sleeping bag just bangles down here that was it then I carried the saw which I didn't use too much of but that just carried in my hands so that's it it called The Bearcat beer cans in the side pouch thank you for watching really appreciate it I hope you enjoyed this video there's one whole video of me building this whole camp and then there's 14 separate episodes where I do a lot more called the camp update series the bushcraft camp update series if you want to click on those everything you need to know is in the video description below thank you so much guys and I'll see you soon in the next episode
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing
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- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
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