Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
We head to our off grid cabin in the forest to roast chestnuts on the woodstove and spend time at the camp in the woods. The off grid pallet wood cabin looks great amongst the trees in this area of the forest. We raised up the porch floor on a foundation of engineering blocks to prevent damp from reaching the cabin. It finally feels like the fall is here, as the leaves turn there autumn colours and the air is cooler and fresh. We decide to get the camp fire going using some logs from the bushcraft camp which is nearby. We boil the kettle and get some fresh English tea on! We're looking forward to using this cabin as a site where we can both spend time together learning bushcraft skills, improving survival skills and learning more about self sufficiency and wilderness living. I am looking forward to doing an overnight camp here soon. Thanks for joining us on the adventure! Please subscribe if you enjoyed it :)
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Tags: off grid,cabin,forest,roast,chestnuts,woodstove,camp,woods,off grid cabin,build,building,pallet wood,free,diy,log cabin,log cabin build,tiny house,cheap,save money,homestead,recycled materials,bushcraft camp,bushcraft,overnight,timber,porch,how to build a cabin,off grid living,ta outdoors,ta outdoors cabin,ta outdoors camp,foundation,wilderness,cooking,trapper cabin,cast iron cooking,how to roast chestnuts,super shelter,shelter,no talking,asmr,nature,wild
Video Transcription
well chaps we have got cup of tea get old-fashioned English cup of tea I'm here with dad and we're at the pilot cabin and really we came to do two jobs today the first one was we needed to bring the stovepipe oven for the wood stove which I said last episode hadn't brought so we've got that here now for the winter the second thing we wanted to do what was it done well do the space never luck this space to walk in and wanted to make sure is tipped forward so that yeah the rainy rain comes away rather than goes in of course it's on Pete so the ground is gonna move eventually but listen hey how it's the first first go at it do we put this on engineering blocks which we've also got the cabin under the cabin photos you don't know engineering blocks are what you use generally underground for safe wet conditions where you build a building in the UK I'm only speaking of you've run a couple of courses sale for engineering bricks or engineering blocks they much more denser you know they're much much heavy on it really heavy so they'll get a crumble or anything like that be a source crumbling first our backs but yeah we got all levelled out so it's all made out pallet we stained it down last time yeah so we're trying to be obviously we've learned our lesson over the lot the past year that we've been doing this we've only been doing this a year and the sort of recycled pallet wood stuff and yeah we've learned a few lessons from comments and things like that yeah you know we're not expert woodworkers builders or anything we just jack of all trades master of none but yeah we said we're happy with it we're raising it up more than we had done previously to help preserve it we've got better fire pit better outdoor cook cooking setup if you want to watch the previous episode of I'll link it somewhere up here but really we wanted to get settled for autumn/winter we're coming well into autumn now aren't we yeah leaves are starting to fall it's just about going to color I should it be in deciduous over there should be beautiful colors when they do come out I'd say wait three weeks oh yeah how about two weeks interestingly so this is just to my to my canadian followers I found this out the other day so apparently Alberta we bent our Birds only we did Banff and things like that yeah but they I didn't know this but in that area of maybe it's the same with BC and British Columbia and things like that basically they're autumn as in the leaf the leaves the color change it's really fast obviously maple I think you guys said maple goes really fast but yeah you were saying and some guys were saying our Berta you literally get it overnight so it happened so fast that as in the leaves fall overnight so you get big some of you've got snow they've got snow in Alberta early here it's been cold yeah so but it's crazy you guys saying that autumn lasts like a maximum of a week in some pet in some areas of our Berta
some of you commenters were saying that and I was thinking wow like autumn here is at least a month six weeks six weeks months into six weeks of slow leaf color change you know and it feels quick at the time because in the scale of things of a year but I was amazed there in the Canada it's just boom when they get snow in the knees will come on you talk about what's that problems it's maple it going first
maple I think you guys have maple yes well the one that goes really beautiful over here I passed it this morning on the way to Mike's house is to Sycamore yeah I said how that's very very similar yeah to the maple so what we're doing is obviously we're having relaxing having a teen Alex we've done our bit that we wanted to do is we've got some chestnuts roasting up over the in the stove pipe oven at the moment at temperatures about 180 we can break you know we can put some more logs in and get that up to way hotter but because we're not staying here overnight we don't really need to pile in those woods otherwise we've got to sit and go to wait for it all to burn now it's just there's only chestnuts and you don't need a really hot oven to do it loads of different ways of roasting them you can just put them over and open fire and put them on a grill and things like that
but this is just a way kind of wheat that we've done it today because we've got a little oven and we might as well that's what I do at home anyway so we do Joyce huge age difference we found it there's one in if I get one these are Congress are gonna show you it what we call horse chestnut and the sweet chestnut you don't eat the horse chestnut did that does do the horses eat the horse chest now why did they call it horse chestnut now another thing when we did a talk about the conquer fight we had that was amazing by the way your feedback and their feedback for those know the guys caught it was it in America Quan Chi Buckeye hole size as well should somebody and when I think about it cuz we used to have grandfather was actually a racehorse trainer so and what horses always looks like it looks very very similar so look here's the difference that Mike was talking about I think in that last episode a difference between let's say mainland Europe here and a English one here little island yes that's the size of our island to compare with Europe look at the size they grow to there yeah this one came from Portugal this one came from just down the road well you can see as well that's that's kind of not right Pia is it there's a small one we've got bigger ones in there that we're gonna try I see there's any difference in the taste between you know the Portuguese one and the English one but when we were younger even with a white bottom like this advice they're perfectly edible just hardcore dad your generation oh yeah my granddad used to it where waste nothing waste not want not anything we made these raw we just peel the top off like this using my special knife that they keep saying what's that knife it's a Hitler Youth noise it was it it's cool you can see the shape of it you I really really like it I love the steel Germans make really good quality steel but I like that finger guard I'm very wary of Mike's extra SuperDuper sharp bushcraft knife because they don't have those finger guards room and for an old fogey like me it bothers me so if you ate that now you could eat it no problem at all but their little furry bits in there they're very slightly bitter so we would scrape that off it's like an outer coating almost yeah it is yeah but you can pull all this off these are really nice if you get ones with that slight like this look they look small but they are this is I've always found them a bit more bitter those those ones it's an acquired taste from the 1950s you can see that that sort of husk there you peed on that off though probably use a point of the knife to get in like the ravines I'm gonna call it there
these are superb now with my grandfather we see these all the times though we didn't survive on them obviously no but we used to eat them when they're in season he used to wash them sometimes I won't bother washing them and then the other knife little bit of salt very little bit little bit of salt all right just wet with the just give me a lick get the salt stuck to it there straight in the mouth so crunchy ah takes me back about 40 50 years really I'm gonna put the other one I'm gonna have to try 1 mile an hour one for you it's one by the way guys is cooked so what we did is we split them because you need to split them with a knife don't you if you're gonna roast them otherwise they just split and explode basically they just crack open yeah they go crack so make sure if you're racing them in an oven you just traditionally we just put a cross in them and like an it yeah cross but you do it four ways you were saying that yeah we do it four ways yeah yeah so we just make it make a split like that and you can see it goes a lovely golden sort of golden golden yellow there and that's when you know it's roasted up about 20 minutes 15 20 minutes sometimes half an hour yeah okay she'll get you get one that's got maggots in it honestly can cut them out and eat that you can eat the maggots listen you survivalists going to agree with me you can eat maggots as well oh yeah no protein you try that one bit of salt you want it this is actually from mums kitchen table you've got this right so so let's just not just when they get a chance now dip it in the salt and what do we think just crunchy on your back teeth because your tongue those different taste buds as well at the back of the mouth front of the melon but you know they're quite no it's almost better than roasted yeah they're nice almost yeah the small ones without that base that's what you want that's really nice you can see those really nice right let's get the ones at the oven oh can you smell that that's probably that's roasted chest that's what was amazing doesn't it yes and there we go this is what I installed earlier guys the stovepipe oven for the G stove
I'll link to this in the description if you're interested we're still at hundred degrees and that's burning out now but these are a mixture of that one's completely split because I split until I say here's the Portuguese ones the big large ones it's a little English one down there so it's handy this oven you can just get them out on the grill like that you slide it slide about never gloves that it's red-hot yeah that's some English ones look at that there's a difference we've got portuguese here so we these are the last time we obviously ate raw English chestnut now we're gonna go I'm gonna do Portuguese and I'm we're gonna you have to peel them now that's why we split them so you can peel the the outer shell these smell incredible when they're roasted they really do smell nice that's what they look like that's that lovely golden yellow sort of gold color that they go when they're roasted and they taste amazing have you got English or Portuguese I've got English I'm eating it out the house use a bowl there we're actually 10 minutes from 10 minutes down the line and we've eaten most of them already but I wanted to show you this that is the lovely golden color with it out of the shell that's what you want when you when you know you've roasted it properly so this is the Portuguese one I taste really good this ruling is crumbly we've been eating alone do you always like that if you ever had those I don't know if you game in other countries
there's sites called pyo pick your own fruit and you go along with strawberries let's say this yes sir yeah and um you would buy them per kilo unfortunately you're going along you go one for the bag a bit of bag and you go out bloated and you've bought more than you really but you've eaten more than you need money well there's quite difference in taste Napoli's
this is no word of a lie does she know we're alive hmm I think the small English ones fall off the tree don't forget I got this in Portugal those are pressure pressure I think the English pressure there is a distinct different Tigers yeah what do you guys think you guys and how'd you guys cut them cuz I you you say you can boil these as well I've never cared my granddad used to born as well still split them put a little split in them you guys might have amazing chestnut recipes I don't know if you do let us know in the comment section hmm shows a bit punchy know those small bits off of the English chestnut have any Knights on it 100% honestly people totally totally different we're not saying it cuz reading this know about the Portuguese very friendly people don't say we've got better chestnuts you've got bigger chestnuts you guys have probably seen our you're nuts boy yeah you guys have probably survived cuz you got cojones as well we've had the main course doesn't know this this is dessert this is may bother why haven't you said if you don't eat this cake in a minute I'm really gonna you know it is indeed Victoria sponge I don't know the woman personally but she makes sponges that's mom's homemade cake she's made this this morning it doesn't come any fresher we gotta win you speak otherwise we're in big trouble see what cakes I know there's a dog ladies and women to watch a show in there yeah there is like the cooking aspect that's Victoria sponge with a filling of I think German some some cream that's not very good for you but it's very light that is good all the guys what's your favourite sponge that's really good so hmm we've had chestnuts and Victoria sponge and a very nice English cup of tea yeah yes my hmm I'll tell her it's like she won't believe I said it on camera because she doesn't watch YouTube she watches those Housewives is wherever just talked about so briefly this is one of our more chilled out so she's a bit of work it has been good I just what theory well we saw talking about there is hopefully a couple of days ago UK I think it was eight towns or it sort of slit is really in the UK off the scale that far more than they should be are these with nitrogen dioxide you guys tell us right because of the traffic a one had like one road had I think thirty thousand cars going party in the day Wow so now this is like an EU regulation as you're trying to clean up the planet how on earth are we ever gonna clean up the planet when we got all those cars going down increasing all the time now I never see any old cars around and yet these modern cars are supposed to be more efficient with our emissions yeah so what the heck is going on if over here and trust me it will be all over the world we haven't got the exclusive now nitrogen dioxide call it BM called the market on killing ourselves
forty thousand deaths a year crazy attributable to pollution air pollution this is it they said the pollution is pretty shocking now I always wonder how far away from let's say a big motorway you have to be not to get it some of you guys might be experts in the field let us know what you think about this pollution cuz I honestly can't see how we're ever gonna stop it because look we all use their cars we can use our cars less well you've got electric cars coming up and they're so expensive I don't understand how the pollution levels going up and yet the new cars most people have a fairly modern car they're not all old bangers now are they you don't really see old bags yeah they're quite good cars so they should be in good emissions well what's this all about you know how are we gonna solve it what do you recognize good good good theory put your put your thoughts in the comment section below that's that's quite interesting one that's topical dilution that's two days old in the UK as we're making this film that's one of those people guys that is glued to the news whenever I walk into this house the news is on and it's all doom and gloom and dad said always on the news I don't know if other people my age their dad's or just oldies yeah just yeah just to put your generation is just fear-mongering like oh it's the end of the world
when those guys that walks around with the bald yeah the end of the world is nigh doom is coming I stay subscribed to a good laugh out here but witty so you speak with my mouth full but times getting on the light is going yeah these big chestnuts we'll be talking about I've just come back from the Atlantic island of Madeira I want to show you some clips here because over there is a really super place where they make cakes I think they make pastries they make loads of different produce out of chestnuts fantastic scenery it's in one Valley one Valley is called the nones Valley and it's absolutely I can't tell you it's absolutely shockingly beautiful out there I stood on a cliff well I'm lucky to make it back alive honestly if I said I was 2,000 metres up Wow and I look straight down it look now I'm gonna say this and I hope it comes around okay
Oh calm down grab you could do this just think TV presenters I was standing on the edge of this precipice I was standing on the edge of this precipice because in my head now it's like the giggles used against me I bet he's in there I stood on the edge of this precipice at least 6,000 feet up don't you have four hours in a minute okay vice meters what mm maybe 6,000 feet today I looked over the edge I was horrified because I was looking straight down into the nones Valley Oh lovely lady I was looking down into that huge Valley down there I can't tell you how high it was take a look at this footage it really is something a fabulous place and hopefully I'll get back out there again maybe even get to go fishing so this is the place I'm going to call chestnut central the Portuguese island of Madeira located in the Atlantic Ocean hundreds of kilometers from the earth in coastline I took a trip up to the top of the mountains in fact to arrow to cerrado where the view is honestly quite simply breathtaking looking down from this height of over wait for this 3,000 feet you can actually see the village of Corona de Fleurus home to the famous nun's Valley the story of the nuns is that they were living in the Santa Clara convent in the sepal of Funchal when 1566 they were attacked by french pirates they were looking to pillage all the gold from the ornate churches in the sepal of the town luckily the nuns all escaped with their convent treasure and took it into the depths of the valley to escape the Pirates and from here a small community was formed
they became self-sufficient growing all their own produce and of course one of which was the famous chestnut these are now use in everyday cooking including wait for this chestnut liqueur pudding soups and I can hardly believe it even chestnut bread every year the locals celebrate well they call the chestnut festival this is held on the 31st of October and the 1st of November given the mountainous terrain is difficult to believe how those nuns managed to get into the valley in the first place but today tiles have been cut right through the entire mountain which gives access to the valley so in fact anyone can visit so who would have thought there would be such a supplier chestnuts in an awesome area with that natural amphitheater rising out of the valley floor it's making this place a must for all tourists to visit well guys thanks very much for watching this episode really appreciate it from us here at the pallet wood cabin we are going to save the boy and we will see you soon in the next episode
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
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- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)