4 Day Solo Wild Camping Adventure in the Mountains
I travel 900 Miles for a 4 day camping trip alone in the Mountains. My adventure sees me hiking up peaks in wind and rain, camping by glacial lakes and on the ridge of one of the tallest peaks in England.
This adventure contains paid advertorial and is sponsored by Subaru.
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My 2 Season sleeping bag: http://amzn.to/2qeHcTz
My 40L Backpack: http://amzn.to/2qS07lY
Hydration Bladder: http://amzn.to/2qRVfgu
Similar folding gas stove: http://amzn.to/2qSd9jq
Gas I use regularly: http://amzn.to/2qZcygc
Hiking food packs: http://amzn.to/2qeHZnK
These are amazon associate links.
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Music provided by Simon Alexander: https://www.facebook.com/simonalexandermusik/
BUSHCRAFT PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR
#adventure #camping
Tags: 4 day solo camping,solo camping,alone,camping alone,survival,hiking,trekking,backpacking,adventure,solo adventure,wilderness,taoutdoors,totally awesome outdoors,Subaru Forester,wild camping,tent,tarp,shelter,natural shelter,storm,film,off roading,4x4,all wheel drive
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome to ta outdoors thanks very much for clicking on the video this film is sponsored by Subaru and as you can see behind me the guys over there sent me a 2017 Subaru Forester it's a 2 liter diesel with a boxer engine and all-wheel drive I'm going on a four-day solo trip up into the mountains I hope to take you guys along the adventure and document everyday
well though he saw it for hours 40 of driving I got some food on the go just down here but my phone on charge because I didn't charge it last night so fines on charge cheeky little USB port in there so all is good the gears in the back the roads are looking pretty clear there's usually about an 8 to 10 degrees change from the South of England to the north of England so it's going to be a definitely colder than where it is here the moment of cars reading 13 degrees probably going to be single fingers single fingers single figures when I get out there okay guys let's get cracking I'll see you in a bit [Music]
ladies and gentlemen we have made it to the mountains isn't that beautiful this little bad boy has been an absolute gem that people is blooming awesome cruise control has helped me out an absolute treat on this journey as it is a sunny day guys just has to happen so I've done five hours driving now guys it took a while says plenty of traffic as there always is in the UK it's like the quietest ease that I have ever heard ever awesome three o'clock now five four three are less about 8:30 so I've got I've been on the road quite a while now not long to go want to get out there got a little hike and then going to set up camp let's do this okay guys I was on the way down to the lake and I took a little detour because I saw a little track and I thought you know I'm going to give this a go why not and I'm actually found a little bit of a off-road track going to do some light off-roading in the old Subaru before I go to the lakes I'm still got time the sun's the sun's still pretty bright to be honest although there is cloud coming over so I'm hoping it lasts for this evening but yeah I'm going to give the old Subaru a bit of a run for it and just test out the all-wheel drive the symmetrical all-wheel drive which will tell you guys about in a minute and I think this path might go on the way down to the lake but there's some other pot roads coming off from it as well so who knows where it's going to take me but let's give it a go anyway yes hope you guys can hear me let's go so a couple of facts about this car guys Subaru kind of pride themselves on reliability really reliability safety and capability they use they make practical vehicles there are great thrust guys in the outdoors and this Forester for me ticks all the boxes rather than 4x4 or four-wheel-drive it has symmetrical all-wheel drive which links up with the boxer engine but what that means is the punch counter punch motion of the Pistons basically counteract each other and it means that it's a there's reduced vibration reduce noise and even now I mean I've got the microphone rubbing up against the window so you can probably hear it quite nicely but in the car itself it's not that noisy at all but that symmetrical all-wheel drive is permanently active because the boxer is a flatter engine it provides a lower center of gravity and you notice that when you drive it on the road especially just really good traction and control going round corners everything feels stable and the same with off-roading which I'm doing at the moment so basically the benefit of the symmetrical all-wheel drive is gives you control on all terrains in wet weather and dry weather you know in kind of screen tight roads on driving on at the moment and it works permanently in a matter when it when you're whether you're on or off road is permanently on you don't have to press any buttons over here well that was a bit of fun guys but unfortunately I can't be doing that all day because I do need to get down to the lake because I've been driving for like five hours today and probably an extra 20 minutes or so here just giving it a bit of a run for its money on the off-road track with that boxer engine the way that it's flat and lightweight
apparently when it crash if you do crash good don't but if you do the engine is designed to go under you rather than into you I mean I'm not going to put that to the test guys because I'd like to get this back in one piece to the guys Subaru but if it's a peace of mind isn't it and the end of the day if you're in a 4x4 that's designed for off-roading it's probably not going to be as comfortable on the road whereas this one takes the old round box which for me is brilliant because I do a lot of Drive in fact most of my driving would be on the road and every now and then I get a chance to go off-road on light off roading I don't do any heavy off-roading so this vehicle was such for an outdoors person like myself who takes a lot of camping gear generally when I go with my family I take a lots of camping gear I do lots of fishing as well you know this this has all the space it's got the capability it's got the safety it's got the Euro endcap 5-star safety rating I'm not like we've got about two hours probably to set up camp to get to camp and set up the Sun is coming out again which is lovely
very hopefully I will see you guys in a minute
what a view people if it's not worth it unbelievable tucked away so times 425 wind is picking up a fair bit actually I didn't need to navigate on the maps get here really because I just need to follow these two contour the lake really the wind today but it like I said I didn't need to take bearings or anything but just giving you guys an idea of the wind direction and we're looking at southerly that's why it's so warm south-southwest
yes about south-southwest it's a lovely lovely warm wind I got to show you this few place I've got to show you this new yes there's a mountain up there in a distance not sure which one yet going to check the map in a minute might climb that tomorrow I'm not sure there's much bigger ones out there that I'd like to climb wiggler silver birch here right oh I found a few a bit of birch bark earlier that is the view they all ate this one well but as England is concerned they're not roll off in my sleep
kerplunk so guys just to let you know I don't have a permit to fish here I've got my fishing license obviously for the UK but I don't have a permit to fish in this lake which is a shame because there's probably loads of fish here I have heard it's quite difficult to fish and this time of year especially these conditions it's probably not the best either way it's nice to know that there's fish in here somewhere I might come back and fish at some point I've actually bought some food with me cos obviously at that long five-hour drive I didn't want to have to wait to the forage food and this is not survivable guys this is just camping and exploring and adventuring
so what I'm going to do is make a top tent just a ground top tent but up tying off to a tree this time so there won't be a ground sheet to it now shout it out what I've done is I paid in these two ends and tucks the corner in so that would be a normal right angle there but I've taught that corner into paper pick there and it's basically got this house like shape using standard tent pegs today making sure to a squid to the quick readjust guys sorry to the winching the smelly sock pole going to keep everything dead in my case almost there I just need some extra paracord for guidelines and this is how I keep my paracord and keep it nice and in line top 10 complete here's the center line tied the edges by they're nice and aerodynamic as you can see so the wind which is coming from this direction its bounces off yes there's a sense of pole but look how much saw space there is either side loads of space there's the sock protecting the top of the top it's also on a reinforced tie out point anyway say even if I did use the walking stick it would probably hold it but always handy to have a sock just so you don't rip it up that's the corners I folded it over there and over there and I've got all this space on my gear and one my seven plating mattress and sleeping bag and everything like that backpacks the whole lot can go in here it's little tip guys so the paracord I keep in here is in one big solid piece of paracord where it is is if I unroll it so there's the end here if I keep on rolling it every two meters there should be a knot here the entity Vegas there's or not and if I go two meters again there's a knot and the reason being is this saves you wasting power cord and just cutting it say you wanted to tie out a guideline for example and you just cut a little paracord off well yes you can keep that paracord and use it again but I've always found I've never really needed longer than two meters of paracord generally for tie out points unless it's a tarp going above the hammock and things you need longer ones two meters has been enough for if you're making a lean-to shelter and you want to tie your Ridge Pole I found that just using two meters put it up against the tree generally I'll go for trees about that thick anyway don't need to go much thicker than that obviously if it's huge to me this isn't going to be enough but usually most the trees where I do my bushcraft and stuff and the wouldn't know about that thick so that's enough to tie around my Ridge Pole and tie that Ridge pole up against the vertical pole so that that way every two meters is or not I can just undo this knot real simple kind of double uni knot I want to call it or a uni knot or a no fisherman's knot maybe I think it might be called a fisherman's I don't know but there you go so over here now I've got two metres of cordage which is exactly what I guess you used to tie out those guidelines on my tarp tent and then if I want to store say those guidelines now I can tie those back onto my paracord main line again my sort of main role of line I just hold hold the key lines together like this and is iam in a bit few guys to get green on green there hold on a minute
yeah there you go so I do two ends of paracord and I'm basically looping over both pieces of paracord so I come round over both pieces and then back through so I can over an overhand knot but over both pieces like that then obviously I've got my other side here so there's one knot and then this is the other night I need to tie if I put it in out just pull over same again to go around both pieces sometimes it's easy to hold your thumb in it come back through pull it tight I think it's called a double uni knot or a fisherman's loop and there you go in a net now all I need to do is just pull these together and that even on a really tall attention like that that's locked my paracord together and then I've got an extended piece of carrot paracord so I've now got four meters could just leave it round my hand and I've extended that paracord so if I needed a longer guideline I've now got four meters if I needed six meters I just tie on an extra 2 meter loop all of a sudden I think I've got up to 12 or 13 meters on this just one loop this bundle here just helpful your safety wasting power core guys you don't need to use one big huge bit of paracord so there we go then I just store this back in this bag here and you pick up Bob Bob's your uncle someone set out in a day on my channel I think it's guy from America goes what about your uncle mean what buffs your uncle man that is like the most English saying ever go know where it came from one of the guys actually reply to that comment are saying where Bob is your uncle came from so maybe you guys let me know again it was quite interesting that you where the saying came from but yet Bob's your uncle is a real traditional English saying but this guy's of America Bob's your uncle what the hell man what does that mean do you guys in America know that saying Bob Bob's your uncle bar - your uncle it's making a couple of extra stakes guys for the tarp just to make it they're more secure in case it gets windy in the night for excess dates or for extra tie up points I'm going to pull it out give it a bit more attention luckily the ground still soft so it obviously had a bit more rain up in the mountains compared to where we are yeah it also closes down this side bit just so there's less draft coming in on this plot here where I tried out the side it's just literally a talk talk I line hitch which is the guy line hitch and it just means I can adjust it and adjustable knot says slides down there to loosen whoops or you can just hold one of these sides here pull the knot and it stays taut on itself and it keeps that side nice and tight you go this is it loosened like that you see it's flapping around in the wind all the guidelines are loose down here and if I tighten it just watch it tight it's fucking it here just watch it tight enough there we go look at that for a setup quite a wide doors multiple there as well but if I want to narrow the door I do is just take that out push it in more Thomas conifer conifer branch panic the absolutely stinks of resin sake look at the rational on my blade on the saw blade they're a process to sound when my falling cook because this should our stinks that's the good stuff right there
wow that's awesome that's going to burn really well it's just a little simple folding sort almost like a pruning gardening saw the old back Olander or bark oh that Landa i kept tired I'm feeling a bit rough when I woke up this morning I didn't feel too good but when adventure calls you need to go yeah be feeling a bit rough I do have some I'll show you my first aid kit later because I meant to be going up the mountain tomorrow
this is just like a relaxing night this one the real fun is tomorrow guys that's when it really gets fun I've got some serious hiking today delimit green I'm so resonant my friends right here this is flat wood and it's so you can get it in the shoulder joint this was sticking out like this this branch I just cut it nice and close to that shoulder joint there and look at the red area there that's full of resin as is this part the branch here you can see on the inside so that's almost like nature's fire lighter like you get your barbecue fire lighters this is nature's fire lighters a fire pit somebody so kindly made and there's probably regularly youth and it hasn't got a bad view without people they would that someone tried to burn their house if you can get again found another one of nature's GMs for fire lighting all these white marks are basically pine resin bit if you get the knife you can scrape it away this pine pitch it's worthy the pines trying to heal itself so you can see there's there's some kind of wounds in the tree here where there would have been branches and they've broken off or generally just holes that have been damaged from the tree and it heals itself
and it pumps all the resin towards the area but this stuff and it doesn't damage the tree doing this but you've got to do it you know sustainably bit if you get it off with your knife it's really sticky stuff but when you melt that down that goes basically I can see when you melt that stuff down it goes black and you can use it as glue like pine pitch glue but you can also just light I can take a match straight to that and it would take and it burns for quite a while it's almost like Vaseline I'll just scrape a bit of this I'm not going to get loads because I don't want to I don't really need to is that beast of the tree this one do this might be a Douglas fir
either way it's back to camp the my snow pack stamina there forty liter backpack that packed all the gear in it for this trick there's the ten top ten fire pit let's get some food going fight it so clean are you getting scrounge off some birch bark which is fairly dry it's quite a little mud on the inside of it but before we do that let's with test out this point pitch for you guys
no bushcraft today guys storm lights are all the way hey yay that is going to burn for a long time anyway but on a bounce and Blatch Bach Stewart get this fire going properly really we've got a brace but the stuff might be a bit green I'm not sure
oh let me do it ward gasps meatballs and pasta just boil this in the pot for about ten minutes and you can eat it straight up bag I want two quick food because obviously I did without driving and then I had to hike out to the place and I didn't want to mess around I knew I'd be hungry say when put in the bags job and most of my food is in the bag stuff actually so I just then I run up the energy with all the hiking anyway let's get this in Toma hatch so cooked it's lovely and warm the packet you can't actually eat these cold that's the great thing about it like if your fire went out or yep on the mountain and your gas stove didn't work it's just an awesome thing to have so I think there is about let's say 500 calories now 122 calories in this 510 kilojoules of energy four and a half grams of fat 12 grams of carbohydrate which is what I'm going to need because I've got big day to my big hiking day and I'm tired today really tired a lot driving a lot hiking
hmm predictors of you I have clothes unbelievable
okay that's my office for the day well the night this is what adventuring is all about you know getting in the car driving a couple of hours get into the place enjoying it making the most of your time so midges are out I've just been nailed very dangerous this stuff in the sense there's really flammable I guess that's a helpful in a survival situation if you trying to like fire but don't be at home kids and harmful if swallowed don't get it your eyes senses and so it can be quite dangerous this is interesting a very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects and it's got the old dead fish there so they do they test this on fish why would they do that sceeto is live go in the air why are they testing all fish anyway I guess they have to protect the environment and important thing to do is generally with a new mozzie spray or whatever you're using as mosquito is like a skin test first so there you go so I just spray the back of my hand okay I'm going to leave that for about half an hour because there's no point me spraying all over my body as its new and then I end up getting a skin reaction to it and it really you know get really irritant skin a usually on okay with it but I'm just going to leave that little patch there just in case I have a reaction to it well guys no reaction always good I have just put on a merino wool base layer just because it's going to get colder tonight it's not going to think it's going up about eight degrees so slowly at freezing tool but there's nothing worse than waking up freezing cold so back to the D now that I've done the old test the skin test if I can spray it on the back of my hand which is gently where I get bitten quite a bit actually not gonna spray on the palm of my hand I don't usually get bitten there but I smells amazing
I smell so good citrus citrusy lemon basically which is generally what's Maltese hate yeah here's a tip oh yeah bitten on the neck sometimes on the cheeks
sometimes on the forehead and about you guys but I get bit and right the crack in my forehead I get the old Bruce Willis going on there you know I get bitten right there but yeah a little tip is don't spray it directly to your face it's really really dangerous and it generally goes over your eyelashes then you blink you put moisture into your eyelashes and then it goes into your eyes and it burns and if you're miles away from home then it's a real serious problem you can see the back of my hands are pretty wet anyway from where I've sprayed it so when you put it on your face just wipe it with the back of your hand where you get bitten not too close to your eyes just the areas that you generally do get bitten then God be careful because if you sweat too much it drips into your eyes as well Nick it's a classic area but just use the back of your hand
don't use the spray and just use the black at your hand you got to admit guys Lord of the Rings or one where the top I'm going to climb up there just to see what I've used like and because I've done everything I need to I've let the fire go out I don't need it anymore it's so warm it's lovely and I'm just going to enjoy the peace and quiet and see what's up let's see what the bees like
guys you got to see this I'm gonna I came all way back down to take you guys up here this is awesome the view from here is just ridiculous it's not a try pudding oh I saw something there's an island so peace on all those you got to see the sea you zoom back on this boom look at that that's what it's all about guys getting in the outdoors the TA outdoors something that's going things no what have you so what we come here for things like this feelings like this freedom freedom and nature says camp from up on the crag fires out tin bottle read it and need it tar penslar he comfortable it's about 20 tonight Sun is set and look at that in the background I just spotted that just now that is an absolute beast because Sun on it like that hitting that well western face of it oh man I think I might climb that tomorrow you know I think is about 950 meters high a couple thousand feet camp life baby and listen to the birds that's what it's all about guys epic chill time
well I know where West is anyway that is just unbelievable play what the midges are out of course and if you guys can see this but there is swarms of them can you guys see that at one just normally a bit I don't know look at them this is why I bought mozzie spray red sky and night Shepherds delight guys English ignites about ten o'clock battery's running low you want to save it it's got massive day tomorrow lots of hiking I'll show you more of the top ten in the morning oh I will show you is this little ambient light I've got which I've tied to my walking Pole really small compatible little light bulb basically
only guys it is 5:30 it's lovely in light that means done if you guys can hear that the birdsong cookies blackbirds pigeons goose-step quite well woke up maybe once twice still you've got this lever cold put it's warm in here
to zina sleeping bags working fine my summer bag loving the tarp shelter there was no brain barely any winter was already put to the test but I'm gonna get a fire going this morning because lots to do and it's plan my route I need to get to the base of the peach the place of the peak that I'm going to climb kick it away outside of the tent never boil right inside of him do much water again every time should absorb it thought out breakfast in the living room today it can't be warm porridge in the morning zero wins like I've still the Lakers nothing on good morning Vietnam [Applause]
so though all the gear packed up didn't take you long to be honest let it dry some of its slightly wet but that doesn't really matter it's time to hit the mountains guys okay guys back in the car I need to come down to this lake here now because at the base of this Lake is the walks to the next Mountain that I'm going to climb so I'm just pinching zooming on the old Saturday I think there's a car park around about there that'll do and it's only six miles away ten minutes away let's do this you
okay guys got the day pack on nice and light I'm going to turn this big camera off because I want to save it for later and I'm going to switch the GoPro on so most of this might be GoPro but I'll bring it back on again when I get to the summit and I'll run through what I've got on my day pack may be up there depending on how windy it is or down here but just so you know I've got a map in a waterproof casing obviously I don't want my map getting soaked it's not laminated and compass navigation is important guys always keen to be prepared always good to be prepared and I've also got my three and one my birth house this is the RG Delta jacket three and once it's like fleece waterproof or I can take them apart and just have the waterproof I've got a merino wool shirt on which is fairly warm and just a cotton shirt here the rest of it I'll show you later wish me luck guys and I'll see you in a bit mini waterfall the lake in the background whoo how many about half an hour into it guys but look at the view unbelievable that bad boy in the distance that dark fine-ass kid or we also climb that one day got two liter hydration bladder in my backpack making sure I'm using that little and often having breaks maybe every 20 minutes really easy to dehydrate yourself getting it some cracks now as you can see behind me and it's getting really steep winds picking up loads because I'm higher up view is getting better and better because that kind of of you just want to get to the top I'm not going to let this mountain defeat me even if I'm feeling rough gotta beat it look at that look at how steep that is whoo that's so steep man so Steve legs are like jelly you is getting good guys so good that I can actually see the weather and what's happening in the distance on the mountains in the distance so Dennis it's a GoPro it's like white Angus you might not see but serious amount of rainfall over there that is some heavy rain it's going through quickly but I don't particularly want to get caught in it the cloud level coming down over there best of the weather's that way and that's where the winds coming from I don't need that and I definitely don't need that all this look how gray is where I'm going I need to get there this weathers turning man there's some cans up here just so you know I'll show you guys these motivation is back now I can see the summit oh you know this is a can lovely people
of the English and Scottish Welsh countryside they're very old-fashioned they've been around hundreds of years maybe people will rocks like this a little rock formation just to help you navigate and nowadays they're on a rest map these maps as well they're listed down just to help you navigate a bit better and basically find a landmark because there's not many landmarks as you can see it's just mountains there's no like buildings to look for so taking your bearings can be quite hard but these cans are really helpful okay to the summit baby to the summit well guys finally made it to the summit hopefully you can see that I've had to put my jacket on because temperatures up here about what a degrees colder than and down at the beginning and I'm not walking anymore so look at that man this is 950 meters above sea level a couple thousand feet don't know exactly I'll pop a little text box up to tell you how many feet above sea dive loads there's no wind at all strange man although look at this storm cloud I would not want to be caught and that thing starts dumping down look at it this is amazing damn that gradient was really tough it's a spot height or triangulation pillar which marks the top of the mountain and you see them generally on some of the highest peaks and they use them for Ordnance Survey and things like that surveying making survey maps I can see a few of the lakes let me show you there's some lakes there look at that lovely lake behind me awesome and I've seen trout rising in it so wish I brought my fishing rod now 950 meters above sea level it got a little slow going arguably you could bring up a warm drink and just keep it in a canteen or a flask that keeps it warm on the way up and you don't have to bring this but then generally by the time you're up there it's not going to be as long because it's going to take a few hours to get up but is this way this is warm as you can get it got dawn and with it say my little stays nice and easy to fire up and we're going to make ourselves some hot chocolate
not birth graph but this is in the bushcraft film
this is a mountain film an adventure film
flip that up while it's cold otherwise that be annoying when it's boiling hot great little snow this is just the the power from here the gas intake Oh best bit about mountain mountain hiking this is epic hot shock that you get after take it off okay these handles got it hot so these wrapper tell you what go as soon as you get to the summit and you don't walk around a lot you're called body temperature just plummets really fast so got my hat on now
temperatures are definitely about four or five degrees up here compared to down below down near the lakes where it's about 15 to 14 degrees got a high energy cereal bar breakfast cereal bar hot chocolate yes they didn't take my lips off because it's so cold up here this is cooled down really fast building up my energy now ready for that hikes back down
maybe I backed up though man it's got a rubber adventuring with it mountains as far as the eye can see II see so you guys can see where of them climbed today I parked here basically on the eastern side of this lake this nice Lake here where's a reservoir actually but almost looks like the late the summit wooden there and I took probably the steepest route you can take up to hell bail in this mountain there's some really nice ice a gentle but there's some nice there much longer walks but they're over ridges and it's kind of like through Saddleback mountains so it goes up over a hill then down then up but then like smaller Hills and it's much more of a Ridgeline along here and the ridge line continues up here and it's a really really nice walk because you can see the valleys he decide but stupid old pullin over here has to make it really hard for himself as usual I just thought are the closest car parks there sobong for Subaru there and then I went Bosch and it was ridiculously steep for the whole of this bit until right towards the end where it leveled off and I actually got on the ridge and I could walk there but I camped over here this is really deceiving this map because it's um it's not an OS Explorer map which is much more zoomed in and it has more footpaths this is a land ranger map which means it's much it's the scale on it is much bigger so everything that you see from here to here it's like 2 miles 2 or 3 miles whereas on an LS map or on an explorer map it would be unknown like half a mile there too there would be like a mile maybe you know so it looks really short on the map but actually it's a lot further than it then it seems so let me go to my gear quickly I apologize for wind noise guys but I am on the top of the mountain so please bear with I saw it's from the very important basics of modeling the madman with a waterproof cover here which just helped someone absolutely out with rain compass this is a base plate compass which means you can flatten it on the map it's probably one of the best compasses out there that you can flatten on the map and you can navigate and take bearings really really easily it's also got a magnifying glass there so it's been being on the map on the areas that you kind of zoom over which is helpful it's got all the scale on there as well for these particular maps so you can use the ruler side of it up here you can't seen at the moment but it's got kilometers on both OS explorer maps and land Ranger Maps it's got a bearing arrow it's also got millimeters distance as well it's got a really nice bezel ring it's just it's got everything it's really really good it's got a glowing exact well that's Wendy it's got glow-in-the-dark needle as well this wind is insane sorry eating food wise like the food in my side pocket of my backpack I always say something really sweet so these are dried fruit basically drive-through packed full of vitamins because it's sweet as well as sugars in it really short-term energy which you need on hike like this where you feel weak and wobbly you know boost your electrolytes dried fruit is excellent for that and then this is my own Trail Mix which I've made up for basically a range of nuts different types of nuts peanuts God all sorts of nuts in there and also M&M this is what these colorful things are without their kitties we all know M&Ms are about they're like the highlight of my childhood M&M so you can have them in as a packet on your own they are not there are nuts basically covered in chocolate you can have them either in the packet on their own but I like to put them in the trail mix because the trail mix can be quite dull sometimes I put raisins in those worlds to sweeten it and again it's dried fruit but every now and then you get an M&M in there and it's just man it just blows your head it's so good it's always a nice sneaky surprise I just grabbed a handful like that and brush of the sea one in there and then when you burst it ah throw good and then obviously a sachet of hot chocolate guys Jenner bring a gas stove up to Table Mountain if anything you adding more weight your bag I just did it's the new it'd be cold and I knew I'll be filming up here for you guys so I wanted to bring some laughs and food again you get to bring anything like this you cook set if you're not cooking on the mountain guys if you're having that like PAX food that packet food like I had it's worth bringing and obviously one of these if you're doing an overnighter up here but yeah these are just handy nice not too heavy as well if you can bear it guys do it if you can't bear the weight and don't do it go for something like titanium it's going to cost you an arm and a leg but it's obviously much most mounting gear is titanium because it's just lighter
gas stove this is this is a 240 gram one you can get bigger ones you get 500 gram ones you can actually get smaller ones than this as well which are about half the size very easy for portability and lightweight backpacking but you do run out of gas quite quickly this is just there's so many stoves out the market these little them you look falling one but I like this one because you can just fold it away and it's just a bit you know it's portable and I don't like generally like ones that sit on the top like that the wind gets underneath draft and it just doesn't boil as quick whereas when it's done like that just I find it out the window a little bit more this is my same one I use in my first craft overnight is everything I've customized it I've got all my own sort of bits in there I use emergency foil blankets tissue you can never have enough tissue bandages are all sorts tape lighter emergency torch emergency whistle paracetamol all up-to-date medication in there plasters most common thing you're going to use as plasters and tissue so you know Pat that but whistle is important as well and definitely some sort of light a torch guys honestly it sounds stupid if you're going up in the day but if you don't have a torch on you and something happens it could be game over you can flag for SOS nowadays they have an SOS mode on them Ivan you can still hear me guys this not too windy
last but not least and definitely the most important part of climbing a mountain
here's your hydration bladder or water there must be a hydration about it to be a water bottle I take these because it saves me having to open my bag unscrewing my water bottle and get out and you can fit a lot in here you could this one's a 2-liter one it's got the valves up here I'll show you it's got a dust cap which is really handy yeah so you just take your dust cap off there's your bite valve this one's quite cool it's got a secondary valve as well safety bow with on and off just just definitely make sure there's no leakage onto your back because these go over your shoulder so if I switch that's on right here I hold up comes the water and you drink and all the nice packs away really easily in my day pack what sort of slots for everything in here it's videos on my channel you guys with a scenic to keep my freedom the slide pouch sometimes in my pocket on my my cargo pouch on my trousers just for off that set but everything has its place in my backpack okay guys time to get down off the mountain now starting to get really cold I probably got about an hour-and-a-half descent that's you know dependent on conditions I've got enough water I need to get camp really I need to start making camp down by a lake somewhere I'm not going to camp out in the mountain tonight so I've only brought my day pack and I wasn't sure on the conditions of getting up to this mountain here look at these clouds coming in behind me then look at Oh Spaghettio dead weather you can eat oh and you can see the sea let me show you guys there's the sea it's really windy now but there's the sea can you see the sea oh my gears downhill before I've got to get going [Music]
everyone's gone I'm gonna get caught out in the rain in a minute and these clouds getting bigger tip my hat off I'm so hot nearly there if you look halfway down probably not gonna lie guys my knees are busted an absolute bit it's such a steep descent it was it was a steep ascent but that and that burnt legs a bit but it was doable the man going down my knees are shot I killing just for the lateral sides of my knees it must be my ligaments every time my me goes down just shooting pains across the top of them
I still got another 45 minutes to go easy not cool nearly there guys starting to see signs of human life literally signs footpath signs blowy
ah Semyon still feeling groggy I took a while to get to this spot actually I spent a lot of time faffing around just trying to find the right kind of count spot and then I realize I've wasted so much time trying to do that that I hadn't thought about time to get camp set up so I was going to do a tarp shelter but then I thought you know what we're feeling a bit rough I want to get this set up quickly I'm tired I'm flagging a bit so I just got my my one-man tent and just set that up it's so easy and faster set up admittedly at our shelters possibly quicker sometimes but it just helps and there's no wind tonight are going to be you can see on the lake I'm on a different Lake today but there's no wind on Lake whatsoever and the mosquitoes the midis are just out in force I can just hear them buzzing around me Oh another good reason really well I've got the tanks I'm completely sealed and it's got a mosquito net on it which is going to pay dividends tonight I've already eaten sorry guys didn't film it what was in it tonight it was like past another past three one pastor meatballs again probably or something I don't even know what birds bird noise well I'm in the one-man tent I forgot how small it was but it's very cozy it's very quiet I'm absolutely shattered you see my head is pretty much touching apologies for the close-up view of my nostrils guys but this is we're going to get today been up 15 hours I was up at 5:00 this morning it's 10 o'clock now so let's make done boys going to hit the sheets has a nice chilled out morning I think get some more energy before heading out then XP you're still watching the video thanks for sticking by hopefully there's much more adventures to come tomorrow and I will see anymore molding everyone I probably ate the best night sleep with a whole trip paws point still full of cold as you can probably hear still raining or it's going to rain again now it has been raining this morning let me show you this will rain down the side of the pen
so because I can't fit my backpack in my one-man tent I just put the rain cover on it keeps everything dry I can leave out overnight so completely dry as you can see well worth having that's a massive rain cover as well glad to get some breakfast going right so they come fire so many ways a short period of time where everyone just just so edge so much rain the winds picked up as well look at the water they're wet one player thanks boys [Applause]
ot goodness try on door so I can see ya okay
well guys I'd like to take shelter from the rain that came really fast what banners are pinned at the door and I've tied it around this big old oak that makes the rain comes back on at least I can have my boots out here now and now stay dry from this bit up here also tied up the mozzie note not very well but it's tied up so I can have a look out feel hot they oh look at that steam it
bushcraft here this is also swag the moss and it's actually really good for cleaning your pots and pans and wiping your ass cleaning stop cleaning properties to it not like I'd want to wipe my arse is loss per should the situation ever a cat I'm not use it I'll answer mountain rescue may take someone's right
man never a good sign they might better practice it
so loud
that's Mountain risky someone's alright man ke sath padta waited 10 it was a little bit wet shouldn't matter too much we've got to get it out again later anyway for tonight but it's good to get it packed away it's nice and small packed away quite quickly thankfully it was raining when I was packing it away I think today is going to be a different day weather-wise had five rain showers coming really fast luckily didn't catch me off guard when I put my tent away but yeah I think I'm going to get caught in the rain quite a bit today I saw the mountain rescue helicopter go past hopefully no one was injured and it was just a practice run but you never know out here it's always important to have the right safety gear and things like that which I've got I've come prepared for everything really but I'm feeling tired guys not gonna lie day three with a bit of a cold as well which is affecting my stamina it's not so much my mental state that's okay I'm there with the mental state I'm ready and willing that's just the body my body's and bits my knees have busted up they're really aching especially my left knee I might have to wrap up later I'm not sure what peak I'm going to climb yet but I've got an hour-and-a-half drive to the area that I want to get to where there's a few peaks with hopefully some good camping spots on them tough tough physically tough mentally but I'll keep pushing yourself but also know your limits as well know when to when to call it quits this place is amazing those scenery that's how much normally a 330 pounds acting okay guys go get cracking I'll see you in a bit that's the mountain I got yesterday guys to all that fog that cloud I got lucky well that lights bad there we go just pulled up here guys lighting so bad okay even lighting I've just pulled up here guys and partway through this journey mainly because it's such a nice drive I'm going through there's a number of different passes through the mountains and the drives are stunning from the forest where it's not raining a moment make the most of it make my seat go back bbbbbb
this is sick I can actually stand up in the Forester oh yes you can say I'm actually the sunroof is here on the car and I'm out of the sunroof there's a bonnet of the car look at this view man looking at ye that is amazing so windy rhinos and hard lot passes 30% extreme caution narrow routes severe bends winter conditions can be dangerous unsuitable for caravans will that be rude not to wouldn't guys just came down the sketchiest Valley back there and then look at this bitch I've got to go off up the top here boom if that's not going to put this bad boy to the tech I don't know what oh [Music]
okay there's my car so I don't go almost there guys as a car tiny speck Oh blowing keep going that's the cry although there's a bigger one up there got to get to the top people go get to the top trying to pick the roofs that the sheep take if they make a natural path up the mountain side of the hillside now it's going to steam come on I've still got another 40 minutes left of my drive just thought I'd throw that little hill walk in there and then I get to the base of the next mountain I got a climb at my knees are busted absolutely ruined guys I made it to see down at the sea throw so far in the Subaru that I actually hit the cosine from out of the National Park of the mountains and I'm literally down by the sea but I'm doing a big loop I'm going back into the mountains the peak that I want to climb I'm only ten minutes away from the people on a client say I'm not too far you know but I thought I'd take the little detour to show you guys a boat I know that was really random but I just saw the boat and I thought I've gotta film that tides well out as you can see if I had a fishing rod man I'd be tucking in there for mullet there would definitely be Molitor but I didn't bring a fishing rod this is in the fishing trip it's a camping trip this plan out guys it is edible little bit bitter but packed packed full of light antioxidants it's very very good PVC reaches the you can eat at restaurants and things like that but yeah that's bladder wrack love Lisa I wouldn't say lovely taste wise but lovely for you there it is the next peak guys going to give it a go I don't think I'm going to make it to the top of the peak in time for the light I'm not sure yet I've only got two hours left of light and it takes apparently three hours to get out there so I might I might have to just camp out halfway up where we will see and see what the weather conditions are doing it's really picked up the wind you can't hear the mic Frank's I'm covering at the back at the moment but it's struck don't you think
go what you told me I don't know what of it was now the smoke cleared nice [Music]
sitting there empty paper inside the top of the mountain seen enough
or not
so got the tent set up I need to get out pretty quickly cuz I'm hungry it's 9 o'clock at night at the moment doesn't look it but it's 9 o'clock it's going to get dark in about half an hour maybe 40 minutes but I needed to find a right site and I'm fortunately on this mountain there isn't very many flat areas so I'm on a bit of a slope here so it could be an interesting night sleepingwise but I'm shattered guys my knees are absolutely shot looking forward to some food man I tell ya who can poured some grub where you see that cloud now at the end of that Lake there is the mountain I climbed yesterday which is why probably why my knees are so shot man and on today's menu pasta bolognese carefully I'm all fucked up sorry guys the lie guys I'm excited about this fast-food it cooks in seven to eight minutes so really fast
I've got plenty of gas left for a hot chocolate afterwards I'm going to try one of these luminate things I've heard a lot about them and I've got one recently and this is charged that the moment has got a green lights and it's charged to a red light there which means it's charging but it works by solar panel here and it folds out it's actually these have raving reviews and it's obviously it folds up into like a credit card sort of size you know really in it and it's thin so it's really packable and then it folds out it's hard with one hand to show you guys but folds out into this like a bag that you blow up I fear absolutely soaked drenched I think I've got a spare pair of socks in the backpack
oh they smell good this smells awesome spag bol hmm oh this is the dogs ah there's my wind the winds changed completely it's lovely oh I hope so I hope it's like this all night man the amazing day three was tough enough now day two was tough day two is that steep that steep ascent man that was that was a testing one I did that crag earlier in the rain that was quite a good one still so many mountains I want to climb just looking at them it's amazing that's why we do it boys that'd be the peace the quiet that is why we do this sort of thing you cannot beat a good adventure plan it well that's why I'd say it's definitely plan your adventure well and the mountain I client is under the clouds over there along with my knee caps English mountainside they may not be the biggest mountains guys I know they're only small compared to the Rockies and the Andes and the Alps these are tiddlers but that's funny
can you beat that the misty mountains over there Frodo so I wanted to show you this illuminating I blown it up it's going to show you how bright it goes when you depress it look at that how amazing is that and it's obviously waterproof its floats it it packs down to a really small size really cool I don't know how long the battery lasts on it but I guess by blowing up you give it more of a light source to reflect off on the clear plastic there it's also powered as well everything is on a ridiculous slope in here could be an interesting night guys I have a feeling I'm going to end up in ask rumpled mess at the bottom of the tent I just hope that the tent holds out and you know obviously doesn't rain go get wind but who knows our mountain side the weather can change so quickly everything is aching but it's been awesome I will see you guys in the morning five o'clock in the morning is freezing cold and I am done I'm done no more the weather is really bad today there's huge rain tiles coming in and we've had a laser right around the tent site I'd set my training last night I got no sleep look at the clouds on right off of the cloud level at the moment that's today's forecast look at the rain boiling water that's ready for some porridge and there may be a hot chocolate depending on that the weather I'm not messing around today guys double porridge hope a foot of water in that maybe they have don't care double priorities of the chow it's freezing cold my hands are numb shaking can't even bear them my shoes Asotin feet of freezing ah I'm done man give me back to that car that rain clouds coming over fast
i but i get caught up in it when I'm trying to back away god it's raining so much now but wasn't over then story guys I'm not going to bother packing my tent into the backpack now because it will get everything in there soaked [Music]
human survival
okay now take my house my car's just over that hill forty minutes is the walk I'm hurting bad on a trip better break finally on some grass flat stuff my need to breathe I feel so good so good oh yeah I made it a bike and I'm shattered what an adventure I forgot to mention as well guys is this awesome powered boot which i think is really neat just handy for when you're tired or if you I guess if you had loads of gear and you need to open the boot you could just use the key fob just hold down the button and it opens it's awesome and you can close it with this button here this hole that does all the work for you effortless like magic handy when you're like me and you've been out in the woods in the wilderness for about three days four days loads of boots basic on my overnight pack got my Fayette my camera gear I've got some water in there which I've been refilling on when I've come back from hikes I could use the mountain streams and things like that but there's quite a bit quite a few sheep around generally in this area and that can take the water a bit so I've stuck to a water that I've got in here Subaru are also one of the most reliable car brands out there I think there's a fact of something like ninety nine point three percent of the loss of Subarus sold in the last ten years is still on the road which is incredible well guys I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for watching the video I appreciate it if you hung around all the way to the end it's been an absolute whirlwind of an adventure for days I can't think of how many miles and sore kneecaps and just everything but it's been a brilliant brilliant trip it's been awesome I'm ready for a beer a steak a bath in that order and I'd also like to say a huge thank you to Subaru not only for providing this amazing far as the vehicle but just for generally being a really cool sponsor if you're into the outdoors and you like your fishing your bushcraft your backpacking your hiking this is an absolutely ideal vehicle I've had it for four days solid I've used it non-stop and it's been fantastic I personally cannot find any fault in the vehicle it drives really well both on and off road it's just a great all-round vehicle I'm not saying go out and buy one but what I would say is do book a test drive I would recommend booking a test drive just so you can actually get a feel of how good this vehicle really is so thank you all for watching I've now got a five hour drive but I'm going to stick on that cruise control and just listen to some music see you next time on ta outdoors [Music]
can't you think go what you told me I don't know what if it was another smoke cleared nice sitting there exams eat a fart
and I pretty fix my see without morning shake her
clean enough you understand you are not crazy you are the love [Music]
and nothing to see [Music]
About the Author

TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing
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- Bushcraft Camp Update 12 - Wood Roof Kitchen, Overnight Camp & Perimeter Wall Expansion
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook Pan Fried Fish on the Fire at The Bushcraft Camp
- Cooking on a Campfire in the Forest with my Dog.
- My First Aid Kit for Bushcraft, Fishing & Wild Camping
- Winter Camping in a Hobbit Tent and a Woodstove
- Building a Bushcraft Camp in the Forest - Wood Saw Horse, Tarp Chair, Log Cabin Notches
- Shooting with Shotguns and Air Rifles - Forest & Field
- Building an Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Free Pallet Wood - A Wilderness Project
- Winter Hot Tenting Alone in the Forest with a Canvas Tent and a Woodstove
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin Build in the Forest for Free - Wood Floor, Wall & Frame Structure
- Log Cabin Life: First Night in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- One-Man Off Grid Cabin using Free Recycled Pallet Wood - Roof & Front Porch Build
- Log Cabin Life: Alone with my Dog in the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin
- Building an Imperfect Cabin in the Wilderness for Free - Recycled Pallet Wood Project
- Bushcraft ft. ALEC STEELE - Fire Lighting, Steak, Axe work - Epic Day at The Camp!
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest using Recycled Pallet Wood - Woodstove Cooking & Log Store
- Cabin Life: Snow at the Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin - Unboxing Mail
- Bushcraft Camp Update 13 - Primitive Shelter, Fire Pit Cooking, Overnight Camp
- Primitive Survival Shelter Build with Bare Hands - No Tools Needed
- Recycled Pallet Wood Cabin Build: An Off Grid Wilderness Project
- Off Grid Tiny Cabin: Pallet Wood Projects & Cast Iron Grill Cooking
- Building an Off Grid Cabin for Free to Save Money - Woodstove & Pallet Wood Bed
- Coastal Trip - Wild Plants, Bushcraft, Scouting for Fishing Marks & Channel Update
- Off Grid Log Cabin: Recycled Pallet Wood Project - Roof Extension & Sink
- Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Fire, Shelter, Axe, Cooking Fish
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Build from Start to Finish.
- 3 Day Solo Winter Snow Camp - Bushcraft, Canvas Tent, Woodstove, Bowdrill
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Opening Subscriber Gifts & Coffee Vibes
- Primitive Fishing with Horse Hair and a Bamboo Rod - Catching Fish with a Stick
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin: Picket Fence Build & Woodstove Cooking
- My Dog's First Time in The Snow + Truck Update - New Mods
- Bushcraft & Blacksmithing: How To Make a Bushcraft Knife with ALEC STEELE
- Cabin Life: Unboxing Fan Mail in the Cabin with my Dog (Incredible Gifts!)
- Forging with ALEC STEELE: Hammer Technique, How To Forge for the First Time
- Cooking at The Bushcraft Camp - Axe, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival Tips & Grilled Kebabs
- CATCH and COOK: FRESH TROUT on the Woodstove at The Off Grid Pallet Cabin
- Making a Hatchet with ALEC STEELE - Forging with a Sledge Hammer!
- Solo Overnight Camp - Stealth Tarp, Winter Camping in Cold Rain, 100 Year Old Tools.
- Build a Bushcraft Dog House in the Forest Camp - Part 2
- 2 Days Camping Alone in a Tent on a Clifftop - Fishing, Hiking & Filming
- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)