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  • Axe Madness! Using 7 different Axes & Hatchets in the Woods + Camp Fire Cooking

Axe Madness! Using 7 different Axes & Hatchets in the Woods + Camp Fire Cooking


We head in to the woods to test out 7 axes and hatchets and do some wood splitting. Then we headed to the Bushcraft Camp to cook up some food!

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Tags: bushcraft,axe,axes,hatchets,knife,survival,survival tips,primitive,bushcraft camp,woods,forest,camp fire,camping,hiking,hunting,outdoors,outdoorsman,woodsman

Video Transcription

hello guys welcome to ta outdoors on back of the bushcraft camp here with the old nuts my dad and we've got a fire going we've got a nice here got some coffee here in the old cook sir I've got the old plastic cup again sweet me class he had a fit me cup and today we're hoping to do a bit of axe work for guys X work is one of those things is extremely satisfying when you get it right it's also something to be safety conscious on but I had some old ounces here really really old ones and I cleaned them all out what I did first was with the wood here I scraped your back with a knife bent into an edge scraped it all the way all the way back cleaned it all the way off then I sanded in it then I stained it and then for the heads which were iron I think these might be about nineteen twenty something like that is why I brush them off and then I ground the HS you know on my ground of glider back in the obviously I don't know how to shoot you now to sharpen ax heads by you but not with a grinder with oils or grinding Messiah if you've got a grinder it's much faster but with traditionally you taught to do with a hand file when you saw a real path in it called on it yeah now what there's one of these got really old nails just look at Mike's modern ones there look at the shape of this is what we were talking about it will actually working out in the wood so my score model one what's that one like this is just the hostel and a hatchet hobby it's probably my most abused hatchet but I've used this it's very cost you know cost-effective it's very good value for money and it's about a pound head and a fairly fairly wide blade on it so it is a splitting blade but yeah it's very very good very light now what is the difference I just heard it hatchet what's the difference being a hatchet when does a hatchet become an axe is this one an axe and what I want to know is look at the shapes of them this this is a really really old one it's got on it's solid steel will tell you a second look at the curve on it it gives it goes to a neck it goes up to this was that a reinforcing part and there's a pattern on the edge down there as well someone's had a good think of that on steel on steel by May oh that's alright what you say on the it says Kanak warranty something Kanak warranty knowledge steel three pounds three pounds is heavy because I'll be just winging it is heavy and I'll tell you what the end of this compare with yours mine goes to a point yeah mine Carmine's got a bit more of a swell early Hitler to it and I mean that's a smaller smaller version this one but it's got that same head the other thing we noticed was the pins when you when you're jamming into the head and split it apart to make it pinch it that one compare with Mike's it has the straight serrated wedge now I've no idea that's English or worldwide and what you why you is going to a circular pin in it yes yeah it's more modern way of doing axes I've never seen that before noticing it before but swinging a three pounder man alone that can that can wear me out like Popeye I like this one that's very similar to your white Mike would you say that that yeah that would be about a pound probably yeah nearly a pound it's not 600 grams like this one which is six underground head this is more of a carving accident and I do like this little curve that tail here you just feel a little bit safer with yeah but we did have one we found it amongst my toolbox a more modern one obviously no hole with a split in the wedge in there obviously it's sealed straight up the shaft goes into this like a workman's ax wrong way does that still commander hatchet I don't know but we're intrigued by that slot there can you see that slot pulling nails out I reckon I think this for pulling nails out I have no idea yeah but again it's very very heavy I don't know it's a different steel might be heavier score well it's got a metal handle that's it's going to be heavier whereas these are got a Hickory minor hickory and for Captain Treesdale we're dead father X we might lose it in the dark either very no you won't lose this one okay sure if you're hunting territory and swing of this round hopefully the hunters don't mistake you for a deer and shoot you see it's a movement rustling in the bushes that's three big flat heavily a three pounds ahead as well a two pound head okay that's more more maybe four three that's a four pound I say four four and a half pound head so this would be a stand of log cutting ax chopping tree down axe driving instead of the bear and then what we did use which are use for my not burn are you full time there's no more to be heavy it's the Beast it's basically a sledgehammer yeah with an accent it's lawless it's called a log splitter yeah and I tell you what look at the square head on that man allies swinging this away route excellent for driving stakes yeah I just thought that yeah really good the weight behind that went bad for your shoulders be good for putting in-state and splits pieces of wood apart as you saw okay so any pine we're not dealing with oak Orinoco here a thirty inch piece is splits in two and what discoveries that it's gone so straight it's gonna make you look a coffee table yeah we're going to use that I'm sorry yeah it would definitely use that yeah especially that's the flattest piece we've got in about 20 swings reacts but you were you like the ease this fear carving laser yeah this is I use this a carving a 600 gram head it's not enough to it does split a small log via fire but you would use it more for carving yeah lightly I've got some of this this was either in our house it was certainly in a house please go greenhouses Graham it was in our garden it I think it was that damn Centauri we had at the back oh yeah it could be whole thorne Paula fun was a nightmare on the log bonus I don't burn it I've cut it off there and as you can see very very very hard that is but there's prim off the bark get the edge of Mike's will you call that shaping axe or something yeah one's a carving a carving of a carving axe here and we we shave that right down okay you get a bracing bit you drilled a hole right through it and you can turn it into which I I did earlier very good here's what I'm prepared earlier this is the same would totally different noise from this point solid yeah very very hard and mike says you're going to make a bigger on out of this and what weeks putting their pine shafts and shape it and cut it in to make the other yeah let me start off with an axe and then maybe go to nice for the finer work yeah but yeah I mean I've seen in useless guys and there's no denying it doesn't work it's awesome maybe maybe I should know I've jammed that in now I'm glued else you're jammed it naturally split so maybe I should split the put a wedge in there but one of these ones in there you guys tell us we don't know should that as a mallet have a split or swing a mallet just expand by damp or air or something like that but listen if it flies off or sort of traditional camping tent pegs or solids if it flies off probably hits me Mike oh yeah yeah now if you didn't want to make anything because I've seen this somewhere on YouTube somebody made a sledgehammer about the same principle of this one peeling it back very hard wood but peel the bark off so when you use the sledgehammer it's going to come off anyway drill it big post on it big sledgehammer well guys thank you very much for watching the video we've got loads more bushcraft stuff coming up and we also do have some shooting videos and things like that on the channel we're here at the moment in the bushcraft camp there's also a whole series on how I built the camp and there's quite a quite a good amount of content coming up isn't well springtime I fear from my point of view listen guys I like being out in the world I am a fisherman really through in through the heart I feel a fish coming onto this fire sometime in the future you


About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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