Woodland Wander, Hidden Woodsmen, Ridgeline Clothing
The Hidden Woodsmen: http://thehiddenwoodsmen.com/
Ridgeline: https://ridgelineclothing.co.uk/
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Video Transcription
focus focus focus focus oh yes here we go hello people oh it's woody hello people and welcome to another video so I thought I would come out today for a little walk in an old woodland of mine that I used to visit many moons ago and I thought I'd bring you with me it's been a very long time since I've come out and just took the camera with me I don't know if many of you remember but this is what I used to do all the time I used to literally come to this woodland walk around for a bit talk some shit to the camera and go home I haven't done that for a very very long time I mean we're talking four or five years and I haven't been to this woodland in about that amount of time as well so yeah I thought we'd have a little wonder I'm basically out on a good walk today testing out some some new Ridgeline gear so you can see a fleece I've got on here got some new trousers on got a new smoke in my backpack and when I would go later and yeah just come out for a stroll off work and got plenty to do at home because for those of you who know me will got a new company I started off doing come with some other work but more serious than last time quite serious actually taking it very seriously there's plenty in place in plenty of stuff to do for that but I I do love to try and get out on days where I'm on the computer all day I do like to try and get out just for even five to ten minutes just have a bit of a stroll because helps me think straight and I don't do well when I've been inside all day I get quite sluggish so yeah yeah gonna have a stroll around gonna try and find about to sit down have a coffee yeah see what comes to mind we talked about hold on it's gonna be a bumpy ride and the elderberries are in full bloom they're all lovely and juicy now these are by far my favorite wild edible I can literally eat them by the pile for a [Applause]
handful whatever you want to call it so in my part of the world autumn is well and truly here the ash tree is pretty much lost all the leaves the whole Thornberrys on there their last fruit now yeah nice and juicy there's not much left and yeah all the berries are in full flow they won't have much longer Lefty either yeah autumns will intruder here beech visa starting to turn a little bit but - trees are well and truly gone yeah it's been so long since I've visited this place this is where I used to do like all of my old school like videos and this is where I did my outdoor suffer I haven't been here so long it's nice to revisit pop coming here mainly because it's very public and there's a lot of kids around a lot of litter it's not the noisy the place is bought it does bring back good memories we've come a long long way since then I mean all the trips we do now it's kind of quite big trips really we don't really we don't really Bates around in the local woods anymore but it's nice to revisit there's a little shelter here there's some homes built I made a pretty good go of it as well of to be fair it's not bad at all so this fleece I've got from Ridge Nora needs a point noise it's a very thin fleece to be perfectly honest it's nothing special really but I call it Monica it's really thin and it's got these some hold things in the course and I think I'm gonna use it for is like my winter thermal when I'm sleeping in my in my bag and because normally I have a lot more room in there my Mirena wolf hermana but in the winter when you're really cold that's not thick enough and this is kind of like it's me snot off thickly swell because I but it's it's thicker than that firm I'll get really simple things simple things I've also got this which is the ridgeline monsoon classic I'm soon to receive the monsoon elite - the elite - is their modernized version took this old version and made it better haven't got that yet but the idea is that set me both or they're going to send me both so I can then do a comparison video and very much looking forward to that because remember when this first came out it was a massive hot wok but what loved it however they quickly realized that it was a very hot garment and didn't breathe very well what was common knowledge did you breathe very well apparently this new one is meant to breathe a lot better so I'm looking forward to testing them both though anyway
Hey look at that it's bushcraft 84 bushcraft so yeah let me bring you a bit close-up mmm this is an old-school video on their old school something else I want to show you it's this pack so pretty bad grade because I should have made this video or I should have mentioned it in the video a long time ago anyway pretty beat-up no to be honest this is the M I can't get my words out this is the die rock breeze the classic dialogue from hidden woodsmen now Malcolm II sent me as a gift a long time ago he didn't say that to make a video at all he was literally sending me as a gift obviously it was such a gracious gift I have to at least mention it some but I've had mister God he's got me one over a year now I mean I took this to alter them back in January I had it a wall with em but it's been one of those packs for me that you know you just get something if it just works and I absolutely love it and I've used it all the time I take it to work with me I take on day hikes with me I took it to Austin with me I use it for climbing every single week so I just trot my climbing gear in it's just it's just one of them bags and it's just so rugged I just throw it around shut your gear and it'll just go it's it's great it's got a good capacity and I think is 25 litres inside it's got these massive side pockets it's probably better 35 litre buy one together but I just love it so here we go so his front pocket on there no tiny front pocket I normally showed my hat my gloves in there even one a day hike or if I'm climbing I just have my phone issue in there
these side pockets are huge I've done a couple of overnighters with this bag and I've just won one night and I put like my food in one section cook kit in the other section and then the main compartment there's enough space to get your sleeping bag you're tall and you know you may be a hammock or whatever in there don't go wrong it's a small bag but it's just enough there's some bottom straps on the bottom so if you've got a big sleeping bag that you put a big cleaver on the bottom perhaps you love it there's a zip compartment on this wall see keep you know your notepad and your drill bits and shits in there and then there's like side pockets I've got a tripod if not one of the me but you can I ignore Mele on that one and over knows where I'll put my luck lunda and a knife in well for those for them no simple bike and I do believe well yeah do you believe that I might be the only person in the UK to own this bag I think could be wrong but I haven't seen anybody else have one just just solid absolutely solid bag very quick double this kind of foam on the back Reid worried cushion straps sternum strap which is adjustable it sits on me lovely very very comfortable there's no waist belt but I'm sorry no there's no waist belt and this actually wasn't and you don't need one but it's not a very big bag [Applause]
yeah I've been very impressive all over very impressive
so thank you Malcolm honestly thank you I really appreciate it and like I said I wish you would've made this video a little bit earlier because it was sent from all the way over in the USA got him he wasn't expecting it so it's to give a nice surprise but it's a far overdue far overdue I just haven't been getting out no sorry I haven't been making up me videos this year I've got a an absolute shitload I've been able to him but I just haven't took the camera with me and I sometimes get like that I just kind of get to this point where you can get quite absorbed in filming stuff and I've been this year I've just been kind of living in the moment and going with the flow and just I'm just been enjoying being in the place of being and in dream I'm doing I mean the last video I made was Iceland and that was back in January and then since then I did the bushcraft show which was a good video and then I did this time via video which was a wasn't really video was it really it was just me just just through the clips together it was more I wanted to send a video to McGrew because always the best man it was more fun to send a video to him it wasn't really for YouTube or I thought anyway because it's quite fun another other than that we've been doing loads of hiking a lot of camping loads of canoe includes be the big one this year mean Emily be drawn a loner to canoe and we're really getting somewhere now I've recorded a fair bit of it but I haven't made a video from it so there's a lot of footy WPA which I haven't do anything with book it's one of those things you just got to take a break sometimes don't you a couple of videos to come and one in the workshop talking about journeyman handcraft and got the Sweeting video because we weren't dissuaded a couple minutes ago now time TAS tea tree oh my god so much fun we all actually had a fantastic time but again I haven't edited it i've just got all the footage on my computer and I've been looking with it yet so that's the comb at some point and put its pretty head to get them all on it because like I said I'm trying to get this company up and running and my mom's working for me so I'm trying to give her a wage and me and Emily just bought a house so we're trying to move in and get all that set open got massive projects of redecorating and ripping out kitchens and all sorts of crap so videos are definitely gonna take a back burner but hey one other things a life is life but I thought to get it today and just enjoy being outside for a little bit awesome is one of my favorite seasons but autumn always seems to just fly by and never never quite catch although I never really spend time it's a beautiful season and I absolutely love autumn but I never seem to catch it you know we seems to fly by form and I never seem to get much during order so the path is literally their eight foot in front of me and two blokes just come walking down with the dogs and the dog wasn't panting the dog wasn't behaving or paying attention I said he's blokes was Stanley a walking backwards or forwards he friend to me for literally about two minutes trying to get his dog and they didn't see me once just kind of sat here still they literally glanced over me more than ten times and didn't even see me and that happens a lot of notice let me know being these ones a lot and I've been seeing clothes in the past because there are paths everywhere and people will you walk on boy and you can be literally right next to the path but they're just so like so consumed in what they were doing just don't don't see what's around so that's it from me folks I've been out for a good wonder been out a couple of hours now and yeah it's time to get back as there's plenty of work to be done so yeah another big thank you to Malcolm go and check out the hidden woodsman they've got some fantastic gear over there yeah I'll follow the link in the description and look forward to some Ridgeline overview
clothing videos coming soon as well and the big sweden expedition video will be up at some point I promise until then thank you for watching I do appreciate it and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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