Duck Fork Camp w Osni Bag etc


I went up into the mountains passing over 11000 feet then dropping down into the lake. It was my first time at this location, I found it quite windy much of the time, white caps on the lake while fishing for example. The first night there the wind howled most of the time. Because our ponchos can be made into a hammock it stopped the wind from penetrating to me, I added our recently introduced product, the Osni Cloak to the hammock as an under quilt. Very warm. Some tips are given on Fire Craft. I make an item from local scavenging cooking in cups. I fought the wind briefly while fishing, after catching a nice fish I headed in. It was a fun trip all in all. Check out all our gear at

Tags: fishing,canoe,camping,campfire,hammock,woobie,poncho liner,poncho,bushcraft,woodsman,camp craft,glacier cup,lodge cast iron

Video Transcription

spire right here you'll notice I have not built a fire pit I want to be at ground level right here in the front because I'm in the 30s going down probably into the 20s tonight and I want I want to feel the radiance from the fire clear down at ground level on my feet if I build a stone fire pit all the way around the stone on the edge towards me is going to prevent the heat from the fire from reaching me now on the back I piled up some stones in about a third of a circle and about a little foot higher so because what I'm trying to do is create a sheeting action with the flames now the flames that flame has radiant energy in it so the more sheeting it flame action I've got the more heat I'm gonna get out of the fire that's how my why my fire pit is arranged how it is and I've got three logs I'm burning parallel and I set out to cut them and a lot of people will talk about that back wall of rock as a reflector and not really I'm I'm really what whatever reflection I'm getting of heat from the stones on the back wall is insignificant all my heat that I'm feeling is coming from the flames from that sheeting action of the flames so if you build a wood the wood barrier in the back or rocks or whatever and sayit's are a reflector fire that's really really not correct anything that bounces off the fire and hits anything behind it has to be absorbed by that and then re-radiate it out which it comes out at a different frequency and you lose so much so it's it's really it's the fire itself that matters and getting even a small fire like that is pretty hot because I've got a sheeting action all the way across and that hole every bit of that flame is radiating infrared energy Timmy that's even though it is a small fire it's a pretty hot fire to sit by I'm I'm sitting out at least three feet from the fire in order not to get burned by it pretty windy at times trying to warm up a little bit of baked beans here I'm really lazy I'm just cooking right in a can

here's my pot lifter to handle the [Music]


it's steaming it's getting there and I got a some water in this Klean Kanteen 64-ounce little something to drink to warm me up well there's a there's a little tip for starting a fire in windy conditions or or you know just tough condition or whatever I like to use a piece of get your little sliver of fat wood and I usually carry one in my actually carry one in my pack a couple different things but oh I need just a couple pieces down there some other nice things I got in here last night it was really windy and I just needed to get the fire going well I did some other stuff so I didn't want to tinker around with it and all that sort of thing so I lit off a piece of fat wood the nice thing about fat wood is it does does start up pretty easily and once it gets going it is it doesn't blow out as easy as other things so I'm just getting a few of those little scrapings like they're going now what I do is I'm just gonna pull these twigs and stuff out over top of it a little bit now I can do just what I did last night I just went about my business doing other stuff and basically I didn't have to do any kind of worrying about the fire at all I mean it got started and it propagated itself into the bigger stuff and I just I just watched for what I needed to add more than what's here that's a simple way to do it right there so you see there's no fire light here there's no particular specific kind of thing I'm doing I've just got a bundle of twigs that are from pencil led size the finger size all mixed together shoved into a bundle and then I stand and I just started it and I just started with that little sliver of fat wood and and that stuff is just awesome really so that's some easy fire lighting with a little chunk of fat wood I don't always need it but you know whenever it's convenient shave off a little piece BAM God fire well looks like getting an eggshell in a big one I think it'll be a three egg breakfast three eggs or bacon yeah even though there's much not much flame on this fire it's pretty dang hot and we're a little windy here well guess little bacon out that's done let's mice look like my scrambled eggs good so get that out little 6-inch large cast iron skillets about right for three eggs then around getting ready to go fishing you certainly these pot lifters are good for a lot of different things even grabbing a Klean Kanteen off the fire a couple drops of soap in there yeah I got a little snow over there yeah there we go the nice cellar right there firewood or something is wired off to the tree here this must have been an old cattle camp sheep camp or grazing cows or something these wire bales on bales of hay or something that's been a long time ago oh look at this they've been having a project they've been thinking about a little tinkering around I need some wire for it imagine that finding the wire out here no we're practically yeah I'll take this back to camp and whip something up out of it I think the truck I had old jack jack handle so I'm gonna just take this wire here and bend it and two tea wraps around that handle there

like that

you know about even here yeah let's see come out yeah better first joint of my finger will measure measure by body measurements here I'm doing is making a little an idea to make a little clip it would hold the cup up so you could hang it from a stick or tripod over the fire and it would hold on there good I like I like these little cups like this glacier cups or holy camp spacesaver cups they're all kind of same style a Nalgene 32 ounce bottle will fit inside of here a 40 ounce Klean Kanteen will fit inside of here so it makes it so you could carry something to cook in with your with your other bottle inside of here so really this takes up no extra space because you're using it all for something alright as promised I'm going to put the little clip deal on here yeah well who heat up some water so I just hook it over a stick suspension over the fire and there we go right there well I think my bratwurst is done and it looks like my water's almost a boil I don't need it to boil cuz I got a drink it take my water off

right so here's my setup once again I'm using the NHD punch shell as my hammock this is a tax IX and then to the outside of that I have snapped my oceany cloak which is multicam on the outside and OD green on the inside and then to the top of that I have snapped that over quill the top quilt so when I go to bed at night I'm right inside of that and it was so windy last night it was crazy but man I got down in there and I was perfect it's just absolutely beautiful but one other thing I wanted to show you and this is just a prototype of course this is just kind of a foot box because I tight end I tend to get cold feet easily so I slide both feet inside of here when I get in there and then this thing just kind of gathers around them this is made out of Apex the same thing as our oceany cloak but this is double thick so this is 2 inches thick this little thing right here absolutely did the trick I mean I was just my feet never even got a hint of getting cold well the nice things about this is is I can wear it like this and then I get ready to go to bed at night I can sleep in it too all right so it's just a simple matter of pulling this thing off the snaps that go down the side to turn this into a poncho are double sided on the oast knee so you see there's a male on one side female on the other a stud in the socket so all I've got to do is just snap it the other way and I turn it into kind of a sleeping bag so you see I'm going to fold the underside up into the top like this

and now you see this how that's going to sit now this the fabric is water repellent so I mean get a light rain or something like that most of the water would want to run off so that's why I like to have the top snapped over the bottom so if anything's running it'll run off and not run into it now keep in mind this is PS SL sighs so blade flat we're looking at 8 feet long said I mean it's plenty long right I could get all the way inside of it now so there's two things we want to do to kind of close a couple areas in one is the hood obviously you don't really want to leave the hood open so just pull the drawstring down like that now the hoods closed off on the foot end you remember this this I had set up as a an under quilt for my hammock and we closed the ends in on the under quilt by means of these drawstrings right here well this is the foot end of this thing if I pull that shut then like that run the cord locks down I have now I have now closed in the foot end of my sleeping bag now now it's just a matter of getting inside and go to sleep we use it for the hammock the poncho me set up as a hammock well the top quilt also has double sided snaps on it so now even if I'm a bigger person I can get in here and turn this thing into a legitimate sleeping bag early they see I can be all the way inside I can even draw the I can even draw the drawstring close down the top end if I wanted to close it down more one other thing I wanted to show you and I haven't I just flat-out haven't got around to it we've been making this particular type of bag for for a while now we just haven't got around to formally offering it to our customers but this this bag is comes in two sizes it's designed for eight-inch and 10-inch like backpack free pens now if you know me you know that I always I'm using pie tins for my plates and stuff well take your frying pan put the pie tin upside down now you got a mess kit you can fill this hole inside with stuff you could have different mixes rice you know granola cereal or whatever another case may be muffin mix now you got a now you've got a mess kit this works with the fry pans with removable handles this is a GSI so I can do like that unless I use the pie tin if I use the pie tin that I want to take that out but we have it in all our usual usual colors this is multi cam this is multi cam arrad now one nice feature about these bags --is is the seat is no cord locks or anything so basically just put your fingers in the loops give it a jerk and I call it and call it the quick-draw closure it's all there is to it it'll stay just like that when you want to open it up there's no cord locks done do or whatever just put your thumbs in there pull it out and you're in and you're into it just like that very simple very easy nice little bag made out of Cordura nylon and we have it in all of our regular colors [Music]

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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