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How I "Process" Firewood - Simple - Tips


OK so I'm a bit different, or as people in the South used to say when I lived there, "You ain't right" haha, so true. Anyway here's my simple way to "process" wood for fire that I use a lot of the time. Of course I show a little of our gear at Wilderness Innovation too, ponchos used as something else and our PD Shelter or fire canopy. Watch this little video, check out our website http://wildernessinnovation.com Thank You !!

Tags: campfire,woodcraft,bushcraft,outdoors,survival,fire,poncho,camp chair

Video Transcription

well a lot of times people want to know how how does Perry peacock do stuff you know and I don't know why they ask but you know that's what camp is all about getting out resting relaxing don't think about nothing take your watch off get rid of it just just let the day's flow ma'am let it flow that's how you recharge your batteries you know I love it people off people often want to know how I do different things around camp or while I'm in the outdoors probably mostly because I'm weird too kind of a oddball I do things I do a lot of things different than most people but it's just me and I can't break my habit so if you want to know some odd way of doing things just ask me this is my simple method for processing wood a lot of simple tasks that used to be just go get some wood for the fire now we have all these fancy words for them processing processing wood for fire now it's what you got to say let me show you how I process wood I just normally wander through the woods and and I find what's dead what's falling out of trees you know dead brush dead branches whatever and I just gather up some arm loads of those and bring them back to camp by my fire so let me get let's get into how does Perry peacock process firewood how does the old weirdo do it so I gather some wood a couple are modes or whatever so this is the way I process firewood process and firewood right there that's the way it's done let it break itself well after a little more stopping there's my pile all ready to go anyway I got this pile of wood here inch and a half to two inch diameter pieces piled up here pretty good let those burn down while I get breakfast ready here ready to cook

I'll throw it on there and get my meal done here

one of the things I always carry with me is a pair of leather gloves it's pretty easy out there with if you're out with your bare hands to snap something or whatever and get it get yourself a gash or something like that you can get it real you can get a real zing one that when that thing snapped the real stinger especially when it's cold I kind of hurt your fingers in the wintertime and never never stand like this and push towards the tree because if it's common for wood like this to break in several pieces and it will fling something right out you can get hit right in the head or in the eyeball or whatever you know so stand to the side and and this kind of wood you got to give it a good sharp tug so I'm just kind of I'm really excited to be out here it's a it's in the spring time I finally got up enough snows melted up here to get up to one of my favorite spots to camp [Music]

About the Author

Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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