EZ Peach Cobbler on the Twig Stove


Just a wacky idea for a peach cobbler, and on our Twig Stove no less!! Usually I do cobblers in a dutch oven, but on this morning after breakfast, rummaging in Shauna's backpack was some 72 hour kit stuff including a can of peaches and a couple packets of oatmeal, so why not do a cobbler. For products, blogs, and info see http://wildernessinnovation.com

Tags: Twig,Stove,cooking,peach,cobbler,camping,perry,peacock,wilderness,innovation

Video Transcription

well perry peacock here with your wilderness quick tip I don't know if this is going to work or not but I just got this hairbrained idea so let's see what happens I got the twig stove down here and got some chocolate we cooked on here earlier today we'd that also cooked cooked up some hash browns and some ham and everything in a fry pan on here worked really great drop a couple more little chunks in here but I guess what I want to try here I'm going to take some I'm gonna cook right in this pan that is can that the peaches came out in a poor little juice and

he's gonna use my spork here I'm going to dump a bunch of peaches in here I'm just doing this by the seat of my pants I have no idea what I'm doing the seat of my pants are sitting on this rock all right so I'm doing I just dump it i need probably need a little more juice all rights I got about a half a can of peaches here what I'm gonna do put those on the stove so they can start cooking I just had this wild idea I don't know but normally want to make the peach cobbler now you use some bisquick or some kind of mix like that or i'm just going to take this quick oats here maple and brown sugar and I'm just going to dump that down in here and stir it around and there he is that there he is we'll have some kind of a sort of a peach cobbler kind of thing here I'm just cooking it in the canner came in so we'll just leave that let that cook for a minute and we'll get back to you now all right it's cooking away here take a look in there it's it's simran got it's a slow fire going on the twig stove here and I think it's going to have a nice flavor to it give it a little bit more to kind of thicken up here and kind of turn itself into a little bit of a cobbler now we've got the Cobblers been cooking in its own peach can hear got the chocolate let me see if it's still warm oh yeah so we use that for a lid on the use that for a let on the peach kit alright let's see we got in here oh yeah it looks nice okay sean is going to dish up the peach cobbler here know what I'm have to get this big all right look at that nice and hot in let's get the other boat said enough yeah okay I'll just eat it out of there mine okay all right that's it then it's good enough alright and I gotta taste it taste it yeah this is the Shona test good very good that's good isn't it that's very good you got taste one more make sure you don't die oh whatever that's good stuff that's nice right that's nice for a quick little brainstorm this morning had to think of something warm in all that snow very good all right cuddle see what it tastes like here little hot oh man that's good that's good half a can of peaches the little do with about it enough juice to cover it we dumped a packet of the votes the quick oats cinnamon sugar dump that in there cook that up till it's nice and hot now thats good thats a nice cobbler so this perry peacock with your wilderness quick tip

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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