In an Emergency: S T O P


The saying, "Haste makes waste" could not be more true. One of the most important parts of survival is to STOP. This method is also useful in all sorts of situations in everyday life. Part of our CEC Levels Training, this is a Core Level Video.

Tags: survival,CORE,levels,training,camping,hunting,outdoor,recreation,emergency,preparedness

Video Transcription

perry peacock with wilderness innovation here and like to do just a quick little deal today on stop so I'm standing here in front of the stop sign and hook the canyon here and I want you to think of that stop sign every time you're in a trouble situation let me go let me go ahead and give you the details of what stop means to me so let's cover this the first letter in in stop of course is s and s there's a stop the letter S stands for stop and simply simply meaning you know if you've come on a difference difficult situation if you've become lost stranded somehow broken down don't go I'll hasty and just I call it bounced around like a human pinball you know stopped for a moment take a few deep breaths and I give yourself a chance to kind of calm down oftentimes people they get so you know feeling like they need to get out immediately I got to do this right now my clocks ticking you know I got to watch my watch you know well it's sort of thing don't do that stop okay the second letter is T and that stands for think think think so first of all we want to stop don't bounce all over the place stop stay put number two is think think so we want to be thinking about what's our situation you know where we add kind of you know how am i all right I'm physically okay you're just kind of just kind of collecting your thoughts for just a moment this doesn't have to be necessarily necessarily a long term process but it's just a matter of stop then think a lot of times a situation you're in initially your first thought is oh my god you know what am I going to do you know if they your first bought a lot of times is you're in a worse situation than you really are so just stop think about it take you know take a look at your situation and real I say I'm still breathing so that's a good sign alright so the third letter now is 0 for observe so we've stopped we've thought about things now we want to observe so we want to do is we want to look back at our surroundings here what is there on the hillside here are the resources for shelter is there look like there's an area where water seeping where there might be a spring like right down here here's a trail you know to get offices where did I get off the trail somewhere if it's a matter of being lost over on the other hillside that trail kind of goes off up in that way see what's going on observe the animal life the climate the temperatures today we've had some thunderstorms that sort of thing that's pretty much passed by us for right now but those are some things you want to try to consider all your options part of part of observing is is you're trying to evaluate some things for example you know do I need to stay here overnight am i all right you know can I just get out of here that sort of thing so there's there's a little bit of observing and then going back and thinking and so you get a kind of repeat and kind of cycle through these things a little bit as you're doing this but but you just want to observe and then evaluate what resource you have what food you might have that sort of thing generally speaking you're probably your first consideration might be shelter and water and you know depending on temperature and climate and that sort of thing maybe fire that sort of thing so you want to look around for a few things like that so stop think observe okay now the fourth letter of stop of course is P and that stands for plan so now that we've stopped and taken a deep breath we've thought things over a little bit we've made an observation of our surroundings of

resources even what's on our body and our packs and our vehicles whatever we've kind of observed what do we have kind of done an evaluation and now the next thing so now you have all that information you're stopped you're you paused so the next thing that we want to do is we want to make a plan but one of the things that you may consider is you know am I going to stay here tonight can I get out you know can I get out today tonight depending on what time of the day it is you know what's my help like my medical condition all those sorts of things what kind of dangers are threat levels are there all that sort of thing to evaluate all that you generate a plan and it one thing a lot of people do is they try it they say I've got to get out tonight you know a lot of times things break down and get stuck or whatever it's in the evening you're on your way back home you've just been up for the day somewhere and now something goes wrong but people just think they look at their watch and say oh my gosh I've got to get out of here I got to be home by eight o'clock or something you know and and and maybe make a decision that sometimes cost people their lives so you want to consider is it safe to try to get out or is it better just to stay put and go through the night a lot of times it's you can think a lot clearer in the morning you get a good night's rest and you kind of energized in the fresh light of day a lot of times you may see something that you hadn't realized the day before or the night before so there's our four steps in brief we cover them in detail in art and our training and our manuals and that sort of thing but so that's so that's it for letters of the stop sign stop think observe and plan so when you're out be safe something happens remember to stop and make you time safe and stay alive this is perry peacock with wilderness innovation

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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