Build A Free Chicken Feeder


A Chicken feeder is a great way to feed your chickens that may not be free ranging, and YOU can build one for FREE! Check us out at

Tags: Chicken feeder,chickens,backyard chickens,home raised chickens

Video Transcription

hey Perry peacock here with wilderness innovation hey we're we've been working on a little project we're going to be posting up a video pretty soon making a free nice large chicken coop virtually free of charge to go along with that for our chickens we decided let's make a feeder for the chickens you know most of those most of those feeders and stuff costs 25 to 35 40 dollars and we're going to make one just out of some pretty much out of some junk we have just spend just a couple of dollars so let's show you what we got going on here all right so we're going to do to make our feeder here is this got a risk on just a plain old regular bucket here that's going to be our feet our feed bin and then you've got to have a little a little something at the bottom to go into what we did is just go to the to the hardware store and this is just for flowerpots so what I'm going to do this it's just to make it easy this thing has eight divisions and I'm gonna drill a hole there's any science of this thing that's what we're doing it so I'm just going to mark those all right now I'm just going to kind of go I'm just going to go over each of these ribs already here and this thing just put a mark with this little Sharpie here nothing fancy all right now we're all mark and I'll take the whole stop and we will drill the holes all right so let's use a hole saw here into that into the quarter right here I think so we're going to use put them into the mandrel and just flip that up in our drill and I can see the bottom of the bucket is right here I don't want to actually drill the bottom of it so I want to come up a little bit I just need to kind of figure that won't be pretty close to the bottom I just kind of scrape the markers of the drill bit they're excusing my my finger that we've indexed point it's going to come around here and mark all these things should go and now we'll just go a little bit right there okay just like that right there alright so there we go just like that

and then I don't sit like that fill this up with feed you can run out the hole down into the tray and then the chickens can eat

they put a lid on top of here you know they could even hang this thing if they wanted to

I told me to do is just a little pilot hole for this for this center screw I'm gonna


okay and then I'm going to I'm going to put a fairly large threaded screw in here just I don't know why I just think it'll hold better and I'm putting a washer on it just to keep it from breaking out as the theory here and you know I don't I don't have to pull it down really tell you right there just just get it in there just so it's kind of snug and then I'm going to put several others around the outside here just this give it some support and we're good to go another option I thought of as you could put a piece in wood or something like that cut like that sandwich everything between there if you wanted to also okay somebody do here is I'm just marking for I decide I'm gonna put the four of them in here once again you know you can do it ever you want I'm not just using stuff I got laying around here however exotic you want to get about


I think it'll be better all right so I'm just going to do the same thing I've been doing here the washers and once again I'm not I don't want to get I really don't want to get too tight with that I'm just I really want to do to just hold this thing in place give a little support that's all and again I'm using really using the bigger screws that I need to I'm just doing it because I'm working with this plastic and I just not big you at home better so there we go right there all right so here's our bucket that we made got our holes in the eight holes around the outside and we're got this coop divided off here just to a little section just for our chicks we'll get a little bit bigger but we're going to fill this up with feed now and and get ready to get these chicks in here all right all right there we go I'm gonna snap our lid down on there all right so you see the feed has come out of all the holes here and those are the chicks eat it up and we'll just feed them on out so so that's that chicken feeder so Perry peacock with wilderness innovation and I hope you enjoy this video and try some of the stuff yourself

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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