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Trangia Burner Drink Warmer Modification


I wanted just to be able to keep a drink warm for a long period of time, not hot, not boiling, just hot enough to drink. This modification to the Trangia Spirit Burner makes that possible. Run 5 to 8 hours on very little fuel.


Tags: Trangia (Brand),Firebox Nano,FireAnt Stove,camping,outdoors,camp gear

Video Transcription

well although this is perry peacock with wilderness innovation I'm out here in our header that our building here I met in the shop area where we have some of our tools here we do some prototyping and make Henry make things for you know for a production area and stuff like that so anyway I wanted to do a little just a little tip on on Trent trangia stoves alcohol stoves and I meant to do this last week when I was up camping and you know i just got having too much fun and I turned and totally spaced out on it didn't do it so what do it now so you'll bear with me for a few minutes all right so anyway these stoves are really nice you use them you just have to have some kind of something to put these burners into to use them so 11 of them here that you've seen me use before this is the 10 anos go by firebox the folding stove and then then of course you've got another one we've got here gosh actually this is it this is actually an old version well okay this is the this is the fire ant I know how I grabbed the old version this is before all the little tweaks and stuff that make it a little easier to put together but still no problem just put this doodad together here and then this one has some little slots in here and that's where you puts the that's where you put the spirit burner and then slide that last front panel on here there's how that goes together and then put this one here that inside the Nano stove and I'll I'll take a picture cut it overhead in a minute I'm this going to go ahead and they go ahead and fire these things up because they need to be heat some water i'm going to show you a little show you know something I like to do with these little Jack's a little modification to the Flex little modification to the trans you well could be a modification it depends so put that one there this one here let those dudes run a little bit here so anyway here's the deal you're outside in the in the outdoors the air has gotten chilly in the evening you've got your hot drink unless you guzzle that thing down it's going to get cold before you get finished with it so so what I so what I've done is as I've made a little adapter thing here well actually this is the same it's actually the same thing here what I did is I took the regular simmering that that the spirit burner comes with and i just bought a piece of wick and I stick the wick down through the slot right there and then what you want to do is you pretty much just close that just close that all the way over so the only thing that's going to burn is the wick sticking out right there so there we go so right there's your your little flame right there and that's much more stable i found than just turning the sim you have to turn the simmering down so much just just in order all you want to do is just keep your drink you know just just hot enough to drink you don't want to boil it and any more than that you wind up getting it so hot then you have to it just keeps getting two-out onion so my idea was trying to have it so that it keep it just hot enough to drink just a just a very light simmer and so that works really well but you will notice the flame is lopsided which doesn't really matter you're not already cooking anything we're just kind of keeping something warm and that works fine but I decided to take it to the next level so what I did is took the simmering and I drilled a hole in it the size for this this wick that I had laying around and so then what I do is I just stick that I just stick the wick up to the middle of there it doesn't have to stick up very much that's actually plenty this wick is actually longer the needs to be just want it to be able to touch the bottom in here so that's in the alcohol so it can wake up into there and then then we just get it lit and then there you see right there and that's all you need right there just a little bit of a flame you put your hot drink on there so you get it hot without the simmering on then you put this on and then you just sit there and while you're chatting or doing whatever you just keep your drink nice and hot and it's just right to drink I've tested this thing out I've used these things for four or five hours of time and been able to keep just a nice a nice little not even simmering but I mean just hot enough just hot enough to drink and you can't adjust it to buy if you pull the wick out a little bit it'll give a little bigger flame so if your weather's a little cooler you pull the wick out a little bit more to give you a little bit bigger flame the weather's a little warmer you stick it back in a little farther so the flames smaller and once you get that adjusted it'll just keep your drink just perfect all the time so anyway so that's my little my little tip for today on using the Trangia just too just like as I drink warmer it works really nice and put it in put it in the stove of your choice or whatever or if you have a burner stand whatever you have the trick to it is just not just using that simmering like that and they see this one this one here it's actually sometimes sometimes that burns just a little bit hotter I really that works fine but I like this one the best because I I can really control that the wick in the middle I can really control my flame so it works really really nice this is perry peacock just so tip on using your transistor a little modification for it to make a drink warmer out of your transit stove have fun outdoors and see you around on the next video take care of a great day you

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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