Hikers forced to build shelter


Our Summer Rendezvous was helped by mother nature as thunderstorms dumped rain as we worked to build shelter and get warm before the cold night set in. Our scenario was that a group of hikers got caught in a storm and had to build shelter for the night. Lots of fun, and great training. See our site also http://wildernessinnovation.com

Tags: survival,training,shelter,fire,leanto,lean,to,lashing,camping,hiking,outdoors,skills,food,cooking,edibles,nature,educational

Video Transcription

wilderness innovation real survival kids survival shelter simplifying survival and wilderness innovation calm hey this is a perry peacock with jo johnson Johnson here and we are at the 2010 summer survival rendezvous up here at the mountains all that jump what do we do when we got here yesterday this was just like grass out through here right we cleared out cow pies okay and then we gathered huge beams of wood to create the tripods okay here's junior we're working on our double lean-to that we're doing in a v-shape design he's lashing our Ridge pose to the bipods and just getting all that stuff tied together to get us a nice secure frame for our lean-to for eight guys the fire in the middle it's going to be beautiful man we're excited very nice boy nice for the now the man-made tent yes it's our cabin kind of like you know our plan a was a lean kind of like a log cabin only there's no logs Abe Lincoln would be proud I think so we did we did extra extra pine boughs when everybody got here it was sped up like 10 times they say we got all our switch we got all our structure up here and now we're starting with our pine boughs putting nice and thick on the bottom and then we'll gradually layer on up here and we've got our little fire going here so I try to keep that going case the rain picks up the easier than trying to start it from scratch that's right you and I did like this much and everything else was done after everybody else got here we came up here Perry and junior came up and did this started this a little bit yesterday early started gathering the pine boughs and the sticks and some of the main framework got the fire going strong put up the pine boughs see a light is all right we started on the main structure and and pine bout as much as we could while the rain was coming down on us until we can stand it anymore and then we got in here and start to get warm we had a little situation here setting up yesterday thunderstorms rolling through pretty good rain now we still managed to build ourselves a shelter here and seven or eight man shelter started out as a lean-to a double lean-to and we end up making it into kind of a cabin sort of looking thing pine boughs on there to kind of give us someone protection a little bit of rain protection what am i doing haha you're doing a blooper I think like that's what they call this alright alright I got this and we all slept in here last night had our fire kind of in the middle and we kept it burning all night pretty cozy overall of course our fire ring here that isn't quite back into the shelter but closer to the front so we can keep a lot of the smoke of the fire off of the main we kept the fire going all night so kept it very very warm alright so how did you sleep last night like a baby wonderful probably like the only one sounded like sorry I think you slept the longest and soundness of anybody yeah I do I can sleep anywhere I'm heading over to a spring here where get some fresh water comes right out of the mountain this is nutrition 101 in the wilderness by wilderness survival right will Louis innervation that's right so sure see your hand there so we ate most of them right here but this is the interest bag that collected them the scavenger bag we good these are rose hips as Perry hysterectomy on rose hips very high in vitamin C chokecherry mmm they have like a little cherry pit and a little little type it in there OOP yep no no for the pretty good and if you could put him in your old mill yes always empty him out India seeds out but I pretty good pretty good Matt get out your nose a bit she's doing yeah I like I'm very nice in the wilderness innovation team everybody's invaluable and Trent here he's our hunter-gatherer now we just need to have some the sting nail soup yeah we're gonna we're gonna cook up some stinging know a little bit later yeah hello everybody taste some of that it's very good I want that raccoon we're talking about but i can meet your hair oh wait that's one of the effects of this those chokecherries it's kind of cleaning cleanse my my sinuses out you're going yeah my colon not yet though okay now fill up here to rendezvous he's making a whistle out of a branch in some bark I guess so what did so what did you do so far here well you get the Aspen okay got to be nice and green all right you start out with a nice piece at least half two inches long that doesn't have any knots okay you need this nice and smooth carve out your little angle here in the flat end okay come back to where you want the end of your whistle to be and just kind of separate it from the rest of the bark and then at this point you start tapping it this is loosening the bark and if it doesn't move you gotta keep tapping at passing all right you keep working on that i'll get back to you in a little bit then they're good all right bow here is making a bolo tie square peg to fit in a round hole i think so i don't know he's just he's whittling she's gonna make it square sometimes whittling is just for stress relief you know I may have a big knife and have fun yeah maybe it'll make anything right I mean like we're just making shavings all right we're going to do some work with making cordage

and what we've done it rained like crazy last night so we've laid a lot of strips of bark out along some fallen trees here and just letting the kind of dry in the Sun a little bit as you can see we're getting some nice nice fine bark here nicely dried now we're going to separate out the fibers and everything and what the guys practice making some cordage here this is some let's embark made from the same bark right or some cordage made from this bark right here so we're going to make something like that one other thing about this is once you make cordage like this it's actually a very good firestarter you get any kind of user mag mag stick or anything like that this stuff will just ignite right off my show me what you're doing here alright we're making a little teen out of wood right here so you got a great format it a little bit totally okay well we'll let you let your will on that little while then we'll get back to you come back into a mess that I mentioned there's no ambulance service up here oh all right folks here we are the full dose innovation and keepsake for this year 2010 okay ring in the New Year that is a link on here in 2010 all carved right here in Kent well would you recommend coming back to a rendezvous yes it doesn't matter where are you lying or telling the truth lying I'm liable thank you very much we expect to see you next time okay yes thanks for everybody be here

and they want to make sure they cleared you know let the rain to us we got soaked while we were doing our part so what else do we do Perry well then when they got here you know of course it wasn't raining or anything whatever i think so i don't know if you can hear me if I don't move the microphone over haps you know I don't know

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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