Keep Parachute Cord Untangled


This Quick Tip is both a tip and a reminder. It can be aggravating to have to untangle cord all the time, especially when you are in a hurry. There are many methods of putting up cord to keep it untangled, many are so cumbersome that no one wants to use them. This way is quick and easy.

Special thanks to our friends at onPointTactical

Tags: paracord,550,parachute,cord,untangle,wind,survival,training,camping,hunting,hiking,outdoors,outdoor sports

Video Transcription

though this is perry peacock with wilderness innovation I've got a little quick tip for you we spent this past weekend at a survival and preparedness show and this is a little a little tip that was shared by Jerry at on point tactical what have you probably seen it before whatever you know how you know how it is a lot of times you may use something or see it from some years ago and then you forget about it and so sometimes it's helpful to have a little reminder anyhow so let me just get on with this quick tip it's a just a way to keep your cords your parachute cord that sort of thing from getting all tangled onion keep it all organized so let me just do a quick demo here and let's show you we're doing whenever you have a bunch of parachute cord and the longer it is the more likely it is to happen but it's easy to get it tangled so let me show you a way that you can do that you can roll up your core to not have it be tangled alright so what you want to do is start out like this and you can have a free end a lot of people like to keep a keep a little love I in their cord so it's all ready to rock and roll or whatever but you know you can do whatever so main ravine thing is just hang a little bit over the end of your thumb here fold two fingers down and then what you're going to do here is you're going to make a bunch of figure eights so you just keep on making figure eights they use all your cordage up now this this'll work if you have you know up to maybe 30 feet of cord or so you can probably do on your fingers you have more than that you may put it between two sticks or something like that so there we go it's just a series of figure 8 say here and we've left ourselves foot and a half or so or you can leave two feet of

of court at the end what you want to do you can slip that off your fingers carefully now and take this free yeah and not I tied this loop in here just to kind of distinguish between the two that's what we started with so now what you want to do is you just start wrapping this free end around there and if you pull off more of it you can just do more wraps and make them make them tighter as they go around closer together when you get to the end just put put the end underly underneath the last go around there and there we go right there we've got it all set up now to use it you just take this end right here and you just pull on it and it just pulls on it in an organized manner pulls it right out of there as you can see just keeps pulling loops out of there now if you don't do it with the figure eight method a lot of times what happens the loops tangle into each other so this just makes it so it plays right out of there comes all the way out of there with no fuss or no problems no tangles so this is perry peacock with Wilden wilderness innovation with your little quick tip on from Jerry Don point tactical on keeping your cordage organized and tangle free have a great day bye

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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