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Fire Starting with Only 1 second of Flame - useful for windy conditions


Fine natural materials like various seed heads, thistle down, milkweed down, many of the grasses, some of the brushes, can almost explode into flame from a very short ignition source. This can be useful for fire starting in tough conditions. Combine with some fine woody kindling and you practically have instant fire. In windy conditions this type of fire starting can be useful as it takes such a short burst of ignition flame to get the whole thing going, even if the wind blows out a match or a lighter flame in a second or two, it may be enough anyway.

Video sponsored by HTTP://wildernessinnovation.com USA manufacturer of multipurpose outdoor gear.

Tags: fire,lighter,match,flame,seed head,thistle,grass,milkweed,bushcraft

Video Transcription

well I thought if the sun's just coming up over the mountains right here by me and I'm waiting for my some of my breakfast to be cooking thought I might show you I neglected to show how I started my fire this morning and it's not a big deal but you know it's always nice to show some things so I'll show you what I did so we've got all this tall grass six seven feet tall in here let us reach in here and grab me a good handful take my knife and at a diagonal you just slice at it now just go along and get me a good handful of that alright that should be a sufficient amount right there and one thing about it I found that when you find this kind of stuff like this evenin even in some sort of rainy weather because it's standing upright a lot of times it'll work just fine now just like to break it like that break it back like this I kind of want to have the seed head kind of stuff together here as much as possible the breeze is slight breeze has kicked up coming from behind me so I'm positioning my fire starting so that the breeze will blow the flames into their the stuff that I've got situated here and it might be a little tough to start this because of the blend but it's driving this way so I'm going to do is take my lighter you take whatever you want get get it back into their that stuff starts to take off we turn the other debris sideways to it now that's enough to start that just like that now if I wanted to continue my fire I grab some bigger stuff and go cross ways this way put some more go crossways this way that's just that's a quick easy way to do a fire and can be successful even in in damn poor weather but you see that gives you a pretty intense flame to start off some stuff with and anyway so that's just a little that's how I did my fire this morning just like that

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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