Winter Trailside Shelter Quick-Tip


This video is a good reminder on staying observant of shelter

opportunities while snowshoeing, in case of severe blizzard conditions.

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Tags: shelter,Snowshoeing,Premiere_Elements_8,survival,winter

Video Transcription

wilderness innovation real survival kids survival shelter simplifying survival and wilderness innovation calm all right so whatever you're out snowshoeing and uh it's always a good idea to kind of look around as you're going for shelter you know just in case if something ever happened and you got stranded somewhere you kind of have in your mind all I remember right back there there was a place we could shelter up so right up here let me show you a little this isn't the best deal but it's pretty pieces now these all these branches that are laid over here we could come up through here there's a lot of dead wood and stuff we could break off put about 20 piece of wood back along there and throw some boughs and some branches and some snow over that we could make us a snow shelter back in here you know comfortable enough for probably one or two people with no trouble at all and be out of the elements so you're not just a quick tip whatever you're out always keep an eye out for the places where you could shelter up case you get stranded somewhere this perry peacock with wilderness innovation have a great day you

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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