Using the Swiss Army Can Opener


I like my Victorinox Swiss Army knives, I always keep one on my person. Many models, including the Camper/Hiker used in our survival kits have a can opener on them. It's easy to use and actually pretty fast also. Visit us for blogs, products and info.

Tags: Victorinox,Swiss,Army,training,food,cooking,camping,hiking,survival,gear,simplify,perry,peacock,can,opener,tool,tutorial,educational

Video Transcription

wilderness innovation real survival kits survival shelter simplifying survival and wilderness innovation calm so anyway this is perry peacock with wilderness innovation with your little quick tip on the can opener blade on the Swiss Army knife okay so here's how you operate it you hook this little this little hook right here up under the lip I'm trying to do it backwards so you can see that see that hooks like that and this part here the cutting edge goes on the inside of the lip of the can and this provides you leverage that's really your leverage point right there so you've got all this leverage out here to pray with and you're just poking that this edge right here down into the can so that's looking at it from the outside now if you familiar with the p38 military-style opener

you notice that it opens the can coming around clockwise this tool here on the Swiss Army it works going counterclockwise so all you got to do is you hook it here and then just pray and then you see I stopped right there at that that little bump right there where the screwdriver tip is and then how you do a slide it forward slide it forward and push down slide it forward and push down slide it forward push down and you just keep on going around like that and you see it doesn't take long to open a can it's very effective come right on the pocket knife they don't have to really carry for anything else with you and the other nice thing is is it pushes that sharp inner edge out or push it down flat push that edge down flat and I just like to come right up to there there we go nice can of beans and the inside edge of the can right here is is smooth and safe and one thing I do like about cans if you do use them like they did in the olden days is you can actually set this thing right in the fire and cook right in it so you don't really have to do any other thing right here it can be your cooking container so anyway now this is perry peacock with wilderness innovation and showing you the can opener tool on the Swiss Army knife that's how you use it very simple you got one of those knives with he always got a can opener so take care make it a great day wilderness innovation


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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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