Whats In My Adventure Day Bag?
So I wanted to share with you folks what I carry on my day pack on a daily basis when out and about exploring! Hope you can get something from it :)
Cotopaxi Cusco Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgz81QyJNsQ
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Tags: bushcraft,outdoor,hiking,outdoorlifeofbrian,nature,camping,wilderness,travel,vlog,lightweight,outdoors,daybag,cotopaxi,cusco,adventure,whats in my day bag,prepping,gobag,buffy hat,rucksack,backpack,flask
Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video today we're going to be going over more daypack not you everyday kind of bushcraft day back or everyday work pack this is my everyday pack for wear mean Emily or out on adventures so what do I mean by adventures I hear you say well bother I mean when mean Emily I just generally out in a boat if we go for walks if we're going for a hike if we're 8 and a National Trust property or just a Tom gonna set out on the town then I don't go uptown drinking with a backpack I mean when we're off and I go to villages or just explore it just general exploring not bushcraft specific not like we're hiking specific nothing like that just out and about so for those of you who haven't seen all of my videos or maybe you're wondering what pack on curry I am still rocking the counterparty Costco 26 liter Emily also carries a cotopaxi book suck but she has the 20 litre Kilimanjaro I'm mentioning that because mean Emily work in sync when we do these outings when we first started I would carry all the stuff but we soon realized if we kind of split it in half near enough we could carry the same amount of stuff but we could both equally be quite lightweight and nimble instead of me doesn't this look at all so that's what I mentioned that so I'm not what I'm going here isn't everything we have Emily tends to carry her bit but I'll explain that shortly first thing I'm going to do is put a tarp down well the first thing I probably should say is this bag kind of tapers down towards the bottom so this top area here is actually like a void of space it just keeps taking it's one of those bags but the top section I tend to leave empty for a base weight so then that top section tends to get used for the area specific items we need so if we're going for a picnic the picnic blanket will go in there if we're taking a lot of food some food all go in there just that kind of thing you should empty space it's there if we need it or extra layer something like that so today I've got the top in there okay then as I go through these items or well obviously dudes zoomed in shot so you can see if they are way better but if you want to know more about the bag there is a review on my channel of this bag and black outdoors also dude it's also done a brilliant review of this bag as well so indeed there's a back section of this which is called the laptop panel I am going up top in there I don't need a laptop but in the back section I just use it as a space to kind of them separate a few items from the rest of the pack so in the back straightaway is my seat pad it's folded in half it's got a wool felt liner on the top canvas bottom and I'm awesome I made this by the way I did mention mention it in another video and but I made it so it can take a foam pad if it's wintertime I want some more insulation in there so I want to use this now to Lille on yeah that's in the back section it also gives the bag a bit of M you know bit of support and a bit of structure in the back as it's winter time I've got gloves these are my lightweight gloves I tend to get very cold hands all the time so I need to keep dexterity so thing go through the way I'd go over there in the back
I always carry two hats flat cap and my beanie hat if it's secretly cold it's quite mild day today so we don't have this on but in yeah if the flat caps in the bag all this is in the bag I just like hats simple as that no particular reason if you are wondering this is a puffy hat from been offered I have on to now I lost the first one in Canada which I'm not very happy about oh if you want to mat these these are just breeze gardening gloves for the actually fantastic they look great group I use it for driving they've got mold insulation they're just really nice tingles yeah my Buffy hat from benefit oh they ones will known about the flat cap I'll guess somebody will ask it's just Harris Tweed okay so that's the back section that's all empty now I just want to grab the two balls from the side because it's a bit heavy so in the one side I have a 1-liter cotopaxi water bottle it is the rest water bottle you may remember from previous video I used to have an orange one of these which was a 750 milliliter cotopaxi appreciated the review mean Emily did for both of our rucksacks so the centre's both the new model of their water bottle it's an upgraded model it's got a metal lid with a little hanging loop which I really really like it's good opening slightly bigger mouth as well and it's got this coin of them who knows matte finish paint on it which these ones didn't have so I really liked that Emily got a 750 mm I got the war leader
next up which is a little bit dirty I had my flask Oh tends to go in a flask of don't always something I should probably mention is everything in this bag I carry majority of it something that trying a lot the flask and don't always carry the flask and boots majority this always goes with me whenever mean Emily go out and I'm some people will make a video and they claim the carrot is still for the door action doing this actually go that with me for the most part this is a fantastic flask actually it's not just a normal flask let me see if I can show you it takes filter coffee most designed to you can you can put anything any book and it's actually going to old quickly show you let's go down filter so you can press put filter coffee in there and press self got it on the go which I absolutely love because it saves you having to rough about and filter coffee is my favorite type of coffee you wondering where this coins from I got it from Canada so the odds of you be able to find one in England or low and but the company's called espresso es peor oh but it's absolutely fantastic flask a little bit okay next door in the main compartment two things two things very simple as also probably mentioned I don't carry a lot of equipment I'm not one of these people who carry crap loads of stuff that they don't use everything in here I use regularly there are some oddments which are you know being prepared but for the most part I am quite a minimalist I don't like carrying a lot of stuff so next off I've got my medium layer it's just a fleece shirt nothing special there and in the bottom like I said where type is down it's only really room for like one quarter close Norton I hope if you don't fill it with something it ends a little bloody and not good so in there I've just got my crank off a waterproof these first come to cook come to the top of the pack if it's full cast bad weather if not just goes in the bomb just in case we need it and that's the that sees the the main compartment empty apart from this pocket at the top just on the inside well just keep a snack I've got a square bar in there the minute it can be anything in there nothing particular just cuz I do get peckish when we're on walks and stuff Emily knows that as well that's what she tends to bring snacks for me then we have this kind of larger pocket on the outside this is for miscellaneous items really we'll open it up and we'll have a look so in the actual drop fit the main section I have I carry a dump pouch now this is this is a dump pouch I made and it's also one of those items that I don't always carry I tend to carry this if we're going to a place where there's going to be a woodland walk or we're going to be more out in nature you know and there's a there's gonna be a child to us I'm going to collect some resources or maybe I'll find something I quite like the crumples or some fungi something other I watched this in the bag and it's there you guys wanna pick some stuff for what I said don't always carry it but I do sometimes depends where we go that'll be next up is the GoPro I've actually only recently started carrying this I kind of riri realized when Peter was using GoPro in Scotland the importance of them and how useful that can be so I started to carry that more regularly use it for home locks last week so it's pretty nice it's tiny and if you should keep it charged you've got a camera so just I just drop it in there so that's a recent carry I should probably also mention that I always carry the ultra pod in my pack it's just a really good little tripod that you can shrub the trees put it on the ground it's absolutely solid much better than the gorilla pods in the main section I've got my Maxpedition I don't know what it's called a cot remember but I'll go through this in a minute that's the main section empty but there is like a compartment section up here where there's two pen sections so I've got my pen in there and then there's a mess section with a zip where I carry an audio jack cable very very rarely use this but I do find myself in situations where I get in someone's car and I'm like oh you don't all do jack hop and my own podium and they're like no and I'm like great so from for the past year or so I'll be carrying least audio done just in case and then also in that section I've got my first date card because I'm a fully qualified first data so that's just carries in case I need it but I'll never need it but just to go further though and then in this main section here I've got my notepad which I made there's a lot of kit that I've made here and just if I want to drop things down my comb and my Kindle I always carry my Kindle every single day because I do like to read that's a section empty now in between this kind of large pocket and the main compartment there is what I like to call the go-to pocket it's where I put all my kind of most accessed items so I have my my rock wallet which I made myself like I said I like to go minimal so my wallet is very small a dumb low key to hinder me in my pocket all kind of formal trousers down and such I carry a coin purse or calling pouch let's keep it as manly as possible but it's not called a purse and like I said I don't like to carry my changing my put on my pocket I'd rather keep it all together and then I've cream and not saline I have bad hands let's not get into that that's pretty much it there is a little clip here in this bag which I really like I clipped my filter on there from a camera sometimes all my keys if I'm you know going somewhere the suitcase I put the suitcase key on their sides me losing it they also carry my sunglasses in this puff in this pocket but I've lost my sunglasses and we've done where they've gone they normally go in there as well so the bags empty no this is the main one this is very full I have a lot of miscellaneous items I'm not a proper I don't carry loads of stuff I don't need everything here and generally gets used fairly regularly so yeah
in here in the back section I've got my what's it called man repeller gen and charger talking charge amore I'm a GoPro my camera my always pod my phone I have every every electrical item I have so it syncs up with this token charge it all in here I've got my ipod jute twine because you can never have too much RAM reusable call em sorry throwaway cordage that's always handy a charger for my mini speakers that sometimes carry a pencil spare battery for the torch widget over here a penknife which is just a rough road a penknife she's got two blades on pretty simple but what to micro USB charges was like I said everything uses the same charging lead to is one in one is non with those if one of those breaks and I'm out and about I'm pretty stuffed so I always carry two I've got the spare camera and that battery of it sorry I've got the spare battery for that camera there and I've got the thrunite t10 torch which I really love and the light saber attachment which I like to call it that's what the spare batteries for and then I've got earphones sorry I went blank then in the back here on this clip I carry the filter which is for the camera she was just talking about if I'm new isn't it and I need it for quickly so I pop it on the other clip in my bag I was also a sewing kissing he was well because so I tight I always take this camping with me and if one of my shrubs or something breaks I need to fix it a little note in there and I'm like you thinking about packing it whenever go camping so yeah that's see I don't carry a lot as I've mentioned I've tried to keep it minimal and so yeah let's put it back in the bag and I'll show you how it carries only have a small bag like I said 26 litres it's not a lot but it's just how I like it I really like this bag as well if it fits really comfortably on your back it's gonna snug to your back not too much going on again Johnny stressed out today because I've got like four layers on I'm joking and I also enjoy like the less you carry the easier is to find stuff I have a really bad memory and a forever losing things so the more organized that can be the better I really need to get home and try and find my glasses and my favorite sundress and I've lost them not happy so as you can see it's now on my back it's got a very good sternum strap that you can adjust this by gas so if we all hiking or anything like that it's not so comfortable it carries really well it's very narrow to my bus as well doesn't hand game to me like that and I just like it's just good tight comfortable just don't like it I can ruin or whatever just get in the get in the way so if you're wondering what Emily Curry's because I did mention earlier that Emily does carry some of the stuff and generally she just carries the food and whether that to lunch or the preparation of food that we're gonna cook that day and it's my job to carry this stuff that and we're going to be using to cook it with so the equipment or the picnic blanket anything like that the heaviest of basically she sorts the food out and then anything she needs so like her utensils for eating and stuff like that
so that way we can carry everything we need but between the two of us both of us are pretty nimble and no one's carrying all the stuff so yeah that's kind of it hope you enjoyed the video I hope this you can get something out of it maybe there's something I carry that you don't all likewise if there's something you're covering that you think I could benefit from let me know in the comments and I'd like to know and I'm always up for kind of improving it I have been carrying this system for about six months now and it seems to be pretty decent I'm really liking it but I'm always open to some improvements really so let me know please do so until next time I hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching I'll see you again very very soon hello again people so as always I hope you enjoyed that video it is what I've been meaning to make for a while because it is something I feel is quite important to me I do carry that bag every single day with majority of those items in so I did kind of want to go over and share it with you guys if you do you want to see the review for the cotopaxi rucksack then that is the video of its play on screen right now if you click on there that will take you to that video I just think it's a really nice setup I feel like I've spent quite a bit of time just going perfecting it and I seem to have got it to a point in there where I'm really happy with it but like I said in the video if there are anything that you guys think I could benefit from please do let me know in the comments if not if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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