Just A Day Out
Just a short day out in the woodlands near my home, it's nice sometimes to just get outside and enjoy being there!
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Tags: bushcraft,firelighting,craft,carving,camping,hammock,axe,knife,hiking,wild,ray mears,bear grylls,cooking
Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another outdoor vlog and I've come out to a local forest to me today and it's a little bit damp well say dump its briefs everything's pretty soaked and long about to get Scylla good job rubble waterproof em see ya countries local forest it's a local point for us and I wanted to get some resin but none of the trees are being very helpful I really need to get more waterproof on and see ya I've got a couple of things to say update you with what's going on in my world and i'm going to try and find a nice spot to set up the tar get a fire going just chill out that i really it's pretty early in the morning right now and I'm just having a wonder and see my can see any air any resin blocks under these trees it's not looking very promising at the moment and I brought my tripod with me for a change to make a couple of videos and i forgot the screw the screw bit for the camera so that's useless dunno why bother yes I'll catch you in a minute when I found a spot to put this top so I've brought the DD top with me today normally I've got my ear no one ever got my own skin with no put them in a very big pat i am brought my big back with me so am i figured better keep it light I don't think I put the DD top or been a good one worth cotton when it when it lost would it be now actually got to be getting close to a year so i like to use it and I'm really I've got you I've got used to using like a a quite a small talk was obviously the oil skin is like an eight foot by eight foot this is three foot by three meter by three meter so it's considerably bigger so this is going to be a lot of strange what have I done here
pretty dumb
right so I've just set up this new kind of configuration I saw it on a most others facebook page and I saw it and I thought I hadn't I haven't seen that configuration before when it looked really big he's used a slightly bigger top i'm using he's used for four and a half by three and this is a three by three booked it works nicely I've only set it up roughly I've got a haven't gone of cord to wear what i have but i'm going to use your and i'm going I mean using of cord to actually get all the toilet points toward out but I'm run here for the day if I was here for the night I could do it properly and oh yeah its plinth I'm feeling I might use this in winter this winter there's plenty of space over there it's quite a nice a the like that and it's closed off about all the swords but from the front so yeah I think I might use at this winter hair but yeah that song with on with the chat okay then I've got a few things I want to talk about rip them in my notepad or made this notepad I'm there I was showing you how I made a couple things actually made them made up another case on my Kindle as well people keep telling mr. selfies but just take the tumors trying to make them well we won't take that long if it wasn't the kind of stitch that I did there I've done like a like a sub not the far side of state to it is it's like a fuck across blanket stitch I suppose don't know the official term for it anyway leather book when they don't get bow drill spinning you've all seen me use my Boulder from time to time my bold rules actually call it dead I need to make another one that's a task for today well I need to get the bulb the bow itself is okay but I need a new I in the new half and I need a new spindle but I mean appoint for us so that's going to be a little bit difficult try and find some hires or spindles or something around anyway um first news is I we've started a Facebook page and I've been reluctant to do that for for as long as I've had YouTube there because I didn't want to make out as if I'm trying to be somebody I don't want to act like I'm trying to be somebody famous because I'm not and bought the reason of Connor took the pungent doing it is because um I know a lot of you guys want to speak to me and I get a lot of messages on facebook and stuff and I was getting a lot of friends request friends requests on my like my personal profile on facebook and it kind of got to the point where I've got that many pending friends requests and I don't really know who anybody is and I just don't want all those kind of friends on face but I don't want my news feed on facebook just be full of stuff from people or don't actually know them if you know that if not owe me and so I figured if I just made a facebook page it just meant somewhere some of that something I can put on my youtube channel for you to click on and then you can just like that page I'm going to like that regularly I'm going to actually keep up with that and I'll some people make Facebook pages and then don't really kind of attend to them but i'm going to post on there regularly and so if you'd like to go over there and like that facebook page or then pop it in the description it's called outdoor life of brian and pretty obvious real i suppose MC i'm going to post on there pretty regularly and and just keep you guys updated what i'm doing and they'll be kind of previews to videos that are coming not that you'll be that interesting but you know i'm gonna when I'm making it takes me a couple of sometimes a couple of weeks to get round to actually record and editing a video so you know there'll be little some kind of tasters or spouse or photos and stuff on the way as you can see you know what's coming if you want to go over there and unlike that that's that's dandy that had helped me out you know show me some support oh yes and what else is there I can't remember I have got the memory like a sieve it's terrible hence were carry a notebook around they quite a bit it's the good one me and Emily are planning to go to Canada and we're looking into kind of a road trip top thing and don't know how long we're going to go for yet definitely going to be for a few weeks I figured if you're gonna go you're going to go over you're going to go over the pond and you may as well do for an extended period then you know it costs money to get over there your mouths I make the most of it so yeah and Canada is a basically kind of zin more top five places I really want to go and I was planning to go next year or maybe the year after well after speaking to Emily we just figured let's just take the plunge I should do it you know and you never know how long we gonna live for so your mouth and like the mouse do it and we're still young got blended on to save money for other things so we're gonna we're going to do that and so we've got to look into what kind of things we want to actually and where we want to go over there video is such a big place and where we want to go and tell them where to go for but that's going to be let's give you a pretty mind-blowing for me in terms of content and I'm definitely going to make a few videos and I don't want to record too much because I just want to enjoy being there but I'm going to take a shit load of photos that's for sure and so yeah got that look you've got that to look forward to and not entirely sure if we're gonna be doing talking videos or I'm think I'm going to try and base it more cinematic type thing and I just want to get a nice film together about Canada experience really and so yeah that's on the cards I'm pretty sure that's my one hundred percent happening it and we both agree to do that and so yeah that's happening and other than that I've just got to comment here to just chill today and when you get some firewood in a minute and get a little fire going and I wanted to do Bell drew that was the whole where I was going to come out and do bow drill and dump condition because it is pretty saturated there isn't very little material is going to be drawn today put it that way and so I was going to do Bowdre you know a bit of a bit of a test for myself bit of a challenge but my spindle is about this big and my heart boards burnt out so I need to sort that out so yeah now when it's wet tinder is always going to hard to find you know its fibrous material and it's going to hold the moisture easily very well and the good thing about pine forests is in a wet condition you've always got plenty of kindling in a hardwood forest a deciduous forest kindling needs to be split down really you're not going to it's very rare going to find like big heaps of twigs that I'm going to be soaking wet and we're in a point for us you can find them up in the branches and still sitting in with the needles which is keeping them quite droid and they're in the air as well so they're getting blown around in the wind so it's keeping them quite dry and where is in us a deciduous forest you tend to me up you tend off to get branches and actually split the split them down which takes a lot longer so I'm going to gather some clearly on there fortunately this is a massive tree here which I got huge dead brunch okay
no this is a pretty rotten ma'am that's great
now it's in a few people and over my time on YouTube say that they think we're in gold this is our kind of pointless idea and that it's just another organ that you don't really need probably true you know I could do without them not a problem and but since I've been using them I find that they're just such a versatile piece of kit and using them in the foyer you know you can move your fire embers around but artifact of every sticks your pot off the fire without have to burn your hands or from to fufill bet with a piece of cloth and the really come into the room when they gather when you're gathering materials as well you know you can just grab loads and loads of branches really quickly without having to stab your hands and so for that and it's just easy I just quicker you know it just keeps you hung it saves you having to clean your hands too much you know you don't get your hands too dirty and which he a bit bit of a funny thing to say but it's just a fact you know and look at some point you have to wash your hands if you wear gloves my hands is perfectly clean and I've just gathered all the firewood for the FOIA so no I'm not complaining I'd rather keep my hands soft and supple for my lady in my life then I've him all their got cord and my leather and that's not for me and she's not complaining right I'm just collecting some birch bark because I was going to use Bracken put it's all such write it I mean like there's not even any joy stuff underneath so it might normally if if the top looks quite wet you can always normally find some dry stuff underneath but get it all absolutely wringing wet heavy oh joy see that that's even that's dump and I'm gonna grab some birch bark I only want a small vial just want to get a when I get some point it'll tell on the go so don't need too much I am but yeah I'm gonna have to come back in a few days with the bow drill in the proper bow drill set and I want to get only get so far lighting and what conditions ago that's the plan anyway this bitch she's giving it up quite well all right I think that's enough let's rock and roll right time to get this fire going I'm not gonna bore you with the basic do you wanna how to make a fire but what I will say is that turn when making a fire in a pine forest it's very very important to get down to bare earth and when I say that I don't mean scrape away the grass do you find some soil because this all this Sophia this is soil but it's Petey it's it's full of fire about it's full of wood it's full of my palm keyboard and grass and follow burris material that can call the number and if you don't believe me like I know people always say this we never seen any proof and if you want to go over the bills channel he found he found an underground fire that was it was massive and I've been to the water line that I've seen where it burned and it was big and it does happen so I'm always the same like people will say that you know be careful in a PT area because it can burn underground but you never actually see any proof and now I have so when you get rid of the grass you need to go even deeper you need to get rid of all the PT material all the brary material till you get to lock the horde but that's not going to burn out stuff yeah right what I've got here some birch bark I tried to get some Bracken but it's all a bit grim Oh more birch bark than I thought and this is a very unprepared Toya as you can see we'll give it a crack
and I'm going to go and collect some point needles and give that a bash oh my god I am since Sweden I my fire kit is pretty pretty bare it's gonna have to be a long Tigers I was fine to use a match oops hey we got one more you can tell it's even the Birchbox done we are away in the birchbark struggling to catch here
put in that round the small things on top there you go doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo I want to get a bit more into my own get some for a lot in schools going ever really practice fall out in the good war I've been coming out I've been doing off and Trillo identification stuff like that so I need to enter freshen up one more for lighting skills a little bit calling for us are really easy to find and tweaks but they're quite difficult to find actual fuel always stay on that what I managed to get easy it's not all bad the best pine needles tend to be on the supplement at the end of the tweaks here we go that's what we wanted is that going to break or is it gonna let go only get plenty of these because I want to be quite pungent another taste it I'll get them in a cup right then put a point needle tea on and my brick my lunch for today is a bit old-fashioned with a couple of blocks of cheese and a massive bit of lunar to fight the other day I don't know about you guys but sometimes I like just come outside and just sit down not particularly think of anything just just sit something quite reenergize in about just sitting down and just having a blank mind for a for a while
the point note is ready and whenever we have to show you this because the tripods not working very well then well i'll do a bit i'll do new desk if you haven't cooked for needle tea before basically you want to boil the water with the point needles in it and until an all the color out of the point needles is gone and mine is still a little bit green but then that they were on the way patterning i put quite a few pointers in there as well so it shouldn't be just about the right flavor what couple of pointers in excellence to and I'll wash my ear me bread and cheese down nicely okay so i hope you enjoyed this little video of me going on my day out I'm gonna wait this round to go in a when I where pack up the top and i'll head on home so yeah and remember to go over to my facebook page check me out and have a conversation with me you know connect with me it's all good stuff I like to hear from you guys and then until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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