Ultralight Backpacking Loadout 2016
I've been working on my ultralight kit a lot since last year, so check out my improvements and what I'm carrying now!
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Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video in this video I wanted to go over my ultralight backpacking loadout for 2016
I've done a couple of these videos now and this year I've got to the lightest and load it I've possibly ever gotten to and to say I'm going away for six days I'm on the verge of going to my Hadrian's Wall hike so this bag here is what I'm taking with me and everything inside it you can't its contents is everything I'm going to be taking on the hydras waltrip which videos will follow up after this video so they're further ado let's get into it and I'll break it down hopefully you guys can learn a thing or two or maybe upgrade your own kit so the pack itself I've been using this wall notes they helpful at Mountain Gear Air Wing Reuter and 255 liter pack the overall white of this and for this trip is currently sitting at 14 kilograms which is pretty darn good to say I've got six days with a food in there when I get down to the food I am going to do a separate video and to explain what food I'm taking anyway and the thing that I'm not adding on to the weight of this is the walking poles I've got to crack on for walking poles here I'm not going to be carrying them on my camera using them so I'm not actually counting them as being on my back but then those together are about 500 grams I'm obviously the thing about this pack is that it's got the mesh on the outside a very useful thing because you could put the extra things in there for example wet top bloody bloody black coral eggs in there are more Crocs I love carrying Crocs they are fantastic for when you get to camp and you can take your shoes off flip these around make your socks around and songs of off Crocs or briam on the side of the pack I've got my smart water bottles with apple clips on the side backward clip that didn't focus but they will get transferred onto my hip belt when we start liking and carrying with me 750 milliliters of Metz for more cold air come and this is a little bit more than I should need however I worked it out to be about 500 milliliters I made dead-on taking a bit of extra for contingency I've got my map on the side here on the pulley system sorry not my match my compass I'm up since I pack on the other side I've got another small bottle and I've got my Ultra pod for the camera camera I'll be taking is the camera I am corner corner which is the Sony rx100 mark 3 on the straps here I've got this funky little pocket which hangings going on you and your structure that's for the camera very nifty be enabled if you have to whip it out quickly and do it whatever video in and then come and pictures or whatever on the top there's obviously a shrunk you know just carried my little feed pad quite useful if you just stop it off for it all sit or a little through break whatever just to sit down save your bump and getting wet or just a bit of comfort all right let's open the pack and I'll show you what's up so on top I've got my waterproof this is actually just a very cheap pack away Mac Borgata I didn't want to be carrying my big waterproof because it's not forecast that much rain and and this only weighs about 190 grams so it's quite lightweight I said if it was full cast heavier rain I tell my serious waterproof but it's not so I'm going to be able to get away with this and this long to wait now suck it up on top I've got micro copper and middle I ABS release if you just get a little bit chilly while walking I could throw this on next up on top and something that me and the group are going to be sharing as we go is I've bought this Hadrian's Wall path guide very cool actually and it's a bit waiting but it basically and takes you through the Hagar's wall walk as we'll be walking it designed for walkers and it shows your areas of interest historical land points and unmarked sorry and and it just basically explains a lot of cool things that you wouldn't necessarily know about if you just walk in yourself it's giving that it's giving the trip that a little bit more meaning and it gives you that little bit more interest and I definitely think it's worth its weight in gold but also the thing that came with it which I didn't realize is a separate object clip then it's cost me that 12 pounds of it so worth it let me get it out for you come to the separate book clip which actually has a proper OS map zoomed in all the way length and it marked the path for you so I'm actually going using this instead of normal map and we've got GPS coverage and stuff and it's all paid so we should have a problem in terms of package this is a lot of total map which I'm going to take with us
see ya em and we're going to mean the rest of the pack are going to share this and we're all just going to take turns on reading out the areas that we're going to be traveling through so that's a call that I find nextdoor got my Maxpedition organizer i considered not taking the organizer to really draw shredding drums I'll actually want to thought about it and I've considered what all this would look like if I am if I put this in a random plastic bag it would have been horrendous it would have been so confusing trying to find stuff so this much efficient organized an ugly bet 100 grams ain't worth its weight in gold because he just keeps everything organized and a quick run-through walked in here I've got more very small Victoria knock depend on a very very small one so I'm like a key chain one and iPod my MSR folding spoon spare memory card for the camera and what a vibe there I've got some jute twine do time is I think it's very born purely because I'm having that kind of cool have throwaway courgettes the word and after having throwaway college is essential in my opinion and you can use it for so many little things that you don't necessarily think about in the back of here I've got my juice box this is a power junkies box fully charged or ready to rock and roll spare battery for the camera lighter I've got a small Lantern here which will be for the tent and that's one of my friend Paul Stokes who also made and the paper up on the camera I will need his link in the description because he makes some fantastic ultralight and accessory type gear for backpackers and is the quality's amazing so I'll leave it link and you have a little bro on there that's a little ultralight I think it's nothing grunge that lunch means and it illuminates the tent very nicely and a lot chargers for various different things and a battery I've got small sobbing kid cousin Timmy just saw anything so that keeps all that neatly packaged away and like I said he's just having our organisation when you're on the trails you're not going to lose things it's it's worth the wait absolutely
and I've got my small a rehydrating back here so runs off Balmer water and I've put my food in the in the bag and it's rehydration up and put in there and that will keep it warm while it's rehydrating here I've got my and called the rack own system which I still need to do review on that's in there with lighter and stove not fitting to the tokes 815 milliliter pot and the lid is inside this will don't fold and cook 600 middle and all that is no cook system and brew system or more I've come to a total weight of somewhere around with 320 gram mark I believe also notice that the exposure on this camera is going to crazy so I apologize or not let's go fish some augments a few miscellaneous items I've got my speaker in there so a mozzie net and a head torch yeah but survival blanket mozzie repellent earplugs I'm nuts about it in there just a few miscellaneous items that don't really use very often and they are in a hybrid mounting gear and keep above an old stuff page what else have we got in the goodie bag recently bought this poop troll big 9 grams of trowel each very useful for a trip like this where we're not necessarily going to have really branches or anything to make digging stick selves so having a troll that it's just on standby when you need to do your business and it's going to be worth its weight in gold so I'm very interested to see how that all date where you look clock is going to be a very good piece of kit for a new system out of the mini and this is the soil squeeze and what I've actually wrapped it in a smart water bottle but I've cut the top off the water bowl the filter and the syringe are currently in the bottle and I've wrapped the bag around sorry I wrapped the bag around it the idea with the bottle is that you use the bottle - correct collect your dirty water and pour into the bag so it's more efficient so then if you ever trolley feeling these bags up in streams can be a little bit stressful at times it's having that bottle and in theory should make it a little bit easier but we'll see next up is the food they'll look at this back on it yes of this little bag that rod a four kilograms or beautiful beautiful food I'm going to run through that in another video
well you've got four kilos of food there when I did my Norway trip last year I wouldn't say I was starving but I was actively hungry through majority of the trip and I didn't take quite enough food I was always a duck after each meal I still have that little bit of a hole that could have been filled subsequently I'm going ot t on this trip but I think I'm taking too much food but I'm going to see and between those two trips I'm going to regular and find a middle ground and regulate what kind of food and taking from here on in but very soft think I'm probably gonna read it all because if the food is there I'm going to eat it so we'll see next up have another one kilogram worth of food that will the bag you just saw is my breakfast evening meals and you know drinks and stuff about everything apart from lunches this here is Lulu inches in a separate bag so at lunch time and we do a lunch stop up and pull the one bag out and my movies are in here and what a sip through that massive bag organization is where it's up what's next rubbish bag the one thing that most people always forget is just carry a bag to put your rubbish or anything when you've eaten your meal at your bag you've got a manky bags full of old food where'd you put them just take a small bag so you've got somewhere to put them in store away ready for when you find have been small wash kit I plan to wash my clothes and myself in streams when and where I can hold it important to me but the same time I don't take it to the ATM degree and a wash when and where I need to and just keep that general level of Hygiene when you walk into the people hiding very important so in here I've got a full pack of travel baby wipes I've got a full toilet roll and I've got tooth breaks half a toothbrush and a small mesh bag small mesh bag with some eco soap in very important to eco soap and not normal soap it was normal self is harmful to the environment the character eco soap that's more air nature friendly keeping that mesh bag because you can use it's a bit of a scrubber to scrub yourself down you can also hang it up and let it drip dry and that's pretty much it in terms of wash kits and hygiene next door got my personal first-aid kit I've got everything in here that I feel like I need to sustain myself painkillers diarrhoea tablets and hay fever tablets bandages and padding plasters blister plasters foot tape you name it it's in here I wash pins pretty much all any of these local path things so that's my first day again not enough people care first aid yet in the back of the pup in the back of the page or wraps I have I believe 1010 wraps in the back of the page there for heavy they're quite dense what they're good for lunches I'll explain that in another video
bit of a luxury option here but this is my therm-a-rest chair it just enables me to take my thermos and fold it up make a chair out of it at the end of each day it's going to be so nice or to rest my back sit and read my book 200 grams worth it it's got my daring jacket here which is a no-name down jacket but I love the theme think it weighs a 200 and sonograms just a thin layer I can put on when I get to camp and just get chilly after you stop walking so there you go got my thermal rest exlights and I've got this small model three ways children seven grams I've tested this a few times and absolutely love it and also in here is my expert inflatable medium sized pillow so all that together is one little bear sleep system and finally same family
in the but in the back section I have my brain sheet and haven't tried this yet so to first for this trip but my friend Paul Stokes who makes all this the accessories and stuff and recommended I try this
this is window kilometer love an 18 plastic so you use this if you have single glazed windows and you want to give them a little bit more insulation in theory this is an ultra light brown sheet wall so you have it works I think it's going to be fine I've double layered it so it's got that a little bit more air resistance to the ground but that weighs a total about 20-something runs it doesn't weigh anything at all just enough for mostly enough to go on last but not least keep saying this it's not last spare clothes are in this whole black metal gear cubed by burst stuff sack
in here I have a spare pair of merino wool socks spare pair of boxers sleeping in the top and thermal bottoms my hat my gloves and a buff that's about it the clothes I'm wearing the clothes all saying they're merino wool top so that corner sustains itself and my trousers treads of the trousers I mean it is time last but not least in the bottom of my pack I am a down sleeping bag it's not in a store suck because I like the concept of funny in a em in a drawstring bag so it it's very loose and you can mold to the bottom of your pack perfectly and squeeze it right down I feel like it fills the space in the bottle that packed a lot better than it would do who's his stuff sack and that is actually just the cheap down sleeping bag from a Aliexpress it's actually very good it's a soy sleeping bag why is about 400 grams here you go but for looking back what happens no empty it's gonna rip at this and I'm off to Harriers wall hair tomorrow
if you have any recommendations that you think you could benefit from I'm still looking to load in my load got a few things that I feel like I can trade and I will do basically what I've come to terms with this I'm loading in my load so I can basically basically carry more luxury items we could enjoy my trip more I'm young I'm physically fit I know and carry like 15 kilos for a week because I've done it before so I comfortably as well it's not like it's uncomfortable so for me largely my load it just means up and carry a few more luxury items to make my trip a little bit more enjoyable that's kind of what I've got to terms with another minute 14 kilograms as a starting overall load out I'm very pleased with and I should be ending up with a bow no more food we should be finishing a trip on about nine kilograms so it's only going to get easier as it comes on so I hope you enjoyed the video any questions let me know any recommendations let me know helping through the video and until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon that shit got day Oh
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
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