My Ultralight Cook System | Caldera Cone
I've been meaning to show my cook system for a while but I've been slowly modifying it. So I didn't want to show you guys until it was totally finished and I was happy with it, enjoy!
Caldera Cone:
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Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video so in this video I want to go out about something that we mean to do for a long time and that is my brute and a pink it for when I'm out hiking or ultimate backpacking whatever you want to call it I actually take to the woods off and as well and working on it for a while now trying to build it up and make it perfect and I think I'll go to the point where I'm really happy with in there so in essence natural stove itself is the Colbert account and I'll take you through all that in a minute this is going to be kind of like an overview / review of the Calder account along with showing you the other items i use to make it a full system to move back a little bit so you can see okay so as you can see it's quite compact the whole thing all together weighs just over 300 grams and i like it because it is so compact you know that all that everything there isn't got my cook pot on stove my windshield off your coat and my lid so um break it down the show you so the popper using is the coax a 850 milliliter pop very simple very basic pop it's a titanium pop I think the pot way somewhere around the 200 grand mark it's a quite a lightweight pop if you didn't know already they called their cones which I'll show you you'll understand but they're actually made to fit whatever size put you have all they have to have a variety of stoves made four different-sized pots either you bothered by the pop-up it's a snowball either way
and booked by coincidence the caddy that it comes in fits perfectly inside the pot right keep every living soul snuggles just great Neely airtight so am I was really pleased about when I found out about it anyway so the pot and also has the lid the lid sits inside the cup stuck that I've been trying to find a cup which have been like an ultra-light cup and I couldn't farm for a while I liked and I finally decided to try it one of the world of oven cooks now with the 600 Millington one if not that's quite big for me I would prefer going on the 300 mil cookbook anyway i'm booked I'm actually quite pleased with it I am I'm surprisingly and quite pleased with it i'm definitely going to stick with it and the caddy fits in there just not relate it could do with being a little bit more slim but it works and it's actually quite comfortable doesn't get too hot and you can hold the handle porn honestly I thought the handle bit flimsy but it actually hold hold what noise so yeah that's the cup of currently using and I think we used for a while because I'm really pleased with it anyway on to the actual & M's that cool system itself so if you haven't been introduced to this before and this is advertised as the most ultralight book system in the world and it is very light and this whole thing without without counting fuel is in just under the 90 grams 90 grand right under of wonder 100 run which is very light so it comes in this caddy they call it a message to Qatar to hold it all in and this I've got quite a few bits in here but I'll tell you what you get with it so you get this piece of titanium and shading which is great with the loop that's just simmering I've got a lot to enable expand that later the coffee in there then you get a measuring cup and which obviously used to measure at your mess this is a mess cell by the way if you don't already know what you get a 100 milliliter bottle to keep your medicine obviously you need to carry more mats but this is more of an access purposes as it can just it's easy to divvy out into the local cop out of this for all that it is from the bigger bottle then you have the caldera con itself which is basically just one big sheet of metal I'd like a swap that you can slide it you to secure it to make it round it's the calm itself in the bottom you have a cobra camp msl it's actually very efficient and very good very light way from so they i think is 18 gram to that full stove itself and the thing that I really like about this stove is a little and the lighting plate that's on the bottom it just means you could put a little bit of mess on there and then I'll use a jet lost of physics just easy way of doing it but with one of those you can just very easily lock the bottom and each you know with like a trend you mess those really difficult to lock the stove when you don't get that with this at all it's really simple it looks pretty impressive at all you do examples like well that took easy way for lighting a mix though so yeah so yeah carry a little jet longer with it just to make things easy the simmering obviously there's there's holes going all the way around it and to make it simmer you drop the simmering over there and that basically cuts off the oxygen so you just get a small plane if you just want to keep water and simmer in got a boil or if you want to just keep humoring warm i'll be honest i don't use this that often but when you need it you need it
so I should probably explain his work so the code is the pot holder and it is the windshield at the same time to the pot slides into there like that and it obviously is pretty much tight as type can get so what you're getting initially a theory is the flames remember here your stove is going to be under here the flames are going to hit the bottle of the pot but the heat that would normally Royce up the size of the pot and you would lose it is getting used you're not losing any heat it's very efficient I think it's also advertising on the most efficient stoves as well so all that heat from look from the from the stove is being used to heat the bottom and the sides of the pot so you get in the most efficient burn possible so you're making the most of your fuel which then means you carry let's duel so it all adds up to me it's a more logical white version what it basically it's rod so the way I would do this is as follows if I wanted to boil off site 300 milliliters of water and for a broil I would do the following
I get my stove ready in a nice clean area that sure there's nothing lick and making set fire to now obviously the practice with this and figure out what him feel we need / whatever and I know and another 200 milliliters only one other 20 milliliters will pull me easily at 300 million Porter off the silver silver stove and then I'll just take a little bit extra pop it into the side and I just call the launching ring because easy
then show you how a disease it's crazy now let as you can see took this over there drop the good let me go and grab some water okay so the nice thing about the pot is obviously the measurements on the inside
pop a lid on yeah well that's bullying I'll take a little bit of time to explain a bit of the argument between and mets vs. gas the reason I'm gone for myths vs. gas stove is purely for the fact that it is lighter weight you can argue the Jetboil is very close to being a lightweight as a system I'll be honest and the reason I would prefer this to a jetboil is for over a long term if you're truly out there in the world and it's do it properly you know you for real right there for a couple of weeks at a time which I plan to be and you know something i do want to do having a mess though with a much more reliable and quick system having gas there are a lot of working part on a gas stove that can go wrong and I've seen it happen but I've heard it happened and happened to a friend of mine these gas stoves were up in flames any jet board is nothing basically so imagine if that happened to you when you're out there and you've got nothing else to rely on put your stove you're pretty dumb for you're not going to bore water you know me off the heat food up so in terms of that it's very important also gas is technically heavy out in terms of carrying gas bottles every time you have an empty gas bottle you've got to carry on carrying that empty container where we've met you just have one bottle and it lasts and even when it is empty it's very lightweight the bottle very lightweight and so those are kind of some of the main reasons are carrying I prefer Mets and the other reasons mess is very cheap bulk boy Mets it's very cheap in comparison to gas boiler small gas canisters that can be looked forward to play the piece you know there's a close-up of the cone as you can see there are holds the bottom which is obviously draw oxygen there are also some holes around the top make sure to get heat a little bit of heat escape and also off the drawers oxygen put them below you can see them then you probably can't to be on this book so the flames in there and the flames cannot escape which is great so yes a slot negative to this now is it's not the easy thing to get off off the cone you need to i normally just put my little finger in this hole cuz it's not hot and here a bit of oil comes out and as you can see there are still flames that'll boil out in a minute boy am basically I know how much fuel the bull so much water but it does depend on different conditions is very very warm today and we're nearly touching 30 degree itself say that that 20 milliliters of and fuel is going to boil it a lot quicker so I've got a fair little bit extra actually she's she's good to know so so far is gonna make a coffin nail obviously I would use this and I can't do it to the time that will go straight into there I'm after coffee because it's getting late and I need to sleep not but yes it was also the fair bit of mess in there still so we obviously colder conditions you may need to carry a little bit more myths and put in hotter conditions you can get out a little bit less so it's important to kind of practice learn and keep a note I'm actually planning to write on the side of a cone and with a sharpie just so you can remember how much ms you need per liter ridge or per milliliters of water and also in different temperatures it helps to know and it just means you can carry less mess no point carrying like elite or message only love 400 milliliters it's a good idea to carry a little bit more obviously but not crazy amount
it's a bit like to show you because the the mess cells about to burn out what do you want to put the simmering god I couldn't do but just up here and lock that now just reduces the size of the frame
okay folks so I hope you enjoyed ram that video I meant to do for a while I got a couple people ask me and what it is what it would still be you know I've using videos and a fair few times that's a few people been asking a boarding party actually is so yeah that's the caldera cone and that's do there autumns I've been implemented into it to make it more cook system and I'm really happy with it works really well and still practicing with it still getting used to some of the fuel amounts and things are that book and definitely try it out if you're looking at for a lot like system and it's fantastic I'll do carry this into the woods with me sometimes name and as a way of getting the proof you can update the file going etc not all the time but it why so little those worth courier so yeah and any questions be sure to let me now on trial get back to you as quick as possible over the nut I hope you drew the video until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
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