February Overnighter 2014 "Relaxing Winter Camp"
We didn't have much planned for this one, but it turned out to be rather
Tags: bushcraft,firelighting,craft,carving,camping,hammock,axe,knife,hiking,wild,ray mears,bear grylls,cooking
Video Transcription
and other people so it's that time of year again winter time our February meats yeah so we've come to the same place as it came to last time it's just a nice place to come yeah in the wintertime when it's been cold and it saves us going out somewhere so much wilderness noise and it just lets us kind of chill out and get stuff done particularly good weather this month there it's quite warm and the sun's coming down on us just give me pretty good anyway and there's not really much going on this year this time rare because the numbers just not really doing much and but I try and get as much done on camera as possible there's a couple of things going on in the in the big community area so so we'll go over there and check that out so yeah let's show your income don't you guys laugh
hello people
okay then so I decided look Troy a pizza boy what's a lot built never tried before by foot it's warm it's very amazing it works yeah she ever noticed this quite a few people ran forward tonight I've got a six of us in total got a few new guys and I introduced him tomorrow oh yeah memory don't hit tonight were just strictly Walden look forward ready and they were certainly named for the night everyone's preparing their food you say Bo Selecta what did you say Bo Selecta turds
hi miss hi tomato onion herb and garlic okay and I've added a bit of a base to it
special special secret okay so we've got this flyer driven me and Bill want to see what all the fuss is about we're gonna try and light it with their I mean trying to watch some pretty hefty stuff with it just to see if you do it yeah we're doing a lot even like two or four still talking a lot and the jelly right be smart they don't sell these anywhere just a little bothered a jail boner squirty
it's lit just polish on top you should keep it
start on you we've got these things as well it's good to be home amazing still and the base up speed is for sure well we didn't seems to be working so it takes the skill away from it just a bit I was too lazy know the text is now at the backstage that's about this that kidding me on that I was too easy Borden very impressive butter it worked or worth you quick we used to spend in about an hour doing that too simple too simple no fun it works all the same ok so I do now walk again half past ten and it's a bit of a work party going on like last year then you can remember back back see so very last year but they have the chainsaws there and everything a bit of maintenance get some firewood so we're gonna go show off I see see if we can help out I'll show you what's going on
really nice weather they yeah Leslie sky Sun is shine on us today something's please wrong
we're not used to it oh yeah if it stays like this all day it'll be a good day okay so if you're wondering what's going on basically this woman has got two communal areas where everybody meets up with the weather foyers and then they do that so that we kind of alternate throughout the year so in the winter time we're using communal area and in the summertime and the warmer months will you do the community area just so we don't use all the resources in the lenders trying to spread it out a bit it's both to what being here was making I'm making a third communal area in the middle so on the right there you can see the oil which ductile and then all the brush and no bits the burner just behind this oh yeah game plenty foil which would be your head okay so you probably wonder in what builds one on the floor we're very decided to make ourselves a one-man wickiup that's what we're gonna work on this afternoon three fork sticks at the moment all hazel will be straight attach it pretty simple shelter really one of the most basic ones you can do but you should work very well I just mean around to show from the front so this is gonna be the entrance oh they'll just making sure that the the mainframe is secure and it's gonna be able to take the weight of the debris okay so we're just making the ribs a shelter now just along the sides as you can see that just gives you something to lean the debris great okay so with their utilize of Clematis vines some ivy and some like straight bendy twigs and we've we've woven all that into the into the ribs of the shelter and there were daughters just over there gathering the load of leaves into a bin bag and he's gonna start pulling up the shelter net bit of a team effort going on here that's pretty good and they don't do that do you can't find the dead bodies to prove they're on the lake
basically when the dead dog around here okay so it's a fun morning and I figured I'll show you rain Compton now I'll do apologize because it looks a bit like a hope I was come for a minute and it's a lot of rubbish everywhere then we need to tidy up well looks like we've been here two days so you know every round but this is the fire great movie news it it's pretty cool there's a grill on the right not fits into those two sections they said it's perfect over why is it tundra for a good I like it so the Q tents and that batter there it's our three guests yeah need to stop goes to the weekend and then me Jordan a built
a very similar set up to what we did last February we call it the top function we've got to DD 3 by 3 meter tops and the poly Slava's on the side this one's falling down a bit but you don't want the other end is near nice and tight as you can see these are loads of room in here 19 leave this base and this worked off those just packing my stuff the north room should be near sleeping there
we're not set the granite usually sticks hold good morning not only ones us yeah we can get this fire going okay so we're all packed up and ready to go
everybody's a rock ready to rock and roll so hope you enjoy the video yeah I'll see you next weekend I met again so yeah thanks for watching and I'll see you in two
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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