June Overnighter "Testing Tradition"
Hope you enjoy :D
Tags: bushcraft,firelighting,craft,carving,camping,hammock,axe,knife,hiking,wild,ray mears,bear grylls,cooking,June (Month),Holiday,Bear,Summer,Fun,Wood,Weekend,Survival,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Outdoor,Travel,Cabin,Tent,Camp,Lake,Wilderness (Quotation Subject),Cottage (Accommodation Type),Outdoors,Fever,Survival (TV Series Serial),Village,Camper,Woods,Hunting,Adventure,Outside,Bbq,Picnic,Holidays,Nature,Fishing,Caravan,Bed,Throwing,Recreation,Desert,Visit,Stag
Video Transcription
hello people so it's dude we're going for the Roman attack me bill Josh Matt be built that's everybody Jordan couldn't make it this time because this is Berenstain is doing other things which is fair enough em so yeah we're going to the usual place we're going to the normal meat of the four-room nothing particularly exciting this time as I think Chad's gear woman and because next month of doing a bit something a bit more fans lee and we're going to catch eyes next month we're doing a bit more like a traditional camp hey when we went in the snow we enjoyed it that much that we say we come back in the summer so that's what we're going to do and so we're going to be sleeping in just more blankets and things like that so we thought for this for this auburn auditor and before next month we just test out test day the kind of more simplistic way of bushcraft to see if we enjoy see if we like it see if there's anything we might have to take the cow chasing think anything's a bit uncomfortable but i think so yeah we get tested out and the drugs has to go really well normally destroyed he's an athlete times i would love to
this time is actually the real nicely so it's been a good start to the weekend and just like to point out that haven't actually made many vlogging kind of video since since the cali chase video its kind of be more instrumental things you know I apologize to that for the people that don't really do that squad of videos but in tomato sauce are going to be tired just to talk about the same old stuff judge me and everyone see everyone's seeing the usual level kind of I know I get to see the same same stuff so I'm trying to clone them if we'd just keep saying the same stuff like you know me and we'll pop I do a lot vidio this time i do get more talking to the camera m mainly because all you've changed my kit range there me and Bill a few of the guys we going to be more traditional and i bought the orchids so I'm just going to take you through that to you and get some Bob something gaining over the past couple months some the new thing you'll be drawing out and yeah this should be quite a good weekend it's going to get us ready for coming Jason calicos are the same kind of thing that probably takes you that sesame really good we're actually taking part of a challenge on the forum for the food challenge which is do Daniel Boone the Explorer and that when I've can see missing key explorer Canada think you did yeah it's kind of a that kind of traditional them overnight at toy style challenge challenge of be able to do because everyone's into the most of their days alright so yeah I hope you drew the Hideo life after the arts only then I'll going break the second box licked you know capture the next clip right then I'm here him the usual spot that we normally a pitch upon was taken so i like to find us a place where we can fit all all for was round and I think I found quite a spot the problem is i'm knitting eaten by mosquitoes a lot they are absolutely everywhere i'm getting bitten like no tomorrow but yeah i'll show you the air the new setup that I've got going on more traditional style settle and you saw it in what he did see in the am quite straight to 206 is competition more more response you saw in that one boy I did leave it a little early so here it is and here's my chair obviously I'm not gonna have a chair when I go a mile walk to catch a so what I've Apple him means the car is only like a couple of meters in that direction why not bring some conference and I went and get our went about our staff of wood from last time that we left so basically here it's just kind of circles trees and the hoping we're all going out to fit around this area as I'm on here so what I'm basically doing is I've got more what's a brought some mother called room stay with me because I just figured it'd be easier saves me going around looking for hazel bits and not really supposed to harvest he would from this woman because like and we've got permission well it's a meat so everyone hears allowed to be here I haven't personally got permission and so the idea is that no one has come for us we'll choose a communal foil and don't go around like talking me to look for carving away because if everyone did that there be no wood left em so would that we bring we buy so we're allowed to we like to have our own foyer as long as we have off the ground so brill bill brings a little work and paddle with you so we're allowed to have a fire and let us do that I think also the let's do it because because we are the younger community exposed and they understand that we don't really want to be hanging around with the old ago he's all that much like we don't mind going over say hello having a chat going to all be doing but it's a it's a different type of conversation that we preferred you mean like it's a different mix we don't particularly mix perfectly but we're we do enjoy going out there at all be doing what we got there's a lot to learn but we do enjoy being by ourselves that we have our own little group and we like to him without hang out and be together connoting and so we are unable to do that and so yeah I'll give you rules through of the actual set up there sorry so yeah as I'm saying I've brought some brews does along with me so M so what I say so after go and get some hazel and this thing this talk is canvassed all this sim is half a piece of a American popped in so the pups in front bottom fifth so the idea is you have another one of these is similar it's basically the American version to the polish loving and you can obviously sleep one person but there if you get the other half to get there in the middle on the rostov's you have two man tent very very similar to say more idea of the larva basically so I've got this half matt and is a member of our group you got your horse so he's gonna be a blessing i'm guessing and then bill and josh using the two halves of bills lav ooh and they're gonna do something and so yeah I've got it's not doing sleep voice I've got this canvas bedroll that bought we're actually tried it from white m noise and then inside its a 12-hour 12x heavy canvas waxed on the bottom well and so inside what you get is after one zip kits in get in easily there's another layer so in that layer there you put your sleeping mat but I've got to leave them out here because I do any traditional so I've got the wall blanket which I'm going to be lying on I've gotta fuck got that folded up in three pieces I'm getting bitten all of it and got that followed okay three so good luck to their one on top it's 3 i'm gonna lie in between this and this blanket and then yeah i'm quite belong I think the canvas is going to like help what a bit I think that's going to keep me a bit warm oh and then also underneath the whole thing I've got a bed of them like ferns so I've gone the tops on them down have some of them and their use my life hey there's the have a sack that boy gave me in the competition that one basically what I do with this name is I keep all my essentials with me because when you sit in my own camp comedy scene in their book miss it in brain camp you don't particularly but what all you do and I have a lot of bits and bobs with me like I surrounding my chair normally there's the camera there's bits of food there's biscuits there's fire lighting equipment there's no use there's all sorts just scattered all around me and it's just a big mess so basically what do you know is I keep it ordered here and there's actually walked up on the BC UK forum which I will put a description to that nvm in the end i will put a link to that right up in the description i have not getting or is it it's been a while so the spot the camera until yeah this is all the stuff that most gave me so yeah i like to say a big thank you tomorrow because i'm actually got me into it and for actually putting that computational and then thanks for that Mike and I'm really appreciative that I will win the competition there's my tinderbox just all sorts of bits and bobs my pipes in there somewhere
mother picked that I've made it from a fibrous type material in there for for a lorry think it's also clear mr. mobs am I going to that a bit later and also got my book in the top section around with two books cuz I'm nearly finished the 1m she's a tractor going on over there anyway and that there is an italian army canvas rucksack if any one of you quite a few of your skin in the last video that i put up and coroner's work suck it's got the same chain up system it'll actually it will cover the entire second table you can put on a train all the way through it and actually padlock it and don't particularly miss on the point or not because if someone's gonna Rob the stuff that could just stick a knife in there and just tear it down and get imported to it's a thought I suppose and my tomahawk I really really like this tomahawk it's not a cold autumn whore like a lot of people got it's actually a tomahawk made by Woodsmith and I don't know if any of you went to the bush crash Oh bleep you did there was a company called woodsmith there I'm a cop member their website name yeah it's a bit different to woodsmith but if you've typed in Woodsmith tomahawk the color and some i like it because the metal on it and isn't painted run listen to begin with so like the i was gonna get the TOC hold still one and i was going to put the work in I'm gonna met I was gonna do it give it up but him when I saw this one it just looks so traditional very nice very clean I'm not going to do it I just like the way it is there's no paint in it they need to tidy up the metal itself is very dark and we'll just like that about it I just think it's a nicer nicer looking piece of kit and so yeah on the frontier we just got two pockets keep anymore I've got to have a sack over there which I'm carrying my essentials in this pocket it's basically my cooking unique mobility can get a bit of line there and then my medical key to my toiletries and all that kinda stuff in that one and you'll be support on the room is actually that looks back and there's quite a bit of spice sorry I've got your boy mosquito and call our space I probably estimate because is just like a a dump sac which one big it's like a bucket bag em i'd estimate 90 liters maybe more there was a lot of room in there but i can get both wool blankets in there I can get the role mat in there and the top and still have room for food you can just got it it's big and kind of hurts a little bit carrying it because there's no way strap and there's no chest strap bought them I'm not planning to be like hiking with that and I've got obviously my other books my caramel rock sack which are used for hiking and so I'm gonna lose that for like meats or its involved on another can chase just like traditional I'm doing traditional style that's what i use and also with this type of setup um I'm not planning to use it all year round and I think I'd be a bit stupid to think i'm going to be comfortable going out to college I site imagine if i went to kind of chasing that smell that went into in march with just a wool blanket it's just not going to work is it you need a good sleeping bag you need a good roll mat and so for those kind of circumstances when it gets cold I'm going to go back to the modern Keith I'm going to get the DD tarp out forget sleeping bag gift sit in the day I've got the kit I'm miles going to use it to there's no point me just like I do enjoy this dog bushcraft oh you enjoy it more than the modern style but the day I have got the model kit as well die need to use I can't just abandon it and and also it's a lot more comfortable using that kind of stuff in the colder weather and in the warmer weather this is definitely the way to go from my opinion it's just a lot more simplistic a lot more natural is them if the right if that's the right word and it's a lot more enjoyable and it looks a lot better in my opinion this I like the style of it and so yeah it's going to show you this as well because pretty cool i bought this lever then if you seen bills video where is little leather thing a block on a followed suit and got this corner style it's actually like a I don't if any of you know I'm reading to my fantasy and right-front is your book to New recent films and TV series and stuff and so that's kind of like a fantasy style my knees skin won't have anything anything like Game of Thrones or labs all the Rings or anything like that they can't drink wine it of those work that's all of them that turn off that scone of what liquid skin liquid-skin people do anything like drink morning out that kind of water skin and so yeah I've never had to put more knit book but the lot so low and so yeah that's pretty much it for now this may be a long video it may not I'm gonna just show you bits and bobs it I think will be interesting and if any of you for you interest about the bag sorry so we'll say about it it's an Italian ex army military bag and I've got it from a not mini mart but one of the military stores the bus craft show it was one of the smaller ones in the middle section cock number the name of it I didn't even look hot just went in there and bought it mmm but if you at the bush craft show was in the middle section but if anybody else is looking forward to look on the military stores the xt that the ex surface thoughts we should add formal so yeah I'm just gonna wait for the rest of them to arrive now I've got about half an hour till they get here and i'll catch up with you then seen a bit guys while was waiting for it absolutely alright so we there I've got tea on the go long time that's outrageous of lurking on the spot sure he'll would you like to point out side the mouth I got a beautiful thing and then they start lying I'm starving they turned specially if you're still bells got his teepee on the go that'll told you earlier so it drip guerra de me a lot easy name and families walking past are my charge it once we built on tues and also would roll nuts so i should be interesting to see a composer a straight couple of it nuttin fold some of it java java say hello Josh he's nuts she's this guy's got so much stuff I don't know where it gets a book let's talk to myself Matt and Josh or in a big corner case settle its massive in there I'll show you what support and they're so didi talk just over boy Norma's I took just in case it rains it's not forecaster rambling everything is so yeah okay mmm yeah we'll get you know what that we saved from last time is up the soaking book the fever for the moment or so it's amazed good morning actually good afternoon and we had a very good night to last night over there we drank quite a bit yeah so we got off pretty late and we just been to LA car boot sale thing and people buying stuff and I got given so you about giving this a brace thing the free and I bought one this is a NOS peacefully at eight men gentrification got like an oak leaf look a beach oak and sycamore leaf on it the details lovely support that as well heavy you to feeling good good to the do and we slept in just wall brackets last night and I think it's I said it was really comfortable and me and Bill talking about this morning like without having a sleeping mat on the ground it was actually surprising surprisingly comfy and over the shoulder it was a set out book just having those three layers of wool blanket underneath maybe was actually really comfortable and had a couple of cold spots because all that covering me with this thing with this thin blanket ball wasn't a bad at all so yes but lunchtime get some food I'm got food on for dinner in a bit i'm guessing and yeah show some bits made camp in a bit and so some new things have got how's building that we do well bodrum bill had a very similar setup I think they'll use a small sleeping bag in these dollars extra bit of extra warmth hunting what are you sleeping just water just water Bank as well java sleeping up a bit of extra comfort if so I think it's safe to say that for robotic out Chase is going to be getting closer how much you would about toward of it being cold at night that worked really well and so yeah you're in a bit I was there no this is a honey Johnson money Oh Roy's okay sounds good just arrived yeah okay yeah yeah yeah just be sure you okay bargain honest excellent thank you very much losing a lot before what what do you wanna stress reduction all right yeah I'd having up your work so closely it's not very good as if I did it's very strange really okay don't need your work in this one goes bad I think you've got a hole in Christ yeah yeah we're he's just like they'll turn real funny looks from to enough to escape Madonna abundantly Chinese women all right yeah so happens we're on the web before goodness yeah yeah we noticed if you give me fire meet you I well you know I feel your love you / but until after turn down a dishonest person moving through their heads in a home cook is unreal just getting really kidney shape but i just thought i just select right i guess are you using carbon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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