Lightweight Backpacking Kit Load Out
So here's my load out that I've been using regularly recently, it's enabling me to carry out some of the trips I've been really wanted to do for a while but haven't been able to comfortably with my currently heavier gear, hope you enjoy!
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Tags: bushcraft,firelighting,craft,carving,camping,hammock,axe,knife,hiking,wild,ray mears,bear grylls,cooking,Ultralight Backpacking,Backpacking (Sport)
Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video in this video I'm going to be giving you a cup a kid laminate video hello people and welcome to another video and in this video I'm going to be giving you a kit load out of the lightweight gear that are used in my last series in snowdonia and one plan to use in my week-long backpacking trip in Norway this year and got a couple of things to say before hand and bicycle have been sponsored for this trip by a couple of companies which were really really pleased about and this three companies are all free to be extremely generous and so I've got to kind of shake them out what about through this as well as throughout the trip and so there are a couple of pieces of gear that I haven't paid for and the basically the reasoning behind it was obviously you all know well if you've been watching me a long time you all know that really into my traditional kind of canvas and leather heavy weight materials you know a bit of a naturalist in that sense and and i really want to i'll be able to gauge the backpacking it's simple as that and I can't think the to kind of go hand in hand like I really enjoyed the woodland bushcraft experience but same time I want to do some trips and I want to do some backpacking experiences like I said in a previous video I've decided that I want to do all the National trials in this country and you simply can't do that with all these cameras heavyweight gives it's pretty pretty impossible to do this and so yeah I really do to blow to Milo from Norway so contacts a couple of companies and rhythm well so go back to me and they were really a really generous I'm I was really surprised and so yeah I'm going to take you through well be given what I'm taking and the weights of stuff and hopefully you'll gain some experience of good things to take on me up I've been doing it a little bit now so I've got some experience and I kind of know the ins and outs and what works and what doesn't and I'm nowhere near car quite enthusiastic nose-heavy asteri extreme drums but I have kind of got into it a little bit and I've been enjoying it you know I've really been enjoying it so yeah the three companies that I've been sponsored by for this norway norway trip or help elect hyper Lloyd Mountain Gear amoled the pond in the US and cry copper and Hennessey hammocks and they all go back to me and they were like I said very very generous and what that sent me so I'll get getting all out and got it all laid out there for ya and I'll show you what I'm taking so here's more new pack this is not the same pack that I've talked to and snowdonia with me and bill is actually gonna be using that pack in Norway so it is a really good pack this is my and hope I mounting dear it's the wing Reuter 5554 ability of pack or with a little bit dubious to accept this pack to begin we because it's it either it is a it is a hyper light rucksack it's not a traditional kind of backpack that on you stay with like a leader zips and stuff is just basically a dry bag with straps and a waist belt is basically what it is and but I've tested a little bit of you know it's free pet name of Troy Danny's real comfortable and I do actually really like it now and I'm really doing this feature ma'am so yeah this is what they set me and it's crazy I really didn't expect to be given something like this and I'm really really pleased i mean the backpack that i was going to take was about one and a half kilograms and this backpack is 7700 runs or things roughly so stray away that site at me like basically a kilogram and the white on the back which is inside yeah yeah let's empty this and all their own show you what's inside it but yeah it's basically just a drawback and
its core member the material minute I'm gonna do reviewing obviously when i get back from Norway but the material is fully waterproof so you don't need what you're drawing bagger anything you saw in it but the important things inside our Android bags for the main part you know it's a solid piece again it's not really gonna get stuff wet see ya and when it's all gone through Norway stuff you know before of you give them my thoughts and experiences with the rucksacks or you can record that ok they have folks so for those of you have you been following me for a while you will have noticed you will notice this angle from a few of the videos we've done a couple of these air kit loaded videos now but I know people enjoy them and people like to see what I'm using and four trips and stuff so here we go this is all the lightweight stuff they'll be taken to Norway with it and once a lightweight it's it's not ultralight it's as long as I can possibly get at the minute and but it is reasonably lightweight considering the Walker for a week anyway so I'm going to point to the other things and then we're going to do you mean to specific bugs and stuff and we'll open them open up a lot closer look at what's inside them so starting top left are just more straps for the hammock which is there just the straps then we've got some PVC plastic 12-inch stakes I like to use those especially in places like well they're quite new but I bought them particularly for Norway because I knew it was going to be quite mossy ground and anyway where you go camping any kind of point for asst the brain doesn't tend to be so hard and so pigs tend to pull out so a good 12 inch steak he can't really go wrong they pretty much you've got some good strength there if there's a storm or anything you're not going to get your tent tempo pulling it and I love English is my speech I would like to have a little bit of music from time to time these two things here that's my journal I'll they start to keep journals when I'm going on the trip snow and I think it's a really good way of remembering the trip a lot better I mean I've video a lot and I'll keep a lot of footage I mean the things that you'll see the Norway video is aren't necessarily all the stuff of recorded I don't always put everything on to you you and so I do capture a lot of footage and I do take a lot of photos but it never quite grasps everything so keeping a journal log every single day and it just helps you to look back in several years time and you remember the finer details she's pretty cool an exhalation my kindle for like to read on the go and this here that's the the travel wallet will zoom into that now have a closer look okay so this is my travel wallet that I always take on trips with me and it's just a way of keeping all of my information that I need to get to the actual location together and organized it's got a pocket on the front half which is where I tend to put the current and ticket with a current a boarding pass for the current information only for the next stage of the trip and then inside is just a series of pocket to pay insurance car driving license and credit card only goes in there and passport and in the back here I have all the tickets and stuff and fold in the order that they're going to be needed and on the right hand side I have and a series of maps I need to be able to follow shops and such and searching different timings Bloody Bloody blah and in the back there's a zip pocket well just put all the receipts and stuff from when I purchase things or whatever stress story all in there just a way of keeping really well organized and there's a red dry bag would just soon as i get to natural company but assume that's a no part of the sugar i'm going to be camping or hiking or canoeing this goes in this drawer bag it's locked up it's putting the Baltimore pack and doesn't come out until and need it again and it just keeps it nice and safe and dry it's just a it's just a safe way and an organized way of keeping itself soybu got the Maxpedition organizer again that's of one thing I tend to keep all my little bits and shit see and zoom into that now and take a closer look what's in there ok so this is the Maxpedition organizer yeah nothing special they really only live with everybody's seen these book in sorry this is what I keep in here there we've got pen and pencil is this form of journaling
skip to none actually royalty it's also good to keep these in general you can your liking altering the way there keep mice for connects just somewhere easy to keep it somewhat when I lose it home and they've got a charger for the speaker and spare memory card for the camera spare battery for the torch you're on there's that ipod behind here got several several charges got to two charges for the camera and i use the everything i own uses the mini no micro SD charging port apart from the ipod and everything a boy and make sure uses the same charger so i haven't got to carry an array of different charger adapters apart from the ipod but i'm looking actually change about it some point anyway so we have two of those because when he's gone to his 11 he's not if that broke one of those broke on me and now he had one with me i would be some serious trouble in terms of keeping everything paired up and so yeah clarity were those ipod charger behind there then we've got the through night t10 with this might say but I touch me i like to call it and i love that thing a lot to hang up mohammed loiter and then normally I've got my pen knife in here but I don't know I've put that in a minute mmm oh that's obviously in the year that's shrink wrap to the minute with a lot lambda that's where ladies next thought we've got a walking pole nothing special about that I like to carry that and I don't really use it that much I mean some people could argue it's kind of dead white because I don't walk with it that often but when i do i do really notice the benefits i particularly get it when i get when i'm crossing streams or when I'm crossing boggy areas to give you that extra third leg of balance and going down hills is particularly good it just helps you to stop sliding and stuff no I know when I was in snowdonia as walking there's really some really slippery slopes in the rain not that thing save my ankles and also you've quite a little white a lot too and hold my top up as well that works really well save looking around trying to find stick all the time and then having to cover the end of the stick so you don't get so doesn't damage the top of your top that walking whole works
I do think it's worth carrying but I do think it's worth probably getting a lobster option because that one isn't it's only a cheap high gear once with he's pretty heavy actually mm touching that's my ultra pod I use that I never carry a big trouble anymore because that thing going to strap on the trees it's incredible that all tripod and worth its weight in gold which why should we go come on down here a compass nothing special where that's my perigee a lot of people keep asking me hey lo up what do I used after the snowdonia trip people keep asking me what's that what's that charger you use I have two of them they're both are saying they're pure genes that's the company that's the make of them and that mop particular model listed 12 1200 milliamp and capacity I don't didn't actually make that model anymore but if you go for a paradigm they're good quality but there's tons or the external battery and supporters out there and just fall in one and a look at the battery on your phone or whatever you want to be charged you look how many milliamps if it holds and then go from there like mod for example my phone is a 1000 milliamp battery and that's got 12,000 that's got yeah that's what 12,000 milliamps welcome technically charge my phone back 12 point each but I have cameras and ipods and all songs of the things to George then next up sunglasses they're pretty important I don't know whether it's gonna be sunny or raining or wave I'm definitely gonna take them because it is sunny my always do not cut with the glare the swim very well at all so some sunglasses all very useful and there's the map of the area we're going Crocs could argue they're dead white booked on a from experience that they are going to be a lifesaver when you've been in your walking boots or walking shoes all day it's just nice to be able to take them off and put their feet into Crocs and just air them out draw your fee tail and then really nice as well forget in native hammock in your hammock and so you have to keep Tonioli shoelaces all the time someone's will get to camp I'll stop the Crocs on and I'll be away just nice and comfortable and also I think they're possibly the best shoes for like one thing but you can wear flip-flops or sandals but flip flops aren't that great they kind of for a few feet I particular flip flops out of the house having things in between my toes crocs are premium shoes they protect your fee to the hell 90 feet as well because they've got the back section around your ankle and they've actually got really great grip as well so when you gone at rocks and stuff you don't sleep or you don't fall over and next up we've got the air craghoppers Kiwi light waterproof and I've got seven crack copper actually actually really really like that waterproof it's kind of my goatee waterproof now I really like the color of it every like the style of it it's not an ultra light waterproof it's kind of just like an average waterproof which is pretty lightweight and but it's actually a really good waterproof a particularly like the hood it's got like a solid flat piece in the hood which protects your face if it is raining and I really like that and next up is my hennessy hammock I use that often slow down your videos absolutely fantastic no Beckett got a few modifications I like to do to it but the minute absolutely loving it and just like topping it's a snake skins there and got the page for it I it's just a snakeskin and then Toyota by itself next door this thinking up that's just a rubble bag and just heavy duty rubber bag that are youthful i use it for a variety of things actually 21 it's my clients it matter if it's wet it's also and what i used to put under mohammed couple things there on the floor so can keep organized better the worst thing i want to do we start putting all your things along the grim then you'll lose things very quickly have something to put new equipment on zoo and I know also a visa for as a dry bag in the past if I'm o draw eyebrows with another and next up we've got kind of a high gear knowledge entire bottle foam green mill works perfectly with the soil mini filter which I've missed and this of the soil mini I've got a 500 million a bag so what I'll do is I'll fill the bag in the stream filter out into the ball then I'll fill the bag again and I can walk back to camp with a whole liter of water and so the nalgene tall bottle is for clean water and the baggies for the dirty water and we'll treated water shall we say they're here is another bag with bits in just a random it's kind of it's a random bag common with the word now but that's the main one where all the important stuff is and this is kind of the secondary bag which all the bits and bits a pieces going I'm not necessarily going to use all the time so we'll open up now and have a closer look okay so inside this drawstring bag we have the another through night torch head torch I haven't used this properly yet it's gonna be the first one for this trip but I'm impressed with it so far pretty heavy duty because absolutely solid i really like it's very powerful tool shows better jute twine should be near the paper really then like I said this is just a page we've just auditing that aren't really needed very often more when I get to camp this put this back window hey put the page tables to back up with the M pipe pipe in red pipe tobacco just a bit of a page which the strange with me and they have a couple of extra bits of cordage that you might need your own camp at some point and I'll candle I'm not going to take it up with me actually that's other comments hey just a seal what bag in the input saw duct tape you never know you're in the duck time ago you might not think you do but they always want to use it up Dave and lastly earplugs just in case I only carry these very very use of the a thumb in earplugs I just carry them just in case I got company something that snores really loud cuz i cannot believe on people small and then we've got Nordics or map for mosquito repellent and there on the bottom got a just an extra your page there with a lottery and some matches no really well never use those they're just back off and just sitting there just in case and then n mosquito net and next that we've got my two tools i'll be taking i'm just taking a penknife from off-putting opportunit and then my lap blunder saw so I'm cut some firewood they are currently wrapped in shrink wrap or a cling film laughs people ask me how do you get your tools and your axes and stuff over to other countries very very simple just pack them in your your hold luggage you obviously
okay Peggy Hamburg you just got to go in a whole luggage and then it's just appreciate you buy the stuff if you just kind of wrap them up and label them that they are shocked their sharp objects so just be careful warning sign on them so for any reason that your bag does get open by airport staff there let me see that you know those are protected item and not going to get harm the boy the last thing you want is someone open your bag and getting caught on a knife or something all that so yeah they just wrapped up and that's just how you do it okay then we're a problem with that that's fine abre la la which we go next up here we've got my washing kit will open that up and other clubs a look inside there okay so for a wash kit it's actually very simple to stay clean outdoors some people carry a ridiculous amount of stuff to keep cleaning and can result the carry shampoo the Perry this and that and loads of liquids and deodorant and I literally said I've seen people carry out kind of the Eldred you just don't need it look I say you're going to get to a point where you smell that bad anyway it's pointless so just keep clean and don't worry about what you smell like because it's gonna get to appoint me you smell anyways it doesn't matter it's what I current here is a carrier cube of soap naturally you take your normal stuff from you kit for you your bathroom could chunk off it put it in one of these mesh bags and that works as a scrubber so you can scrub yourself down and works like a sponge but it also means you can hang it up in camp to let it drop so it doesn't get everything within saw your bag and but you don't need to carry a whole a whole Boris out with you it's just irrelevant it's just dead white you just need that I mean that I've heard that one in there AEG's actually views on that was what I took the Sweden it just lasts and itself doesn't wear game very quickly and got a microphone towel that's quite a big one actually you know that is actually yeah oh it's probably like a emission half by just under a-a meter square knot square but you know it's quite a big one you kind of someone's book I do like to go while swimming when I go on the trip took Sweden we do quite a lot quite a bit of swimming and when I go to Norway implanted you're quite a bit swimming as well so I do like a nice pigtails or can drive a whole body and then we just have to brush which I sawed in half to save a bit of white and actually more to do the factor 50
back if there's a full toothbrush it will actually figure and then a small tooth small tube of toothpaste and I bought this ages ago and I just refill it with normal toothpaste now we'll just squirt ear and it goes in there four inches nice and small and then the one thing I need to add on to this is all all types and David works with it because there and there are nice quick wash what I do is I have a proper wash in the evening and then in the morning I have a baby boy watch or type 2 baby words per day and so I Lakers if not bag like this one that the toilet rolls in and I'll just put a load of their baby wipes in there and that's my that's my hygiene kit you know it's very simple and there's not a lot to it but you know it enabled it to keep clean brush my teeth and that's all you need you know with a Boris hope you can do everything you need to do so simple as that next door just got toilet roll in a ziplock bag i'll just take one to enroll for a week that i might do and i won't need any more than that next up here I've got my cook kit will open that all take a closer look okay so this is a cooking system using cover and I'm actually quite happy in this cooking system I'll just take you through it it's in this pouch and so this page I have the optimist error so local kick dirt everywhere I like this cook kit because you can cook into one container and you can drink out the other container to everybody carry any of the utensils and also the lead is very good for the efficiency of the stove next up we have the windshield which I bought from Paul stocks on ebay and a good friend of mine I'll put the link in this description for this product and they just got a gas stove in there which is in the mesh it's in the mesh bag so it doesn't and we're away the pot inside Emily's just that is just a standard gas style i bought and go doors a couple years ago that is the one thing that I really doing a ride and want to kind of go to myths and book was still working on that one yeah that's a nice compact post cook system it all goes in that one and that one pop and that's why I like that you should small it all comes together actually here we've got my hennessy hammock top and I am using the 70d top which is the larger model and I could have had the smaller one but figured the larger one of the better just in case if it does give it is bad weather I need a honker doin I'll have plenty of space into that top of him to kind of to just want to live happily while it's raining last thing you want is in a massive rainstorm leaving the toilet off and you just getting wet you don't want that and this one here this is my new sleeping bag much for my bag I've got a lot of mounting hardware lamina a 45 i think is it's this summer bag and it's in a hyper light mounting gear cubify back here drawstring bag well couple those bags I've got that on there that one there and that one there they're waterproof bags they're not watertight bags because they haven't got the the not a dry bag they're just a drawstring booked a together with the hyper light rucksack which is waterproof nothing non-marketing to get wet the odds of a little bit rain or do any water games that I logged on the whole of the top it very very slim selling worry about it so yeah that's the sleeping bag amusing in that pack I haven't got the sleeping bag in a in a in a compress in a compression in a compression bag because I see that bag there is too big for the sleeping bags if I put it in there the sleeping bag is gonna be able to mold to the bottom of a rucksack perfectly whereas if you have it in a compressed bag you've made into a type and shape you made into a solid shape which isn't going to mold to the rucksack so if you have it in a loose baguette or multi looks like a fill the bottom of the bag perfectly hey what's next we have the cry copper compressed light jacket absolutely love this jacket I can take em which I am impressed with it and it's basically a synthetic down and jacket I carry it with me I don't hiking it okay with me for when I get to camp and when the temperature drops at night pop that on and you are toasty toasty warm actually freaking love this jacket so much and I also sleep in this jacket it's just a really cool the book kind of sleeping bag jacket to sleep in and it works perfectly with the waterproof as well they kind of go together hand in hand and next up here we've just got the odd bit too close and I'm going to be taken with me in one of the hoplite Cuban fiber stuff sucks I'll open up now and show you this is fiction crime Zachary I don't carry any real spare clothes I don't have to set to close like some people do the clothes that are going I wear to the very end and a wash them as I go simple as that what I do carry is a half a fleece hat I always carry a hot name after watching a video pork belly because it's actually surprising how often you actually put this on if you have it with you at knology does drop chili and judge or even the summer it's worth putting on some times and in the morning you know it can be quite cold and summer someone morning so it is just worth hurry so i always carry that now and again Justin fingerless gloves only thin ones and again it's very surprising how often you'll put them on if you do have them on you instead of suffering in the cold yep save your socks just have some a pair where walk socks these are the cloud copper ones I've got sent very happily is nice and thick I wasn't really going to hike I was originally going to hike with these ones but it's so man it's gonna be too warm so I'm going to use these in my sleeping socks and I've already used them in snowdonia the work for well for putting on some wall on some thick hey I do have a the only spare clothes I do carries a spare pair of underwear and quick change change through half of the week and spare pair of hiking socks again to change through halfway through the week and then other than that that's not going to go with me at the top and a wall Bob yes it's just useful you use it all the time either for a hat to shield you from the Sun or to put my own your neck at night or easier taking the cold in the daytime you can wear that and that's there all the cars on tight with me you don't need any more than that don't take any spare clothes in terms of extra clothing just dead right you don't need and it gets to a point when you're outdoors where you smell bad enough of the ear
you sweat and smoke and all sorts so no matter what you do you're going to smell anyway so just keep regular keep washing regularly you know what wash once a day and what's your clothes every other day or so and you'll keep relatively clean and on one smelling next thought we've got a first aid kit just a personal first aid kit with odd bits a few bandages plasters paracetamol and my diary tablets just bits and pieces for me just in case and like a fever tablets things like that and then we have a group first aid kit which makes Korean which has got like this series kind of blood clot materials in case any of us god forbid and dig into some serious trouble and then we've got the hennessy hammock sleep map and actually really impressed with that thing it's really lightweight weighs just over 200 grams and it actually Clips inside the hammock so it doesn't move at night and though some people use lots tons of sleep night but it kind of I've slept in them before with a normal sleep man they just fly around you end up with the thing on the floor in the middle of night or you hanging off it and you're not very warm nothing actually touches into the hammock but stays there when you're sleeping she's great and then finally we've got that big dry by bear which is got all my food in food the week to actually empty in a minute because all my food downstairs and put the reefs a video that I'm gonna be uploading the same time as this one just going through all the food I'm carry and how to create it so that's it for the kind of overview so let's go back to the woolsack so this is how I'm going to load the Installer the rucksack or carrying it in next week on this side we've just got the temp eggs they're in there pretty securely with the straps reason being is I don't want these orc spoken against and wearing a wellness or the pack and also ever gonna be one of the first things I need to get to you when I get to come and at the bottom of they have also put the webbing straps for the hammock because again never gonna be the first things I have to get to when i get to camp on the front i'll put the Crocs and main reason being is a really awkward chevron fit in the rucksack so nows will put me on the put them on the outside and if it is looking like the weather's gonna be bad i will change it and put the crops on the inside with the water for the outside so I can get to the waterproof and quickly if I need to but the reason I've done this as well is because it works quite well not only all the Crocs there take up the space but the Crocs themselves are still hollow so I can put things in them and for example I've got my sunglasses in though we're sorting gud mus1 glass is still so mal never got those in there it's not taking up all the space if I still put things in the crops for easy access and and then in between the Crocs or is my walking pole which is attached to the bottom if you have the actually for walking forward with whatever you want to call it and that's secured by this strap that goes around the episode of the pack up and fall anywhere turn the pack around now you can see having any kind of aeration system the idea is for comfort you have your ear your water bladder in there which is in there and when that's filled up your cushion you for your back and you grab handle there and you've got your straps sternum strap with the whistle on the on the clip and then you've got your you while smell which I'm actually quite and priorities messed up yeah papi to moisten them there were chunky pockets and in there I'm going to put my lunch and my trail mix in either one of those that say I'm going to love that eight and then on the top you've got this extra strap as well which you can put your actual fingers widget well actually go do your things going to work nicely I'm going to put my tripod in there set up and rubbed up from above my head to use when necessary so tell me on the tape so there you have it that's everything I'm going to be taking to Norway with me that's all my kit loadout I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it's going to help you maybe make some decisions on changing your katek Mayor Bill something like that and again a big thank you to the frequent breeze crackle pop hence hammocks and hope like mountain gear and I'm very very grateful and I'm very very fortunate and I've been able to receive some products from these companies and I don't want people thinking that I'm not grateful and all that I think I deserve them don't I'm just very very grateful and it's enabled me to really like them alone to be able to do some this fish trip and a lot more trips in the future but a lot of lightweight hiking trips I want to carry out and it's going to enable me to do that where before I would have been little bit more difficult definitely more if it actually would have been very expensive and so yeah very very fortunate so thank you to those three companies and I will do them justice by doing throughout honest reviews of the products when I've got back and I've thought about the good and a bad of each thing and I'll give you my honest opinions on what I think and but so far I'm really impressed with everything em see ya that's it for this video the next one there will be another video explaining all the food layout and the hair of Deirdre's of my own meals that's going to come after this video and all of these are into the same time and then i'm off to Norway so thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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- May Overnighter "Bushcraftshow 2014"
- Welsh Bothy Night Winter Hiking
- A Night At Big Bear Lodge
- The Essence of Bushcraft: "A Night In The Woods"
- My Ultralight Cook System | Caldera Cone
- September Overnighter "Doing It Solo"
- Snowdonia Wild Camping Solo Trip Day 4 "Bushwhacking Home"
- Hadrian's Wall Backpacking Trip | Coast to Coast | Day 5
- Outdoor Life 2013 Montage - The Start Of A Great Journey
- Crazy Storm! - Scotland Bushcraft Trip Day 2
- ICELANDCAIR IS AMAZING - Iceland Vlogs Day 1
- July Overnighter "Just Chilling"
- March Overnighter "Snow and Solitude" Part 1
- February Overnighter 2014 "Relaxing Winter Camp"
- January Overnighter "One Year On" Part 1
- Cotopaxi Cusco 26lt Review
- Whats In My Adventure Day Bag?
- A Little Campfire Cooking
- My Bushcraft Tools
- Snowdonia Wild Camping Solo Trip Day 3 "Not So Alone Anymore"
- February Overnighter "New Faces" Part 2
- Sweden Wild Camping Canoe Trip - Day 3
- February Overnighter "New Faces" Part 1
- Ridgeline - Grizzly Euro Jacket Review
- Lake District Winter WildCamp With ForresterBushcraft Part 1
- Sweden Wild Camping Canoe Trip - Day 1
- Canoe Camping With Girlfriend
- Lake District Winter WildCamp With ForresterBushcraft Part 2
- I Had To Wear My Pants - Scotland Bushcraft Trip Day 3
- Adventure Weekend!
- April Overnighter "Attempting New Skills"
- New Gear New Idea Ep 2.0
- Shropshire Hills In A Sheperds Hut
- Backpacking Food For 6 Days 2016
- Ridgeline Monsoon Elite 2 VS Monsoon Classic
- Woodland Wander, Hidden Woodsmen, Ridgeline Clothing