Crazy Storm! - Scotland Bushcraft Trip Day 2
This was an absolutely fantastic day of bushcrafting and other activities, the storm was crazy pour charlie got soaked! Hope you enjoy :)
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Tags: bushcraft,outdoor,hiking,outdoorlifeofbrian,nature,camping,wilderness,travel,vlog,lightweight hiking,outdoors,Scotland (Country),galloway forest,heavy weight,weekend,holiday,Video Blog
Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to day two of our Scotland bushcraft trip and last night was very wet the rain and actually got we're just just through down all night pretty much em bought the location is crazily
like protected and Charlie fortunate earlier that those trees were earlier which is completely blowing like mad but here we're barely feeling any any wind at all just really really sweet never sleeping back today to be honest it was a bit chilly last night sleeping wasn't too great but what you say we coat you sheltered up there yeah I mean if it was windy would have been no it would have been worse yeah so we're gonna get the fire going now charlie just getting some some fuel I'm about to get the little thing started piers go off to find some more firewood and they were planning to go down to the shore I'm gonna try and see if we can find some plans and stuff for lunch it's the plan anyway yeah it's although smoothly so here's the undercover for the his hammock ever testing here last night and it worked incredibly well and see the farm right in there and just say the farm at beside the farm at is ready to give birth in the clear gives you full coverage it works really well and the great thing about it is because it's got the under cover under the format as well you could put anything in there it interns events insulation and so yeah did you get little bit chilly if you just throw some more stuff in there look another blanket or something in and you've got a three bed I'll actually really pressure that's nice yeah she's in the bush complex groundwater are yet to find it's like you live in London walking up next
well they do oh yeah
it's X time gotta get eggs go get eggs access G's messages keep warm on the embers Charlie's making this bad ship now what are you cool you Charlie I'm gonna call you Charlie call him Bilbo I call her my name so bye mate mmm make this but literally no solid stops to come on
October Namit I just died just taking up try to follow smile okay so we are about to head out about our breakfast everything's good everyone's full charlie to his first expedition taller experience yeah that was something different if you're looking to go out for a first-timer you knocked on the expedition through yet yeah it just happens yeah it's an incredible experience yeah so yeah I better head out we're gonna walk up the woodland up the shoreline and just see what we could find quite a few kilometers and then we'll head back about this time let's rock and roll Pushkov Bilbo Chinon waiting for bill play you all Bilbo I am don't like giving you a further wait hey give me so we're heading further first safe talk to you whatever talk to you and yeah it's crazy windy but yeah I mean it's only gonna get worse as we work out there the trees are up we're going forward three God's hands now sound
choice carefree life scared for my life no girl wore brief it's all going downhill quit intro we're trying to make a cluster out in this much room here which I've salvaged it for you it's pretty easy to see what you've got the hang of it once we fail it now because Brian's filming come on you ready to be a professional push back she pushed
you know
just work off it's a bit too top down there now
it's really it's only that that you want yeah talking away this cut was too deep really I think you see the layers in it though so yeah top better you only want that layer which usually comes out pretty easily
osteo should know that isn't it my rate although Road Smith the ground both of them look really an alien letter the Jairo that look at that path of their well that looks like it's all pine worse down here looks like it's all broadleaf well we'll head into the bay aren't we so we're gonna ask to go down anyway so I need to wipe the stream in church most like a boy's name is me it's so still in it like so loud out there
I could fucking feel the pressure changing the building the camera is going to be just like collecting Norfolk a pixel check out right one stone table this back of place Charlie to the beach the beach it's good for my PA class up right hey guys just make sure we get it on brain song as well like what you've been talking about all day okay mind blown by it have we taken over each of those channels from here but I'm nice like this sometime all like doctors what all if they are third time he speaks up no idea what I said I just not yeah no words
oh my god oh my god we stoked you know I'm groaning we've got some bit of Chow for lunch easy food and you know whatever good deserve rest and then we've got to dig ourselves a pit because we've got what did your bunion become so we're gonna cook that in a pit so we're gonna have to do before I put somewhere around here
okay folks so you join us back several hours later now we just would be chilly very camper if you're not really doing much just getting the fire back going again so you learn it you got I kind of died down a little bit so that's going again now I am we're about to get the beef the beef joint on and we're going to cook beef joint sweet potatoes all the veg onions into the butchery I'm just gonna roast over the fire Charlie's not feeling too great bit dehydrated we think any if it's sleep deprived so he's gonna have enough and what mean air P it's all right it's all good yeah it looks like they okay folks so we've just gone to get some more water because we're making gravy for this beautiful contraption that look so good
I know that you've just thrown em onions in there yeah I love that you just thrown onions in there that's around well the best ways to cook onions are fine actually just leaving in the skins bang them in the fire let them like just that make them something look like they're just burnt into a cold take it out again peel the skin off I'm on the soul sweet they're really nice me fingers you start sweating the smell of onions out the proper blood I think it's like a South African my equipment that I don't understand we have to make gravy to leave it in there or what get there in a second Charlie stop spilling Charlie get on it mate make the gravy if this smoke does not stop I'm gonna I'm gonna end it there mate that's gonna be some weak-ass gravy look some more cubes in there might give it a spin you've every time I'm on it all right well then we've got a sweet potato recharges the how does the meat taste boys oh it's incredible literally incredible everything tastes better outdoors it's cooler starving I think you know I think I do I think I'd be enjoying it cook that well no I'm not quite sure what's going on in here that's just all of beet juices and stuff that's all I cannot wait to eat this you can guess I haven't got any cautery apart of a knife so you might see like a man not on this dude's gonna fingers it like let's get doing quite a butcher this'll do so I can find a spoon I'm stealing it's so light it be straight again it is isn't it yeah has proper light it did weighs nothing absolutely nothing it's titanium this is what you need life and shit Titanium's for look even got a carabiner on the end got think of the bonus seems a good I'm just gonna get one yeah quickly work what were they $7.99 or something yeah just I don't like pain with a Capri mmm honestly a spoon goes a long way Charlie is realizing the importance of spoons
okay so thickened up a little bit uh gravy still runny is however a little taste nice let's give it a stir don't do the shop I smoke roast mr. Wainwright uh-huh move when you break into a sweet potato how colorful it is love the color well we know now that we can do a roast dinner in adultery he wants been quite relative to quote quick time ago yeah it was sold it was those little effort involved huge banging I literally just I just put the meat in I put a bit of water in the bottom fin the secret didn't II other stuff you know okay people so here we are did a really good day rain fire we didn't get two coffees in clamminess in the storm which is 42 bad we saw in the video this actual clip is being recorded was happening on the same weekend that all the big storms happened in Scotland well actually all of the country Emily actually message message me today and said they're putting the road and bridges are active employees in Scotland at the store we got Bob we're okay here and I love camping books when we worked more close to the shoreline it just play when it suits no wings yeah we can get to do that but tomorrow we are looking to pack up early head back to the car and then we've got a couple of kilometres Roy Moore and we're gonna stop in a bother that's going to be poor person okay Matt for stopping for walls hmmm I stole it come in the warm sea yeah I'm looking forward to that and yes we're all kind of Patrick Mary in our sleeping bags and Hawking at the bullshit looking to that so yeah look forward to next video thanks for watching and I see you again very rosy hello people so I hope you enjoyed this video and this was day 2 of Scotland it was my favorite day of the trip actually and all the spirits are really high we're all having a great time the banter was absolutely crazy and that storm was just something to experience for sure so yeah of the whole trip this trip was actually one of the few ones that always planned on doing and it turned out to be one of the best actually so I'm really happy that we we've got arranged this and got it got the ball rolling so yeah it was the first trip that we did with Peter and Charlie came along so it's the first of many to come I think which I'm really looking forward to so yeah look forward to day three that's coming very soon and I would like to bring your attention to a video here that I have recently posted it was this year I was back in April where me and my friend Scott and when heavy weight camping through the Lake District and crossing rivers and we also slept in a wool blanket in April which didn't go exactly how you would think it would go well he probably is probably went exactly how you think it would go put it that way and we're actually the trip kind of went for a little bit of a fail situation and of actually sleeping in the car for the second night so yeah go and check that video it's actually a really good one and one of my favorite trips this year as well so other than that be sure to leave me a comment I really enjoyed getting back to you guys and I'd love it if you could like this video if you enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed making it other than that thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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