Whats In My Day Hike Bag
Thought I would make a detailed video of what I carry when out hiking in the Hills for the day, any question hit me up!
Daybreak Pack: https://www.hyperlitemountaingear.com/daybreak-pack.html
Aqua Clip: https://www.aquaclip.com/
Compresslite Jacket: https://www.amazon.com/Craghoppers-Compresslite-Packaway-Jacket-Black/dp/B00SAZTUTY/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1465484411&sr=1-1&keywords=compresslite+jacket
Kimba Lite Jacket: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Craghoppers-Mens-Kimba-Walking-Jacket/dp/B00TODUG9Y
Buffy Hat: http://benandloisorford.com/store/#!/Buffy-Hats/c/8817579/offset=0&sort=normal
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Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video so popped up through the into the woods for a few hours and I wanted to run through with you and that a daypack and logo you may remember a couple months ago I did a daypack no doubt and that was my invention daebak is what I like to call it it's my counterpart c22 colita and the modak that had in it was designed for when I met before general adventures is not a day war or even a natural just property with Emily with me and Emily going on a picnic and not that and I also use it m as my general curry everyday everyday backpacks I used to work running errands anything like that about shopping that's what it was designed for and that loadout was designed for that purpose so there was a flash game there and my general clothing and my Kindle stuff like that and and I figured and I realized over the past couple months when I mean Emily we did a lot of walks over in the Peak District that my loadout completely changes when I'm doing a series day day hike and by Ho Chi Minh when I'm covering 10 to 15 kilometers in the day and and the lower gets completely different it's not a lot of the autumn the clothing thermal design but all the items are different and you know me I don't carry a lot of equipment so this there's not a lot in this bag I'm gonna run through with you and just to see if anything in here you can maybe get encouraged by and and help your hip progression so this is the hoplite gear and dye stack all day like it was had it for about a month now and um beforehand I was using over-the-counter backseat but that wasn't very fit for purpose this bag definitely is this isn't a review of the pack office focuses just me get into a grip the loadouts right let me go through one thing at a time so we've got the two faux pockets here new things at the weigh-in the side pocket obviously their water bottle Beckett I carry with two sort of of water we've been over this before aqua clips come with a key gonna let them and eleven by the data clip I could flip with my smart water balls in the solids so one thing I really like the one thing I've also really found about these Apple clips since I my the last video is that you can also carry them on your chest struck the hand air as well which is also very comfortable way of carrying them I will show you how this bag and sits on me later on in the video so those are that then the bags got this pocket at the front and in here I just keep my things that I need to get to you and quite quickly obviously when I might walk in the Peak District the weather can change put rapidly so I often find myself needing my hat and my gloves this is my M puffy hat boy I am sort of boy benefit but benefit salesmen and medical booking makes them and a lot of people have started calling this the outdoor life abroad hat and or people keep referring to my heart and I can see why and I tell you I really really love this app and so yeah that's my hat back carry its own two percent wall it's just a little music English it hat very traditional very classic and I really like it in here I've got my gloves these are my seal skin they're called the coin tinkles they've got the leather palm and they're 100% waterproof
I've tested these by literally different hands in a single water and they genuinely are waterproof and I bought these after a broken beat Brecon Beacons reckon beacon hike went bad and never been so wet in my life and I could not feel my hands so those ooh good purchase and those two items are keeping this easy accessible pocket a different and I can get Emily or whoever I'm walking with to just grab it for me so I put them up also in here I've got my 12 inch for 12 inch head tape tent stakes made out of PVC very useful and I carry these when I'm out hiking or backpacking because they're lighter than the the wooden stakes and like even though I do a lot of women's days the same concept 12 inch strikes a big feather 12 inch day okay nope moving to the side of the bag and I've got my walking pole don't use it very often but when I do use it it's very very handy it saved me from a few twisted ankles in the past and I also know use water planning on there using this to set to rig up the DV talk in a configuration and for company that mean Emily did in there one of our latest campus so that's what I'm carrying that then on the soil a I'm a map system a laminated map on a little pulley system that's attached to one of the d-rings on the book sir that actually enables able to read the map but it also it Springs at the way and gets at the way big fan of it and made a previous video couple of videos back on my a new new gear new idea series if you want to see more about that
right now in the bag good feature at this bag is at the zips go all the way down so you can really open it up it's pretty cool top of the bag I've got my Krag hopper and kimberlite waterproof jacket obviously at the top of the bag because that you need it quite readily often you you're walking in the rain just the weather just turns on the rain comes down you've got to get it more quickly so it's in the top of my bag good jacket got on the front of it and not the color as well and then next up I've got my called baroque own system no I have not ever mentioned this in a video yet and it is jewel it is definitely do a video of itself plus the system all in that Cali there don't worry I'm going to make a video soonish and got my optimist error so it'll kick and the fact that it the fact that I caddy fits in the pot is not meant to be easy purely coincidence and it made me very happy when I realized that so there you go this I use this from when I'm when we namely at hiking or on a serious day day hike and I don't cook food this is purely for having a brew
sometimes we carry a flask sometimes we carry this we prefer to carry this generally because we like to sit and enjoy the views and have a have a noise and sit down a break and this gives us something to do and yeah we don't don't cook food we just Emily normally make some sandwiches or packs and wraps or something
next up we've got my coffee sachets and one more I've got my couple can look and looked I do also often issue the lid off the rocket optimist air cook set I'm Morgan here because I do really enjoy drinking coffee from this mug it's my favorite mug
then I've got my coffee pouch I have already mentioned this in a previous video but I will just mention it again I met my own coffee sachets I'll plot the small plastic bags and toyota's and sugar hammer comes got a very good video on that and it saves you a lot of money when buying three and one coffee such a so definitely go and check that out on shook channel don't things much pointing me repeat in the video but there you go next up we've got the ultra pod the camera is currently sitting on the beach iPod but I'm very very rarely a take that out it's purely come full convenience of shooting in this location and but the ultra pod is a and a small tripod with a Velcro attachment the velcro attachment enables you to touch rocket round with tree with that ball joint you can still get the angles but also the legs pop out and you've got a proper standing tripod they're quite funny actually I found is this I'm not trying to claim founder on this because I forgot the idea of shut to to our six many years ago but M since its blown up and majority of the YouTube community I've got one it and don't blame them at all it's a very practical tripod it's again it's game-changing getting close to the bottom of the bag now not much more to go I'll do a close-up on this this one but this is my Maxpedition organizer it's exactly the same setup as what was in the previous video but I'll give you a close for that now and but in there put my ipod Jory Fortuna JH there couple of spare memory cards bit of jute twine you never know when you're going to meet their need that a disposable cordage spare battery for the headlight I've got my roof Reuter blade and just crease spare blades always good blade spare battery for the camera that I'm recording on now I've got a lighter we've got the through noise and talked with lightsaber attachment and I've got two micro USB chargers in there because two is one and one is not and then it's got pair of Samsung headphones for listening to the iPod in the back section I've got my power gen recharging port there and that's pretty much it for that it's just a very simple small organizer keeps everything together saves you it'll be in the bottom of your bag and so yeah that's that and then we have just the DD top and look at the tried to set for a lot of weight off at some point but correlate that is the type of choice for rigging up a shelter on a walk if need be I'll be honest with you I don't often do this what I always carry it purely because you just never know and I very often actually need it I could use it more for sitting on than anything if we need it which brings me on to my next point in the back section back section of the bag because of this black has of a back section that winds con is nearly to the bottom one not all the way my seat pad fits in there perfectly this is my wax canvas seat pad and with wall liner and inside there is a a foam pad sometimes I carried the foam pad by itself but I do really like the watch liner and then on the on the wall of the bag there is a zipper section in here I keep my wallet and my keys purely because having good systems of letters always losing things is a good thing and that little pocket is very very handy and so much so it's given me the idea I am currently in the process of making my own it bushcraft pack I'll I'm gonna incorporate that feature to really like it's just a nice little pocket to keep your essential that you don't necessarily need when you're activate that you brought it in the keys what keeps them and try place so when you get back to the car you don't look at all do it there sometimes don't we do it again and last but lost last but not least in the bottom of the pack I've got my crack offer compression jacket there and skin to the time of year now when I'm not really have to carry this but I've been carrying it over the winter period because when you stop and every sit there and all even when you're walking actually you has been pretty chilly through this winter and so popping this on gives that nice dermal layer yeah it's very useful see that's that bag empty like I said it's only a 30 liter bag but the weights wait is designing just makes it very functional this pocket the front I really like and it actually it pops out and the thing that I'm sorry there is the compass in there the right thing I really like about this badge is the white pops out and that pocket there enables you to actually use the bag to its full potential and it's very very close to smoke to your back but if you do not need that extra package of space it does pop out nice and you can fit a lot of extra equipment in there but if you don't want the extra equipment it folds why really nicely is not hindrance it's not like you've got a lot of extra saggy baggage only trying to maneuver with so yeah I'm gonna put it all back in put it on and I'll show you it on and just see you so you can see what it looks like yeah that's everything in the bag like I said it's about carry a lot with me I just carry the essential things that you need and because I'm a minimalist I don't like to carry too much nicely the point in all this fancy fancy equipment that you don't really need it's just extra weight ok folks so there's the rucksack on you can see that it's very small very talked to my back and it's basically got a full foam looks like carrying system for a very smooth bag so it's Rory so nicely so like I literally room anything so toys in the back I love it and then then the other thing I like to mention to you is there's you there's your up clip thing you can sit on the area nicely not sure I'm really not I prefer it there and pursue on more and hit bell for me that now I think I might be a hip belt book yeah recently say about it so yeah that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed watching what I carry when I'm out hiking and there are more and more day hikes this song items it's similar to the other dye pack video and but there are some that are different so yeah I hope you drew the video and till the next one thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
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