My Bushcraft Kit For An Overnighter - ZedOutdoors VR
Here's my bushcraft kit, that a lot of people have been asking me about :)
and check out Zed's channel;
Tags: Cabin,Survival,bushcraft,Reviews,wild,ray mears,Wood,carving,Nature,Summer,hammock,axe,Tarp,camping,craft,Camp,Unboxing,hiking,Trips,Buff,Travel,Woodmansbushcraft,knife,firelighting,Outdoors,bear grylls,cooking,Survival Tv Series Serial,Forrest,Outdoor,Forest,Tracking
Video Transcription
hello people so this is my video of two Zeno doors he's doing a competition for these 100 subscribers he's just hit it but actually is on about 150 now and so a massive congratulations ed and it's a big milestone and it's just going to keep increasing I'm telling actually got an absolutely fantastic job and I just like to do a share tape to be honest for Zed straight away because he's been floating around the community for a while now and he's leaving really positive comments on everyone's channels and I know he's been cooked he's been subscribed to me for a while and so now he's been commenting on my videos for maybe a year maybe a little bit less I'm not too sure but and he's just really positive going I mean on every single video he leaves our breathing like wherever I go whatever video I look up I'm pretty much certain to say and then somewhere in the comments making a comment you always makes a good paragraph you know it's not just a couple of words it goes it goes all the way according and so yeah definitely gonna check the eggs it's a really cheery going and really happy it's fun to watch and so yeah I'll put his link in the description for starters so I'm actually go and check him out because he definitely deserves some more subscribers and I call wide see what you get up to it so it said and but yeah anyway on with the competition and the competition was to show for everybody to show their kids and their whole kit in detail so that's what I'm going to do and I did want to get it sorry today to do this video because I have them into this video for a while em anyway but this is just give me a good excuse to do em sorry but it is absolutely terrible weather and rain wind it's not an altar there and I forgot I'll try and do the video I'm just going to get windblown for the camera constantly and I can't be dealing with that so I'm just going to do it on my bed I've made everything eggs and so you can see it nicely and one of the things that deep sigh is you wants to see the kids that if you grabbed rock like this day if I went upstate and then grab more kids and it went out to do I don't know ty what would it take but I'm going to kind of bend the rules a little bit because I have three different types of kids I have my winter kit or socket and the hiking kit and while hiking kit is Maui a lot
weight type stuff and my winter kit is my heavy weight and when I get my big hundred hundred on me to Bergen on and I go I go out but I'm not a fan of that kit and well I like it your works don't get me wrong but the real thing that hits home for me is my sonic eat which is more traditional style and traditional materials as natural as I can get and that's what I really enjoy doing you know yeah and that goes pretty much vary from autumn spring summer it's only really when it gets below - at night when I really get it the modern kit with the speaking magnitude off so that's what I'm gonna corner the base market on because I know that I am one of the few and in this country anyway that tends to do that style of kit so I thought it'd be a little bit different to show and because I know a lot of people you need to be doing and we call the mainstream and modern type stuff which there's nothing wrong with that you know I've got I've got that kit as well that's more winter kit but this is what I like and this is mine this is my thing so I thought I'd show this just for a bit of a variety in the competition so yeah I'll turn you around everything's laid out on the bed I'll go through it all in detail and I'll show you why I carry it in my rucksack as well so yeah yeah we've made it and I hope you enjoy the video okay then so I've got everything laid out on my bed and I need to make what up first of all I like down on the dead I've got my wall blanket and that's a twin size dough charm a hundred percent wool blanket in the summertime I don't sleep with a sleeping bag I don't sleep with a sleeping mat I just sleep straight on the floor with my wool blanket and my canvas bed roll and it's surprisingly comfortable I am going to make a video on it this year in the summertime just to explain how I do light and how I keep myself comfortable and not ever yeah that's how I do what I like to experience how back in the day in the 18th century that's how they call it a slept oh they did things and they did they got on with it you know so it's what I like to experience that because it ended I can always come back home and sleep in my nice bed so it's not going to kill me while I'm young hey so yeah I'm going to point it things because no one would climb all over the place so start on the left just there that is my 8x8 and 10th wonder oilskin top absolutely love it it's a fantastic top and really versatile really robust and quite expensive but it does fit a more traditional style of kit and quite well it's going to zoom in now just show you a few bits about it no closer just a close-up on the oilskin top inside the folded piece I have put a bit follow 50 metres of paracord there and pretty short to it 50 metres it might be a little bit less book I'd like to be able to go from tree to tree get the top on then go under the tree again I mean under the top again sorry to have a bit of corner of a kind of washing line disposed hang things off so I like to have plenty of paracord and then I've got fed up of using little pots no lemon no metal pegs that point at the ground so I made myself a Foley big hazel and temp bags and I could hit in the ground really well and I've got two plastic and plastic ones a just in case for backup hopefully yeah that's a lot we're allowed to do those i've got fed up of putting little piggley to Moxie ground and rippling eggs and not allowed to put enough attention on them so that's that and then on two of the corners there's some handsome Bank line and dinner already other ways and but yeah I like to use Bank on asthma guidelines because they can take a lot of tension and got a very strong room breaking point so yeah so I like to do though that's my top so next up I've got my and wax canvas bed roll that's what I roll out that is the size of a single bed and I put I fold up my M wool blanket in half in there get inside the wool blanket then get inside the cameras bed roll and it keeps me nice and warm at the summer time you know what it doesn't drop to your gold it's perfect yeah I can still get away with it in autumn and spring but it does get a little bit chilly so have to put a few more layers on but it's fine and next to that I've got my little lamb pillow I swear by that pillow I've always used it and I know a lot of the guys I actually typed pillows it with them
I put it it packs tendon with it rail up and I can Ram it in the kit in my bag pretty much anywhere and it's not a big deal and it just gives that extra bit comfort when you're sleeping and then next to it not so traditional but it works fantastic is the survival blanket I'm actually one laughs truck strat two two or six so thanks again my Kim I actually use out every single piece of kit now I use it as a growing mat and I face the reflective side up towards me and just do so some of that and body heat your from conviction and it works well I love it and it's a perfect size as well to go under the 8x8 top because it's just a little bit smaller right and then on the right I've got my Pathfinder all skin have a sack I put that inside the rucksack
there's looking in at the moment because I keep it empty and what's up useful is when I get to camp up and put her on and go out foraging and get some Bracken for foyer and any little things you know some fungi or whatever and I just carry that with me I've been carrying myself a little water balling never need to first-aid kit
and so when I go on a little bit of a walk I've got my essentials with me okay so in this section here I've got my cook kit I got the bush pot and I'm going to do a bit of review on that and add to like a date sometime soon hopefully and absolutely fantastic pot I'm over the moon with that one it's a lot better than the Billie clam it a hundred times better definitely worth the money and absolutely perfect for all I need then I've got that in a little little kind of cotton cotton bag because obviously I've got your black and up now and I don't really push it out into my bag and get get get yeah sorry getting everything else black and dog here so then I've got the I've got the kind of cooks set here I've got the bowl the cook sir I'm The Cook's of cook sir whatever common with a company there and the utensils and and they're great I love them really lightweight really roubles they're a wood pulp and plastic mix and a fantastic love them and then I've got my wooden spoon that's just for steering the bushbot and then the little black ball next to it is the squirrel cooker and I've got up recently off Jedi and it absolutely works perfectly I'm over the moon with it and we happy with it and you'll no doubt see that a lot more overnighters okay so down in this section here this is more kind of not EDC boys you know my my accessories small little bits and bobs I'll zoom you in now and take a closer look at that okay so this is how you see my pack as it's just been pulled out of the possible page and in this little paper that we've just got some fat water some some kind of three-inch sticks of fat wood they're really useful for phylogeny was carried out with me and it's surprising how often we actually use those I do use them quite often and here we've just got three three hunks of Bank line you can't have enough cordage I've got I've already got Bank line on my tarp as you've already seen but it's carrying a little extra he's always extremely useful and yeah we just got a tinder boat and let's just got some bits and bits and pieces eat nothing special just some stuff it's better to get usually do some wadding and some somewhere what's it called char cloth some cramp balls and next to it just got my fix and wax again I am going to do a video on out how to make that I've got a lot of things planned just get around to doing them and then in this shotgun shotgun cocks we should just got some flat wood shavings when I am turning the fatfat wood sticks into feather sticks a little bit to come off we'll just pop them in there keep them next to that we've got just a pack of triple-a batteries from Moorhead torch which is next to that if nothing that's special about I had torch I do need to get myself a better one he's just getting ready to actually buying it but to be honest that one's done before in for a couple years now so well so nice my third one but I do before and exit out there's just a box of matches I have a fan of using matches not a traditional way of doing things next to the thick sand wax there's a fire dragon everyone knows those from slinky preface channel hey that was Wonder James winter gave me when I went over an old date with him and Jedi so thanks again for that James and why do you want to test that out and see actually how good it is people say me in the pack or fan of using additional methods for lighting fires but well they will see what that's got to offer us next to that let's just stay it's just a small LED light that's got 28 LEDs even as I think it's got a lot of neon want Bob the Kent but I just use that for a lot of action lighting it needs to be very rarely user body - it is nice to have just in case and then next to that there's a there's a night our candle and there and they're just a smaller candle and we like to illuminate our campsite with natural lighting you've probably noticed with fire with the paraffin lanterns with candles and all little flames everywhere tea lights and stuff and that's just the way we like to do things and it works really well
I just gives it a nice cozy feeling so yeah that's my essentials they will get back to everything else ok back to the bigger picture I mean this drawback here that's just my food I've filled up pretty much full and I don't go scare some food I always make sure taken off food because we have food you're not comfortable and in the wintertime went just a bit chillier in the springtime and I love another one of those dry bags and with my thermal clothes in just to keep those dry but I don't tend to carry late in the summer good just don't need it and bit lower down here this is my new leather pouch made that recently I'm inspired by mcq bushcraft and I should score more tinder purchasing and I'll zoom you into that nail just to show you that ok juices you mean of the Latino page should open he's always got an antler the toggle on me is just a copy of the organic seek use mark for antique use bushcraft and page so in here we've got some rough Achrafieh bark right there a lot to use up for making my nests for the some grass under there and there's a pouch here that's just full of birch bark at the bottom I've got some and red cedar red cedar bark in this little page here I've got my and flipped into the arcade and another little pouch here with some fine fiber stuffing and I'm not actually sure if I get the actual paint job brownies what this stuff is so you tell me what this stuff is it will be M it will be appreciated I don't actually know what it is and I've got giving it once and works actually amazingly but my supply is running low but yeah that's just in another leather little pouch just to keep it dry because that's what I put into the nest of my tinder bundles
I'm just get out dry it's got a piece of child in there and a little teen hangout we saw it some goose fat in so I like to use goose fat as a bit of a fuel source yeah that's more what tinder pouch okay and below this I've got more this pouch here this gray patch that fits all this stuff in and that all fits in there nicely and then here I've got leather gloves absolutely amazing for collecting firewood and for lifting things so we're going to tear your hands up and for toys you not the fire at the end so you don't get ash all over your hands and for also wielding the axe because my hunger briefs or after a wall of just spitting axes and plate logs with the axe so just wearing a barrel of just any protections and then obviously the main reason for the fire and when you just rearrange in the foyer and move things around
they just protect your hands from the heat okay so I'm moving to the right here paraffin London absolutely love that
that's a recent purchase only had that a couple of months to know but I wouldn't go everyday to any more him once that paraffin once that lanterns for with paraffin it will last for two nights so it burns for twenty hours I believe it was or something like that and which is absolutely amazing him if 250 millilitres of paraffin goes into that and so correlator last two nights and so that's great and I like it because it just gives it an awesome natural lighting it's not in any L LEDs blasting all over the camp it's just a nice illumination of your immediate area from to me 2 to 3 meters it just lights everything up nicely and next to that we've got a first aid kit and toiletries in toiletries I've just got a microfiber towel and then obviously toilet roll bits and bobs some baby wipes from toothbrush toothpaste here this black thing here that's just my small tripod that I struck two trees from a camera and I don't want that this big one that is on name and then the last few items is my churchwarden point and next to that is it the water bowl that fits into my pack perfectly I'll show you that and then next to it laplander my blind woman blind horse knife that kev-kev outdoors gave me with the fire steel and my small forest axe which I never leave the house without and so yeah that's pretty much everything I will it I will now show you the rucksack if it's all gets carried in okay so this is my frost river and bushcraft pack it's quite an expensive pack and granted quite a few people to make comments about how expensive it was but it was a birthday present and I've been wanting one for a long time and I absolutely love it and I am be mean to do a review on this so we'll get around to it at some point and so now a lot of people want to see this because there isn't actually a good review out there on this pack but it's a wax canvas pack and all leather straps are hard brass buckles all natural materials and I absolutely love it it's it's massive like I can fit everything in there and and more and the only thing I can fit in there is my entire winter kit and bought to be honest when I go on the winter kit I'm touching 20 to 25 kilos in weight and it it does get this pack does get uncomfortable then with 15 kilos it's perfectly fine and I can walk for miles with it and be absolutely beautiful beautiful back and so the absolute there it's got the the 2m long it's got four rows it's got two more underneath and for putting a bedroll on the bottom there's a lot of versatility with this looks a little bit and but yeah if you want to see more of these rucksacks let me know and i'm actually get that review for you so yeah I'm going to pack it all up now going to show you what it's like all packed up okay so here the pack is all packed up in the front two pouches on this left one I've just got my toiletries and first I get the right one I've got my water bottle now fits in there perfectly with a cup is welcome to me fit yeah my lantern my paraffin landscape hanging out of his pocket and hangs there nicely and the only issue is that is one I have to climb over walls and stuff have to get more of a pack to just support that lantern so we didn't smash off the wall and that's not big deal and just up here but the wax comes bedroll that struts on to the bottom of the of the pack underneath there that's obviously the to the tube belt strap loops and that straps into there nicely and because it is wax canvas I could sit the bag on top of there on top of the wet floor quite happily and not worry about getting wet we're fitting up a wool blanket under there there's a possibility of it getting wet the app sleeve you have a small forest ducks fits in there nicely this is the full size and bushcraft bushcraft pack and on a smaller one you don't have this section the bag ends there and obviously the back if the axe on a would stop like that and which isn't grateful with that exercise it drops in perfectly and we just turn the pack around for you just to show you the site in the soil here I've just got my scroll cooker spoon and hurry just all sit to know nicely with that bark will wrap keep it all nice and tight and in the top section there is a lot more room this back up and fit more in the ever need to and when it gets to a bit autumn winter time I mean autumn spring join if I do need the Grizzly jacket you will fit in here I can squeeze I mean maybe the top edge gone of the fleece and what turns if you took that in case it was gonna be cold war on walking and then I'm just reiterate again on the other side I've just got my a small tripod and my church water pipe in there so that's all packed up everything else goes in the book extension and wool blanket at the bottom top and the back side closest to my back keep the heavy start and close to your back and everything actually just placed in where where it fits basically okay so that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed it and a lot of people have been asking me about my clip for a while now different things that I wanted to see and I just never really got around to it and what I haven't me to do this for a while and tell me not to get around to doing it and why do you want to go so today but you know mother nature's not always calling to us and we don't want with it the best weather but I figured doing it in size probably bit more cozy anyway and a bit more easy to do well yeah I hope you do this video I hope you were inspired a few people maybe on a few little bits of kit then what we looking up and if you have got any questions be sure to ask me in the comments and don't forget to go and check a judge channel eggs pickles I am no doubt if you're gonna pull out some really good content you can just tell these there he's one of the good guys and see ya doctor congratulations Jed one really subscribers and here's to your next hundred it won't be long now but yeah I'll be with the video hey and I'll see you very very soon I've got quite a few plans on videos coming up so stay tuned and thanks for watching
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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