Emilys First Bushcraft Wild Camp
Check out how Emily gets on, on her first Wild Camp! Hope you enjoy!
Music: You and Me - Acoustic Journey
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Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to another video
me and Emily alright for Emily's first overnighter ever first of Nova diesel pumps or anywhere how do you feel about that and I've literally just left these woods after Charlie's birthday gonna grab
Emily and we're coming back so it should be pretty perfect some kind of pre preps to come so we just get into the outpost now so it should be a quota noise okay so what camp yeah but the outpost we figured we'd come here well I figured we just make it nice and easy for Emily the stress of being we're trying for mountain and I'm having to sell camping deal with that crap so it's nice and peaceful
nice and quiet not gonna get disturbed it's gonna be good so just a rose and we're gonna get a brew on because I'm pretty tired
Emily's pretty pretty tired so I'm gonna go get Emily's post up there power and go get some water get some water so this is a cooking system that I did do a video on book told you what to load it and but she's mostly a simple system that I carry I carry all the parts in the bush pot and you got wind bright they're small or matt's burner and the bush spot is actually sitting on there and a ring of mesh that I've made it just means you get instant coffee or tea or any kind of brew and they haven't if a bed with the fire I'll show you properly I'm gonna shit over there do some stuff Yes Mother all good then what people say ah but the daily sport now everywhere they're everywhere
Oh Oh sugar shook shook okay so as my outdoor Korea is progressing of got really tired of doing the old primitive oil stuff and I just want to import off nowadays yeah and stop making these wax cotton makeup pad things and they're literally saturated with wax I do them in red wax so it's clear that there's Locker fire whatever but they're incredible months might come put a little bit I'm sure you've all seen before to be honest but just in case you ever and there yeah one of these burns for seven minutes that's a pretty long time okay so we're setting up the CD three by three in that teepee tenkan fixing it goes it sounds the same okay so we've got the top ten to set up there
really I'm writing this once before and I've set this up properly this time such a simple configuration what four pegs in and then just put some tension on that stick you know why over here Emily's knees were still we do bowls yes pretty much just chilling at the outpost I'm doing a fad a lot but you got a nice a lot of space which is nice okay so we've got meal cooking on the tripod what's funny what did you do you don't talk with your normal voice Emily's currently ninja ring around the fire and the smoke trying to get tatical snoozing all right Louise look a jet coming off marinade I was I kept that what I love in the bottle let's do this this month I can't deal with the smoke I'm hardened off to the smoke I embrace the smoke the smoke is my friend touchable steering let's go this is how we do it neither we've got meatballs and chicken stock carrots peppers pineapple and then I made a sweet and sour sauce which was soy sauce lemon juice garlic capture and corn flour to thicken it up pretty sure with another video and you say the exact same thing to me like a one-pot meal it's quite simple actually tasting hmm course is always nice could you a preparedness so the best meals are just to come home yeah well I don't I only knew before is like adding times because you've got a brand in me these woodlands are now in on a four leaf and it's taken a long time we've been coming to this woodland all through winter and it's not to see it and clear live again although this this one is actually really pretty in the winter as well be fair because no one really comes in this area the birds are just going mental but you can hear all kinds of mad sounds from birds I wish I wish I'd be able to tell what what I wish I could hear a birding go that's that Manzo just stupid getting our brew on y'know that's within hop over oh you do you look so puffy in that Jackie you all not the quick fit man is it quickly literally much quick fit you want a quick fix okay folks we're all in the rolling all of us all 20 of us and we're in the tent named Anna
pretty cozy in here we're both in these and both in these denim jackets that we've got from aliexpress and I think you can tell from looking Emily's one of the proper thick and the cost work 60 grid and I slept in that one last night and it was toasty warm I've got this other one which is got your dinner well I'm testing out tonight so hopefully Emily's gonna have her first successful over the way what's your biggest worry no no cold there nothing you're gonna be cold so
good morning folks we have our first successful overnighter there she is UAF you slept well she said she had some solid solid copper I'll sleep so that's good news the first two men took all my hope and that set up was probably oh I'm really pleased I've never tried before and just spacing it that's where we slept yes all of us there's literally tons of room that's like a three-man taint so I'm well happy with that difficult row that again so easy to set up as well and bit to get the myth so on their coffee this old saying still feel the same in Asia
on a string on the red side the boom whiskey doesn't make me do the things that I used to this wave
bu me
I used to I always run fast br1 caissons
skip no shortcuts all day all right I'll do the y4do Troy Deeney stone cooks panic like a baby's gonna work or not but I forgot the foreign branch so I'll they been carrying 2 BHK h2 this weekend for the first time now glass say I'm really liking it and I've got its scope scope carry and a codec sheath which I never use the cottage cheese before but no complies to be on you said it just it's it's there I actually do honestly prefer it while they're having a dangler because he proper gets it the way you can sit down doesn't get in the way and it's right there to grab it I really like it
I've been using it for a lot of hard work today and I'm really been putting it through its paces yet but so far it's doing well I'm really quitting doing for their first I'm first impressions I would read a lot to carry a bit and I'm gonna do another video where I'm really put it through its paces and the next couple weeks but yeah all thumbs up for me so far you should be looking at all of it so if you haven't seen the outpost before in previous videos this is more amount of semi-permanent base camp we have a shelf here which doesn't really do much core needs being used to hold important sticks for camp the straits that
of the use of construction not sure I'm gonna keep it to be honest I don't me to the point in it bought whatever this is the woodworking area where you can do your ax chopping and it's kinda like a bench to put the logs across the soaring and you've got the communal area will pitch pretty close to communal area tonight because any tools but that's where we have the fire the permanent bench there Emily sitting on a stump that Charlie normally sits up there because that's a perfect flat spot for ground walling and and last night we're not last night I was hella hammock up there and then we have two tripods the one tripod has got to toggle on for the pushpot and then it's got a series of toggle system for organizing camp and then we have the other tripod which is like a coat hanger and then come noisy turns into the logs and over that's pretty much it really it's very simple camp voice oh no an absolute beautiful saying no see we ever it's a volley here and there's a water source just down there it turns out there you can stomach I think it has gonna burn through the bottle this is a season one we put paprika and turmeric okay so we're just in the middle of a takedown now
yeah that's where we were lying and something that I go on about quite often in my camping videos is they're giving the fire and of a chance to burn their I see it too often where people to leave massive burn hot logs and all over the shop before you I'll give you an example before you actually go to leave camp make sure you give yourself enough time to feed the fire with lots of small twigs today burn dead I should lock this so I can stamp that down throw water on it and scatter the ashes too far too often I find huge massive log so just basically left as a fire pit there's no need for it okay folks so that sees Emily's first overnighter completed very successful night we both had a really good night's sleep I've tested the new sleeping bags and I think Emily actually slept better than me don't you so we know kind of know know what kind of temperature gauge those mice and go down till so and Emily's enjoy herself look he's good and she's actually said that she wants to do three days and like be strict to next month so stepping up the game a little bit so we'll see how that goes little company she leaving the bench behind
yeah it's bet midday and we're gonna head off home so I hope you enjoyed this little video it won't be the last one me and Emily until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon bye bye
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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