Hadrian's Wall Backpacking Trip | Coast to Coast | Day 3
The latest challenge I planned was the Hadrians wall path running from Carlisle to Newcastle, we added a few extra miles to make it a coast to coast hike. Camping along the way, hiking 90 miles in 5 days was not easy, from what I gather not many do it that fast with full camping packs on so it was a great challenge. An emotional roller coaster as we loose members of the team as we go and make friends as well, check it out!
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Video Transcription
hello people and welcome to day 3 of Hadrian's Wall the tray off claims its second victim another one poster does the person this time Charlie what we thinks happened to give everyone the update is I've drunk water from a stream that we filtered unboiled and it's still hadn't effects it's not got rid of all viruses pack it's probably at this point I should just put in via commentary just to explain this situation a little bit further so after getting home from this trip and I've put a little bit of research into what happened that night because it was something that I have not experienced before and did worry Matt the time because I didn't really understand totally what was going on and because it was a bit of a scary situation and anyway i speaking to a few people I no longer actually believe that it was the water looking back at the situation we did everything that we physically had to do to make that water safe it came from a reasonably clean source we filtered it and we also boiled it there was no real reason for chore to get these effects from the water yeah you're always taking a risk when it when you deal with water but from what several folk have said to me and the the aggressiveness of what was happening to him seemed to be something else so what an a belief debate is some kind of stomach bug which has come which could have come from any number of things it could have been bad hygiene or it could have been bacteria buildup from bottles or bottle threads it could have been water it could have been food it could have been you know it there were an array of things that he could have been hmmm and that also led to him going semi hypothermic which would we didn't get on video but he actually gonna went a weird shock and which all sorted so each wanted a but in there to explain that because like I said it could have it could have been water but honestly don't believe it was and I don't want people thinking it where I aimlessly wandering around the world and he's drinking get a random streams and not doing everything in our capability make it safe there was no reason for that water to be unsafe so we're yeah thanks for that pigeons everything and I've been up since two o'clock in the morning if not earlier than that just throwing up consistently all night I'm this morning it's about eight o'clock now and it's just not stopped yeah so we all woke up at about three o'clock this morning to projectile vomiting next of it was hoping it wasn't Charlie but it was inside the time briefly bless him and he's been up all all might just fucking throwing up everywhere and there was literally nothing we could have done we filtered it we boiled it I don't even know what the answer is I just feel really bad so close so we thought we haven't really probably seen the wall yet and it was so close it's just it's just over that hill the wall will start and this is going to be one of the best days and Charlie's just started just died mom dies this he's got nothing left to give a free to hit by dye we'll get there charlie one day so yeah three men left three days left he's gonna be the next week's tension it's a it's proven to been before the Raven ordeal but then we're in joining on the less we carry on today's I can always give me a good day I said that yesterday we doing what are you doing Peter have a look around you eat breakfast
okay it's time to leave troll in there sorry to see you go brother that's been emotional one day you'll make it to the end of a trip si si right I wish you all the best of luck on your high blood hope it goes well so do I Jordan is not looking too great for three hopefully makes it rich is just taking everything in destroyed not even a problem you know and so it goes on till next time day three another Monday yeah third man is dead the chosen person this time is boy your reasons just fuck man just fucked just dead yep lack of sleep last night there's a probably a bit dehydrated you can't like it so you have it and there was 22 days to go well three day cousin Ally we're gonna be okay there's no going back now there's no there's no pull out now let's do this so here is war tone crag which is a bit of a crag and you can the wall of actually stopped here which is pretty interesting sort of the relevant of the use of the natural natural landscapers have Barry as well as the wall itself British that's pretty cool i like that thanks a lot of sense hey you feel be protected man yeah you just a lovely pretending no like aren't you be the next head all of it big and heavy I'll do the job though Yeah right we're having a little bit of a snack stop done then how far we've gone we've been hitting the malls pretty hard and they suffer a flapjack Reich the flat gap for today is cappuccino look important this one this anymore everyone with what you got okay Pete Pete salted peanuts and why nothing glide path oh yeah get Daniel let's go through this course working as well check it might go yes some gorgeous views we're really going to the section of the wall now where I'm you know it's nice rolling hills and walls you can see the wall quite a bit it's quite nice okay then so in last night I camp you didn't see it because they didn't record it but we got chatting to m22 outside but I teen two guys and their dad and they're doing the walk as well and they're behind us because there they carry a lot more white and they're doing alright days and we're doing it five anyway and but something worth mentioning is it's a half past one and we've just reached the camp site that their plan to stop up tonight so we are making good time they're stopping at windshield farm she's just over the of the under and they were doing six miles that I think and we are doing 60 Jesus so it's pretty tough going I'm gonna light some about plugging along quite nicely happily otley not taking it too hard and taking a break when we need to put in all those rolling hills up and down up and down it'll all up and down today not up up and down well I think we're doing really good for timely games or halfway of the walls they soon yeah there's a there's a trigger point just over here which we think might be the hose point and I'm also we're gonna go check there now virtually is we're thing about the outdoors it's crazy so you can see here where the wall has been taken down and obviously the rocks have been removed to go and build whatever for the other side of it yeah and there's not a very thinner version of the war remains but you can still see the foundations which are much bigger rocks which is pretty cool just talking to a gentleness one on the lunch break which is quite a knife it's very nice to chuck to the air we're nice a chapter or kiss and stuff as we go last night was particular nice for you really here really up I really got to know the the guys at the last camp no really funny so we had a good laugh that way yeah we did yeah really funny it turns out these goes ahead of a sustained of the same comes up with a nut so I don't know cuz they're the hospital in the ER oh yeah they are housed within it um yeah at least I'm not the only mental ones doing is crazy more sugar they were they packed on k-pax so there we have it possibly the most famous point on the wall the famous Sycamore gap may famous boy and the Robin Hood film prints of fees which has a fond place in my heart for my childhood possibly where all this outdoor stuff began or had a strong influence on it anyway and to get a nice photo for instagram been walking this high up a bit is a document to somewhere like where archaeologists have come another proper good look at it yeah me and Richard just discussing like what it would have been out to live here and the fact that when this war would a bit all you will have actually been nabbed to see for the north at all it would have been locked the end of the world man like in terms of walking you wanted out to see the only view would have been to the same philosophy but that's a pretty good view I complain about it okay it's very similar to up on the design okay yeah there's a there are things called moral castles every mile and then they're basically the fortifications where there would have been inhabitants and there's also a gate leading through to the north and south sort of the wall so any trade routes have to go through there and then some some odd other odd gates for open later on and which are like trade routes swim with additionals today to the mall castles we are a little way off come to be honest we could do being closed so now we're both getting a little bit tired but but I say a way to go still it's currently getting on part of us for the evening and hopefully were going to be a camper seven o'clock ish and with my good pace today so we can't really done that much more come with it's going good
rain pouring come okay so we're still treading on the miles oh yeah we thought we were needy there and yeah sometimes you do this stupid thing where you trick is that way on trick yourself but you start to think you're getting close and you start to your body starts to shut down and you start to think about getting to camp and setting up and let me realize we're when I feel that close and we still I'd like a moron a bit to do so we're just trying to get that done now it's taught by seven we've been hiking for 10 hours and we've been behind schedule all week every day we've been getting because of all the setbacks of people having to leave and kind of bail we haven't been getting out of camp until I'm gone well past the time where we were supposed to be leaving camp so what we've been kind of chasing our own tail it's no different today but we're hoping her in the morning she's going to be the first I were actually gone schedule for the last two days and wishes to shanks we were both saying that we would really like to spend a lot of time around come tonight and just chill before going to sleep ball we're pretty much gonna have to eat and just go to bed so i'll see if it goes this is the life we live okay folks you join us I come sorry we got a pretty light I mean you can probably tell i'm very tired yeah rich is just too gaily bed now had a today's been a long long last day we em as soon as you've got to camp we both just went into this weird state of light lethargic miss and then we were going downhill pretty quick so we got some food in us and we perked up pretty quickly and then it was just a battle to try and get the tarp up and get set up and get a wash and get food and but it's just going ten o'clock now so we've done what we wanted to do like I said earlier it would be nice to get a bit more time to sit around camp but the main thing is that we're gonna get some good sleep now get up early in the morning have a bacon sandwich and then hit try off and we'll be on route for the first time all week and just feeling sad that the rest of the crew can't be with us but there we carry on for the pack
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
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